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From the dawn of our species to the present day, stone-made artefacts are the dominant form of

material remains that have survived to today concerning human technology. The term “Stone Age”
was coined in the late 19th century CE by the Danish scholar Christian J. Thomsen, who came up with
a framework for the study of the human past, known as the “Three Age System”. The basis of this
framework is technological: it revolves around the notion of three successive periods or ages: Stone
Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age, each age being technologically more complex than the one before it.

According to paragraph 1 which of the following is NOT TRUE? ancient

A) Stone-made artifacts are the most common type of material remnants from the beginning of
humankind to the present.
B) In the latter part of the 1800s, Christian J. Thomsen, a Danish academic, first used the term
"Stone Age."
C) The "Three Age System" is a framework put forward by Christian J. Thomsen to analyze the
human past.
D) The Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age were all technologically more sophisticated than
one another.

The word “successive” in the passage is closest in meaning to ----.

A) effective
B) consecutive
C) primeval
D) fiscal

Thomsen came up with this idea after noticing that the artefacts found in archaeological sites
displayed regularity in terms of the material that they were made with: stone-made tools were
always found in the deepest layers, bronze artefacts in layers on top of the deepest layers, and finally
iron-made artefacts were found closest to the surface. This suggested that metal technology
developed later than stone-made tools. This “Three Age System” has received some criticism. There
are scholars who believe that this approach is too technologically oriented. Others say that this
stone-bronze-iron pattern has hardly any meaning when applied outside Europe. Despite the critics,
this system is still largely used today and, although it has limitations, it can be helpful as long as we
remember that it is a simplified framework.

Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about “Three Age System”?


The Stone Age begins with the first production of stone implements and ends with the first use of
bronze. Since the chronological limits of the Stone Age are based on technological development
rather than actual date ranges, its length varies in different areas of the world. The earliest global
date for the beginning of the Stone Age is 2.5 million years ago in Africa, and the earliest end date is
about 3300 BCE, which is the beginning of Bronze Age in the Near East.

There is evidence suggesting that the 2.5-million-year limit for stone tool manufacture might be
pushed further back. The reason is that the capacity of tool use and even its manufacture is not
exclusive of our species: there are studies indicating that bonobos are capable of flaking and using
stone tools in order to gain access to food in an experimental setting. Nevertheless, there are
differences between the tools produced by modern apes and those produced by the early
toolmakers, who had better biomechanical and cognitive skills and produced more efficient tools.
The difference, however, is of degree, not of nature. In fact, the earliest tools pre-date the
emergence of the Homo genus, and it is believed that some of the Australopithecines were the first
tool makers.

In addition, some researchers have claimed that the earliest stone tools might even have an earlier
origin: 3.4 million years ago. Although no stone tools that old have been found, some bones showing
signs of striations and gouges have been found in Ethiopia, which might represent cut marks made
with stone tools. This view, however, is not widely accepted: the marks have also been interpreted to
be the result of crocodile predation or animal trampling.

Tools and weapons during the Stone Age were not made exclusively of stone: organic materials such
as antler, bone, fibre, leather and wood were also employed. The archaeological record, however, is
biased in favour of items made of stone because these are far more durable than the organic
materials, which are easily obliterated by the many processes of decay that they are subject to and
can only survive under rare circumstances such as cold temperatures or very dry climate. Other
durable materials such as copper and glass-made items have also survived. Under rare
circumstances, plant, animal, and human remains have also managed to survive, sometimes merely
fossilized, but other times they still present part of the soft tissue such as the several frozen
specimens of the extinct woolly rhino and woolly mammoth that have survived in Siberia virtually



Bombus franklini is readily distinguished from other bumble bees in its range by the extended yellow
on the anterior top of the thorax which extends well behind the wing bases and forms an inverted U-
shape around the central patch of black, lack of yellow on the abdomen, predominantly black face
with yellow on the vertex (top of the head), and white at the tip of the abdomen. Other bumble bees
with similar colour patterns in the range of B. franklini have the yellow extending back to the wing
bases or only slightly beyond and usually have one or more bands of yellow on the middle or slightly
behind the middle of the abdomen.
Females of most species have yellow hair on the face, in contrast to black on B. franklini. Females of
B. californicus which have black hair on the face also have black hair on the vertex in contrast to the
yellow hair on the vertex in B. franklini. Additionally, B. californicus have yellow on the abdomen
while B. franklini does not, and have a long face in contrast to the round face of B. franklini. Females
of B. occidentalis are similar to B. franklini in the round faces, and black hair on the face, but differ in
having the hair on the vertex black, as opposed to yellow. Additionally, females of B. occidentalis are
variable in body hair colour: some have yellow on the rear end of the thorax and the second and/or
third abdominal segments, and even if the abdomen lacks yellow as in B. franklini, the pale hairs near
the tip of the abdomen are more prominent in B. occidentalis.

