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Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance: An

ARDL Bound Testing Approach

Jarita Duasa

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An ARDL Bound Testing Approach, Global Economic Review, 36:1, 89-102, DOI:

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Published online: 07 Mar 2007.

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Global Economic Review
Vol. 36, No. 1, 89102, March 2007

Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance:

An ARDL Bound Testing Approach
Department of Economics, Kuliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic
University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ABSTRACT This paper examines the short- and long-run relationships between trade balance,
real exchange rates, income and money supply in the case of Malaysia. The inclusion of income
and money variables in the study is purposely to examine the monetary and absorption approaches
to the balance of payments beside the conventional approach of elasticity, using exchange rates.
Using the bound testing approach to cointegration and error correction models, developed within
an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) framework, we investigate whether a long-run
equilibrium relationship exists between trade balance and the determinants. Additionally, we
adopt an innovation accounting by simulating variance decompositions (VDC) and impulse
response functions (IRF) for further inferences. Using this approach, we find evidence of a long-
run relationship between trade balance and income and money supply variables but not between
trade balance and real exchange rate. The findings also suggest that Marshall Lerner condition
does not hold in the long-run for Malaysia and for policy wise the Malaysian trade balance/
balance of payments should be viewed from absorption and monetary approaches.

KEY WORDS: Trade balance, cointegration, ARDL, variance decompositions, impulse

response functions

Despite the fact that, in theory, nominal depreciation or appreciation of exchange
rate is assumed to change the real exchange rate and thus has a direct effect on the
trade balance (Himarios, 1989; Bahmani-Oskooee, 2001), various studies have found
weak statistical evidence connecting exchange rate changes and the trade balance
(see, for example, Greenwood, 1984; Mahdavi & Sohrabian, 1993; Rahman &
Mustafa, 1996; Rahman et al ., 1997). Empirical evidence also shows that changes in
real exchange rate have affected trade balances in some countries but not for all
countries which implies that the direction of the impact of real exchange rate changes
on trade balance is still unclear.
In particular, a study on the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)-5
countries (including Malaysia) by Liew et al . (2003) has shown that trade balance in
these countries is affected by real money rather than nominal exchange rate and

Correspondence Address : Jarita Duasa, Department of Economics, Kuliyyah of Economics and

Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. Fax: 603-6196 4850; Tel.: 603-6196 4626; Email:

1226-508X Print/1744-3873 Online/07/010089 14

# 2007 Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul
DOI: 10.1080/12265080701217405
90 J. Duasa

therefore it concludes that the role of exchange rate changes in the trade balances has
been exaggerated. However, as of now, very few attempts have been made to
incorporate other views on balance of trade/balance of payments analysis or to test
these other views empirically.
Thus, this study aims to use the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach
to cointegration and error correction models (ECMs) to determine whether there is
evidence of a relationship between trade balance and exchange rate, under the
elasticity approach, in the long run and short run with regard to Malaysian data. In
addition, it attempts to test the empirical relevance of the absorption and monetarist
approaches for the data by incorporating variables of income and money supply in
the models.
The rest of the paper is outlined as follows. The next section describes briefly the
theory of balance of payments from three different views: elasticity, absorption and
monetary. The third section will discuss empirical data used and the ARDL approach
to cointegration, including further inferences using variance decompositions (VDC)
and impulse response functions (IRF). The fourth section presents some results and
the final section concludes this study.

