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Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan
1Pl8u L8lCulCAL 1LS1
Name: ______________________ Score: ____ Date: _______

l ulrecLlon 8ead Lhe senLences carefully Lnclrcle Lhe leLLer of Lhe correcL answer
1 Crade v puplls wlll presenL a choral presenLaLlon WhaL Lense of Lhe verb?
a resenL Lense b luLure Lense c asL Lense d resenL perfecL Lense
2 My broLher and l LaughL of havlng vegeLable garden lasL monLh Whlch word ln Lhe senLence
shows pasL form of Lhe verb?
A havlng b LaughL c garden d broLher
3 Lach group wlll prepare a dance number Lomorrow WhaL Llme expresslon shows fuLure
Lense of Lhe verb?
a wlll prepare b number c Lomorrow d group
Llme expresslon shows fuLure Lense of Lhe verb?
a wlll prepare b number c Lomorrow d group
4 valerle ls a beauLlful glrl 8aLangas ls a nlce place SampagulLa smells good 1he underllned
words descrlbe a person place and Lhlngs refers Lo _____________
a adverb b verb c ad[ecLlve d noun
3 8lpe mango ls sweeLer Lhan plneapple Whlch ls Lhe comparaLlve degree of ad[ecLlve?
a mango b plneapple c ls d sweeLer
6 8ad news __________ fasL Whlch ls Lhe correcL form of Lhe verb Lo compleLe Lhe senLence?
aLravel b Lravelllng c ls Lravel d Lravels
7 l_________ _my grandparenLs on Lhe farm lasL SaLurday CompleLe Lhe senLence wlLh Lhe
correcL verb
A wlll vlslL b vlslL c vlslL d vlslLed
8 AcLlons are beLLer Lhan words Whlch ls Lhe lrregular verb?
A acLlons b words c beLLer d Lhan
9 All around us we all are wonders of naLure uo you appreclaLe our ______________ world?
a wonder b wonderful c wonderfulness d wonderers
10 llag of naLlons are symbollc WhaL does our ______________symbollzes?
a naLlon b flag c symbollc d naLonal
11Caryl ls fasL reader 1he underllned word funcLlon as________________?
a ad[ecLlve b verb c noun d pronoun
12 ulamond ls Lhe ____________of all subsLances on earLh
a hard b harder c hardesL d more hard
ll 8ead and ldenLlfy Lhe verb LhaL express Lhe presenL Llme WrlLe Lhe correcL word 1317
Llke oLher anlmals lnsecL grow and change 1hey become adulLs and Lhen laLer on L
hey dle 8efore
1hey dle some of Lhe adulLs produce Lhelr young 1he changes and Lhe growLh ln Lhe llfe of an
organlsm llke an
lnsecL make up a llfe cycle ls a paLLern LhaL ls repeaLed
13 14
13 16 17
lll 8ead each seL of expresslon and declde whaL mood ls aroused ln you Choose Lhe leLLer lf
Lhe correcL answer
18 lL was Llme of harvesL Pundreds of rlce sLalks llned Pamaguche's fleld lL has been a flne
harvesL and LonlghL
uown ln Lhe vlllage everyone has havlng a good Llme
a anxleLy b boredome c conLenLmenL d sad
19 1he bell rlnger ln Lhe Lemple on Lhe hlll saw Lhe flames and seL blg bell bloomlng And down
on Lhe beach
1he people Lurned and began Lo cllmb Lhe hlll lf hamaguchl' s rlce fleld were flre noLhlng would
keep Lhem from helplng hlm
a Anger b heslLaLlon c curloslLy d happy
20 When Lhe sea wenL back noL a house was lefL below Lhem on Lhe hlllslde or along Lhe
shore 1he whole
vlllage had been swepL away 1he vlllage people sLood sllenL Lears on Lhelr eyes fell
a Crlef b cheerfulness c despalr d exclLed
21 1hen Lhe people awoke as lf from Lhe dream and undersLood Pamaguchl had made
hlmself poor Lo saw
Lhe vlllage people and Lhey bowed Lhelr foreheads Lo Lhe ground before hlm
a graLlLude b sympaLhy c happy d empaLhy
22 !asmlne always helplng hls parenLs does Lhe dally household chores WhaL LralLs shown by
Lhe characLer
a klnd b lndusLrlous c lazy d shy
23 1he sLreeL on Lhe fronL of Lhe facLory was allve wlLh men Some were Lalklng and shaklng
Lhelr flsLs Many
Cf Lhose are llsLenlng nodded Lhelr head vlgorously Lhelr eyes flashlng and glarlng aL Lhe slgn
of Lhe wall
Where on Lhe sLrlke" 1hey were a angry b exclLed c fearful dhappy
24 8rlLney has red blue and yellow palnL She knows LhaL she can make palnL by mlxlng red
and yellow
LogeLher She can make purple by mlxlng red and blue !enny drew a baskeL fllled wlLh
oranges 1o palnL
Cranges 8rlLney wlll______________
amlx blue and yellow palnL LogeLher b mlx red and blue palnL LogeLher
c mlx red and yellow palnL LogeLher
23 Ceoff and hls famlly wenL camplng 1hey broughL along a LenL Lo sleep ln and some hoLdogs
Lo eaL
When Ceoff and hls famlly felL hungry Lhey made a campflre Lhen Lhey_____________
a wenL Lo cook Lhe hoLdogs over Lhe campflre b wenL Lo go Lo sleep lnslde Lhe LenL
c wenL home and looked for food
26 Cne 1hursday uarren's Leacher Lold Lhe class LhaL Lhere would be a maLh LesL on lrlday
uarren has LesL he sLudles hard Lhe nlghL before Cn 1hursday nlghL uarren ___________
a WenL Lo parLy b slepL early c sLudled hard d waLched Lv
27 Mr !ames owns a flsh markeL 8efore he opens lL he goes Lo Lhe flshlng boaLs and geLs Lhe
flsh LhaL he wlll sell LhaL day Larly Monday mornlng Mr !ames __________________
a wenL Lo Lhe markeL Lo buy flsh
b wenL Lo Lhe flshlng boaLs Lo geL flsh c wenL Lo Lhe flshlng boaLs Lo sell flsh
lv Change Lhe followlng phrases lnLo compound ad[ecLlves
28 A presldenL for Lwo Lerms___________________________________
29 A hlsLory of a hundred years_______________________________________

8ead Lhe followlng senLences carefully Lnclrcle Lhe leLLer of Lhe correcL answer
30 Mr erez Where wlll you sLay nexL monLh?
Mr 8los l_______ Lo 8omblon for a much needed resL nexL summer
a Pad gone b have gone c wlll go d wenL
31 Mr 8los Pow abouL you? WhaL ls your plan?
Mr erez l __________ plgs ln Lhe backyard
a wlll be ralslng b wlll ralse c am ralslng d ralsed
uL a check lf Lhe underllned words correcLly expressed and cross lf noL Change lL lf lL ls
_________32 8hlne ls Cermany's longer rlver and Lhe world's buslesL waLerway
_________33 uanlsh pasLrles are more dellclous Lhan negerlan pasLrles
_________34 1he lron CaLes are Lhe specLacular walls of ln Samarl
8ead each slLuaLlon below and predlcL whaL may happen nexL
33 Mr Angeles Leaches arL Cne day he Look hls class Lo Lhe zoo 1he chlldren saL ln fronL of
Lhe llon's cage Mr 1an gave Lhe paper and crayons
a 1he chlldren wlll draw plcLures of llon c 1he chlldren wlll go home early
b 1he chlldren wlll wrlLe a sLory abouL Lhe llon
36 Cn Lhe way back Lo school Lhe school chlldren asked Mr 8oy lf Lhey could draw plcLures of
Mr Angeles llked Lhe ldea
a Mr Angeles wlll use Lape Lo hang Lhe plcLures c 1he class wlll draw plcLures of Lhe
b 1he class wlll draw Lhe plcLure of Mr Angeles
37 ln Lhe class room Mr Angeles looked aL Lhe plcLures Pe LaughL Lhey were flne Pe wanLed
everyone who comes lnLo Lhe classroom Lo see Lhem Mr Angeles Look some Lapes ouL of hls
desk drawer
a Mr Angeles wlll use Lape Lo hang Lhey plcLures
b Mr Angeles wlll use Lhe Lape Lo flx hls desk drawer
c Mr Angeles wlll puL Lhe plcLures Lo hls desk drawer
38 1he workers puL on Lhelr hard haLs 1he crane operaLor goL lnLo Lhe crab of Lhe crane Pe
Lurned Lhe englne one 1he heavy wrecklng ball began Lo swlng back and forLh on Lhe meLal
a 1he race wlll sLarL b 1he englne wlll noL work c Lveryone wlll walk away
WhaL LralL ls shown ln each slLuaLlon? Choose from Lhe box below
39 A boy lendlng a hand Lo an old woman who ls crosslng Lhe sLreeL________________
40 A man sharlng hls wealLh Lo Lhe poor______________
41 A glrl plcklng up candy wrappers lnslde Lhe room
klnunLSS PLLluLnLSS CCu81LS?
WrlLe Lhe correcL words
42 Cood ls Lo be beLLer Lherefore much ls Lo ________________
43 8eauLlful ls Lo ad[ecLlves whlle dance ls Lo ________________
44 1aller ls Lo comparaLlve whlle LallesL ls Lo ________________
43 Less ls Lo leasL whlle more ls Lo ____________________
CompleLe Lhe puzzle wlLh Lhe Lwo word verbs deflned

49 33 33

47 34





46 llnd Lhe meanlng 47 CrlLlclze
48 1ook care of 49 ulrecL eyes
31 uress oneself 30 Move wlLh hasLe
32 ulscard Lhrow 33 Work perslsLenLly
34 ConLlnue 33 uelay posLpone

8LA8Lu 8?


Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan
NAME: __________________________ Score: ____ Date: ________________
ul8LC1lCn WrlLe Lhe leLLer of Lhe correcL answer
1 Many people belleve LhaL nuclear energy ls a LhreaL Lo human llfe 1hls senLence ls __________
a Slmple c Complex
b Compound d lmperaLlve
2 ldenLlfy Lhe slmple senLence among Lhe glven senLence
a My slsLer ls walLlng for me ouLslde
b She had a very nlce volce and Lhe audlence appreclaLed lL
c AfLer she came home AnLoneLLe helped her moLher
d 1he school admlnlsLraLlon glves Lhelr full supporL Lo Lhe players
3 Whlch ls Lhe compound senLence?
a Mary loves Lo go ouL for dlnner
b l sLudled hard Lo pass Lo Lhe LesL buL l falled
c l was ln Lhe llblary when you called
d 1he Leacher came afLer Lhe flag ceremony ls over
A Supply Lhe approprlaLe con[uncLlon ln Lhe followlng senLences
4 My faLher boughL me a dress _____ my moLher was walLlng ouLslde
a And b 8uL c 8ecause d Whlle
3 She sang as lf lL was her lasL
a And b lf c buL d whlle
6 1he pasLry ls over_______ she lmmedlaLely lefL Lhe place
a and b buL c because d afLer
7 Whlch ls a dependenL clause ln Lhe followlng senLence? 1haL ls Lhe chalr LhaL we made
a 1haL ls Lhe chalr c Lhe chalr LhaL we made
b LhaL we made d chalr LhaL we made
8 Whlch ls Lhe lndependenL clause ln Lhls senLence?
* She smlled even lf lL hurLs lnslde
a She smlled c lL hurLs lnslde
b even lf lL hurLs d she smlled even lf
9 ldenLlfy Lhe subordlnaLe clause lf l found m walleL afLer l had searched Lhe room
a l found my walleL c l had searched Lhe room
b AfLer l had searched Lhe room d searched Lhe room
10 Choose Lhe correcL form of Lhe verb lnslde Lhe parenLhesls
nobody________ a beerer
a WanL b wanLs c wanLed d wlll wanLs
11 noL one of Lhe ladles _________ Lhe correcL answer
a know b knows c knew d wlll know
12 Lveryone _________ Lo wln Lhe game
a expecL b expecLs c expecLed d wlll expecL
13 LlLher lf Lhe room's _________ occupled
a am b ls c are d were
14 Lveryone _________Lhe rlghL Lo choose beLween good and bad
a has b have c had d wlll have
13 lew _________aLLended Lhe general assembly
a has b have c had d wlll have
16 CompleLe Lhe senLence by supplylng Lhe presenL perfecL Lense o Lhe verb
*l (see) _______ guesL already
a am b saw c have seen d wlll see
17 Pe (declde)_________Lo qulL smoklng
a decldes b declde c has declded d wlll declde
18 8hona (come)_________ Lo Lhe parLy
a come b came c comes d has come
19 My parenLs have llved ln Lhese house ___________LwenLy years
a slnce b for c afLer d before
20 lanLs are belng desLroyed by pesLs and naLural calamlLles 1hls senLence ls
a AcLlve b passlve c lmperaLlve d requesL

21 Pls wlfe Look hlm Lo Lhe hosplLal
a acLlve b passlve c lmperaLlve d requesLs
22 Lveryone ____________Lhey can [oln Lhe acLlvlLy on SaLurday
A hopes b wlshes c Lells d sees
23 Sonla _________ LhaL her moLher ls sLlll allve
a hopes b wlshes c Lells d sees
24 !alme __________ he could fly
a hopes b wlshes c Lells d sees
23 Whlch of Lhe followlng senLences shows causeeffecL relaLlonshlp ?
a Lduardo recelved an award lnvenLlons were useful
b Lduardo Lry Lo lnvenL useful Lhlngs desplLe hls condlLlon
c Lduardo s very creaLlve person
d Lduardo lnvenLed Lhe Camela coco bell
26 l dldn'L have a good nlghL sleep 1hls senLence ls
a cause b effecL c slmple d phrase
27 1he chlld was sLrong and healLhy 1hls senLence ls
a cause b effecL c slmple d phrase
28 1he people who llved ln Lhe mounLaln have conLlnued cuLLlng Lrees for lumber wlLhouL replaclng
Lhem WhaL wlll happen lf Lhls pracLlce conLlnues?
a 1here wlll be more houses
b 1he mounLaln wlll become healLhy and clean
c 1here wlll be droughL and flood
d Lhere wlll be more fo
29 lrederlck was very hungry Pe saw hls playmaLes eaLlng
a lrederlck wlll grab Lhe food wlLhouL asklng
b lrederlck wlll sLare aL Lhe food
c lrederlck wlll ask hls playmaLes Lo share hlm some food
d lrederlck wlll lgnore hls classmaLes
30 Ms umall was walklng when her purse feel unnoLlced
Cne of her puplls saw lL
a 1he pupll wlll noL plck up Lhe purse
b 1he pupll wlll plck Lhe purse
c 1he pupll wlll lgnore Lhe purse
d 1he pupll wlll smlle wlLh whaL he saw
31 Mr Suarez worked ln Lhe farmer planL CneLlme he and hls companlons were worklng under Lhe
ground when suddenly Lhey heard a sLrong expulslon Lhey run Loward Lhe openlng buL Lhe flre closed
on Lhelr way ouL WhaL do you Lhlnk wlll happen?
a 8esources were able Lo save Lhem
b 1hey are dled lnslde
c Lhey losL sLrengLh
d no one has survlved
32 lL ls ralnlng hard now LlLa forgoL Lo brlng her umbrella when she wenL Lo school Lhls mornlng
a She would go home under Lhe raln
b She would sleep ln Lhe school
c She would borrow an umbrella from a classmaLes who llves nearby
d She would noL go home
33 1he llghLs wenL off 1omas needs Lo sLudy for hls LesL Lhe followlng day
a Pe would sleep early
b Pe would cry
c Pe would use Lhe candle
d Pe would noL sLudy more
34 1he people declded Lo recycle Lhelr Lrack lnsLead of Lhrowlng Lhem away 1hey also engaged ln
collage lndusLrles sewlng handlcrafLs eLc
a 1he people would be able Lo economlze
b 1he people would be healLhy
c 1he communlLy would have zero nolse polluLlon
d 1he people would be lazy
33 ldenLlfy Lhe characLer LhaL of Lhe person ln each of Lhe followlng slLuaLlons
*nelson sLopped hls class agaln because he ls ___________
A dlllgenL b lazy c exclLed d lonely
36 Llza saw her besL frlend afLer Len years so she's happy She even crled She ls_________
a cold b senLlmenLal c overacLlng d angry

37 Marlsa asslsLed her moLher ln washlng Lhelr cloLhes She ls ____
a lndlfferenL b klnd c helpful d angry
38 1he puplls donaLed canned goods Lo Lhe Lahar vlcLlms 1hey are________
a generous b selflsh c healLhy d angry
39 Carlo pull Lhe dogs Lall and klcked lL Lwlce Pe ls____________
a klnd b cruel c smarL d angry
40 8achelle reLurned Lhe waLch she found ln Lhe canLeen She ls___________
a greedy b honesL c funny d angry
41 ?ou should noL have done LhaL! Care was Loo klnd Lo be hurL by you erhaps you should go Lo Lhe
[all 1he speaker was______
a happy b sad c angry d envy
42 1he lady was wearlng a black dress 1he lady was her were relaLlves sobblng ln Lears 1he lady
a grlef b happy c angry d sad
43 l dldn'L know lf he's comlng back l am noL sure lf he wlll pay everyLhlng LhaL he owed me My bllls
are all here and l do noL know how l can pay Lhem 1he speaker was__________
a glad b angry c confused d envy
44 uanLe was wearlng a very whlle unlform Pls moLher remlnded hlm Lo be careful and keep hls shlrL
clean ln school he played wlLh hls classmaLes and solled hls shlrL wlLh hls grease from a park vehlcle
where he hlde hlmself WhaL do you Lhlnk hls moLher do Lo hlm?
a Pe wlll be scolded by hls moLher
b Pls moLher wlll be happy
c Pls moLher wlll wash Lhe shlrL aL once
d Pls moLher wlll be proud
43 8elen wenL Lo see a play aL Lhe school audlLorlum She arrlved laLe and dlscovered Lhe performers
were already on Lhe sLage 8elen was asked Lo be seaLed unLll Lhe scene ended WhaL should 8elen do?
A Complaln Lo Lhe LlckeL agenL
b WalL ln Lhe rear seaL
c Complaln loudly
d Co home


Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan

MAME: ____________________ Score: _____ Dofe _________________

ulrecLlon 8ead each lLem carefully Choose Lhe besL answer and wrlLe lL on your paper
1 Clndy had a cake on her blrLhday She goL 3/3 of lL and shared Z Lo her frlend WhaL parL of Lhe
whole cake dld Clndy's frlend recelved? Show Lhe plece of cake Clndy's frlend recelved?
a 1/2 x 3/3n b Z x 2/2n c 3/3 x 2/2 n d 3/3 x 3/3 n
2 uraw a recLangle Shade Z of Lhe recLangle Lhen shade 1/3 of Lhe shaded parL of Lhe whole ls
shaded Lwlce? SelecL Lhe besL lllusLraLlon
a b c d

3 WhaL expresslon can you glve Lo Lhls flgure?

a 1/2 of 20 b 3/10 of 20 c 1/8 of 20
4 !anlce has 8 books lf x of Lhem are Lhlck how many books are Lhlck? Show whaL parL of a
number of books are Lhlck?
a b d

3 of Lhe square ls shaded once 2/3 of Lhe ls shaded Lwlce WhaL parL of Lhe area was shaded
a 1/2 b x c 1/6 d 1/8
6 Llno caughL 24 caLflsh ln Lhe rlce flelds Pe sold 2/3 of Lhem and Lhe remalnlng flsh was cooked for
Lhelr supper Pow many caLflshes were noL sold?
a7 b 6 c 9 d 8
7 Mrs Saldona flnlshed embrolderlng Z of Lhe 2 2/4 MeLers of plna cloLh for 8arong 1agalog Pow
many meLers of plna cloLh were noL embroldered?
a Z b 2/3 c 1 x d 4/3
8 Allng 8osa boughL 4 Z kllos of poLaLoes ln Lhe markeL She used of Lhe poLaLoes for chlcken salad
and Lhe resL for omeleL Pow many kllos of poLaLoes dld she use? lor omeleL?
a 430 Z 2/3 c 430 and 2/3
b Z and 2/3 d 430 and 1/2 a 6/8 kg b 1 1/8 kg c 1/3 kg
d 2/3 kg
9 A boy earns 430 ln a half monLh by worklng ln ur 8ello's cllnlc Lvery payday he glves hls moLher
2/3 of hls salary and keeps Lhe resL for hls school expenses Pow much does he glve hls moLher? Whlch
phrase does lL asked?
A amounL Lhe boy earns ln Z monLh
a parL of Lhe salary glven Lo hls moLher
b amounL of money Lhe boy glves for hls school
c amounL of money Lhe boy glves for hls school
10 WhaL facLs are needed Lo solve Lhe problem ln number 9?
a 430 Z and 2/3 c 430 and 1/3
b Z and 2/3 d 430 and Z
11 WhaL should you do Lo solve problem no 9 ?
a Add Z and 1/3 c SubLracL 2/3 from 430
b MulLlply 2/3 from 430 d ulvlde 400 and 2/3
12 1he promoLer of Lhe culLural show was able Lo sell 200 LlckeLs and 130 souvenlr programs 9/10 of
Lhls LlckeL were pald Whlch number senLence wlll glve Lhe number of unpald LlckeLs

a 9/10 200 100 1/10 c 200 (200 x 9/10) n
b 9/10 + 200 200 9/10 d (9/10 +130 23) ( 200 133 63)
13 Mr Luna broughL home a plzza Pe gave Z of lL Lo hls Lree chlldren And Look 1/3 from Lhe parL LhaL
remalned for hls wlfe WhaL parL of Lhe plzza dld Mr and Mrs Luna share? Whlch number senLence flLs
Lhe problem?
a( 2/3 x Z ) +(1/2 3) n c Z x Z 2 n
b 2/3 x Z n d Z 1/3 2 n
14 WhaL ls Lhe correcL answer ln lowesL Lerm?
a 2/3 b Z c 1/3 d 2/6
lrom Lhe lllusLraLlon glven below answer Lhe followlng quesLlon by chooslng Lhe correcL answer

13 WhaL ls Lhe raLlo of blg plne Lrees Lo small plne Lrees?
a 33 b 33 c 11 d 12
16 WhaL ls Lhe raLlo of small plne Lrees Lo Lhe LoLal no of plne Lrees?
a 23 b 12 c 11 d 21
17 lf Lwo blg plne Lrees wlll be cuL down whaL wlll be Lhe raLlo of Lhe blg plne Lrees LhaL were lefL Lo Lhe
LoLal number of coconuL Lrees lefL ?
a 21 b 103 c 313 d 13
18 Look aL Lhe numbers below and glve Lhe raLlo of odd numbers Lo even numbers uslng colon
12 3 10 4 9 3 8 13 11
a 33 b 43 c 34 d 43
19 1ake away 10 4/1000 from 13 6/1000 WhaL ls Lhe answer?
a 3002 b 302 c 32 d 3020
20 lf 3/100 2/100 03 3/100 2/10 n WhaL ls Lhe value of n ?
a 700 b 007 c 0007 d 07
21 Caloy wlll [og 8 8/10 kllomeLers lf he has [ogged 3 13/100 kllomeLers how many kllomeLers he
has Lo [og more? Lxpress your answer ln declmal form
a 313 km b 331 km c 313km d 331 km
SLudy Lhe numbers below Clve Lhe place value of each dlglL WrlLe your answer lnslde Lhe shape

3602 97348

27 A blg flsh welghlng 783 kllogram losL 003 kllogram afLer cleanlng WhaL was Lhe welghL of Lhe
flsh afLer lL was cleaned?
a 73301 kg b 74382 kg c 743 kg d 733 kg
28 Mr CorLez used 0736 of !apanese paper ln maklng Lhe klLe of hls son and 033 of Lhe same maLerlal
ln maklng a paper ball Pow much !apanese paper was used ln all?
a 2168 b 8 261 c 1286 d 6 821
29 8ona spenL 1230 for a noLebook 473 for a ball pen and 2000 for a pad paper AfLer spendlng
Lhese amounLs she found ouL LhaL she had 373 lefL Pow much dld she have aL all?
a 4230 b 3723 c 4030 d 3773

30 Look aL Lhe flgure llnd Lhe sum of Lhe number lnslde Lhe Lrlangles and Lhen Lake away Lhe number
lnslde Lhe recLangle WhaL ls Lhe answer? WrlLe lL lnslde Lhe clrcle

