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Name: Tran Thi Tuyet Linh

Student’s ID: 70231055TPE1

Class: Marketing 2324 (ENGL1361-2324)


Question for discussion: Why does this company advocate for applying digital
marketing to promote their business in spite of the fact that their customers
are mainly business ones. Can you spot some tangible and intangible benefits
of using e- marketing in business.

There are some reasons why Maersk switched from media and sales to using digital
and social media marketing even though their customers are mainly business
ones. Firstly, Maersk wants to get closer to a wider range of customers. They
created 8 social media accounts on primary social media
networks including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube with various content
to engage and interact with their customers. They can also measure results more
effectively by looking at the figures from those platforms so that they can have better
strategies for the future. Moreover, they want to communicate with their target
businesses affecting buying decisions, who are always connected via their digital
devices, to build a strong connection. Another reason is to keep in touch with their
audience anywhere and anytime.
Some tangible benefits of using e-marketing brought to the business are the increasing
number of customers engaging and interacting with Maersk. Their informative posts
and news on various social media platforms have helped attract a broad audience of
customers and other stakeholders interested in the brand. As for intangible benefits,
Maersk has created a strong brand identity and raised awareness among customers by
constantly interacting with them on social media. Hence, they build a deep bond
with a large number of audiences in a way that personal selling alone cannot.

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