Theoretical Framework
Theoretically, the conventional view of the balance of payments says that a nominal
devaluation of currency improves trade balance. This view is rooted in a static and
partial equilibrium approach to the balance of payments that is well known as the
elasticity approach (Bickerdike, 1920; Robinson, 1947; Metzler, 1948). The essence of
this view is the substitution effects in consumption and production induced by the
relative price (domestic versus foreign) changes caused by a devaluation. The model,
which is commonly known as the BRM model, has been recognized in the literature
as providing a sufficient condition for an improvement of trade balance as exchange
rates devalue. In particular, the Marshall Lerner condition states that for a positive
effect of devaluation on the trade balance, and implicitly for a stable exchange
market, the absolute values of the sum of the demand elasticities for exports and
imports must exceed unity. Holding this Marshall Lerner condition, when the
exchange rate is above the equilibrium there is excess supply for foreign exchange and
when the exchange rate is below the equilibrium there is excess demand of foreign
exchange. The BRM and Marshall Lerner conditions have become the underlying
assumptions for those who support devaluation as means to stabilize the foreign
exchange market and/or to improve the trade balance.
A different approach to the balance of payments emerged at the beginning of the
1950s when authors such as Harberger (1950), Meade (1951), and Alexander (1952,
1959) shifted the focus of economic analysis to the balance of payments. This
approach is referred as the absorption approach. The core of this approach is the
proposition that any improvement in the trade balance requires an increase of income
over total domestic expenditures. In other words, it analyses the economy from
the point of view of aggregate expenditures, in particular, the direct effects of
exchange rate changes on relative prices, income and absorption, and ultimately on
the trade balance.
Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance 91

At the end of the 1950s, the monetary view of the balance of payments emerged.
As regard to the monetary or global monetarist approach (Polak, 1957; Hahn, 1959;
Pearce, 1961; Prais, 1961; Mundell, 1968, 1971), the balance of payments is
essentially a monetary phenomenon. The balance of payments behaviour is analysed
from the point of view of the supply and demand of money. In very simple terms, if
people demand more money than is being supplied by the Central Bank then the
excess demand for money would be satisfied by inflows of money from abroad. In
this case, the trade balance will improve. However, if the Central Bank is supplying
more money than is demanded, the excess supply of money is eliminated by outflows
of money to other countries and this will worsen the trade balance.
In regard to these different views, the present study develops such a model which
incorporates the three views for the analysis of Malaysian trade balance. The
following section will discuss how the model is developed and how tests will be done
on the collected data.

Data and Methodology

All series examined in this study*trade balance, real exchange rate, income and
money supply*are collected from the IMF Statistics and Bank Negara Malaysia
(BNM) Bulletin. The data is annual and spans the time period 1974 to 2003.
Usually, trade balance is measured by the difference of value of total exports and
value of total imports. In this study, trade balance is measured as the ratio of
export value (X ) to import value (M ). The ratio of X to M (i.e. X /M ) or its
inverse has been widely used in many empirical investigations of trade balance 
exchange rate relationships, such as Bahmani-Oskooee and Brooks (1999), Lal
and Lowinger (2001) and Onafowora (2003). This ratio is preferable because it is
not sensitive to the unit of measurement and can be interpreted as nominal or
real trade balance (Bahmani-Oskooee, 1991). As for exchange rate, the indicator
used is the real exchange rate index.1 Gross domestic product (GDP) is used as a
proxy of income and M 3 for money supply. All variables are expressed in natural
In terms of methodology, the paper adopts the recently developed ARDL
framework by Pesaran and Shin (1995, 1999), Pesaran et al. (1996) and Pesaran
(1997) to establish the direction of causation between variables. There are
advantages of using this approach instead of the conventional Johansen (1998)
and Johansen and Juselius (1990) approach. While the conventional cointegration
method estimates the long-run relationships within a context of a system of
equations, the ARDL method employs only a single reduced form equation
(Pesaran & Shin, 1995). The ARDL approach does not involve pre-testing
variables, which means that the test on the existing relationship between variables
in levels is applicable irrespective of whether the underlying regressors are purely
I (0), purely I (1) or a mixture of both. This feature alone, given the characteristics
of the cyclical components of the data, makes the standard of cointegration
technique unsuitable and even the existing unit root tests to identify the order of
integration are still highly questionable. Furthermore, the ARDL method avoids
the larger number of specification to be made in the standard cointegration test.
These include decisions regarding the number of endogenous and exogenous
92 J. Duasa

variables (if any) to be included, the treatment of deterministic elements, as well

as the optimal number of lags to be specified. The empirical results are generally
very sensitive to the method and various alternative choices available in the
estimation procedure (Pesaran & Smith, 1998). With the ARDL, it is possible that
different variables have different optimal lags, which is impossible with the
standard cointegration test. Most importantly, the model could be used with
limited sample data (30 observations to 80 observations) in which the set of
critical values were developed originally by Narayan (2004) by using GAUSS.
Basically, the ARDL approach to cointegration (see Pesaran et al ., 2001) involves
estimating the conditional error correction (EC) version of the ARDL model for
trade balance and its determinants:

p X
p X
Dln(X =M)t a0  fi Dln(X =M)ti  ui Dln(REER)ti  li Dln(GDP)ti
i1 i0 i0

 8 i Dln(M3)ti d1 ln(X =M)t1 d2 lnERt1 d3 ln(GDP)t1

d4 ln(M3)t1 yt (1)

where ln(X/M ), ln(REER), ln(GDP) and ln(M 3) are trade balance, real exchange
rates, income and money supply in natural logarithm, respectively, D is first-
difference operator and p is the optimal lag length.
The F- test is used for testing the existence of the long-run relationship. When the
long-run relationship exists, the F -test indicates which variable should be normalized.
The null hypothesis for no cointegration among variables in equation (1) is H0: d1 
d2 d3 d4 0 against the alternative hypothesis H1: d1 "d2 "d3 "d4 "0. The
F -test has a non-standard distribution which depends on (i) whether variables
included in the model are I(0) or I(1), (ii) the number of regressors, and (iii) whether
the model contains an intercept and/or a trend. Given a relatively small sample size in
this study of 30 observations, the critical values used are as reported by Narayan
(2004) which are based on a small sample size between 30 and 80.2 The test involves
asymptotic critical value bounds, depending whether the variables are I(0) or I(1) or
a mixture of both. Two sets of critical values are generated, one set refers to the I(1)
series and the other to the I(0) series. Critical values for the I(1) series are referred to
as upper bound critical values, while the critical values for I(0) series are referred
to as the lower bound critical values.
If the F -test statistic exceeds their respective upper critical values, we can conclude
that there is evidence of a long-run relationship between the variables regardless of
the order of integration of the variables. If the test statistic is below the upper critical
value, we cannot reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration and if it lies between
the bounds, a conclusive inference cannot be made without knowing the order of
integration of the underlying regressors.
If there is evidence of a long-run relationship (cointegration) of the variables, the
following long-run model is estimated:
Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance 93

p X
p X
ln(X =M)t a1  f1i ln(X =M)ti  b1i ln(REER)ti  u1i ln(GDP)ti
i1 i0 i0

 l1i ln(M3)ti mt (2)

The orders of the lags in the ARDL model are selected by either the Akaike
information criterion (AIC) or the Schwarz Bayesian criterion (SBC), before the
selected model is estimated by ordinary least squares. For annual data, Pesaran and
Shin (1999) recommended choosing a maximum of two lags. From this, the lag length
that minimizes SBC is selected.
The ARDL specification of the short-run dynamics can be derived by constructing
an ECM of the following form:
p X
Dln(X =M)t a2  f2i Dln(X =M)ti  u2i Dln(REER)ti
i1 i0

p X
 l2i Dln(GDP )ti  8 2i Dln(M3)ti cECMt1  q t (3)
i0 i0

where ECMt  1 is the error correction term, defined as:

p X
ECMt ln(X =M)t a1  f1i ln(X =M)ti  b1i ln(REER)ti
i1 i0

p X
 u1i ln(GDP)ti  l1i ln(M3)ti (4)
i0 i0

All coefficients of the short-run equation are coefficients relating to the short-run
dynamics of the model’s convergence to equilibrium and c represents the speed of
In addition, we adopt an innovation accounting by simulating VDC and IRF for
further inferences. VDC and IRF serve as tools for evaluating the dynamic
interactions and strength of causal relations among variables in the system. The
VDC indicate the percentages of a variable’s forecast error variance attributable to its
own innovations and innovations in other variables. Thus, from the VDC, we can
measure the relative importance of real exchange rate, income and money
fluctuations in accounting for fluctuation in trade balance variable. Moreover, the
IRF trace the directional responses of a variable to a one standard deviation shock of
another variable. This means that we can observe the direction, magnitude and
persistence of trade balance to variation in the real exchange rate, income and money

Prior to the testing of cointegration, we conducted a test of order of integration for
each variable using augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Phillip Perron (PP) (see
Table 1). Even though the ARDL framework does not require pre-testing variables to
94 J. Duasa

Table 1. Unit root test

ADF test statistic (with P P test statistic

trend and intercept) (with trend and intercept)