Queens and workers of B. franklini are described as follows: face round with area between bottom of
compound eye and base of mandible shorter than wide; hair predominantly black with some shorter
light hairs intermixed above and below antennal bases. Hair on top of head yellow. Hair of thorax on
anterior two-thirds above yellow extending rearward laterally inside and beyond the wing bases to
rear third, but interrupted medioposteriorly by inverted U-shaped patch of black; hair on posterior
third black above; hair of lateral thorax black, except for small patch of yellow in upper anterior
corner in area of pronotal lobes. Hair of abdomen black except for whitish or silvery hair at sides.
Males of this species are similar to females, differing as follows: malar space as long as wide, face
below antennae with predominantly yellow hair, and tergum with some pale hair laterally.

Bombus franklini is a primitively eusocial bumble bee. Like all other bumble bees, this species lives in
colonies consisting of a queen and her immature and adult offspring: sterile female workers and
males. The division of labour among the three types of adult bees is as follows. Queens are
responsible for initiating colonies and laying eggs, workers are responsible for most food collection,
colony defence, nest construction, and feeding of the young, and males sole function is to mate with
new queens produced at the end of the colony season. Bumble bee colonies depend on floral
resources for their nutritional needs; nectar provides carbohydrates for adult flight fuel and basic
colony energy needs and pollen provides protein primarily for offspring growth.

The nesting biology of B. franklini is unknown, but, like other members of the subgenus Bombus
sensu stricto, it probably nests underground in abandoned rodent burrows, or, occasionally, clumps
of grass on the ground. Colonies are annual, initiated in spring by solitary, mated queens who emerge
out of hibernation to search for appropriate nesting sites. The queen collects nectar and pollen from
flowers to support the production of her eggs, which are fertilized by sperm she has stored since
mating the previous fall. In the early stages of colony development, the queen is responsible for all
food collection and care of the larvae. As the colony grows, the workers take over the duties of food
collection, colony defence, nest construction, and larval care, while the queen remains within the
nest and spends most of her time laying eggs. At their peak, colonies may consist of between 50 and
400 workers and the queen.

Two colonies of B. franklini initiated in the laboratory and set out to complete development in the
field contained over 60 workers by early September, and probably produced over 100 workers by
end of season. Near the end of the colony cycle, reproductives (queens and males) are produced.
Male bumble bees patrol selected territories, producing a queen-attracting scent which they
deposit in suitable places and replace if it rains. When a female locates a male patrol-area, she
remains still until a male finds her, and mating usually takes place on vegetation or the ground.
Queens usually mate with only one male, but males may mate with multiple queens. After mating,
the queens feed to build up their fat bodies, then enter hibernation for the winter. At the end of
the colony season the founding queen, all workers and males die and the inseminated hibernating
new queens are left to carry on the line into the following year.

In Bombus sensu stricto, queen production is complicated, apparently depending on a switch point
when the first males are produced. This switch point usually occurs when queens cease producing a
pheromone that inhibits workers from laying haploid (male producing) eggs, and is followed by a
competition point when some workers initiate egg laying and compete with the queen for survival of
their male progeny. An early switch point results in more males and fewer queens, while a late
switch point results in larger colonies, more queens, and fewer males. The flight season of B. franklini
is from mid-May to the end of September; a few individuals have also been encountered in October.


The global textile industry is responsible for having a serious environmental impact across the entire
supply chain, with remarkable greenhouse gas emissions (over 3.3 billion metric tons per year),
significant land and water consumption, pollution of the soil, air and water, and increasing waste
production. The current linear system uses large amounts of resources, which creates significant
negative impacts on ecosystems and people. It is estimated that every year, about 98 million tons of
non-renewable resources are consumed, including, for example, fertilizers to grow natural fibres, oil
to produce synthetic fibres, and chemicals used in different stages of textile production.

