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Effects of Speed Variation on the Performance and Longevity of Electric Submersible Pumps

Maston L. Powers,

Conoco Inc



Summary. The expanding usage of variable-speed drives (VSDS) indicates that their effects, on electrical submersible pump (ESP) performance and longevity merit investigation. This paper demonstrates that speed variation makes ESP, equipment selection more complex and critical if maximum pump life is to be achieved. Thrust wear can dramatically affect pump longevity. A common conception is that the rates identifying acceptable thrust limits for any pump s,peed would be the at%nity-law projections of the detining rates at 60 cycleslsec [60 Hz]. This would result in a diverging thrust range as speed increases. This paper (1) shows the fallacy of this cocepq (z) demonstrates mathematically and graphically that as speed increases, the tbmst range converges; (3) expresses the need for verification of the calculated data with actual measurements; and (4) discusses potential pump dinnage caused by internal recirculation cavitation at high pumping speeds and the increased exposure to vibration damage resulting from speed variation. The benefits of speed variation.are summarized. A specific ESP was selected as a typical pump for illustration. Data were normalized by dividing all characteristics by those occurring at the peak efficiency point. The pump performance data thus obtained are used to illustrate techniques for designing a pump to be driven at variable or nonstandard speeds. An operating window is presented that is bounded by tie thrust range limits and by the head-vs.-rate curves that correspond to the ,maximum and minimum driving frequencies tO be considered. This is used in the discussion of VSD applications relative to wells of improving productivity and well testing. Also, the pumplmotor mismatch inherent in wide-speed-range applications and resultant low motor efficiency are demonstrated. Introduction The first documented field apfdication of variablefrequency poiver for effecting speed variation of ESPs wns made in 1977.1 Since that time, the reliability of the VSD has been improved nnd these devices are more wideIy used. The characteristics ,of an ESP capable of speed variation provide a number of incentives for installing a ,VSD. For example, a precise match of well productivity and pump capacity can be achieved, permitting maximum oil production without the detrimental effects of cyclical pump operation. Furthermore, sensing pump suction pressure allows closed-loop control of motor speed. 2 Simi Iarly, the level of a water-supply tank in a waterflood injection facility could be maintained at a desired depth by modulation of the speed of the water-supply-well ESP. ,Otherwise, it is.necessary to cycle either the supply-well ESP or m injection pump, to throttle the supply-well flow, or to equip the facility to bypass pressured water at a preset tank level automatically. None of these alternatives is desirable. The expanded rangeability of ESPs equipped with VSDS could be very beneficial in EOR projects in which well productivities may vary over a signifi&mtrange. This same feature makes the VSD useful in many well-testing applications. A single VSD-driven pump was used to test seveud welIs in the East Hennessey field for stilng conveinionally driven ESPs. .
CoPyright 7987Society Petrolam of Enoiea,s
SPE Production Engineering, February [987

pcrhaps the most imporkmt characteristic Of a VSD:, driven ESP is its capability of [iftinglarge ,fluid volumes ~ from wells equipped with small-diameter casing. For example, from a well equipped with 5 lA-in. [14-cm] casing, it is possible to lift 7,500 B/D [1 192 m 3/d] at 90 cycles/sec [90 Hz] with an ESP that could lift only 5,000 B/D [795 m3 /d] ar 60 cycIes/sec [60 Hz]. Additional benefits attributed to VSDS are reduced electrical and megiyanical stresses effected by a slower rate of acceleration.during startup (soft start), assurance ofa balanced three-phase current, protection from electrical transients, and reduced startup power requirement, which can be partitularly beneficial in remote areas. Normalized Curves. The curves prcsentedhere have been nonna[ized to be representative of pumps of all series and capacities. Rate, head, thrust, horsepower, and efflcienCYhave been reducsd to dimensionless quantities by dlvidingactual values by the values of these quantities at the point of maximum efficiency. Design Procedure for Conventionally Driven ESPS. The goal of .ESP design is to produce a desired fluid volume economically while maximizing pump life. Designing an ESP is a simple procedure when standard 60- or 50-cycle/sec [60- or 51YHz]power is used. 3 Required information includes a knowledge of well productivity, densities of produced fluids, size and weight of well casing, surface flowline pressure, and completion inter1s


Fig.lNormalized performancecwves for

a typical pump.