Variable Level First difference Level First difference

Trade balance [ln(X /M )] 3.13 4.14** 2.29 4.07**

Real exchange rates [ln(ER)] 3.05 4.32** 2.47 4.55***
Income [ln(GDP)] 3.45* 3.84** 2.73 3.75**
Money supply [ln(M 3)] 2.85 8.03*** 3.64** 12.35***
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.
*** Significant at 1% level.

be done, the unit root test could convince us whether or not the ARDL model should
be used. The results in Table 1 show that there is a mixture of I(1) and I (0) of
underlying regressors and therefore, the ARDL testing could be proceeded with.
The next step is where equation (1) is estimated to examine the long-run
relationships among the variables. As suggested by Pesaran and Shin (1999) and
Narayan (2004), since the observations are annual, we choose two as the maximum
order of lags in the ARDL and estimate for the period 1974 2003. In fact, we also
used the SBC to determine the optimal number of lags to be included in the
conditional ECM, whilst ensuring there was no evidence of serial correlation, as
emphasized by Pesaran et al. (2001). The lag length that minimizes SBC is one. The
calculated F -statistics for the cointegration test is displayed in Table 2. The critical
value is reported also in Table 2 based on the critical value suggested by Narayan
(2004) using a small sample size between 30 and 80. The calculated F -statistic
(F -statistic 4.775) is higher than the upper bound critical value at the 5% level of
significance (4.306), using restricted intercept and no trend. But the F-statistic is only
higher than the upper bound critical value at the 10% level of significance (4.150),
using restricted intercept and trend. This implies that the null hypothesis of no
cointegration cannot be accepted at the 5% and 10% level and therefore, there is a
cointegration relationship among the variables.

Table 2. F -Statistic of cointegration relationship

Bound critical Bound critical valuesa

valuesa (restricted (restricted intercept
intercept and no trend) and trend)

Test Significance
statistic Value lag level I (0) I (1) I (0) I (1)

F- 4.775 1
1% 4.614 5.966 5.333 7.063
5% 3.272 4.306 3.710 5.018
10% 2.676 3.586 3.008 4.150
Based on Narayan (2004).
Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance 95

We also test the model using Hendry ‘‘General to Specific Approach’’ to get the
parsimonious specification. In doing so, we set initially lag 1 (optimal lag length base
on SBC) and we eliminate the variables which are not significant, except for the level
variables and the intercept. The F -statistic (5.2301) of the Wald-test on the level
variables of the new model, as displayed in Table 3, shows stronger results as
compared to the previous model. This confirms the existence of a long-run
relationship among the variables used.
The empirical results of the long-run model, obtained by normalizing on trade
balance, are presented in Table 4. The significant variables which appear to affect
trade balance are income (GDP) and money supply (M 3). Both signs for income and
money supply are consistent to monetary theories. The theories indicate that a rise in
domestic income increases the demand for money and therefore will increase exports
and improve trade balance. This could be observed from the trends of growth and
trade balance experienced by Malaysia since the recession of the 1980s. Since the
worst recession of 1985 1986, the economy has rebound which has been led by a
strong growth in both foreign and domestic investment. Within this period, real GDP
was growing at an average rate of over 8%. The economy also experienced high
growth in exports contributed by not only by the strong growth but also by the global
trade liberalization measures supported by the government particularly in export-
oriented manufacturing and high technology products. It has been very active in the
Uruguay Round negotiations and ratified the agreement on 6 September 1994.
Multinational corporations (US and Japanese firms) control a substantial share of
this manufacturing sector in producing electronic components, consumer electronics
and electrical goods.
Results of the long-run model also show a negative relationship between money
supply and trade balance. A fall in domestic money supply improves trade balance
since foreigners send their money domestically for more goods and services. The fall
in money supply has resulted from the tight monetary policy in Malaysia which
aimed to control inflation while providing adequate liquidity to stimulate economic
growth. Monetary aggregates are controlled by the Central Bank through its
influence over interest rates in the banking sector, open market operations and
occasionally, changes in reserve requirements.

