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Mark the Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from
Question 1: A. physic B. liar C. admit D. issue
Question 2: A. discussion B. assemble C. depression D. peer-pressure
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. admit B. obey C. bully D. aware
Question 4: A. poverty B. alcohol C. confidence D. awareness
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Question 5: The wealthy tend to hold onto their riches, __________, those living in poverty
struggle to make ends meet.
A. in addition B. by contrast C. as a result D. because of
Question 6: My parents think my friends have a bad influence ____ me. Therefore, they do not
allow me to hang out with them.
A. for B. on C. with D. in
Question 7: ___________ can lead to unhealthy behaviors, such as extreme dieting or excessive
exercise. A. Cyberbullying B. Toxic friends C. Alcoholic D. Body shaming
Question 8: Many people live in poverty, ___________, they cannot afford basic necessities like
food and shelter.
A. however B. although C. therefore D. because
Question 9: We decided to start an awareness campaign to __________ a pressing social issue.
A. make fun of B. raise awareness of C. stand up for D. draw attention to
Read the following advertisement/announcement and mark the A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10
to 15.
- Are you concerned about (10) __________ pressing social issues facing our society today?
- Take a stand against overpopulation,bullying, crime, and body shaming.
- Join us in creating a better world for all.
+ Stand (11) __________, speak out, and make a difference.
+ Together, we can tackle these challenges head-on and create a more inclusive and
compassionate community.
+ Let's work together to combat these social issues and build a brighter future for everyone.
- Join the (12) __________ today!
Question 10: A. an B. a C. the D. Ø (no article)
Question 11: A. up B. on C. at D. for
Question 12: A. dependent B. dependently C. movement D. independently
Are you already a badminton player? Do you want (13)______ to play badminton? Everyone is
welcome at our club, especially beginners.
We meet in the school (14)_______ every Thursday at 4 p.m. We play for fun, but we also play
matches and practise our skills.
Come to our club!
(15)_______ you have any questions, please phone Laura on 07700 900227.
Question 13: A. to learn B. learn C. learns D. learning
Question 14: A. library B. classroom C. gym D. gate
Question 15: A. Had B. Should C. Were D. Do
Mark the A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the
sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.
Question 16:
a. Additionally, urbanization creates enormous social, economic and environmental changes. So,
it is also the cause of social problems.
b. Dear Jennie, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to take the time to write to you because I've
been thinking a lot lately about the causes of social problems nowadays.
c. As against this, there may be stress, increased cost of living, and negative social aspects that
result from a mass
d. First, unemployment is one of the causes of social problems. It leads to the frustration.
e. Due to unemployment, problems like burglary, loot, murder, theft arises.
f. Best regards.
A. b – e – d – a – c – f B. b – d – e – a – c – f
C. b – a – d – e – c – f D. b – c – a – e – d – f
Question 17:
a. Without healthy ecosystems, we will face numerous problems such as air and water pollution,
food scarcity, and natural disasters.
b. Secondly, human activities such as deforestation and pollution have caused serious harm to
our planet.
c. Firstly, the most important reason why we should restore local ecosystems is that they provide
numerous benefits to both humans and animals.
d. Finally, neglecting the restoration of local ecosystems has led to the extinction of many
species and the loss of habitats for others.
e. People should prioritize restoring local ecosystems as it is crucial for the survival of our
A. c – a – b – d – e B. e – a – c – b – d
C. e – c – a – b – d D. c – e – a – b – d
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28.
Dating people online has become an extremely popular custom that has developed as more and
more people have figured out the (24) __________ of using the Internet as a way of finding love.
People of all ages submit to dating online, teens and adults like searching for that special person
by setting up arrangements on online dating sites and browsing through other people’s profiles.
On dating websites, single people, (25) __________ are provided the opportunity of learning a
few things about various potential partners, will make their decision of contacting them based on
dating profile descriptions and photos.
Out of the many countries where people practise online dating, the United Kingdom is perhaps
the keenest on online dating (26) __________ most English people prefer to browse on the
Internet in order to find girlfriends instead of trying to meet other persons in bars, clubs, parks or
at parties.
Dating may vary across the globe, yet as time passes, people develop new dating customs, such
as dating with the help of the Internet. Although this (27) __________ of dating is mostly
practised in the Western civilization, no one can tell for sure what (28) __________ customs will
emerge as the world changes, and whether strict dating will come against some people’s right of
choosing whatever partner they see fit for themselves.
Question 23: A. success B. qualities C. drawbacks D. advantages
Question 24: A. who B. which C. why D. that
Question 25: A. although B. so C. since D. but
Question 26: A. document B. chance C. form D. arrangement
Question 27: A. every B. other C. each D. much
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 29 to 33.
Peer pressure is a common phenomenon that many individuals, especially adolescents, encounter
during their lives . Peer pressure refers to the influence exerted by one's peers to conform to
certain behaviors, attitudes, or values. It can manifest in various forms, ranging from minor
suggestions to more forceful coercion.
One prominent aspect of peer pressure is the desire to fit in and be accepted by one's
social group. Adolescents, in particular, are highly susceptible to this influence as they strive to
establish their identities and seek validation from their peers. They may feel compelled to adopt
certain fashion trends, engage in risky behaviors, or conform to specific norms to avoid
exclusion or ridicule. The fear of being labeled as "uncool" or "different" can significantly
impact their decision-making process.
Furthermore, peer pressure can also manifest as direct pressure to engage in negative
behaviors. For instance, individuals may be forced to use drugs, alcohol, or engage in illegal
activities to maintain social status or avoid rejection. The desire to please their peers or the fear
of being left behind can override their better judgment, leading to detrimental consequences.
However, it is important to recognize that peer pressure is not always negative . Positive
peer pressure can inspire individuals to adopt healthy habits, pursue academic excellence, or
engage in community service. Surrounding oneself with supportive friends who encourage
personal growth and responsible decision-making can have a beneficial influence on one's life.
To navigate peer pressure effectively, individuals must develop a strong sense of self-
confidence and self-worth . They should be encouraged to make independent choices based on
their values and beliefs rather than succumbing to external pressures. Education on assertiveness
and decision-making skills can empower individuals to resist negative peer pressure and make
choices aligned with their best interests.
In conclusion, peer pressure is a pervasive influence that individuals, especially
adolescents, encounter. While it can lead to both positive and negative outcomes, it is crucial for
individuals to develop a strong sense of self and make independent decisions. With the right
support, education, and self-confidence, individuals can navigate peer pressure and make choices
that align with their well-being and personal values.
Adapt from “”
Question 29: What is the best title for the passage?
A. Ways to handle peer pressure. B. Some insights into peer pressure.
C. Minors and peer pressure. D. The relationship between pressure and age.
Question 30: According to the passage, who is highly susceptible to peer pressure?
A. adolescents B. children C. parents D. grandparents
Question 31: What is NOT mentioned as negative behavior, according to the 3 paragraph?