RATEB Fig. 3Effects of speed on efficiency mm%

when operated at 60 cyclcdsec [60 Hz] and varies inversely with frequency. Thus motor speed is very nearly proportional to frequency over practical ranges. The affinity laws state that for every pOiIitof a pump-,. performance ~rve, rate varies linearly with speed, head varies a$ the square of the speed, and brake horsepower varies as the speed cubed. 4 From this stitement of tlie affinity laws, it WY bc concluded that,the projection of any point on a head-vs.-rate turve is speed is varied is a parabola. Illustrated in Fig. 2 is a 60-cycle/sec [60-Hz]. head-vs.-rate curve and 30,, 45-, 75-, and 90-cycle/sec
[30-, 45-, 75-, and 90-H2] curves that were computed from the 60~ycle/sec [60-Hz] curve with tie affiiity laws. Fig. 2Comparison of equal-thrust and affinity-law lines.

vaJ as well as a catalog of pump performance curves of head, etlciency, mtd horsepower vs. rate, similar to those displayed in Fig. 1. The first step in designing an ESP is to determine the total dynamic head required to produce the desired fluid volume. A pump of the largest series that will tit inside the well casing and will deliver this volume at as close to peak efficiency as possible is then selected. This operating point must fall within the manufacturers recommended range, which is normally governed by thrust considerations. Once a pump type is selected, the head and brake horsepower per stage at the design rate are observed from the performance curves. The number of stages required is then computed by dividing the total dynamic head by the head per stage. Required motor horsepower is the product of the number of stages, horsepower per stage, and produced fluid specific gravity. Affinity Laws. Use of a VSD adds a new dinvmsion to ESP design. It becomes necessary to determine pump performance over a continuous range of speeds. Performance at any frequency can be inferred from 60-cyclelsec [60-Hz] test. curves by the pump affinity laws because ESPs are driven by two-pole induction motors and thus have synchronous speeds equal to the power supply frequency. The fall-load slip of these motors is. about 3% 16

Fig. 3 illustrates that the efficiency at every point tin a performance curve remains approximately constant as speed is varied, with a minor improvement at higher speeds. It is known that the affinity laws lose accuracy as pump size diminishes. 5 Because ESPs are necessarily small, test dafa observed at various speeds over the range of application might be very enlightening, particularly for the smaller-series pumps. Improved design of systems operated at varied or nonstandard speeds cou[d result from the use of such data. Pump Thrust A predominant factor influencing pump longevity is wear associated with thrust. A pump capable of operating for years when applied properly can be worn out in days when operated under an adverse tbrWt condkion. Pump thrust is composed of three axial forces: (1) the buoyed weight of the impeller, (2) the upward hydraulic impact of fluid flowing into the impeller eye, which, is a function of the flow rate squared, and (3) the resultant hydrostatic force on the impeller, which is a function of the static component of the pumphead and is always downward, although it may be partially ,nullified by balancing techniques. In the analyses presented, upward force is considered positive and downward force tIegatiVe. *Considering the three components of tbmst and referring to the typical performance curve illustrated in Ftg. 1, it becomes apparent that at low rates the pump is in.
SPE Producti& Engineering, Februaty 1987



