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Possible Systems (First pick, first reserve)

1. Library Management System:

• Create a system to manage a library's inventory.

• Use classes to represent books, patrons, and library staff.
• Implement methods for borrowing, returning, and searching for books.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of library materials (books, DVDs, magazines).
• Encapsulate data to protect sensitive information.

2. Vehicle Rental System:

• Develop a system to manage vehicle rentals for a rental company.

• Use classes to represent different types of vehicles (car, bike, truck).
• Implement methods for renting, returning, and searching for vehicles.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different vehicle types.
• Encapsulate data related to rental transactions.

3. Online Shopping System:

• Build a system for an online shopping website.

• Use classes to represent products, customers, and orders.
• Implement methods for adding products to the cart, placing orders, and processing payments.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different categories of products.
• Implement interfaces for payment methods to achieve polymorphism.

4. Bank Account Management System:

• Create a system to manage bank accounts for a banking application.

• Use classes to represent different types of accounts (savings, checking, etc.).
• Implement methods for depositing, withdrawing, and transferring money.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different account types.
• Encapsulate sensitive banking information.

5. Employee Management System:

• Develop a system to manage employee data for a company.

• Use classes to represent employees, managers, and departments.
• Implement methods for adding new employees, updating employee information, and calculating
• Utilize inheritance to represent different employee roles.
• Encapsulate data related to employee information.

6. Shape Calculator:

• Create a program to calculate the area and perimeter of different shapes.

• Use classes to represent different shapes (circle, rectangle, triangle).
• Implement methods to calculate area and perimeter for each shape.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different shape types.
• Encapsulate data related to shape properties.

7. Restaurant Management System:

• Build a system to manage restaurant orders and inventory.

• Use classes to represent menu items, orders, and inventory items.
• Implement methods for placing orders, managing inventory, and calculating bills.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different menu item types (food, drinks).
• Encapsulate data related to restaurant operations.

8. University Course Management System:

• Develop a system to manage university courses and student enrollments.

• Use classes to represent courses, students, and instructors.
• Implement methods for enrolling students, dropping students, and managing course schedules.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of courses.
• Encapsulate data related to student and course information.

9. Social Media Platform:

• Create a simple social media platform for users to post updates and connect with friends.
• Use classes to represent users, posts, comments, and friendships.
• Implement methods for posting updates, commenting on posts, and managing friend lists.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of posts (text, image, video).
• Encapsulate data related to user accounts and posts.

10. Online Quiz Application:

• Build a system for conducting online quizzes.

• Use classes to represent quizzes, questions, and participants.
• Implement methods for taking quizzes, scoring answers, and generating results.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of questions (multiple choice, true/false).
• Encapsulate data related to quiz information and participant scores.

11. Online Banking System:

• Develop a system to manage online banking operations.

• Use classes to represent accounts, transactions, and customers.
• Implement methods for transferring funds, viewing transaction history, and managing accounts.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of accounts (savings, checking).
• Encapsulate data related to banking transactions.

12. Inventory Management System:

• Build a system to manage inventory for a retail store.

• Use classes to represent products, suppliers, and inventory items.
• Implement methods for adding products, managing stock levels, and placing orders.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different product categories.
• Encapsulate data related to inventory management.

13. Hotel Reservation System:

• Create a system for managing hotel reservations and bookings.

• Use classes to represent rooms, reservations, and guests.
• Implement methods for booking rooms, checking availability, and managing reservations.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of rooms (standard, deluxe, suite).
• Encapsulate data related to hotel operations.

14. Flight Booking System:

• Develop a system for booking flights and managing reservations.

• Use classes to represent flights, passengers, and bookings.
• Implement methods for booking flights, checking availability, and managing reservations.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of flights (domestic, international).
• Encapsulate data related to flight bookings.

15. Online Auction System:

• Build a system for conducting online auctions.

• Use classes to represent auctions, items, and bidders.
• Implement methods for bidding on items, managing auctions, and closing auctions.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of auction items.
• Encapsulate data related to auction activities.

16. Hospital Management System:

• Create a system to manage patient records and appointments for a hospital.

• Use classes to represent patients, doctors, and appointments.
• Implement methods for scheduling appointments, managing patient records, and tracking medical
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of medical services.
• Encapsulate data related to patient information.

17. Ticket Booking System:

• Develop a system for booking tickets for events (movies, concerts, etc.).
• Use classes to represent events, venues, and tickets.
• Implement methods for booking tickets, checking availability, and managing bookings.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of events (movies, concerts).
• Encapsulate data related to ticket bookings.

18. Online Course Management System:

• Build a system for managing online courses and student enrollments.

• Use classes to represent courses, students, and instructors.
• Implement methods for enrolling students, managing course materials, and tracking progress.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of courses.
• Encapsulate data related to course information and student progress.

19. Employee Payroll System:

• Create a system to manage employee payroll for a company.

• Use classes to represent employees, departments, and payroll information.
• Implement methods for calculating salaries, managing deductions, and generating pay stubs.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of employees (full-time, part-time).
• Encapsulate data related to payroll processing.

20. Fitness Tracking App:

• Develop an application for tracking fitness activities and goals.

• Use classes to represent users, activities, and goals.
• Implement methods for tracking workouts, setting goals, and monitoring progress.
• Utilize inheritance to represent different types of fitness activities.
• Encapsulate data related to user fitness information.

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