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InspectR App For Phone Calls


All phone calls that are made to an insured or agent on behalf of Millennium must be made using the
InspectR App. The app will automatically update the attempt sheet with the date, number called and
duration of the call. You will not need to manually add this information to the attempt sheet.

NOTE: You must still print the order ticket for ALL cases. Use of the app does not replace this requirement.

Downloading the InspectR APP to your cell phone

1. Android Users- You can find the app on the Google Play store. The name of the App is
InspectR. Anyone on the original app will need to uninstall it and install the current version that is
available on the Google play store. The old app was unlisted at the beginning of April. There is now only
one version available and it is the new app with full functionality.

2. Apple Users – You will need a special authorization code. This code will be provided on your
email titled “Badge and Account Access”. If you do not receive it, contact your Field Manager. The code
will include a hyper link that will need to be opened for you to download the App. Click and hold the link
which will bring up the following options:

• Open Link

• Add to Reading List

• Copy Link

• Share

Click on "Open Link". This app will NOT be found on the ITunes store.

Signing into the InspectR APP

Sign in using, “MAPS” user name and password. If you forgot your password you can request a password
reset to be sent to your email. You will be prompted to allow the app to have certain permissions, such as
storage, camera, and location.

Documenting attempts (Insured)

To call the insured. Tap on the phone icon next to the insured’s phone number. The phone call will be
placed. The app will log the number called, time, and duration of call. After the call, the attempt sheet will
show on your screen. You will need to: Add the attempt (i.e. left message, spoke to insured, etc.) This is
on a drop-down menu. Add the result (i.e. appointment not made, appointment made, etc.) from drop
down menu. After attempt is logged, you will not be able to go back to the attempt and edit. This will
have to be done through your computer.

Copyright © 2022 Millennium Information Services Inc. All rights reserved.

Documenting attempts (Agent)

To call the agent, tap on agent info, then tap on the phone icon next to the agent’s phone number. The
phone call will be placed. The app will log the number called, time, and duration of call.

Documenting Calls Received by Insured or Agent

If insured or agent calls you, you will need to manually input the information. Tap on the (FAB BUTTON)
“+” sign on the bottom right

Tap on Add Attempt

Add attempt information to the drop -down menus

The app will log the current day and time you input the information

** A Demo video can be found in MAPS. Reference the Information Portal>Training Courses>Millennium

Copyright © 2017 Millennium Information Services Inc. All rights reserved.

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