The dyeing and finishing steps represent a clear hotspot in the textile supply chain as the wet
processing stages require large volumes of water to be heated and are especially energy intensive.
The greenhouse gases emitted from burning fossil fuels to generate the heat and electricity required
in these stages of textile production account for their high contribution to the climate impact.
According to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report on sustainability and circularity in the
textile value chain, the contribution of dyeing and finishing to the climate impact of the textile field is
accountable for 36% of the entire textile supply chain.

The consumption of water is also a major issue, and finishing processes consume great amounts of
water, for example to prepare dye baths and wash fabrics after the dyeing process. It is estimated
that every kg of cotton requires around 125 L of water to be dyed and finished. Moreover, the dyeing
and finishing stage relies heavily on hazardous chemicals and represents a hotspot in terms of
carcinogenic human toxicity and a hotspot for non-carcinogenic human toxicity because of the use of
detergents, dyes, and water-repellent agents.

While promising innovations are emerging to reduce the impact of the dyeing step, such as low
water or waterless dyeing processes and chemical-free technologies, there is a renewed interest in
the topic of natural dyes as a more sustainable alternative to synthetic dyes and a way to reduce the
usage of chemicals and the impact on the environment. This review introduces the topic of natural
dyes, providing a description of their main features and differences with their synthetic counterparts
and encompasses a summary of recent research in the field of natural dyes with specific reference to
the following areas of sustainable innovation: extraction techniques, the preparation of substrates,
the mordanting process, and the dyeing process.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Synthetic dyes are derived from non-renewable sources, mostly petrochemicals. They have many
different complex chemical structures and there are many products in commercial use. It is
estimated that globally every year about 800,000 tons of synthetic dyes are produced, and 75% of
this amount is consumed by the textile industry. Since their appearance on the market, synthetic
dyes have been preferred to natural ones as they are easier to use, they do not require the use of
mordants, and they allow to obtain fast, bright, and reproducible shades. However, they can contain
insoluble impurities, or generate waste materials that require disposal.

Nevertheless, increasing environmental concerns have led researchers to investigate the harmful
impacts of synthetic dyes on air, water, and soil. The effects of toxic gasses released by textile
factories such as sulfur derivatives, formaldehyde, oxides of nitrogen, as well as the effects of liquid
and solid wastes released into the environment in non-treated or partially treated forms, which
especially occurs in those developing countries with insufficient effluent discharge legislation and
poor wastewater treatment systems was illustrated. During the dyeing process, not all the synthetic
dye is fixed onto the fabric and the unfixed dye is released into the environment through
wastewater, representing a significant amount which is estimated to account for about 10–15%.
Usually, the concentration of dye residues in textile wastewater can amount to about 300 mg/L. The
presence of dye can be noticed even when its concentration is inferior to 1 mg/L and can have
devastating effects on aquatic ecosystems, such as affecting the transparency of water, thus
preventing the transmission of light and inhibiting plants’ photosynthesis, altering pH levels, and
reducing the quantity of dissolved oxygen. Wastewater from the dyeing process not only contains
colour but also other unfixed substances such as different auxiliaries, fixing agents, defoamers,
oxidizing/reducing agents, and diluents.

Typical dye effluents contain high biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand
(COD) and are abundant in organic and inorganic pollutants such as chlorinated compounds, heavy
metals, sulfur, nitrates, naphthol, soaps, chromium compounds, formaldehyde, benzidine,
sequestering agents, dyes, and pigments.

In addition to environmental impacts, some researchers have pointed out potential effects on human
health, both for industry workers and final customers. Exposure to some types of dyes can potentially
cause harm to human health, with some of them recognized as respiratory or skin sensitizers. Among
these, azo dyes, which were used to dye cotton and are now prohibited by several regulations in the
EU, are considered carcinogenic,

allergenic, and harmful to the reproductive system. Similarly, disperse dyes, normally used

for dyeing synthetic fabrics, are known to have allergenic properties [13]. The European

Commission studied the possible correlation between the chemicals used in textile finishing

and allergic reactions, reporting that textile finish resins and other textile auxiliaries can ut by the
Italian Contact and Environmental Dermatitis Research Group, clothing

accounts for 8.5% of non-occupational contact dermatitis, with it being the fourth most

important cause [15].

induce allergic contact dermatitis [14]. According to research carried out by the Italian

Contact and Environmental Dermatitis Research Group, clothing accounts for 8.5% of

non-occupational contact dermatitis, with it being the fourth most important cause [15].