1472 307

31 Myrna boughL a ream of bond paper for 10683 a box of crayons for 3373 Pow much dld she
pay for Lhe ream of bond paper and a boLLle of correcLlon fluld?
a 14260 b 12433 c 123 30 d 16810
32 !ose has a hundred peso blll Pe ordered a burger for 2930 a boLLle of sofL drlnks for 1273 and a
pack of lrench frles for 2330 whlle hls besL frlend 8omy ordered spagheLLl for 4900 Lo Lhe burger
sLore Pow much change should !ose geL lf he would pay only Lhe lrench frles?
A 7730 b 7730 c 8630 d 9630
33 LlLa boughL a school bag for 19993 noLebooks for 8730 ballpens and penclls for
4373Marldhel boughL shampoo for 12330 soap for 78and Lowel for 21300 who pald Lhe blgger
amounL? WhaL ls Lhe dlfference?
a LlLa 8330 b Marldhel 8330 c LlLa 7330 d Marldhel 7330
34 Lach sack of alay welghs an average of 4613 kg lf Lhe Lraller had 316 sacks Pow many kllograms ls
Lhe LoLal load of Lhe Lraller?
a 2281340 b2831340 c 2381340 d 2431840
33 8lzza has 06 cakes She gave 03 of lL Lo her frlend !ane WhaL parL of Lhe cake was glven Lo [ane?
use a model Lo show your answer
36 use an lllusLraLlon Lo show Lhe producL of 03 and 03
37 ln Lhe equaLlon A x 8 C whaL ls C lf A ls 03 and 8 ls 06?
a 018 b 18 c 18 d C180
38 MulLlply 08 by Lhe dlfference of 03 and 0211he resulL ls _____________
a0072 b 072 c 72
39 WhaL ls Lhe value of n ln Lhe equaLlon 023 x 08 n
a20 b 2 c02 d 002
40 ln mulLlplylng declmals numbers mulLlply Lhe same way as ln ___________
a MulLlplylng fracLlons b mulLlplylng whole numbers c mulLlplylng lnLegers d mulLlplylng
41 ln mulLlpllcaLlon Lhe declmal place ln Lhe producL ls deLermlned by __________________
a counLlng Lhe declmal place of Lhe flrsL facLor
b counLlng Lhe declmal place of Lhe second facLor
c counLlng Lhe declmal place of Lhe dlvlsor
d counLlng Lhe LoLal number of declmal places ln boLh facLors
42 Whlch of Lhe followlng shows LhaL a whole number ls mulLlplled by a mlxed declmal?
a 07 x 147 1029 b 7 x 147 1029 c 007 x 14 7 1029 d 07 x 147 1029
43lf you subLracL 02 from me and Lhen mulLlply by o3 you geL 13 WhaL number am l?
a 302 b 302 c 32 d 302
44 ln Lhe equaLlon 834 x n 22933 WhaL ls Lhe number should be replaced for n ?
a 0273 b273 c 273 d 273a
43 Whlch of Lhese shows Lhe correcL producL?
a 923 x 33 3233 c 963 x 32 3088
b 724 x 43 3238 d 836 x 62 33082
46 Carlos ls a balloL vendor lL cosL 773 each and sells Lhem for 800 each Pow much money does he
earn from 100 balloL" LhaL he sells?

47 uavld earns 2330 a day by selllng newspaper Pow much does he earn ln 10 days?
48 WhaL declmal number when mulLlplled by 076 wlll glve a producL of 0076?
49 ln Lhe mulLlpllcaLlon equaLlon23 x n 000023 whaL ls Lhe value of n?
30 LlLo and !oel are boLh parL Llme workers ln one company LlLo was pald aL a raLe of 4373 per
hour Pow wlll Lhey earn ln LhaL raLe for 20 days lf llLo works 6 hours dally and !oel 3 hours dally?
Who earns a blgger amounL of money?
a !oel b boLh LlLo and !oel c none of Lhe Lwo d LlLo

31 Whlch of Lhe followlng lllusLraLlons show LhaL 033 ls dlvlded by 03?
a b

c d


32 WhaL ls 3 Llmes Lhe quoLlenL of 2412 by 12?
a 0201 b 1003 c 3201 d 1003
33 Whlch ls Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls Lhe flrsL sLep ln dlvldlng declmal by anoLher declmal?
a dlvlde as we dlvlde Lhe whole number
b allgn Lhe declmal polnL of Lhe quoLlenL Lo LhaL of Lhe dlvldend
c Make Lhe dlvlsor as Lhe whole number
d Move Lhe declmal polnL of Lhe dlvldend
34 WhaL ls 63 more Lhan Lhe quoLlenL of L486 by 00?
a 0873 b 873 c 8730 d 873
33 Mr and Mrs Carcla earn a LoLal of hp6 47673 a monLh 1helr weekly expenses ls hp 1 07630
lor how many weeks do Lhey saved Lhe amounL of hp16 20073?
a 7 weeks b 8 weeks c 9 weeks d 10 weeks
36 lf l pald hp6123 for 7 bars o Mr Clean Soap and hp6680 for 2 boxes of LooLhpasLe how much
was Lhe bar
of soap? Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe correcL number senLence?
a 6123 7 n nhp 3423
b 6123 +6680 7 n nhp 1829
c 6123 7 n nhp 873
d 6680 2 n nhp 3340
37 Mr 8eyes boughL 12 narra seaLs for hp 300473 Lhe owner of Lhe sLore gave hlm 2 chalrs as a
free Pow much ls Lhe cosL per seaL?
a hp13040 b hp23040 c hp33040 d hp43040
38 An L81 Lraln runs 1323 km back and Lhe forLh Lo 8aclaran Lo carrled aL abouL how many km ls one
way of Lhe Lrlp ?
a 1323 2 n c 1323 2 n
b 1323 x2 n d 1323 + 2 n
3960 Mr 8eyes works as a house helper Per annual salary ls hp13 80670 She saves one half of her
monLhly salary Lo her savlngs accounL ln a bank Pow much wlll she save wlLhln 3 monLhs?
39 WhaL ls Lhe hldden quesLlon ln Lhe above problem?
60 Pow much wlll Mr 8eyes saved ln 3 monLhs?

uu\ i(i l`l[`C`l!

Mrs.Eva M.Alvarez


Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan

NAME: __________________________ Score: ____ Date: ________________

. Direction: Read each questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Arrange from least to greatest 4/8, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8.
2. Arrange each set of fraction from greatest to least 5 3/7, 5 1/7, and 5 4/7.
3. Write > or >. 2/3 3/4.
4. To order dissimilar fractions, units them as ______ fractions first then compare them two at a time.
5. To add dissimilar fractions, first rename the dissimilar fractions as _______fractions then add.
6. To add whole number and fractions first express the fractions as----------------fractions.
7. Then, the ______ the fractions.
8. Lastly, Add the ________ numbers.
9. To subtract dissimilar fractions first find the ____________.
10. Then rename as ___________ fractions.
11. Subtract. Express the difference in __________ if needed.
12. Subtracting a fraction from a whole number is to change the whole number to __________.
13. To multiply a fraction and a mixed number, first rename the mixed number to ________ fractions.
14. To fractions are said to be reciprocal of each other if their product is _____________.
15. Multiplying a fraction to another fraction will make the value of the fraction __________.
16. Renaming a whole number to one will mean the numerator is equal to the __________.
17. To divide the fraction, we multiply the two fractions, after inserting or getting the reciprocal the
18. f 1/10 is 10/100, what is the reciprocal of 20//100?
19. What is the reciprocal of 3 2/3?
20. n 12 1 1/3 what will you inert?
. Comprehension: Give the correct answer.
21. Write > or < or =for each. .
7 5/11 7 8/11
22. 5 6/7 5 5/7

23 .Arrange this fraction forms greatest to lowest.
1/3, 1/5,
24. + = N
25. What is the sum of 4/5 +2 +3/4 +2 = N
26. Complete the box.
3 3/7 = _N_
3 35

+ 4 2/5 = 4 _N_ =

27. Find the value of n in - 1/5 = N

28. Complete the box. _n_
= 20
- 1/5 20

29 Lxpress Lhe dlfference ln lowesL Lerm lf posslble ln 36 3/23
30 WhaL ls Z of 2/3?

31 llnd Lhe mlsslng number ln 2/3 x 2 Z 3 x 2
34 Lxpress Lhe quoLlenL ln lowesL Lerm 4 x
33 WhaL ls Lhe quoLlenL of 3/8 8?
lll AppllcaLlon
36 Add Lxpress ln lowesL Lerms 6 +3 Z

37 9 4/7 + 62/3 n

38 7/8 2/3 n

39 12 2/3 n

40 60 Z 9/12 n

41 2/3 x 2/3 n

42 2/3 x 2 Z n

43 2/3 x 4 n

44 9 1 Z n

43 8/10 1/3 n

v Plgher Level
ulrecLlon 8ead Lhe problem and solve for Lhe answer
46 lor champorado Allng Slml uses 2 cups of malagklL cup concoa powder 1 cup sugar and 4/3
powdered mllk Pow much mlxLure does she use for champorado?

47 8ey has 2 Z hours Lo flnlsh hls pro[ecL Pe had already worked for hour Pow much Llme has he

48 8lco had 10 2/3 meLers per kllos Pe shared of lL Lo hls broLher Pow many meLers of sLrlng dld he
glve hls broLhers?

49 lf each plllow care needs meLer per lace for decoraLlon how many plllow cases can she decoraLe
wlLh 6 meLers of lace?

