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How to Be Well Organized in


Have you ever seen those students who seem to have everything under control and always have
an assignment when it's due, or just simply have everything right there with them and their
supplies are put away all nice and neat in their binders? Well if you are one who is always
sprinting from place to place, getting there in the nick of time, pulling random crumpled papers out
of your schoolbag, or frantically searching your overstuffed locker for your textbook, then this
article is for you!

[edit] Steps

1. Get a binder or a file case. Try to get one with a good amount of pockets, one pocket at
least. One pocket can hold pencils, pens, highlighters, markers - pretty much any writing
utensils. Then you have the whole inside of the binder to put your notebooks, folders,
assignment book or important papers. Extra pockets are always great too! If you're in school,
Get 1 or 2 folders for each of your classes. Try and get a large 5 inch binder if you only want
to carry 1. Or get a 1 inch binder for each class. You can also get a pencil pouch and you can
transport all of your stuff anywhere.

2. Get any supplies that you may need and don't have. Being prepared is important.
Even if that certain item wasn't on the supply list, you should get it if you really feel you need
it, such as a portable pencil sharpener. If you have one, you won't have to ask the teacher to
use that loud annoying sharpener that he/she has. They really do disturb the class. If you are
going to use mechanical pencils, get some lead. Make sure you have the correct size. Get
anything you may need. As they say, "better safe, than sorry." Good things to get are
o Number 2 Pencils/ Mechanical Pencils with Lead
o Folders & Binders
o Erasers
o Paper Clips
o Mini Stapler
o 3 punch hole puncher
3. Organize your backpack. If you already have an organized backpack, then skip to
the next step.
4. Go through folders and get rid of papers you no longer need. Having all of those
extra papers that you got back a month ago in your folder will make it heavy. It may bend and
tear. But worst of all, you won't be able to find papers when you need them. Put all graded
papers in a separate folder when you clean out the folders from school. So that way, if a
teacher says you didn't turn in worksheet 2.0, you go back home, get it out of the folder you
keep graded work in, and show it to her the next day. To summarize this up if you don't
understand - Clean out the folders you do use, put all graded work that you cleaned out in an
extra folder or binder, keep it under your bed or in your closet.
5. Clean out your locker. If you have a locker, it may get messy. A lot of schools make you
have a locker partner. It may not be too fun, but if you work something out it won't be so bad.
See if the school and your locker partner (if you have one) will allow you to bring in a shelf.
That way, you can put books on one, extra papers or supplies and your locker partner can
have a section of the shelf too! But before you install that shelf, clean out any papers you don't
6. Get a planner. Planners are very helpful. Most schools sell them, but some don't. Buy
your own if the school doesn't provide one. Write down homework, tests, club meeting dates,
anything that you need to know or anything you may forget.
7. Put papers in folders. This may seem obvious, but put any papers you need to keep in
its subject folder. Don't let loose papers mangle about. Take those extra seconds and put
them in a folder. That way, you'll have them when you need them.
8. If you have an Important Paper that you don't want ruined, try getting a Paper
Protector.Another good thing to get to be organized is an accordion folder. Accordion folders
are the folders that expand and have many places for different kinds of paper.
9. Get an Expandable file folder. An expandable file folder is well organized and is very
handy.Having all your folders in one is better than having a whole bunch of folders.
10. Buy an Agenda if the school doesn't already provide one. The agenda should be
used to keep track of what Homework you have that day and any little notes. Many stores hold
agendas made for kids. Carry this with you at all times in school and do not lose it. You will
soon find that this will become a part of your everyday life.
11. Focus on your work. When you get to class, don't goof off with friends. Write down your
Homework in your agenda and begin any assignments. If you have no assignments needed,
then wait patiently for class to begin.
12. When you know something is due in say, 2 weeks, get your supplies as soon as
possible. When you get your supplies, draft out what you will be doing with your project. Work
on it a little each day. Do not wait until the last minute to begin your project. The night before
the project is due, look over it. See if you have missed any important steps. Put what is due in
a small pile next to your backpack. If it is an essay, put it in your folder. If it is raining or
snowing, put your project in your backpack or cover it with a garbage bag.
13. At your house, designate a spot for school. Have a desk with paper, pencils, pens
and other school supplies in your room or in a place where it is quiet. This is for your
Homework and projects. All supplies should be kept here.
14. Put your backpack by your desk. This will let your body know that this is a place for
work and not a place to play.
15. Organize your locker if you have one and want to use it. Put a locker shelf inside.
Add a small notepad and a pen on the side so you can write down small notes. Add magnets
to keep papers. Write down your combination in the front or back of your agenda. If you have
a key, make it a necklace by adding string to it and keeping it around your neck so you won't
lose it..
16. Put dates on your papers. When you start taking notes, put the date at the top of the
paper, so that if the teacher wants the work from a specific day, you'll have it.

[edit] Tips

 You should ask your teacher what you will be doing that year and what supplies you will
use. Buy any other supplies that they recommend. You can take your project home and finish
it there, since you have your own supplies.
 If your having trouble organizing your locker then get some little sticky pads and write
down a subject such as math on it and put it on the wall of your locker and put your math
binder and calculator and any thing you need under there and when it's time for math just
simply grab the pile.
 If you know you are going to be typing a lot of papers, and don't have a printer, consider
getting one. It's better than bringing the CD you have your paper on, putting in the computer 5
minutes before the library closes to find you took the wrong CD and not having your paper the
next day and failing. Plus, it's better than paying the fee of 10 cents a paper.
 Ask a friend or anyone if you need help, and if they want to help they can, it can be really
 Do not buy a large binder as all of your things will be in one place and hard to find. If a
large binder is your only choice, that's OK too. Some binders have a built in accordion folder
and pouches to put pens, pencils, etc. If your binder doesn't have an accordion folder, buy
some page dividers. Even if you do have an accordion folder, you should still get some since
dividers will help you find you subjects faster and keep subjects in the same binder seperate.

[edit] Warnings

 Some things may not be allowed in schools, such as mechanical pencils,or permanent
markers. Check with your school before you bring anything.

 Don't expect to become organized over night. It takes time. Try to just make one class
perfect and then when you get the hang of it you will eventually do the same with all your
other classes.
 Don't rush, it takes time to be organized.

[edit] Things You'll Need

 Binder/File Case
 Pencils
 Pens
 Folders
 Notebooks
 Paper
 Highlighters
 Pencil Sharpener
 Any form of paper you might need ex(printer,plain,lined or graph)
 Ruler
 Calculator

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