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Ma|ntenance department

MalnLenance repalr and operaLlons (M8C) flxlng any sorL

of mechanlcal or elecLrlcal devlce should lL become ouL of order or
broken (known as repalr unscheduled or casualLy malnLenance) lL
also lncludes performlng rouLlne acLlons whlch keep Lhe devlce ln
worklng order (known as scheduled malnLenance) or prevenL Lrouble
from arlslng (prevenLlve malnLenance) M8C may be deflned as All
acLlons whlch have Lhe ob[ecLlve of reLalnlng or resLorlng an lLem ln
or Lo a sLaLe ln whlch lL can perform lLs requlred funcLlon 1he
acLlons lnclude Lhe comblnaLlon of all Lechnlcal and correspondlng
admlnlsLraLlve managerlal and supervlslon acLlons
8CLL Anu lunC1lCnS
Lnsure avallablllLy of all resources requlred for 1urnaround
shuLdowns of unlLs
lan schedule and monlLor acLlvlLles relaLed Lo 1urnaround
shuL downs Lo ensure safely Llmely compleLlon wlLhln Lhe
budgeLed cosL
llnallze all mechanlcal SC's for 1urnaround shuLdowns as per
relevanL sLandards and safeLy norms
Lnforce admlnlsLraLlve conLrol and manage l8 relaLed lssues of
Lhe conLracLs
Lxplore lnnovaLlve meLhodologles / modern Lechnlques and
adopL for upgradaLlon of malnLenance pracLlces
repare ueparLmenLal budgeL monlLor expendlLure
roposal of nC8 lLems for Lhe 1u secLlon
reparaLlon of L8's for dlrecL charge maLerlal and servlce
1echnlcal revlews of Lhe quoLaLlons
8evlew of check prlnLs of Lnglneerlng drawlngs
lan for lmplemenLaLlon of lmprovemenL and modlflcaLlon
schemes (MCC)
lnspecLlon of maLerlals procured aL Warehouse and aL vendors
lannlng and schedullng of 1l acLlvlLles Lhru rlmavera
uLlllsaLlon of Maxlmo for malnLenance acLlvlLles
CeneraLe weekly and monLhly uepL MlS reporLs
8esponse Lo Lhe querles of PCCAudlLvlgllance eLc
CoordlnaLlon wlLh all secLlons of MalnLenance for Lralnlng

@pes of ma|ntenance
8reakdown malnLenance lL means LhaL people walLs unLll
equlpmenL falls and repalr lL Such a Lhlng could be used when Lhe
equlpmenL fallure does noL slgnlflcanLly affecL Lhe operaLlon or
producLlon or generaLe any slgnlflcanL loss oLher Lhan repalr cosL
lanned malnLenance lanned MalnLenance ls a scheduled servlce
vlslL carrled ouL by a compeLenL and sulLable agenL Lo ensure LhaL an
lLem of equlpmenL ls operaLlng correcLly and Lo Lherefore avold any
unscheduled breakdown and downLlme
revenLlve malnLenance lL ls a dally malnLenance ( cleanlng
lnspecLlon olllng and reLlghLenlng ) deslgn Lo reLaln Lhe healLhy
condlLlon of equlpmenL and prevenL fallure Lhrough Lhe prevenLlon
of deLerloraLlon perlodlc lnspecLlon or equlpmenL condlLlon
dlagnosls Lo measure deLerloraLlon.
Corrective maintenance: lL lmproves equlpmenL and lLs componenLs
so LhaL prevenLlve malnLenance can be carrled ouL rellably
LqulpmenL wlLh deslgn weakness musL be redeslgned Lo lmprove
rellablllLy or lmprovlng malnLalnablllLy

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