30 Mr 8eyes ls a [ewelry maker ln 8ulacan Pe uses 3 1/3 grams of gold Lo make a college rlng Pow
many college rlngs can he make from 10 grams of gold?

ooc ic| lc;oc!!
kLAkLD 8:
M8S Lva M Alvarez


Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan

name ____________________________ Score ______ uaLe ___________________

l ulrecLlon MaLch column A wlLh column 8 WrlLe Lhe leLLer of Lhe correcL answer
A 8
______ 1 lL has 4 equal sldes and 4 rlghL angles A Lrapezolds
______ 21hree sldes are congruenL 8 parallelogram
______ 3 A Lhree slde's polygon wlLh Lwo slde's equal C equllaLeral Lrlangle
______ 4 A four sldes' polygon wlLh one palr of parallel sldes u lsosceles
______ 3 A four slded polygon wlLh 2 palr of parallel slde L recLangle
______ 6 no Lwo sldes are parallel l square
______ 7 A polygon wlLh flve slde's C scalene Lrlangle
______ 8 olygon wlLh 12 sldes P nonagon
______ 9 olygon wlLh 7 sldes l hepLagon
______ 10 olygon wlLh 9 sldes ! dodecagon
k penLagon
ll ulrecLlon llll ln Lhe blanks wlLh Lhe correcL answer
11 1he _____ has one clrcular base and a curved surface whlch Lapes a polnL called lLs verLex
12 1he _____ has 2 clrcular bases wlLh curved surfaces
13 A __________ has slx equal faces Lwelve equal edges and elghL verLlces
14 1he ____________ has flve faces (one square base and four laLeral faces)
13 All polnLs are all ln Lhe same dlsLance from Lhe cenLer lnslde Lhe __________________
16 A ______________ has Lwo bases and four laLerals faces elghL verLlces and Lwelve edge
17 ______________ ls a parL o LhermomeLer LhaL holds Lhe glass bulb
18 1he llquld lnslde Lhe bulb whlch rlses when hoL and goes down when lL ls cold ____________
19 1he parL of Lhe LhermomeLer LhaL conLalns Lhe mercury ls ____________
20 1he ____________Lells how far Lhe mercury rlses and goes down
lll ulrecLlon WrlLe formula for Lhe followlng
21 erlmeLer of a Lrlangle ______________________
22 Area of a recLangle ______________________
23 Clrcumference of a recLangle __________________
24 Area of a Lrlangle _____________________
23 Area of a Lrapezold ___________________
26 erlmeLer of a recLangle ____________________
27 volume of a cube ____________________
28 Area of a square _________________
29 Area of a parallelogram _____________________
30 Clve Lhe value of phl (n)___________________
lv ulrecLlon 8ead Lhe problem carefully and Lhen solve Lhe correcL answer
31 Mr 8eyes has a Lrapezold fleld of palay Lhe bases of each are 8 meLers and 10 meLers 1he helghL ls
10 meLers llnd Lhe area o Lhe Lrapezold fleld ______________
32 8amon has a vegeLable garden ln Lhelr backyard Pe planLed lL wlLh pechay and eggplanLs 1he
garden ls ln Lhe shape of a parallelogram wlLh Lhe base of 8 meLers and helghL of 6 meLers WhaL ls Lhe
area of a garden? _______________
33 llnd Lhe area of Lhe bulleLln board whlch ls parallelogram ln shape wlLh a base of 4 meLers and a
helghL of 32 meLers _______________
34 Marllou's sewlng box ls 3 dm long 23 dm wlde and 43 dm helghL WhaL ls lLs
33 An anLlque wooden chesL ls ln Lhe form of a cube lf lLs edge ls 13 cm how much space does lL have?
36 AL nlghL Lhe average surface LemperaLure on Lhe planeL SaLurn ls 130C on Lhe planeL earLh lL ls 26C
WhaL ls Lhe dlfference ln Lwo planeLs beLween Lhe Lwo planeLs? ___________________
37 8ose LemperaLure ls 39CPow much hlgher ls her LemperaLure Lhan a normal body LemperaLure?

v ulrecLlon ConverL each of Lhe followlng
38 4m___________cm
39 70 dm _________ m
40 600 cm _________ m

vl ulrecLlon ConsLrucL a llne graph showlng Marcel's helghL wlLh Lhe age ln years ln x axls and helghL ln
cenLlmeLers ln y axls Lhen answer Lhe quesLlon LhaL follows

41 43 PelghL ln CenLlmeLer Average ln years
160140120100806040200 1 2343678910 (1 20 230 340 430 660 770 880 9100

44 WhaL ls Lhe LlLle of Lhe graph? ___________________________
43 WhaL was Marcel's helghL when she was Lwo years old? _________________________
46 WhaL were her fasL growlng years? _____________________________
47 Pow many cm dld she lncrease ln helghL from age 4 7 years? ___________________
48 Pow Lall was Marcel when she was 2 year old? ________________________
49 Pow old was Marcel when she was 3 years old and 7 years old? ___________________________
30 WhaL was Lhe dlfference beLween Marlcel's helghL when was 3 years old and 7 years old?
vll ulrecLlon SLudy Lhe map of 8arangay Calmon Answer Lhe quesLlons LhaL follow

31 WhaL ls Lhe souLh easL of Lhe church? ________________________
32 WhaL ls norLh of Lhe MarkeL? _______________________
33 WhaL ls norLhwesL of Lhe markeL? ___________________
34 WhaL ls Lhe poslLlon of Lhe PosplLal ln relaLlon wlLh Lhe Casollne SLaLlon? _________________
33 WhaL ls Lhe poslLlon of Lhe 8arangay Pall ln relaLlon wlLh Lhe church? _______________

repared by
Mrs Lva M Alvarez

Casollne sLaLlon
ollce sLaLlon 8ank


Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan


name ____________________________ Score ______ uaLe ___________________

l ulrecLlon 8ead each lLem carefully Choose Lhe leLLer wlLh Lhe correcL answer and enclrcle lL lf Lhere
are no opLlons wrlLe Lhe correcL answer on your answer sheeL
1 lranchezka was asked by her Leacher Lo draw a Lrlangle wlLh Lo equal sldes WhaL klnd of Lrlangle
should she draw?
A LqullaLeral 8 lsosceles C 8lghL u Scalene
2 Pow ls a recLangle dlfferenL from square?
A A recLangle has four rlghL angels whlle square has Lwo
8 A recLangle has four equal sldes whlle a square has one palr of equal sldes
C A recLangle has one palr of equal sldes whlle a square has Lwo palrs of equal sldes
u A recLangle has Lwo palrs of parallel and equal sldes whlle a square has four equal sldes
3 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a 9slded polygon?
A Pexagon 8 PepLagon C nonagon u CcLagon
4 Whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue abouL a rhombus?
A lL has one palr of equal sldes
8 lL has Lo palrs of equal sldes
C lL has Lwo palrs of equal and parallel sldes
u lL has four equal sldes and Lhe opposlLe sldes are parallel
3 Whlch polygons are congruenL?
A 8 8 C u

6 ConverL 2/3 lnLo declmal_____
7 WhaL ls 73 ln fracLlon? _____
8 8hlan saved 4 from her allowance Pow ls 4 changed Lo declmal? _____
9 ueLermlne Lhe fracLlonal parL of Lhe shaded reglons and express lL ln declmal

10 WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp of Lhe number of sldes of polygon Lo Lhelr number of verLlces? _____
ll ulrecLlon MaLch column A (llgure) wlLh lLs name ln column 8 WrlLe only Lhe leLLer of Lhe correcL
answer on Lhe blank

11 _____ 12 A arc 8 cenLer
C clrcle u clrcumference
13 ____ 14 L dlameLer l radlus
C chord


16 1he dlameLer of Lhls clrcle ls Lwlce 3cm llnd Lhe clrcumference of Lhe clrcle

17 A ferrles wheel has a radlus of 3m llnd Lhe clrcumference of Lhe ferrles wheel
18 Sharmane's clrcular bed has dlameLer of 6 feeL WhaL ls lLs area?
A 2826 sq fL 8 2816 sq fL C 2806 sq fL u 2816 sq fL
19 A Lable ls 163 cm long and 3 m wlde WhaL lL ls area?
A 83 sq m 8 84 sq m C 83 sq m u 86 sq m
20 WhaL ls Lhe area of Lhls parallelogram?


7S cm

21 SLudy Lhe flgure below and flnd lLs area

22 WhaL approprlaLe unlL of measure wlll you use Lo flnd Lhe welghL of a mango?
A Mllllgram 8 Cram C PecLogram u 1on
23 Whlch unlL of measure ls besL Lo use ln deLermlnlng Lhe volume of a chalk box?
A cumm 8 cucm C cudm u cum
24 lf Lhe volume of a mass ls 100 cucm whaL ls Lhe volume ln cum?
23 WhaL ls Lhe unlL of measure ln measurlng LemperaLure?
A ound 8 Mlle C kllo u uegrees
26 WhaL unlL of measure ls besL Lo use ln deLermlnlng Lhe volume of graln ln a small boLLle?
A cumm 8 cucm C cum u cudm
27 WhaL llquld rlses and lowers ln a LhermomeLer glass Lube?
A Alr 8 Cas C Mercury u WaLer
28 Whlch expresslon glves Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe bolllng polnL of waLer and Lhe normal body
A 100'c37'c 8 110'c38'c C 100'c38'c u 110'c37'c
29 Salve was rushed Lo Lhe hosplLal Per LemperaLure ls 40'c Pow many degrees hlgher ls her body
A 3'c 8 23'c C 2'c u 13'c
30 Plllary has a fever and her LemperaLure ls 23'c above Lhe normal body LemperaLure Whlch
LhermomeLer shows her body LemperaLure?



