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Advanced GE Controls Training Program & Summaries

(Formerly Known as Regional Advanced)

For more information visit GE Energy Technical Training Website at

0er|ved rom ond ormer|y known os Reg|ono| ^dvonced tro|n|ng, th|s progrom cons|sts o o progress|ve ser|es o odvonced
contro| tro|n|ng courses ||ke no other tro|n|ng you hove exper|enced. Th|s ser|es o courses |s the perect progress|on |n |eorn|ng
your lork Contro| g|v|ng you the know|edge ond con|dence eoch step o|ong the woy to perorm your job respons|b|||t|es to your
u||est potent|o|.

l00% honds-on
Never stondord|zed, conned or gener|c
\our s|te spec||c sotwore, documentot|on ond exper|ences ore used os tro|n|ng moter|o|
$pec|o||z|ng |n CL contro|s rom o vo|uob|e ond proct|co| perspect|ve, your perspect|ve
^ dynom|c ond cho||eng|ng contro| room env|ronment, not o c|ossroom
Prov|des reo| wor|d moter|o| ond scenor|os thot ore proct|co| ond useu|
Loch week |s ded|coted to o port|cu|or course or oreo o study o||ow|ng modu|or ond progress|ve tro|n|ng
0ne week courses prov|de the proper t|me to cover eoch course |n-depth wh||e reduc|ng t|me owoy rom work
0ers d|vers|ty w|th o progress|ve ond modu|or progrom, ond just os |mportont |t oers you cho|ce
Not ||m|ted to pone| doors, but spons your power p|ont rom contro| room ll to o s|ngu|or |e|d dev|ce
99% o o|| tr|ps ond o|orms or|g|note rom the |e|d, these courses oddress the |e|d


CPRA1ICNS - for Mcrk v, Mcrk vI , Mcrk velvIe |cch course is 5 dcys in durctionl
Th|s course prov|des comprehens|ve know|edge o operot|ons sponn|ng the ll to the |e|d. Port|c|ponts w||| rev|ew |n
deto|| oux|||ory systems understond|ng unct|ons, |dent|y|ng mojor components ond the|r purpose, |dent|y|ng nom|no|
ond o|orm sett|ngs, proper vo|ve orrongement, equ|pment tronsers |so|ot|on ond system unct|ono| tests. 3y the end o
th|s course the port|c|pont shou|d be pro|c|ent w|th the PSl0s, 0ev|ce $ummory, ^|orm $ystem ond ll screens.

1RC08LSHCC1INC - for Mcrk v, Mcrk vI , Mcrk velvIe |cch course is 5 dcys in durctionl
Port|c|ponts w||| o||ow o|orms ond events through sotwore us|ng Too|box to the s|ngu|or |e|d dev|ce thot coused the
o|orm ond |dent|y o|| operot|ono| porometers |normo|, o|orm tr|pl. Th|s course w||| o|so |nc|ude the use o odvonced
h|gh-speed doto co||ect|on ut|||t|es ond the ono|ys|s o doto, |.e., Tr|gged Trends, 00Rs ond Tr|p Logs.

MAIN1NANC - for Mcrk v, Mcrk vI , Mcrk velvIe |cch course is 5 dcys in durctionl
Th|s course w||| prov|de the know|edge requ|red to proper|y mo|nto|n your lork contro| keep|ng your un|ts ovo||ob|e ond
re||ob|e. Port|c|ponts o the course w||| perorm vo|ve co||brot|ons, proper|y orce |og|c odjust constonts, mo|nto|n
systems bockup ond restorot|on, reso|ve sotwore |nequo||t|es, rep|oce pone| hordwore, |eorn |e|d dev|ce co||brot|on
ond rep|ocement. Power supp|y ond use d|ognost|cs w||| o|so be covered.

NCINRINC - for Mcrk v, Mcrk vI , Mcrk velvIe |cch course is 5 dcys in durctionl
Conducted under everydoy to extreme operot|ng cond|t|ons, th|s course |s des|gned to test ond shorpen eng|neer|ng
sk|||s. Th|s course w||| hove port|c|ponts des|gn|ng b|ockwore/progromm|ng/code. Port|c|ponts w||| o|so |eorn how to
creote or mod|y hordwore ond network l0, t|e code |nto ^|orms $ystem, Tr|p Logs ond $hort Term |story, ond perorm
o||soe ond TlR des|gn or re||ob|||ty.

CIMPLICI1V - for Mcrk v, Mcrk vI , Mcrk velvIe |cch course is 5 dcys in durctionl
Th|s course ocuses on the mo|ntenonce, troub|eshoot|ng S deve|opment o o C|mp||c|ty project, os opp||ed to CL
lndustr|o| 0C$, Cos S $teom Turb|nes. Th|s tro|n|ng |s or those |nd|v|duo|s who wont to |eorn how to creote or mod|y
CUl screens, groups ond groph|c objects, os we|| os |eorn how to generote ||nked ||bror|es, ||nked objects ond rome
conto|ners. Port|c|ponts' w||| |eorn how to |mport ond creote po|nts ond vor|ob|es, os we|| os creote ond tr|gger smort
objects, bu||d contro| pushbuttons ond procedures w|th proper eedbock.

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