Natural dyes, on the other hand, are considered eco-friendly as they are sourced

from renewable resources and are biodegradable. Natural dyes sources are generally
classified into plants (e.g., indigo and madder), minerals (e.g., ochre and clay), animals

Natural dyes, on the other hand, are considered eco-friendly as they are sourced from

renewable resources and are biodegradable. Natural dyes sources are generally classified

into plants (e.g., indigo and madder), minerals (e.g., ochre and clay), animals (e.g.,

cochineal and some species of Mollusca) [16], and microbes, although plants are the most

common source. Various parts of the plant can be used, such as the roots, leaves, twigs,

stems, heartwood, bark, and wood [17]. In Figure 1, a classification of natural dyes is

provided [18].

(e.g., cochineal and some species of Mollusca) [16], and microbes, although plants are the

most common source. Various parts of the plant can be used, such as the roots, leaves,

twigs, stems, heartwood, bark, and wood [17]. In Figure 1, a classification of natural dyes

is provided [18].

Moreover, research has shown that natural dyes may lendseveral functional properties

to textiles, such as antibacterial, antifungal, UV protective, insect repellent, and aromatic

properties, due to a group of active biomolecules known as phytochemicals, which differ

based on the plant considered as well as their mechanism of action. Kamboj et al. listed

the major classes of microorganisms causing degradation to textiles, analyzed the key

factors affecting the antimicrobial activity of natural dyed fabrics, reported the main

Moreover, research has shown that natural dyes may lend several functional

properties to textiles, such as antibacterial, antifungal, UV protective, insect repellent, and

aromatic properties, due to a group of active biomolecules known as phytochemicals,

which differ based on the plant considered as well as their mechanism of action. Kamboj

et al. listed the major classes of microorganisms causing degradation to textiles, analyzed

the key factors affecting the antimicrobial activity of natural dyed fabrics, reported the

main phytochemicals responsible for the antimicrobial activity of natural dyes—such as

saponins, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, and anthocyanins—and their mode of action


phytochemicals responsible for the antimicrobial activity of natural dyes—such as saponins,

tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, and anthocyanins—and their mode of action [19].

For instance, pomegranate (Punica granatum) is reported to have significant antimi

crobial properties thanks to its high concentration of tannins [20]. In one study, cotton
dyed with Butea monosperma, marigold, banana pseudostem sap, and pomegranate rind

extracts showed remarkable antibacterial activity against the two microorganisms consid

ered by researchers, namely S. aureus and E. coli [21]. Hwang and Hong [22] examined

antioxidant properties.

For instance, pomegranate (Punica granatum) is reported to have significant

antimicrobial properties thanks to its high concentration of tannins [20]. In one study,

cotton dyed with Butea monosperma, marigold, banana pseudostem sap, and pomegranate

rind extracts showed remarkable antibacterial activity against the two microorganisms

considered by researchers.

Despite the clear environmental advantages of using natural dyes, several authors

have pointed out many technical issues and disadvantages which still prevent the industry

from adopting them on a larger scale. A major source of concern for the industry is the poor

fastness of natural dyes. Natural dyes show low dye uptake, poor fastness, and uneven

dyeing. Mordantingsubstances—oftenmetallicsalts, whicharenotalwaysenvironmentally

sustainable—are needed to improve the fastness and to fix the dye to the fabric [18].

The type of bonding between dyes and fibers directly affects the fastness properties of

dyed textiles. Synthetic fibers do not show affinity with natural dyes, which can only be

used to dye natural fibers. Nevertheless, among the same natural fibers, protein fibers are

easy to dye with natural dyes due to the presence of ionic groups in their structure, while

cellulosic fibers are more difficult to dye as there is a lack of bonding between natural dyes

and the fiber. Due to their poor substantivity, it is necessary to pretreat cellulosic fibers

through a mordanting process [25].