DIFFUSER I b L z z m



(k k+ ..,,:=




Fig. 4Cross


of a mixed-flow


Fig. 5Cross


of a radial-flow


severe downtbrust. As the flow rate aumoaches zero. the upward hydraulic impact also approa~hes zero whle the head obtains its maximim vafue, resulting in maximum giownward hydrostatic force. Conversely, at Klgh flow, rates the hydraulic impact becomes large and the hydrostatic force diminishes, resulting in severe upthrust., Generally, the operating range recommended by ESP manufacturers (Fig. 1) is limited on the low end by the maximum. downtbrust commensurate with acceptable pump life aod on the high end by the point of neutral ~st, Ncx.IxIdly, the maximum recommended rate is, slightly less than the rate corresponding to neutral thrust to ensure that the pump is not operated in upthrust. ESPs should be operated under light to moderate downthrust. A downthmst condition ensures proper alignment of impeller and diffuser, ,thus pre.$eming tie designed flow Stream. Also, the thrust washers of floating impeller pumps and thrust bearings of fixed impeller pumps have greater capacity for absorbing downthrust than upthrust. Although it is essential to operate a pump in downthmst to ensure that it is not in upthrust, the magnitude of the downthnrst should be minimal if W1mum life is to. be achkved. A possible hazard of operating at the neutral point is that the pump might osciIlate between upthrust and downthmst, which could result in excessive wear. Effects of Speed Variation on Throst. Designing ESPs to be operated at varied or nonstan&rd speeds requires that the loci of the neutral point and the point of maximum alfowable downtfrrust be determined throughout the range of speeds at which the pump maybe driven if pump longevity is to be a consideration. These determinations can be made with Eq. A-8 or A-9, which are expressions defining thmst for pumps using the hvo common methods of balancing. Many pump uaers,seem to aasume that these equ@bmst contours are affinity-law projections of the respective points on the 60-cycle/sec [60-H2] curve. This assiunption, however, is invalid. Eq. A-10 was developed to illustrate .Iwust variation along an atllnity-law projection and is applicable regardless of the balancing technique used. The loci of the neutral point and the points defining i.herecommended. range at 60 cycles/see [60H2] have been computed over the range of 3.0to 90 cycleslsec [30 tQ90 Hz] for a typical pump by use of Eq. A-8. These SPEProdwtionEngineering, February19S7

three equaf-thrust cumes and the corresponding affinitylaw projcctioris were mapped onto a set of performance curves for the pump at various speeds (Fig. 2). There is a point on the 60-cycIe/sec [60-Hz] cnrve slightly to the lefi of the neutd point where the coefficient Qf N2 in Eq. A-10 becomes zero. .For tbk point, the equal-thrust contour (repres.hting the buoyed weight of the imPeHer) and rhe affinity-law projection coincide. These coinciding lima lie between the traces of the neutral point and tie point defipfig the top of the recommended range in Fig. 2. For clarity, the approximate location of tiese lines is illustrated aa a shaded area. Affinity-law projections of points to the left of these coinciding lines wifl t~ce points of increasing dQw@ust as speed is increased because (1) the coefficient of N2 in Eq. A-10 is n:gafive in fbis region, and (2) dFJdN -N along an affimtylaw line., Also, the degree of deviation of the affjty-law projection from the equal-thrust line increases as a point moves farther to the left along the 60-cycle/sec [60-H2] performance curve because the absolute value of the coefficient of N2 ii Eq. A-10 increaaes in this {Ir=tion.. The duection and degree of deviationa discussed earlier may be observed from Fig. 2. To the fight of the coincidlng lines, the coetllcient of N2 in Eq. A-10 is positiv~ hence increasing speed causes equal-thrust limesand affinity-law projections to deviate in the opposite dkection. Thrust Armfysia. AU conclusions pertaining to thrust were based on a series of calculations. The effects of speed VaI: iatitin were calculated for pumps of various series (&ameter), manufacturer, and capacity, and for both radialand mixed-flow designs with Eqs. .A-8 and A-9. Separate equationa were required to analyze radd- and mixe&flow pump: because different balancing me~ods are used in their design, as discussed later.. Ctilpers were used to measure the various force-reactive and flow-channel areas, and impellers were weighed. Manufacturers performance curves were also used in performing these c!tculati6ns. A fluid specificgravity of unity was assumed for determining hydraulic impact, hydrostatic force, and buoyancy. All impellers were assumed to be composed. of an alloy having a specific gravky of 7.2. The precise point of neutd thrust was not known for any of the





ami+obmliw 2.0 \ /




1.5 RATE

Fig. 6Thrust

vs. rste fOr a tYPiCa! Pump.

