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designed by Meg Gadsbey

Playful is a fun and straightforward two-colour garter stitch shawl.

Simply choose two beautiful skeins of fingering/4 ply yarn and you’re ready to cast on!

© Meg Gadsbey 2020 | Playful | V2 1

Yarn Requirements
4 ply/Fingering yarn in two contrasting colours, Colour A and Colour B:
Colour A = 380 yards/350 metres
Colour B = 380 yards/350 metres

The lilac grey with undyed cream version was made in Blacker Yarns Tamar Lustre Blend 4 ply (Wensleydale 18%,
Teeswater 18%, Cotswold 17%, Black Leicester Longwool 18%, Cornish Mule 30%; 380 yards/350 metres per
100 grams) in Ottery, 1 skein, and Valency, 1 skein.

The charcoal grey with multi brown/grey version was made in Noro Silk Garden Sock (40% Wool, 25% Silk, 25% Nylon,
10% Mohair; 328 yards/300 metres per 100 grams) in S267, 1 ball, and Hedgehog Fibres Skinny Singles Fingering
(100% Superwash Merino Wool; 400 yards/366 metres per 100 grams) in Charcoal, 1 skein.

Needles & Notions

6 US / 4 mm circular needles, 24 inches/60 cm (to accommodate the large number of stitches), or needle size to
obtain gauge.
Tapestry/yarn needle to weave in yarn ends.

Stitch marker (optional).

18 sts and 36 rows per 4 inches/10 cm in garter stitch after blocking.
Gauge is not crucial but a different gauge will alter the finished size, drape and amount of yarn required.

Finished Measurements
Wingspan across top edge: 84.5 inches/215 cm.
Depth at widest point: 17 inches/43 cm.
All measurements are after blocking.

Pattern Notes
Playful is worked flat in one piece from the top right corner across and downwards. Two increases at the beginning
and one decrease at the end of every RS row creates an asymmetric triangular shape.

You may find it useful to place a stitch marker on the RS of your work to easily differentiate the RS from the WS.

Do not cut the yarn between stripes. Loosely carry the non-working yarn up the side of your work.

The size of the shawl can be adjusted by working more/less repeats of rows 1-4 to suit the amount of yarn you have.

© Meg Gadsbey 2020 | Playful | V2 2


With Colour A, cast on 6 sts.

Knit one row.

Row 1 (RS): With Colour B, kfb, kfb, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. 1 st inc’d.
Row 2 (WS): K to end.

Row 3: With Colour A, kfb, kfb, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. 1 st inc’d.
Row 4: K to end.
You will now have 8 sts on your needles.

Repeat rows 1-4 until yarn is almost finished or you reach desired size of shawl.

Bind-off and Finishing

Bind off loosely.
Cut the yarn and pull the end through the last live stitch to secure it. Weave in yarn ends. Block shawl lightly to
smooth out the fabric. Enjoy your new Playful shawl!

Design Schematic

© Meg Gadsbey 2020 | Playful | V2 3


cm = centimetres
inc'd = increased
k = knit

k2tog = knit two stitches together (decreasing two stitches to one).

kfb = knit through the front and back loop of one stitch (increasing one stitch to two)

mm = millimetres
RS = right side
st(s) = stitch(es)

WS = wrong side of work

Pattern Support
Please send any questions about the pattern to or visit the Atelier group on Ravelry.

© Meg Gadsbey 2020 | Playful | V2 4

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