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11/05/2024, 16:37 (4) Quora

What are five things senior citizens should not do at the age of 65 and over?
1. Travel - life is way too short to sit at home and make excuses for being unable to travel. I am
68, living in Thailand like a Queen, solo. I’m staying here for a year because it’s so beautiful
but from the age of 49, I have been travelling, never in one country - or at least one part of
one country longer than a few months. Many people think they have to have a lot of money to
travel - or they have to be outgoing. Neither is true. I am loving life living on the beach. I have
a swim-out condo with a pool that meanders for over a kilometre! Truly! The beach is beyond
gorgeous, I enjoy a gym, a beach club with a restaurant and lovely neighbours from all over
the world. I am living this amazing life for less than US$1000 per month including my rent!
2. Pick your friends wisely. I have hundreds of Facebook friends, but who are they? You don’t
need a lot of friends in my opinion—just a handful of good friends, whether they are male or
3. Get regular dental and doctor check-ups. I see so many older people with poor health and
terrible teeth. It’s not difficult to stay healthy but even if you are healthy, make sure you go to
the dentist at least every six months and the doctor once a year. Your teeth and body will
thank you for it!
4. Eat well and exercise. I swim two to three times a day, I walk at least 10,000 steps a day. I have
never gone to a gym but I do now - just for weight training. I want to get strong enough to kite
surf! Even if I never try kite surfing, I will get stronger. Taking care of yourself is so important.
And that includes mental exercise. Go online and take a course, take another degree or finish
one, learn a new language, anything to keep your brain humming.
5. Have fun. Maybe this should be at the top of the list. Without fun, what’s the point? My only
regret is that I’m alone. I would love to be in a relationship —I miss sex. But I’m too strong-
willed to entice a man into my world. And, truthfully I prefer men in their late 40’s and 50’s and
really, my chances of meeting a younger man that could handle a strong older woman aren’t
great! But for those who are in a relationship — have fun! Have great sex! Far too many of my
peers are NOT HAVING fun with their mates. They don’t even seem to like them, let alone
enjoy them. Remember, above all else, we don’t get a re-do. Don’t waste a day, no excuses,
no whining about a minor ache or pain… 1/1

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