Another critical issue is the reproducibility of shades, as the results obtained are

related to numerous factors, such as the features of the natural dye matter, maturity, variety,

agroclimatic conditions, soil type, and weather. Some natural dyes are pH sensitive; the

difference in the mineral content and pH of the water used could also affect the results

of the dyeing process. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve standardized and consistent

results [17] although the uniqueness of the shades obtained could be considered as an

added value for niche applications.

Moreover, the dyeing process with natural dyes is long and expensive and requires a

considerable quantity of water and a significant amount of raw material to achieve the same
depth of color as synthetic dyes [24]. Repeating dye batches to achieve the same shades

implies significant consumption of water, dyestuff, and energy every time the process

is repeated.


The average surface temperature of Earth is maintained by a balance of various forms of solar and
terrestrial radiation. Solar radiation is often called “shortwave” radiation because the frequencies of
the radiation are relatively high and the wavelengths relatively short—close to the visible portion of
the electromagnetic spectrum. Terrestrial radiation, on the other hand, is often called “longwave”
radiation because the frequencies are relatively low and the wavelengths relatively long—
somewhere in the infrared part of the spectrum. Downward-moving solar energy is typically
measured in watts per square metre. The energy of the total incoming solar radiation at the top of
Earth’s atmosphere (the so-called “solar constant”) amounts roughly to 1,366 watts per square
metre annually. Adjusting for the fact that only one-half of the planet’s surface receives solar
radiation at any given time, the average surface insolation is 342 watts per square metre annually.

The amount of solar radiation absorbed by Earth’s surface is only a small fraction of the total solar
radiation entering the atmosphere. For every 100 units of incoming solar radiation, roughly 30 units
are reflected back to space by either clouds, the atmosphere, or reflective regions of Earth’s surface.
This reflective capacity is referred to as Earth’s planetary albedo, and it need not remain fixed over
time, since the spatial extent and distribution of reflective formations, such as clouds and ice cover,
can change. The 70 units of solar radiation that are not reflected may be absorbed by the
atmosphere, clouds, or the surface. In the absence of further complications, in order to maintain
thermodynamic equilibrium, Earth’s surface and atmosphere must radiate these same 70 units back
to space. Earth’s surface temperature (and that of the lower layer of the atmosphere essentially in
contact with the surface) is tied to the magnitude of this emission of outgoing radiation according to
the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

Earth’s energy budget is further complicated by the greenhouse effect. Trace gases with certain
chemical properties—the so-called greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),
and nitrous oxide (N2O)—absorb some of the infrared radiation produced by Earth’s surface.
Because of this absorption, some fraction of the original 70 units does not directly escape to space.
Because greenhouse gases emit the same amount of radiation they absorb and because this
radiation is emitted equally in all directions (that is, as much downward as upward), the net effect of
absorption by greenhouse gases is to increase the total amount of radiation emitted downward
toward Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere. To maintain equilibrium, Earth’s surface and lower
atmosphere must emit more radiation than the original 70 units. Consequently, the surface
temperature must be higher. This process is not quite the same as that which governs a true
greenhouse, but the end effect is similar. The presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads
to a warming of the surface and lower part of the atmosphere (and a cooling higher up in the
atmosphere) relative to what would be expected in the absence of greenhouse gases.

It is essential to distinguish the “natural,” or background, greenhouse effect from the “enhanced”
greenhouse effect associated with human activity. The natural greenhouse effect is associated with
surface warming properties of natural constituents of Earth’s atmosphere, especially water vapour,
carbon dioxide, and methane. The existence of this effect is accepted by all scientists. Indeed, in its
absence, Earth’s average temperature would be approximately 33 °C (59 °F) colder than today, and
Earth would be a frozen and likely uninhabitable planet. What has been subject to controversy is the
so-called enhanced greenhouse effect, which is associated with increased concentrations of
greenhouse gases caused by human activity. In particular, the burning of fossil fuels raises the
concentrations of the major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and these higher concentrations
have the potential to warm the atmosphere by several degrees.

