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Battle of Dornach 22 July 1499

The Swabian War between the Hapsburg Emperor, Maximilian, and his recalcitrant Swiss provinces
was just the latest in over a century of conflict over the degree to which the Swiss were willing to be
subject to Imperial power. The Swiss victories over Charles the Bold of Burgundy had made them
even more belligerent and when Maximillian attempted to increase the Hapsburg hold over several
key alpine passes the Swiss went to war. The battle occurred when a Swiss force marched to attack
an Imperial army which was advancing on Dorneck Castle and Solothurn.

The woods provide cover and block line of sight. The hills are low hills, they provide a save modifier
for foot in defence, block line of sight and allow units to see over adjacent units on the flat. The line
of hills from F3 to F8 is a long ridge. Moving from one hill to an adjacent hill though one of the flat
sides of the hill squares counts as moving on the flat. Moving from one hill to another on the
diagonal counts as attacking uphill if an enemy occupies the hill. The castle at the rear cannot be
entered by either side it counts as impassable terrain.

In this historical scenario Stratagems are not used. The armies set up in the deployment zones as
marked on the scenario map. The Swiss forces deploy all of their commands first. The Swiss move

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Imperial Army
Unit Attributes Hits Range Ammo Save VPs
Left Wing
Furstenburg Senior attached mounted, 3+ 2
Heroic, general
Knights Later Knights, Lance, Hero 3 1 lance 6+ 3
Knights Later Knights, Lance, Hero 3 1 lance 6+ 3
Crossbows Crossbow 2 3 6 8+ 2
Crossbows Crossbow 2 3 6 8+ 2
Mounted Crossbows Cavalry Crossbows 2 3 3 8+ 2
Light Gun Artillery, field gun 1 6 6 7+ 1

General Attached Heroic general 3 2
Landsknechts Pike, deep, hero 3 7+ 3
Landsknechts Pike, deep 3 7+ 3
Halberdiers Billmen, deep 3 7+ 3
Handguns Light Infantry 1 2 3 8+ 1
Crossbows Light Infantry 1 3 3 8+ 1
Camp 3

Right Wing
Attached mounted general 2+ 2
Knights Later Knights, Deep, Lance, Hero 4 1 lance 6+ 3
Halberdiers Billmen, deep 3 7+ 3
Crossbows Crossbow 2 3 6 8+ 2
Crossbows Crossbow 2 3 6 8+ 2

Reserve Ammo 8
Victory Medals 43/14

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Swiss Army
Unit Attributes Hits Range Ammo Save VPs
Right Wing
Conrad Attached heroic general 3+ 2
Swiss Pikes Pike, extra deep, veteran, hero 4 6+ 4
Swiss Pikes Pike, veteran, deep 4 6+ 4
Halberdiers Billmen, deep, veteran, hero 3 6+ 3
Mounted Crossbows Cavalry Crossbows 2 3 3 8+ 2

Commander Attached heroic general 3+ 2
Swiss Pikes Pike, extra deep, veteran, hero 4 6+ 4
Swiss Pikes Pike, deep, veteran 4 6+ 4
Halberdiers Billmen, veteran, hero 2 6+ 2
Skirmishers Light Infantry, Handgun 1 2 3 8+ 1
Light Gun Artillery, Organ Gun 1 2 6 7+ 1
Camp 3

Left Wing
D’Erlach Attached heroic general 3+ 2
Swiss Pikes Pike, deep, veteran, hero 4 6+ 4
Swiss Pikes Pike, extra deep, veteran 4 6+ 4
Skirmishers Light Infantry, Crossbow 1 3 3 8+ 1

Reserve Ammo 4
Victory Medals 43/14

If charged in the flank by mounted the Swiss extra deep pikes get +1 save modifier as per a frontal
mounted charge, and +1 save modifier for being pike armed when charged frontally. They also get
to strike back at their attackers.

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