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Story by Cynthia Rylant Pictures by Sucie Stevenson Wivyers or 1H Tirovor $kuss GriskL AwaRD Henry and Mudge have had many adventures together and you can read them all! Look for these great stories: Henry and Mudge Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Henry and Mudge in the Green Time Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night Henry and Mudge and Annie's Good Move Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet Henry and Mudge and the Tall Tree House Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hoppers House Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase Henry and Mudge and the Funny Luneh Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas Henry and Mudge IN THE Sparkle Days The Fifth Book of Their Adventures Story by Cynthia Rylant Pictures by Sugie Stevenson Ready-to-Read Aladdin Paperbacks To Casey and Jane Rehm—cr For Edwina—ss “THE HENRY AND MUDGE BOOKS se Aladin Papertucks Eicon, 1995, “Text copyright © 1988 by Cynthia Rant stations copyright © 1988 by Suge Stevenson Aladdin Paperbacks ‘A mri of Simon & Schuster Chile's Publishing Distsion 1230 Avenue ofthe Americas [New Yor, NY 10020 llrightsreserved inching the right of reproduction in whole on pate inany form [READV-TO-READ isa repstered erademarkof Simon & Schuster, Ine ‘Aso available i a Sinn Schuster Books for Young Readers Eton “The tent ofthis honk wan se in 18 pe Goy “The lastatons were rendered in pevand-ink and watercolor ‘ted and bound in the United State of Ameria vo 29 28 27-26 25.2423 22.21 “The Library of Congres has cataloged dhe hardcover eon as fellows: Rylan, Cynthia. Henry ard Madge in the pale day: the lth book of thee adventures / story by (Cynthia Rylan pictues by Sugie Stevenson, "The Henry and Mudge hooks"—Jacket Sammy: Inv che winter Henry aa his hig dg, Madge, playin he sn share aly Christina Eve dinner ad gather around | racking wioter fepace 11. Winter—Bietion, 2, Dogs—Bitionl 1. Steven, Sule HL Tide HL Tike: Hey anal Mae Boks 7. ROMAN WSS [EY 86-26432 BN 0-689 810180 he) 0-689-81019-9 (ph) OMOLAK Contents Sparkle Days Christmas Eve Dinner Firelight 5 23 41 S sparta Days = ae. It was winter. Winter! ae Henry and his big dog Mudge loved winter, because Henry and his big dog Mudge loved snow. nah ip) { This winter they were still waiting for the first snow. Henry looked out his window every morning. “Not yet, Mudge,” he would say. Henry looked out his window every night. “Not yet, Mudge,” he would say again. He and Mudge put their noses against the window. They watched the snow sparkle. They were ready for a sparkle day. Then one morning == Henry looked out —= => 7 his window _ : — and he shouted, “Snow, Mudge, snow!” 10 When Henry got dressed to go outside, there wasn’t much of Henry to see. He wore snow boots, snow pants, a snow jacket, snow mittens, and a snow scarf. He also wore a snow mask that let only his eyes and mouth show. When Mudge saw Henry in his snow clothes, he barked and barked and barked at the strange creature. Then Henry took off his mask and showed Mudge his face. Mudge wagged his tail and followed Henry outside. want to run. So, they ran | | in circles | 1 around the yard. | Henry lay down and made snow angels. Mudge lay down and messed them up. He used his nose to dig a little hole. Ah-choo! went Mudge. Snow always made him sneeze. 16 So Henry threw a snowball at him. But Mudge just wagged his tail. “Aw, Mudge,” Henry said, giving him a hug. ® f .