In light of the discussion above of the greenhouse effect, it is apparent that the temperature of
Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere may be modified in three ways: (1) through a net increase in
the solar radiation entering at the top of Earth’s atmosphere, (2) through a change in the fraction of
the radiation reaching the surface, and (3) through a change in the concentration of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere. In each case the changes can be thought of in terms of “radiative forcing.”
As defined by the IPCC, radiative forcing is a measure of the influence a given climatic factor has on
the amount of downward-directed radiant energy impinging upon Earth’s surface. Climatic factors
are divided between those caused primarily by human activity (such as greenhouse gas emissions
and aerosol emissions) and those caused by natural forces (such as solar irradiance); then, for each
factor, so-called forcing values are calculated for the time period between 1750 and the present day.
“Positive forcing” is exerted by climatic factors that contribute to the warming of Earth’s surface,
whereas “negative forcing” is exerted by factors that cool Earth’s surface.

On average, about 342 watts of solar radiation strike each square metre of Earth’s surface, and this
quantity can in turn be related to a rise or fall in Earth’s surface temperature. Temperatures at the
surface may also rise or fall through a change in the distribution of terrestrial radiation (that is,
radiation emitted by Earth) within the atmosphere. In some cases, radiative forcing has a natural
origin, such as during explosive eruptions from volcanoes where vented gases and ash block some
portion of solar radiation from the surface. In other cases, radiative forcing has an anthropogenic, or
exclusively human, origin. For example, anthropogenic increases in carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous
oxide, halogenated gases, and other factors are estimated to account for 2.72 watts per square
metre of positive radiative forcing, relative to estimated 1750 benchmark values. When all values of
positive and negative radiative forcing are taken together and all interactions between climatic
factors are accounted for, the total net increase in surface radiation due to human activities since the
beginning of the Industrial Revolution is 1.6 watts per square metre.

Human activity has influenced global surface temperatures by changing the radiative balance
governing the Earth on various timescales and at varying spatial scales. The most profound and well-
known anthropogenic influence is the elevation of concentrations of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Humans also influence climate by changing the concentrations of aerosols and ozone
and by modifying the land cover of Earth’s surface.

As discussed above, greenhouse gases warm Earth’s surface by increasing the net downward
longwave radiation reaching the surface. The relationship between atmospheric concentration of
greenhouse gases and the associated positive radiative forcing of the surface is different for each gas.
A complicated relationship exists between the chemical properties of each greenhouse gas and the
relative amount of longwave radiation that each can absorb. What follows is a discussion of the
radiative behaviour of each major greenhouse gas.


As discussed above, greenhouse gases warm Earth’s surface by increasing the net downward
longwave radiation reaching the surface. The relationship between atmospheric concentration of
greenhouse gases and the associated positive radiative forcing of the surface is different for each gas.
A complicated relationship exists between the chemical properties of each greenhouse gas and the
relative amount of longwave radiation that each can absorb. What follows is a discussion of the
radiative behaviour of each major greenhouse gas.
1 Which sentence is most similar to the following sentence from paragraph 1?
The theory is based on the assumptions that life developed from non-life and progressed and
evolved in an indirect manner.

Examine the four █ in the selection below and indicate at which block the following sentence could

be inserted into the passage:

The five-year voyage proved to be a major turning point in his life.

█ [A] Darwin was born February 12, 1809 in England. █ [B] Although initially entering into medicine,
Darwin chose to pursue his interest in natural science and embarked on a five-year journey aboard
the H.M.S. Beagle, a British sloop belonging to the Royal Navy █ [C] Because of his experience aboard
the Beagle, he laid the foundation for his Theory of Evolution while also establishing himself within
the scientific community. █ [D] .

 [A]

8 In paragraph 4, what was the author's purpose of including a quote that the belief that the
complexity of the human eye could have been formed by natural selection seems highly unlikely

6 All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 4 as a viewpoint to state that natural selection is
difficult to prove EXCEPT

5 What is the purpose of paragraph 3 in the passage?

Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below.
Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas
in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are
not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.
Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, drag it
back. To review the passage, click VIEW TEXT.

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution was a revolutionary idea that described how natural selection
influences the evolution of species.

 A.Natural selection explains how species change gradually over time.

 B.The Theory of Evolution describes how species 'branch out' from a common ancestor
 C.Creationists strongly object to the premise of the Theory of Evolution
 D.Charles Darwin originally enrolled to study medicine.
 E.The Theory of Evolution was proven by Darwin's book “On the Origin of Species.'

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