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InfectionQuestion Prevention and Control Week Answer

* and, then alcohol-based

Quiz questions and
1. A worker has just been exposed to blood whilst attending
an emergency situation where gloves where not available. answers
a. Soap and water
hand rub (ABHR)
the best product to perform hand hygiene here?
b. than
and correct
water answer)
( The correct answers are in bold – there may be more
c. Alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR)

2. A worker is about to terminally clean a room. In assessing

the risks of contact with infectious substances what a. Gown
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) would you b. Eyewear
recommend? c. Gloves

3. A healthcare worker (HCW) is about to examine a patient a. Particulate filter respiratory (P2/N95
who is diagnosed with Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). In mask)
assessing the risk of splashing of body substances, what b. Surgical mask
PPE would you recommend? c. Face shield / Protective Eyewear
d. Gloves

a. Mask, gown, gloves, eyewear

4. In what order should PPE be put on? b. Gown, mask, eyewear, gloves
c. Gloves, eyewear, mask, gown
d. Eyewear, mask, gown, gloves

a. Mask, gown, eyewear, gloves

5. In what order should PPE be taken off? b. Gown, gloves, mask, eyewear
c. Eyewear, gloves, mask, gown
d. Gloves, gown, eyewear, mask

a. On the weekends
6. When should you use soap and water instead of alcohol-
b. Before putting on gloves
based hand rub?
c. If your hands are visibly soiled
d. Before touching a patient

a. Wet hands with water before applying

soap product
7. What is the first step for performing a correct hand wash? b. Apply soap product then wet hands
c. Use alcohol-based hand rub
d. Wipe hands on trousers

8. Which one of the following bacteria can often be found as a a. Streptococcus salivarius
part of the normal flora of the skin or groin, and can also b. Staphylococcus aureus
cause post-operative infections? c. Clostridium perfingens
d. Enterococcus faecium

a. At the end of the shift

b. No need to report the occupational
9. When should an occupational exposure be reported?
c. As soon as it occurs
d. By the end of the week

a. Throw it into the general waste container

b. Advise a staff member trained in
10. A clerical staff member has found a syringe lying in a public sharps management who can pick up
Infection Prevention and Control Week Quiz
area. What is the correct procedure here? questions and answers
the syringe safely, and discard it1in a
sharps container
c. Leave it where it is and do nothing

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