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TL:DR Milo was captured by Essex corps. A descendant of Apolicypse i.

e Clan
Akkaba. He manages to escape then gets arrested and wakes up in a cell next to
Kenny’s character they then work together to escape


Milo’s heart raced as he darted through the unfamiliar streets, his breath growing
ragged with each frantic step. "Need to find a crowd," he thought, his mind consumed
by the desperate need to lose his pursuers. For weeks, maybe months, he'd been held
captive in a dark laboratory, subjected to cruel experiments by the sinister Essex
Corp. Now, with his strength waning and the fear of recapture looming, he pushed
himself to the brink of exhaustion.

The streets were dimly lit, and the signs and graffiti were in English, but nothing
looked familiar. This was nothing like Calspur, ND, where he had grown up. Panic
surged through him as he realized he had no idea where he was. He hadn't seen
natural light since his abduction, his sense of time warped by the windowless
confines of his prison.

Memories of the laboratory flooded his mind, the pain and terror of the experiments
driving him forward. With each passing moment, his muscles screamed for relief, his
energy dwindling with every frantic stride. He dared not look back, too afraid of
seeing his pursuers gaining ground.

As Milo rounded a corner, a surge of hope washed over him. A large crowd was
emerging from a nearby event, their laughter and chatter a stark contrast to his own
frantic thoughts. Without hesitation, he melted into the throng, his heart pounding in
his chest as he sought refuge amidst the sea of faces.

Among them, he found temporary solace, adopting the guise of different individuals
as he moved through the crowd. But maintaining his disguise proved difficult, his
exhaustion making it hard to concentrate. He glanced around anxiously, searching
for any sign of the goons who pursued him.

Meanwhile, the goons, clad in combat gear, scanned the crowd with ruthless
precision, their eyes trained for any sign of weakness. They knew Milo was among
them, and they would stop at nothing to recapture him.

In a desperate bid to evade capture, Milo morphed into the form of Chuck, a mutant
whose strength had helped Milo escape the laboratory. As he passed by a group of
police officers, he seized the opportunity to create a distraction, lashing out at a
nearby bystander.
The police reacted swiftly, subduing Milo and placing him in handcuffs before he
could protest. Though relieved to be out of the goons' clutches, Milo knew his
freedom was far from assured. As he was escorted away, he couldn't shake the
feeling that his troubles were far from over.

Extra info:

Bethany: Biological mother she had been a cultist in Clan Akkaba and had been
assaulted and became pregnant as a result. She ran away from the cult taking the
child with her when she was told she would not be able to keep the child as he would
be taken and raised by true members of the clan

Claire: Stepmother married Bethany while Milo was still young she knows little of
their past just that Beth was in a cult and ran away. She is a lawyer working in a small
firm mostly dealing with divorces. She met Bethany at a supermarket where Beth had
almost been hit by a car. The 2 women just hit it off.

Unkown: The Father member of the Clan Akkaba assaulted Bethany and seeking his
child to return his prodigy to its rightful place in the clan.

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