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Match phrases

Grade 5 Vocabulary Worksheet

Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make complete

I thought his opinion impact on the crops.

as it sailed in the ice cold

Please transfer

There's a distinct difference a friend.

I consider you in the lake.

The storm had a bad brightened the room.

Many moons orbit 450 dollars to my account.

I want you all to be was relevant.

I'm looking at my
on your best behavior.

The scent of the flowers around Saturn.

The ship passed by a large glacier between them.

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Match phrases
Grade 5 Vocabulary Worksheet


I thought his opinion impact on the crops.

as it sailed in the ice cold

Please transfer

There's a distinct difference a friend.

I consider you in the lake.

The storm had a bad brightened the room.

Many moons orbit 450 dollars to my account.

I want you all to be was relevant.

I'm looking at my
on your best behavior.

The scent of the flowers around Saturn.

The ship passed by a large glacier between them.

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

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