A. Drinking beers B. Using cocaine C. Stealing cars D. Yelling at parents

Question 32: The word "adolescents" in the 2 paragraph is closet in meaning to _________.

A. crimes B. teenagers C. victims D. peers

Question 33: The word "it" in the final paragraph refers to _________.
A. decision B. support C. peer pressure D. influence
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 40.
Cyberbullying has become a significant concern in today's digital age, affecting many young
individuals across the globe. It involves the use of digital platforms, like social media, emails,
and websites, to harass, threaten, or embarrass someone. The anonymity offered by the internet
can embolden individuals to engage in such behavior, sometimes without realizing the full
impact of their actions on the victim's mental health and well-being.
Efforts to combat cyberbullying have included educational programs aimed at raising
awareness among students, parents, and educators about the signs of cyberbullying and the
importance of digital etiquette. Many schools have implemented policies that include monitoring
online activities and promoting a culture of respect and kindness online.
Legal measures have also been taken in various jurisdictions to address cyberbullying, with
laws that allow for the prosecution of particularly severe cases. Despite these efforts, the problem
persists, highlighting the need for a collective approach to fostering safer online environments.
The rise of cyberbullying raises questions about the responsibility of social media platforms in
moderating content and the role of society in shaping online norms that discourage such
behavior. It emphasizes the importance of empathy and respect in all forms of communication,
digital or otherwise.

“Adapted from”
Question 34: The passage mainly discusses ______.
A. the impact of digital platforms on communication
B. the role of schools in preventing cyberbullying
C. the measures taken to combat cyberbullying
D. the differences between cyberbullying and traditional bullying
Question 35: The word "It" in the first paragraph refers to ______.
A. a significant concern B. cyberbullying C. digital age D. the globe
Question 36: According to the passage, all of the following are strategies to address
cyberbullying EXCEPT ______.
A. banning all social media platforms B. implementing educational
C. enacting legal measures D. monitoring online activities
Question 37: The word "anonymity" in the first paragraph is OPPOSITE in meaning to
A. darkness B. namelessness C. fame D. ambiguity
Question 38: The word "fostering" in the third paragraph is CLOSEST in meaning to ______.
A. respecting B. measuring C. encouraging D. behaving
Question 39:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as keys to fight
cyberbullying for ?
A. Students, parents, and educator are raised awareness about the signs of cyberbullying
B. Students, parents, and educator are raised awareness about the importance of digital
C. Various jurisdictions have taken in legal measures to tackle with cyberbullying.
D. People launch the campaign to combat the cyberbullying all over the world
Question 40: It can be inferred from the passage that the effectiveness of combating
cyberbullying requires ______.
A. stricter laws worldwide B. individual responsibility and
collective effort
C. complete anonymity online D. banning digital communication

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