Table 3. F -statistic of cointegration relationship (in parsimonious specification)

Bound critical Bound critical valuesa

valuesa (restricted (restricted intercept
intercept and no trend) and trend)

Test Significance
statistic Value lag level I (0) I (1) I (0) I (1)

F- 5.230 1
1% 4.614 5.966 5.333 7.063
5% 3.272 4.306 3.710 5.018
10% 2.676 3.586 3.008 4.150
Based on Narayan (2004).
96 J. Duasa

Table 4. Long-run model

Independent variables

ln(ER) ln(GDP) ln(M 3)

Dependent variable: 0.0834 0.8893*** 0.6563***

ln(X/M) (0.2314) (0.1581) (0.1033)
Note: standard error in parentheses.
***Significant at 1% level.

Even though exchange rate is one of the possible explanatory variables for trade
balance, the insignificance of the variable in the model suggests that the Marshall 
Lerner condition is not held in the long-run in the case of Malaysia. These results are
somehow consistent with a study by Liew et al. (2003) which found that the role of
the exchange rate is rather insignificant in initiating changes in the trade balances in
the case of Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Phillipines. This insignificant
effect of the exchange rate on trade balance is probably due to the exchange rate
policy exercised by the government. While the ringgit (RM) is considered to be
market determined, the government has intervened on a few occasions to maintain
the ringgit’s target zone. The target zone is a band within which the currency would
be allowed to float and it is usually considered to be the range within which the
currency was at its ‘‘correct’’ level. In late 1993, for example, following a prolonged
period of strong capital inflows which resulted in an upward pressure on the
currency, the government intervened aggressively in the market to bring the value
down in a few weeks as the pressure was perceived as a sign of excessive foreign
exchange speculation. By mid-January 1994, the intervention and the set of controls
were abandoned and gradually the currency was allowed to return to its early value
against the US dollar. By mid-1995, when there was a combination of a slowdown in
the electronics markets and an appreciating US dollar resulted in an over value of the
ringgit in real terms and a downward pressure on the exchange rate, the ringgit
should have been allowed to depreciate. Once again, the government commitment to
the zone required it to support the ringgit. The latest intervention was after the hit of
the 1997 Asian financial crisis through capital outflow controls and a fixed exchange
rate against the US dollar which was implemented in September 1998. The controls
were gradually reduced and ended in 2005. These extensive interventions from the
government on the regime of exchange rate is perceived to be a main factor that
hardly allows the linkage between the exchange rate and exports/imports to be
observed through the market system.
The results of the ECM for trade balance are presented in Table 5. Most of the
coefficients in the ECM are insignificant, except for lag difference of income. The
negative sign of the coefficient of this variable supports the Keynesian view that
income increases will encourage citizens to buy more imported goods and thus
worsen the trade balance. But this impact could only be observed in the short-run
period. A number of diagnostic tests to the ECM were applied and no evidence of
serial correlation, heteroskedasticity and ARCH (autoregressive conditional hetero-
skedasticity) effect in the disturbances were found. The model also passes the Jarque-
Bera normality test which suggests that the errors are normally distributed.
Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance 97

Table 5. Error correction model for trade balance

Dependent variable: d(ln(X /M ))t

Independent variables Coefficient

Constant 0.0547 (1.389)

d(ln(X /M ))t  1 0.0737 (0.3938)
d(lnREER)t 0.5284 (1.6493)
d(lnREER)t  1 0.0214 (0.0693)
d(lnGDP)t 0.2835 (0.7246)
d(lnGDP)t  1 0.7616** (2.3827)
d(lnM 3)t 0.1232 (1.5267)
d(lnM 3)t  1 0.0250 (0.3367)
ECTt  1 0.5726*** (3.1364)
Diagnostic tests:
Far 0.3005
Farch 0.7269
Fhet 0.8457
JBnormal 1.7142
R -squared 0.4941
Note: t- statistics in parentheses. Far is the F -statistic of Breusch Godfrey serial correlation LM test. Farch is the
F -statistic of ARCH test. JBnormal is the Jarque Bera statistic of normality test. Fhet is the F -statistic of White
heteroskedasticity test.
**Significant at 5% level.
***Significant at 1% level.

