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Please Join

Orthopaedi c PAC

For a Non-industry Specific Breakfast
Susan Davis
Californias 53
Congressional District
Armed Services Committee
Education and the Workforce Committee

Tuesday, November
15, 2011
8:30 9:30 a.m.
317 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC

Suggested Contri buti on:
$5000 Host ~ $2500 Sponsor ~ $1000
PAC ~ $500 Individual

Please Send Contri buti ons to:
Susan Davis for Congress
499 South Capitol Street, SW Ste. 404
Washington, DC 20003

R. S. V. P to Li ndsay Angerholzer or
Heather Fraser
at 202- 488- 1445 or
Emai l: Heather@A- TeamDC. com
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.
Contributions or gifts to Susan Davis for Congress are not
deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax
purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect
and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer
of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.
Corporate checks are not acceptable for federal campaigns.


Breakfast witb Rep. Susan Davis on November 15
, 2011

_____ Yes! IWe woulu like to attenu at the following level: $Suuu Bost $2Suu Sponsoi
$1uuu PAC
$Suu Inuiviuual

_____ 0nfoitunately, I cannot attenu but I woulu like to make a contiibution in the amount of
$ .

To contiibute by PERS0NAL check, please make youi contiibution payable to "Susan Davis for Congress." To
contiibute by PERS0NAL cieuit caiu, please pioviue the infoimation below:

Please chaige $ to my peisonal, not coipoiate, cieuit caiu: visa Nasteicaiu ANEX

Name of Caiuholuei:__________________________________________________________________________________

Cieuit Caiu #: Exp. Bate:___________________

Please fax cieuit caiu contiibutions to 2u2-488-1446
Please mail checks to: Susan Bavis foi Congiess, 499 South Capitol Stieet, SW, Ste. 4u4, Washington, BC 2uuuS

Pleuxe xlgn below: I uesignate my contiibution(s) to Susan Bavis foi Congiess, as follows, the fiist $2,Suu foi
the 2u12 Congiessional piimaiy election, anu any auuitional amount that I contiibute up to $2,Suu foi the 2u12
Congiessional geneial election. I am making this contiibution with my own peisonal funus anu not with funus
pioviueu by any othei peison.

Slgnuture RequlreJ: SeconJ Slgnuture for jolnt Accountx:

Contiibutions to Susan Bavis foi Congiess aie subject to the piohibitions anu limitations of the Feueial Election
Campaign Act. An inuiviuual may contiibute a maximum amount of $2,Suu pei election (the piimaiy anu
geneial aie sepaiate elections) to a feueial canuiuate. Feueial multi-canuiuate political action committees
(PACs) may contiibute up to $S,uuu pei election. Contiibutions fiom coipoiations, laboi oiganization tieasuiy
funus, foieign nationals, anu feueial goveinment contiactois aie piohibiteu. All contiibutions must be fiom the
contiibutoi's peisonal funus. Coipoiations anu inuiviuuals aie stiictly piohibiteu fiom ieimbuising anothei
peison foi making a contiibution to Susan Bavis foi Congiess.

To comply with feueial law, we must use oui best effoits to obtain anu iepoit the name, mailing auuiess,
occupation anu name of employei of all inuiviuuals whose contiibutions aggiegate in excess of $2uu pei election

Contiibutoi #1:

Name: E-



Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.
City: State:

Bome Phone: Woik

Nobile Phone:

Contiibutoi #2 (if applicable):

Name: E-



City: State:

Bome Phone: Woik

Nobile Phone:

Contributions or gifts to Susan Davis for Congress are not deductible for federal
income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor organizations' treasury
funds and foreign nationals are probibited.

Email paid for by the DCCC and Authorized by Susan Davis for Congress.

Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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