31 llnd Lhe volume of Lhe plece of wood below
A 193 cucm 8 103 cu cm
8 93cucm u 63 cucm
32 A 3cm x 3cm x 3'cm conLalner ls half fllled wlLh salL as shown Pow much salL ls sLlll needed Lo
compleLely flll Lhe conLalner?
A 430 cum 8 13 cucm C 373 cucm u 73 cucm
33 llnd Lhe volume of a cube whose edges are 4 m
A 96 cum 8 64 cum C 24 cum u16 cum
34 llnd Lhe volume of a recLangular prlsm whlch lengLh ls 3 Llmes lLs wldLh of 3 cm and Lhe helghL ls
8 cm
A 430 cum 8 300 cum C 330 cum u 600 cum
33 lf Lhe weaLher LemperaLure aL 200 pm ls 293'c and falls 3'c ln 2 hours whaL wlll be Lhe
LemperaLure aL 800 pm?
A 203'c 8 233'c C 263'c u 283'c
8efer Lo Lhe graph below Lo answer lLems 3638

naro|d's kesort L|ectr|c 8||| for the |ast s|x months

In 1housand esos

Cct Nov Dec Ian Ieb Mrch

36 Pow much ls Lhe hlghesL elecLrlc consumpLlon of Parold's 8esorL?
A 10 000 8 4 000 C 9 000 u 3 000
37 Pow much ls Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe hlghesL blll and Lhe lowesL blll?
A 12 000 8 6 000 C 3 000 u 2 000
38 WhaL monLhs are Lhe bllls Lhe same? _____________________________
39 WhaL ls Lhe average elecLrlc consumpLlon of Parold's 8esorL?
Answer ______________________
40 8elow was Clovannl's savlngs for flve monLhs SLudy Lhe graph and answer Lhe quesLlon LhaL

lf Clovannl wanLed Lo buy a Loy worLh 730 wlll he be able Lo buy Lhe Loy?
A no he sLlll needs 30
8 no he sLlll needs 130
C ?es he sLlll has 30 lefL
u ?es he sLlll has 100 lefL

:... ...| c.,...
repared 8y
Mrs Lva M Alvarez

G|ovann|'s Sav|ngs

Aug Sep oct Nov Dec


Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan

name ___________________________ Score ___ uaLe _________________

l ulrecLlon SelecL Lhe besL answer for each and wrlLe Lhe approprlaLe leLLer ln Lhe blank
1 Pow much greaLer ls Lhe underllned 4 Lhan Lhe oLhers 4 ln Lhe numeral 6 463 340?
A 100 Llmes 8 1000 Llmes C 10000 Llmes u 100000 Llmes
2 Whlch number below when rounded Lo Lhe nearesL Len Lhousands ls 340000?
A 344287 8 343000 C 348262 u 346399
3 1he sum of 231338 612323 108093 and 348123 ls __________
A 1300 097 8 1300 079 C 1300 790 u 1300 670
4 WhaL ls Lhe dlfference when 37332 subLracLed from 213241
A 177889 8 277889 C 177999 u 187909
3 Pundred Lhousand expressed as power of 10 ls __________
4 3 6 7
A 10 8 10 C 10 u 10
6 284760140 ls equal Lo n WhaL ls n?
A 203 8 212 C 213 u 223
7 WhaL parL of Lhe whole ls shaded?

A 01 8 02 C 03 u 04
8 When 30901 ls lncreased by 00009 Lhe resulL ls __________
A 3101 8 3091 C 3100 u 31009
9 llnd Lhe value of 12 x 103
A 1200 8 1203 C 1210 u 1220
10 WhaL wlll be dlfference of 364237 and 83129 lf you change number 6 and 3 ln Lhe
A 419078 8 419108 C 491078 u 419180
11 1he sum of 1/94/9 and 3/9 ls ________
A 8/9 8 10/9 C 11/9 u 9/9

12 erform Lhe lndlcaLed operaLlon 14
3 4/7
A 9 3/7 8 9 4/7 C 10 2/7 u 10 3/7
13 1he producL of Lwo fracLlon ls 3/12 one of Lhe fracLlon ls 3/8 flnd Lhe oLher posslble
A 6/8 8 2/12 C 4/6 u 3/2
ll ulrecLlon SLudy Lhe lllusLraLlon below Lhe answer below Lhe Lwo quesLlons
LhaL follows
u l

A 8 C
14 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls an obLuse angle?
A A8u 8 L8C C L8A u u8C
13 Whlch palr of angels are congruenL?
A u8L and L8l
8 u8A and u8C
C u8A and L8C
u u8L and u8l

16 Look aL clrcle C whlch of Lhe segmenLs below ls noL radlus?
A CA 8 C8 C CC u 8C
17 Shoe world earned a LoLal sale of 33 486200 for 3 days and was charged 10 Lax for
Lhe LoLal sale Pow much was Lhe dally sale less Lhe Lax?
A 6 387316 8 6 837316 c 6 387 613 d 6387136
18 Mr !lmenez boughL a new loL and needs Lo be fenced llnd ouL how many hollow blocks
are needed ln 3 layers lf Lhere are 4 hollow blocks ln each meLer?
13 m

a 300 b 323 c 336 d 376
19 My uad ls plannlng Lo buy our nelghbor's loL whlch ls for sale WhaL ls Lhe LoLal area of
1he loL lf she pald 742 300 aL 3 300 per sqmeLer?

a 120 123 c 130 d 133
use Lhls bar graph Lo answer Lhe quesLlon






60 70 80 90 100

20 Pow many sLudenLs sold beLween 60 Lo 80 LlckeLs?
a 13 b 20 c 63 d 70

CC\ i(i l`l[`C`l
repared by


Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan

lourLh erlodlcal LesL ln Lngllsh vl

name ____________________ Score _____ uaLe _________________
A ulrecLlon Lnclrcle Lhe leLLer of Lhe correcL answer
1 SLefanle has Lhe mosL powerful volce among Lhe Lhree WhaL degree comparlson of ad[ecLlve
Shown by Lhe underllned word?
a poslLlve b comparaLlve c superlaLlve d relaLlve
2 8lanca speaks well buL Llana speaks
a Cood b beLLer c besL d well
3 1he Aqulno famlly wenL on a Lree day vacaLlon ln 8agulo clLy Whlch are Lhe Lwo words?
Ad[ecLlve ln Lhe senLence?
a lamlly b wenL on c Lhree day d 8agulo clLles
4 klm saw _______ pupples Whlch ls Lhe correcL order of Lhe ad[ecLlve LhaL flLs Lhe senLence?
a 1hree llLLle naLlve brown c llLLle naLlve Lhree brown
b 1hree llLLle naLlve brown d naLlve llLLle Lhree brown
3 8lchard Lalks ___________ l could noL almosL hear whaL he says
A sofL b sofLer c sofLly d sofLles
6 lor nlne days people go Lo church very ___________ ln Lhe mornlng
a early b earller c sofLly d more earller
7 Culncy and reclous love Lo waLch 1von weekend buL Culncy waLches 1v on weekend
_________ Lhan reclous
a CfLen b more ofLen c mosL ofLen d never
8 1he kabaLaang 8arangay offlcers proudly accepLed Lhe award lasL nlghL durlng Lhe awardlng
Ceremonles aL Lhe plaza WhaL klnd of adverb ls underllned?
a Llme b place c manner d frequency
9 1he vldeo phone ls Lhe laLesL communlcaLlon devlce WhaL word ln Lhe senLence ls used as an
a vldeo phone b communlcaLlon c devlce d laLesL
10 1he ScouL badge ls composed __________ Lwo ma[or parLs Lhe Lrefoll and Lhe scroll WhaL
preposlLlon flL Lhe senLence?
a wlLh b aL c of d for
11 My necklace! Someone snaLched!"1hls senLence ls a __________ senLence
a declaraLlve b lnLerrogaLlve c afflrmaLlon d exclamaLory
8 WrlLe S for slmlle M for MeLaphor for personlflcaLlon P for Pyperbole and C for
CnomaLopoela WrlLe your answer on Lhe blank provlded
______12 Pe ls raglng bull charglng aL Lhe enemy
______13 1he clouds are frlsky pupples ln Lhe sky
______ 14 1he sLars look down aL Lhe llLLle baby ln Lhe manger
______ 13 AfLer Lhe bells hummed and were sllenL flowers cllmbed a peel of fragrance
______ 16 Pe's such a poor healLh he could eaL dlrL
______ 17 LeL us assume LhaL Lhese headlngs are on Lhe flrsL llne of each card caLalog 1ell wheLher
1he card ls an auLhor card LlLle card or sub[ecL card WrlLe your answer
8 name Lhe 8eference maLerlals where you can flnd Lhe followlng lnformaLlon below
Choose your answer from Lhe cholces ln Lhe box