The significant of an error correction term (ECT) shows the evidence of causality
in at least one direction. The lagged error term (ECTt  1) in the results is negative and
significant at 1% level. The coefficient of 0.5726 indicates high rate of convergence
to equilibrium.
From an estimated VAR, we compute variance decompositions and impulse-
response functions, which serve as tools for evaluating the dynamic interactions and
strength of causal relations among variables in the system. In simulating variance
decompositions and impulse response functions, it should be noted that the VAR
innovations may be contemporaneously correlated. This means that a shock in one
variable may work through the contemporaneous correlation with innovations in
other variables. The responses of a variable to innovations in another variable of
interest cannot be adequately represented since isolated shocks to individual
variables cannot be identified due to contemporaneous correlation (Lutkepohl,
1991). Therefore, we are using Cholesky factorization that orthogonalizes the
innovations as suggested by Sims (1980) to solve this identification problem. The
strategy requires a pre-specified causal ordering of the variables. The results from
variance decomposition and impulse response functions may be sensitive to the
variables’ ordering unless the error terms’ contemporaneous correlations are low.
The ordering of variables suggested by Sims (1980) is started with the most
exogenous variables in the system and ended by the most endogenous variable.
To see whether the ordering could be a problem, the contemporaneous correlations
of VAR error terms are checked and displayed in Table 6. The results show that there
are high correlations between trade balance and real exchange rate, between real
98 J. Duasa

Table 6. Contemporaneous correlations of VAR error terms


TB 1
REER 0.251 1
GDP 0.179 0.082 1
M3 0.007 0.318 0.457 1

exchange rates and M 3 and between GDP and M3. Other correlations are mostly
less than 0.2. Based on this, we therefore arrange the variables according to the
following order: M3, GDP, REER and TB.
The results of variance decomposition and impulse response functions are
displayed in Table 7 and Figure 1, respectively. From Figure 1, the IRF can produce
the time path of dependent variables in the VAR, to shocks from all the explanatory
variables. It could be seen that, at any dependent variable, any shock of the
explanatory variables makes the impulse responses die out to zero. This implies that

Table 7. Variance decompositions

Percentage of forecast variance explained by innovations in:

Horizon TB REER GDP M3

(a) Variance decompositions of TB

1 97.88 0.69 0.10 1.33
3 84.44 4.76 5.95 4.84
5 83.84 5.04 6.11 5.01
10 83.84 5.04 6.11 5.01
15 83.84 5.04 6.11 5.01
20 83.84 5.04 6.11 5.01
(b) Variance decompositions of REER
1 0.00 74.18 25.04 0.78
3 3.94 66.57 25.94 3.55
5 3.96 66.35 25.96 3.73
10 3.96 66.34 25.96 3.73
15 3.96 66.34 25.96 3.73
20 3.96 66.34 25.96 3.73
(c) Variance decompositions of GDP
1 0.00 0.00 72.27 27.73
3 1.98 3.86 66.69 27.47
5 1.98 4.06 66.44 27.52
10 1.98 4.06 66.44 27.52
15 1.98 4.06 66.44 27.52
20 1.98 4.06 66.44 27.52
(d) Variance Decompositions of M3
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
3 0.28 0.87 0.01 98.84
5 0.29 0.87 0.01 98.83
10 0.29 0.87 0.01 98.83
15 0.29 0.87 0.01 98.83
20 0.29 0.87 0.01 98.83
Response to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations ± 2 S.E.

Response of D(TB) to D(TB) Response of D(TB) to D(LOG(REER)) Response of D(TB) to D(LOG(GDP)) Response of D(TB) to D(LOG(M3))
0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12

0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

-0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04

-0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Response of D(LOG(REER)) to D(TB) Response of D(LOG(REER)) to D(LOG(REER)) Response of D(LOG(REER)) to D(LOG(GDP)) Response of D(LOG(REER)) to D(LOG(M3))
0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

-0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02

-0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Response of D(LOG(GDP)) to D(TB) Response of D(LOG(GDP)) to D(LOG(REER)) Response of D(LOG(GDP)) to D(LOG(GDP)) Response of D(LOG(GDP)) to D(LOG(M3))
0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

-0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02

-0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Response of D(LOG(M3)) to D(TB) Response of D(LOG(M3)) to D(LOG(REER)) Response of D(LOG(M3)) to D(LOG(GDP)) Response of D(LOG(M3)) to D(LOG(M3))
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1
-0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2
Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance

-0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 1. Impulse response functions.