> 2 Henry built an icy hideout, [ a and they were snow spies. ae» There were many snow spies = in the neighborhood. = o After four hours of playing, they went back inside. Henry’s hands were wet and his nose was drippy. Mudge’s paws were wet and his nose was drippy. Henry’s mother wiped Henry’s nose. Henry’s mother wiped Mudge’s nose. Then she put a blanket on the floor, and Henry and Mudge curled up on it and fell asleep. Oh, did they love sparkle days. 21 Christmas Eve Dinner Every Christmas Henry’s house sparkled. It sparkled silver. It sparkled gold. > It had a Christmas tree that sparkled millions of colors. Zz eS a 24 The day before Christmas, Henry’s mother and father always cooked a lot. They cooked all day, and the house smelled wonderful. Henry’s mother liked to bake the cookies. Henry helped her cut them and decorate them. She gave a lot of them away. 25 Henry’s father liked to bake the turkey. He took a long time “dressing” it. Henry thought this was a very funny idea. He told Mudge, “Dad’s dressing the turkey.” Then he giggled and giggled. 27 In the evening it was time for Christmas Eve dinner. This dinner was always fancy. They always ate in the dining room instead of the kitchen. And they liked to dress up. Even Henry. It was the only time he liked fancy things. 29 30 Henry’s father put a bright red cloth on the table. He put shiny white dishes on top of the cloth. Henry’s mother brought out two green candlesticks. She put them in the center of the table. Then Henry’s father carried in all the food. Henry, his mother, and his father sat down to eat. They looked at each other. They looked at all the food. “Wow!” Henry said. His mother lit the candles, Poor Mudge, thought Henry. and they began eating. Poor Mudge, thought Henry's parents. But while they ate, they could hear Mudge crying. He hadn't been invited to the fancy Christmas Eve dinner because he was a dog. He had to stay in Henry’s room. They all looked at each other. Then Henry’s father smiled. He got up to find an extra plate. 35 Henry and his mother and his father filled the plate with food. Then Henry let Mudge out of his room. When Mudge came to the table, Henry’s father put the plate of food on the floor. Henry’s mother held one of the candles beside the plate. Mudge wagged his tail and began eating as fast as he could. It was his first fancy dinner in the dining room. It was his first fancy dinner by candlelight. “Merry Christmas, Mudge!” said Henry. Mudge looked at Henry and sneezed some | fancy turkey on him. And they laughed about that all night long. 39 Firelight On winter nights Henry and Henry’s parents and Mudge loved to take walks. They loved to see the warm lights in the houses. we é, e & oe rane es “ ee They loved to see the winter stars in the sky. tee They loved to see the sparkle of the ripe on.the.swhite yards. Es “yi Ps S 4 = rm They felt happy Pa - i. 2 P on these walks. a ‘i Aa we ' Mudge never stopped wagging. e' One night they even saw s we a shooting star. SA we SOMES a, “Make a wish,” said Henry's mother. ed B Henry’s father wished for peace on earth. Henry’s mother wished for her favorite basketball team to win. Henry wished for chocolate pudding every day for the rest of his life. They all wondered what Mudge wished for. “Probably for half , of my chocolate pudding,” oye said Henry. After their walk, they loved coming home to their fireplace. Henry’s father and mother sat on the couch, hugging. Henry and Mudge lay on the floor. 45 aS The wood popped and cracked. No one talked much. The house was quiet, They just watched the flames the room was dark, and thought about the fire was red, sparkle days. and everything was warm. On a winter night, Henry and Henry’s father and Henry’s mother and Henry’s big dog Mudge “Ilive in Oregon with my son, Nate, and our two dogs and one large cat. I have always loved pets. Raised in the country in ‘West Virginia, I was surrounded by hound dogs and barn cats. “When I grew up and found myself raising a boy and dogs, . know all about cold shivers, big tests, happy cats, and wild winds. And especially big drooly lovable dogs.” Iwas inspired to write the Henry and Mudge stor —Cynthia Rylant ASvEL = t AReady-t a Henry and his 180-pound dog Mudge are best friends forever. And in this fifth book of their adventures, they share the joys of winter. 2 Tepes + More-complex stories + Varied sentence structure + Paragraphs and short chapters Visit Henry and Mudge at aa a sa.90/$4.50 CAN Read Book/Classe Story = 50399

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