18 1he cenLennlal celebraLlon of hlllpplne lndependence
19 1he SLaLe of u1AP uSA and lnformaLlon abouL lL such as slze populaLlon caplLal
And lndusLrles
20 1hls parL conLalns adverLlsemenLs usually classlfled under Lhe followlng headlng on sale
WanLed Lo buy rofesslonal CpporLunlLles or Pelp WanLed legal noLlces WhaL parL of
Lhe newspaper ls Lhls?
a fronL age C Classlfled ads
b edlLorlal page d feaLure page
21 WhaL lnformaLlon can you geL from feaLure page?
a news from oLher counLrles c world and local news
8 updaLed evenLs on Lhe fleld sporL d lnformaLlve sLorles llke Lravels
ulcLlonary aLlas almanac
encyclopedla year book
22 LasL Sunday Marlel have a beLLer weaLher Lhan Lhe one we had yesLerday 1ell whaL degree
of comparlson of ad[ecLlve Lhls senLence shows?
a poslLlve c superlaLlve
b comparaLlve d relaLlve
23 SomeLlmes land Lravel ls expenslve and waLer Lravel ls more expenslve Lhan land 1he mosL
Lxpenslve of Lhe Lhree ls a Lravel underllne Lhe superlaLlve degree of comparlson of
Ad[ecLlve ln Lhls senLence?
24 1he fun fllled acLlvlLy ln Lhe classroom makes us en[oy WhaL ls Lhe Lwo words ad[ecLlve ln
Lhe senLence
a classroom c acLlvlLy
b fun fllled d en[oy
23 underllne Lhe adverb of manner ln comparaLlve degree ln Lhe senLence
1he people awalLed more exclLedly Lhe resulLs of Lhe mlsslon Lhan Lhe sclenLlsL Lhemselves
26 lorm Lhe superlaLlve degree of Lhe adverb of Llme lnslde Lhe parenLhesls Lo compleLe Lhe
Cf all puplls 8lca come Lhe _______ (Larly)
27 lrom Lhe llsLs of adverb enclrcle Lhe superlaLlve degree of adverb of frequency
CfLen more ofLen mosL ofLen

28 ln Lhe senLence one mornlng my dog 8akar and l were [ogglng lazlly along Lhe sandy shore
Whlch ls Lhe adverb of place? underllne lL
29 A CompuLer week ls comlng fasL 8 lshmael ls a fasL Lhlnker
30 Whlch of Lhese senLences used word LhaL funcLlon as an adverb? A or 8 copy Lhe (ln aL)
dawn he saw Lhe wlngs of Lhe blrds flashlng ln Lhe early llghL underllne Lhe correcL
reposlLlon used?
31 AsLronauLs have also gone up Lo our moon WhaL ls Lhe preposlLlonal phrase ln Lhe
Lnclrcle lL
u1ell whaL flgure of speech Lhe followlng are WrlLe your answer on your answer sheeL
32 1he clowns' llfe ls a Lhree rlng clrcus
33 1he wlnd genLly Louches my face
34 Cod please save my llLLle boy l haven'L seen hlm for a Lhousand years
33 1he LhlrsLy fleld's drank up all Lhe ralndrops
36 Lsperanza wlLnessed a flre l nearby Lown She saw red flames and Lhlck smokes ln a
8urnlng school bulldlng Many people were shouLlng and were ln a hurry asklng for help
1he loud slrens of flre Lrucks were heard when Lhey flnally came Lo save Lhe school bulldlng
1hls paragraph shows _________
a happy mood c a funny feellng
b frlghLenlng feellng d a sad feellng
ll Analyze Lhe verses and Lhen choose from Lhe box Lhe correcL flgure of speech each verse

37 WaLchlng naLure 38 1he 8lrd and Lhe 8aln
l love Lo waLch Llke 8lrd ln Lhe sky
1he danclng waves 1weeL! 1weeL! 1weeL!
1he sun as lL smlles Cold as raln oh my
Cn Lhe earLhs face urlp! urlp! urlp!
39 WhaL ls Lhe Sun? 40 Clouds
1he sun ls an orange dlnghy Clouds all llke sllver lambs
Salllng across a calm sea on low green hllls
lL ls a gold coln feedlng on blue meadows
urlpped down a draln ln Peaven waLered by rllls
Clouds are llke snowy dawn
playlng wlLh woods
41 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs expressed MeLaphor?
A Lven lf you spray lL wlLh all Lhe perfume ln Lhe world lL wlll sLlll smell
b 1he wrlnkled sea beneaLh hlm crawls
c ?ou are Lhe wlnd beneaLh Lhe wlngs
d 1he wlnd Lapped llke a Llred man

MeLaphor ersonlflcaLlon Slmlle
Pyperbole CnomaLopoela
C 8ead Lhe selecLlon Lhen answer Lhe quesLlon LhaL follows
1he school bus sLopped ln fronL of Lhe school gaLe 8oys and glrls goL off hurrledly and nolslly
uavld paLlenLly walLed for hls Lurn Lo geL ouL Pe Look hls bag Lhen sLepped ouL of Lhe 8us Pe
1he [anlLor aL Lhe gaLe Lhen wenL up Lhe sLalrs unLll he reached Lhelr room aL Lhe fourLh floor
42 WhaL ls Lhe flrsL evenL LhaL happened ln Lhe sLory? Lnclrcle Lhe leLLer of Lhe correcL answer
a uavld greeLed hls Leacher
b Pe wenL up Lo hls room
c Pe greeLed Lhe [anlLor
u 1he school bus sLopped ln fronL of Lhe school gaLe
L he wenL down Lhe school ground for Lhe flag ralslng ceremony
43 WhaL ls Lhe lasL evenL LhaL happened? (Choose from Lhe cholces glven above)
C 8ead Lhe selecLlon Lhen answer quesLlons number 4446
Lnergy ls Lhe ablllLy Lo do work Where Lhere ls growLh movemenL or change Lhere
Lnergy lanLs and anlmals have lL Loo Machlnes boLh blg and small also have energy
WhaL would our world be llke wlLhouL energy? noLhlng would move noLhlng would
grow 1here would be no llghL no warmLh no sound 1here would be no people no planLs
no anlmals We would have a dead sLlll world
44 WhaL ls Lhe key senLence ln Lhe selecLlon? Copy lL?
43 WhaL ls Lhe key concepL?
a 1he meanlng of energy b Lnergy and lL's lmporLanL
c sources of energy u lmporLance of energy
46 WhaL do you Lhlnk ls Lhe purpose of Lhe auLhor ln wrlLlng Lhe above selecLlon?
A Lo lnform b Lo enLerLaln c Lo explaln d Lo crlLlclze
u 8ead and analyze Lhe glven slLuaLlon Lhen glve Lhe posslble cause Lo Lhe glven effecL
47 kaLe and uonna were besL frlends LasL Sunday Lhey boLh aLLended veronlca's blrLhday
parLy 1he nexL day Lhey lgnored each oLher ln class
a 1hey were boLh Llred and slepL
8 Lhey have a quarrel ln Lhe parLy
C Lhey [olned a dance compeLlLlon and Lhey are boLh losL
u Lhey en[oyed Lhe parLy
48 Analyze Lhe senLence as Lo cause and effecL 1ell wheLher Lhe underllned phrase ls a cause or
an effecL
llsh can'L grow blgger Lo Lhelr full slze because we caLch even Lhe small ones
49 ln Lhe senLence 1hls ls Lhe happlesL momenL ln my llfe WhaL ls Lhe concluslon?
a 1here ls one happy momenL ln hls llfe
b 1hough ouL hls llfe Lhere ls one evenL LhaL ls Lhe happlesL
c All momenL ln hls llfe ls happy
d 1here are happy momenLs ln hls llfe
30 8ead Lhls verse Lhen answer Lhe quesLlon below
WhaL l WanL 1o 8e
Someday l'll be an asLromenLor
1eachlng ln a classroom ln space
Cr maybe a asLropollce
Spendlng my Llme ln chase
WhaL wlll happen lf you really become an asLromenLor?
a ?ou have asLropollce c your puplls were hlde from you
b uplls wlll noL learn d your puplls wlll be wlse
31 1he newscasLer announce A super Lyphoon wlll hlL SouLhern 1agalog provlnces Loday WhaL
oplnlon can you glve ouL of Lhls announcemenL?
l l Lhlnk Lhls Lyphoon ls sLronger Lhan Lhe lasL week
ll l Lhlnk lL ls beLLer for Lhe folks ln Lhls place Lo sLay lndoors
lll Maybe Lhe wlnd blows [usL as hard
lv lL doesn'L raln Lhe whole nlghL
A l ll lll 8 ll lll lv C l lll lv u lll only
L8ead Lhe paragraph Lhen answers Lhe quesLlon below
1he Lornado ls Lhe mosL dangerous klnd of sLorm unllke of Lhe sLorm a Lornado sLrlkes a
nery llLLle warnlng lL moves slowly under Lhe cover of LhundersLorm When lL ls deLecLed lL ls
ofLen Loo laLe 1he sLorm sLrlke and moves very swlfLly lL's whlrllng and funnelshaped wlnds
move aL Lhe speed of abouL flfLy mlles an hour Some move even fasLer causlng everyone Lo
Lake cover ln a cellar or any oLher safe place
32 1ornado ls Lhe mosL dangerous klnd of sLorm
A 1ornado comes wlLhouL any warnlng
8 1ornado always sLrlkes
C 1ornado sLrlkes only once
u 1ornado moves very slowly
33 8ased on Lhe selecLlon on no 32 whaL posslble effecL of Lornado can you glve
A lL can lessen garbage and wasLe
8 lL can make hole on Lhe ozone layer
C lL can make our surroundlng clean
u lL can damage llves and properLles
L 8ead Lhe shorL sLory below Lhen answer quesLlons 34 33 36
larmer Lll had a small herd of cow Cne of Lhem was expecLlng a calf Cne snowy day
1he moLher cow wenL off by herself 1he resL of Lhe cows wenL Lo look for her 1hey wanLed Lo see
Lhe baby calf larmer Lll and hls son uanlel wenL Loo 1hey found her aL Lhe far end of Lhe fleld 8uL
Lhere was Lhe calf
1he cows looked all around larmer Lll and uanlel looked Loo 1hey heard Lhe sneeze ah choo!
8uL Lhey dldn'L see Lhe calf And Lhere Lhey found a snow whlLe calf
uanlel Look off hls orange scarf Pe Lled lL around Lhe calf's neck now everyone could see Lhe
new calf
lL ran and played all over Lhe snow ln lLs orange scarf
Soon sprlng came Creen grass grew And Lhe whlLe calf dldn'L need an orange scarf Lo be seen
So farmer Lll Lled Lhe scarf Lo Lhe fence And no one forgeL Lhe snowy day when Lhe snow whlLe calf was
34 1he followlng are Lhe some eplsodes ln Lhe sLory Choose Lhe lasL evenL LhaL happened and glve Lhe
correspondlng parL of Lhe grammar WrlLe your answer on Lhe blank
_____ A 1hey found moLher cow aL Lhe far end of Lhe fleld buL Lhere was no calf
8 Cne snowy day MoLher Cow wenL off by herself
_____ C 1hey dug on Lhe snow and Lhey found Lhe calf
_____ u uanlel Look up hls orange scarf and Lled lL Lo Lhe calf
_____ L uanlel Lled Lhe scarf on Lhe fence
33 lrom Lhe above sLory whaL headlng can you glve? WrlLe your answer
36 uraw or lllusLraLes one lncldenL ln Lhe sLory 1he Crange Scarf" LhaL ls posslble Lo happen
37 lf you were larmer Lll and uanlel wlll you looked for Lhe calf? Why? WrlLe your answer
3860 (3 pLs) Arrange Lhe followlng deLalls ln order Lo form an organlze paragraph
A lL ls an alarmlng slLuaLlon LhaL needs Lo be conLrolled aL once
8 uengue lever has already kllled 202 persons naLlonwlde
C lncludlng a young pregnanL uocLor wlLh her four monLhold feLus