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the system of equation developed, i.e. the VECM, is a stable system. Furthermore,
from Figure 1, the directions of variables’ responses to innovations in the system are
theoretically reasonable in most cases. The trade balance does react significantly to
income innovations as it responds negatively for the first 6 years and then subsides to
zero afterwards. As mentioned in the ECM model earlier, this result conforms to the
Keynesian view that a rise in domestic income encourages more demand for
imported goods and therefore worsens the trade balance. Figure 1 also shows that the
trade balance responded negatively to a shock in money supply for about 7 years
before it subsided to zero. This confirms the monetary view that the fall in money
supply will improve trade balance. As for the exchange rate, Figure 1 clearly suggests
that Malaysia’s trade balance felt significantly to the shock in real exchange rate for
the first 6 years but the direction of response is not consistent with the theory. This is
not surprising as real exchange rate variables are mostly insignificant in the ECM.
As discussed earlier, the variance decomposition is an alternative method to IRF
for examining the effects of shocks to the dependent variables. It determines how
much of the forecast error variance for any variable in a system is explained by
innovations to each explanatory variable, over a series of time horizons. Usually own
series shocks explain most of the error variance, although the shock will also affect
other variables in the system. From Table 7 the VDC substantiate the significant role
played by REER, GDP and M 3 in accounting for fluctuations in Malaysian TB. At
the 1-year horizon, the fraction of Malaysian trade balance forecast error variance
attributable to variations in the real exchange rate, income and money supply are
0.69%, 0.1% and 1.33%, respectively. The explanatory power of all variables, namely
exchange rate (REER), income (GDP) and money supply (M 3), increases further at
the 3-year horizon, but the percentage of trade balance forecast variance explained
by innovations in real exchange rate (REER) is smaller than explained by
innovations in other variables. However, the portion of trade balance variations
explained by all explanatory variables continuously increase at longer horizons.
Obviously, at the longer time horizon, percentage of forecast variance in trade
balance is largely explained by innovation in GDP, among other explanatory
variables as it maintains a higher percentage than the others. The results again
strengthen the findings earlier that real exchange rate has an insignificant role in
determining the trade balance of the country.
Looking along the main diagonal, the results reveal that the own shock is relatively
high for TB and M 3, with 83.84% and 98.83%, respectively. This implies the
exogeneity of TB and M 3 in variance decompositions, as after the first year after the
shock, the variance appears to be less explained by innovations in other explanatory
variables. However, the results shows that the percentage of variance explained by
own shock for REER and GDP are relatively similar with 66.34% and 66.44%,
respectively. The small difference of the range of own shock’s contribution means that
no single variable, in relation to others, highly exogenous or highly endogenous, at
least after a 20-year post-shock horizon.

Few studies have found evidence of a weak relationship between exchange rates and
trade balance against the theory developed under the elasticity approach of balance
Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance 101

of trade. A study on Malaysia and other ASEAN countries has also found the
existence of this weak relationship but an effort to test other approaches to balance of
trade has not been undertaken. Thus, the present study attempts to explore further
the possibility of other approaches to the Malaysian balance of trade by incorporat-
ing absorption and monetary views into discussion.
The method used is a bound testing approach to cointegration, developed within
an ARDL framework, to investigate the existence of a long-run equilibrium
relationship between trade balance, exchange rates, income and money supply. The
results provide strong evidence that money supply and income do play a role in
determining the long-run behaviour of the Malaysian trade balance as compared to
exchange rates. This is perceived to be owing to the fact that Malaysia has always set
the exchange rate within its target zone with a series of controls and interventions.
The policy implication which could be drawn from the study is that the difficulties in
trade balance or balance of payments, as regard to Malaysia, would better be
corrected through its policies on income or growth and money supply rather than on
the exchange rates regime.

Increase in real exchange rate index represents revaluation of Ringgit Malaysia (RM) vice versa.
Pesaran and Pesaran (1997) and Pesaran et al . (2001), however, generated critical values based on 500
and 1000 observations and 20,000 and 40,0000 replications, respectively, which are suitable for large
sample size.

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