6000 luCK FvFRY0tF!!

Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan

Summative Test in English V

Mome: ____________________ Score: _____ Dofe: _____

l CompleLe Lhe quesLlons abouL Lhe glrl wlLh correcL lnLerrogaLlve Choose from Lhe verb ln
1 ________ ls Lhe name of Lhe glrl? (Who WhaL)
2 ________ ls she from? (Where When)
3 ________ old ls she? ( Whlch Pow)
4 ________ dld she sane Lhe old woman? (Pow Whose)
3 ________ dld Lhe lncldenL happen? ( Whlch When)
ll WrlLe lf Lhe senLence has a rlslng lnLonaLlon and lf Lhe senLence has a falllng lnLonaLlon
6 Lveryone should follow lL
7 Can you name Lhem?
8 l love waLchlng happy chlldren play
9 Are you proLecLlng Lhe rlghLs of chlldren?
10 Where can abused chlldren go for help?
lll 8ead Lhe followlng senLences Lhen wrlLe Lhe correcL sLress on Lhe underllned words
11 PlsLorlans recounL Lhe courage of ur !ose 8lzal
12 eople 8ebel agalnsL ln[usLlce
13 Many people [oln Lhe conLesL
14 Lel ask for a recounL of Lhe 8alloLs
13 1he elecLlon was Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe dlscusslon
lv Choose Lhe correcL meanlng of Lhe underllned word ln each senLence from Lhe words or phrases
LhaL follows
16 1hls popular acLor ls a llkeable person
A lovlng b pleaslng c annoylng
17 1he Leam worked hard hopeful LhaL Lhey would wln Lhe game
A. lull of anxleLy c full of hope
8 full of courage
18 Small chlldren performed ln Lhe playleL
A funny sLones b shorL play c small Loy
19 1he desLrucLlve Lyphoon rulned many homes crop and brldges
A sLrong wlnd b brlnglng cloudy skles c Lendlng Lo desLroy
20 Ln[oy Lhe freshness of Lhe alr on Lop of a hlll
A belng free from lmpurlLy
8 belng clean
C belng now
v Spelllng
1eacher wlll dlcLaLe
21 8esearch My research work was rewarded
22 8ecord l also broke my formers schools swlmmlng record
23 Addressed 1hey addressed Lhe problem Lo Lhe commlLLees
24 CommunlcaLlon ConfllcLs arrlve when communlcaLlon ls shuL down
23 ueclslon 1he loslng person can conLesL Lhe declslon

_J e .-lll


Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan

1able of SpeclflcaLlon
MaLhemaLlcs v
lourLh erlodlcal 1esL














1 uraw 3 or more slded
2 2 1 3 3
2 uescrlbe a clrcle 3
3 ldenLlfy Lhe parLs of a clrcle 1 1 1 3 3
4 vlsuallze congruence
(slmllarlLy of polygon)
1 3 3
3 ldenLlfy congruenL/slmllar
1 3 1
6 llnd Lhe clrcumference of a
1 3 1
7 uerlve a formula for flndlng
Lhe dlsLance of a clrcle
1 3 1
8 Solve Lhe word problem
lnvolvlng clrcumference
1 1 1 3 3
9 llnd Lhe area of oLher plane
1 1 2 2
10 Solve Lhe word problem by
lnvolvlng (clrcumference
measure) area
1 1 2 2 4
11 1lll Lhe unlL of measure for
flndlng Lhe volume of cubes
and recLangular solld
1 1 2 2 4
12 ConverL cublc unlL of
measure Lo larger or smaller
1 1 1 2 3
13 Solve word problem lnvolvlng
measuremenL of volume
1 2 2 3
14 Clve body/weaLher
LemperaLure degree Celslus
1 1 1 2 3
13 Solve word problem abouL
1 1 2 2
16 Comprehenslon of llne graph 1 1 1 1 2 4
1C1AL 10 8 8 4 2 8 40 40

repared by
Mrs Lva M Alvarez


Department of Education
Division of Batangas Province
District of Taysan

1able of SpeclflcaLlon
MaLhemaLlcs v
lourLh erlodlcal 1esL
















1 ldenLlfles klnds of polygons 18 110
2 uescrlbes Lhe dlfferenL
spaLlal flgures
6 11

3 uerlves a formula for flndlng
Lhe perlmeLer of a Lrlangle
and recLangle
2 21 26
4 uerlves a formula for flndlng
Lhe area of recLangle
Lrlangle and Lrapezold
3 22 24
23 28

3 uerlves a formula for flndlng
clrcumference of a clrcle
2 2330
6 uerlves formula for flndlng
Lhe volume of a clrcle
1 27
7 Analyze word problem
lnvolvlng area of Lrapezold
and parallelogram
3 31

8 Analyze word problem
lnvolvlng volume of a cube
2 34

9 ConverL cublc unlL of
measure Lo larger/smaller
3 38

10 ldenLlfles Lhe parLs of a
4 1720
11 Solves word problem
lnvolvlng body/weaLher
3 36 37
12 ConsLrucL a llne
graph/Crganlze daLa
presenLed ln a llne graph
7 44
13 1ells Lhe poslLlon of a cerLaln
ob[ecL place uslng prlmary
and secondary dlrecLlon

1C1AL 33 100

repared by
Mrs Lva M Alvarez

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