Fig. 7Operating

window for a typical pump.

pumps; consequently, it was assumed to be at 104% of the maximum recommended rate. Each of the mixed flow pumps analyzed was equipped with a balancing chamber formed by a balancing hub on the impeller and a wear ring on the diffuser (Fig. 4). Suction pressure is exerted on the eye area, and discharge pressure is. exerted on the balance of the bottomside of the impeller and the topside, except for the bskmcing hub area. Fluid circulation through the balancing-hub/wearring clearance into the bhlancing chamber and through the hub ports into the eye maintains the chamber pressure at suction prtx~ure plus a constant fraction of the pressure added by the stage. Balancing of the radial-flow pumps has been achieved by designing close tolerances berwyen the topsides of the impellers and the adjacent diffuser surfaces, as illustrated irrFig. 5. Thk configuration results in an area of reduced pressure because a pmnping action tends to vacate the thin no-flow chamber thus formed. As in the case of the mixed-flow pumps, the eye area is subjected to suction pressnre, and the bafance of the bottom$ide area of the impeller its subjected to discharge pressure. Both of the balancing systems described are designed so that the high-efficiency ;operating range of a pump coincides with low- to moderate-downthmst conditions. Because the analyzed pumps varied widely in design, the various performance curves and equal-thrust contours could not be made to approach congruency by resealing techniques; however, theequti-tbmst lines defining the neutral point and recommended range aud the atihudes or tiese three lines in respect to the corresponding affinitylaw projections were of .-he same general character for all analyzd pumps. Therefore, the performance and thmst curves of one of the pumps were presented in Figs. 1 snd 2 as reprczenting a typicsl pump. The tabtdar data presented were afso taken from this pump. Presented in Fig. 6 we.cumes of nomraliied thrust vs. norimdiied rate at various frequencies for the typical pump. The dashed line across the top of these curves traces the tfunst corresponding to unrestricted flow. rate

at the various frequencies. Note that at 90 cycles/see: [90 Hz], the thrust at-zero rate is about six times that when the ~ump is operated at 60-cycle/sec [60-Hz] peak efficiency. Operating Window. For a conventionally tilven pump, the loci of all desirable operating points is the segment of the 60-cycle/scc [60-Hz] (or 50 cycle/see [50:Hz]) head-vs.-rate curve defined by the recommended range (l+g. 1). When a VSD is used, this ope~ting line trans: forms into an operating area bounded on two sides by the head-vs.-rate curves that correspond to the maximum and minimum driving frequencies to be considered. If consistent pump wear criteria are to be applied, then the eqwd-tfuust line corresponding to the minimum recommended rate at 60 cycles/see [60 Hz] (Fig. 1) shoufd be a third bowrda~ of tis area. Because ESPs sre designed to run in downtlnwt, the equaM.bmst line corresponding to the maximum recommended rate at 60 cycles/see [60 Hz] must also bound the desirable operating area. Fig. 7 illustites aa example of the operating window for which driving frequencies from 30 to 90. cycles/see [30 to 90 Hz] have been considered. It can be seen that this operating window was truncated at an arbitrarily sel&t@ low rate representing the minimuiu flow required for motor cooling. This rate must be sufficient to ensure a fluid ve- Iocity of at least 1 ftkec [0.3 mls] in the mruduz surrounding the motor. Not necessady associated Whbpump weir is a possible sixth bounday, which is an affinity-law projection representing minimum accepgble efficiency. Fig. 7 shows that tie operating window converges as pump spsed increases, which is the inverse of the behavior that would be inferred from the affinitylaw projections of Fig. 2. Convergence of the operating range and divergence of the range defined by the corresponding aftinity law moiections for the tvpical PUMP me also illustrated .. in T~bl~ 1. Displayed in Fig. 8 is the operating window of Fig. 7 mapped on the tbmstimte plane. If projections of the limits of the 60-cycle/sec [60-Hz] recomSPEProduction Engineering, February19S7


RANGE OF TYPICAL Operating Range Based on 7hrust (Normalized Rate)



Affinity-Law, Proje@ of ao-cyclelsec Operating Range (Normalized Rate) Range 0.542 0.390 0.315 Minimum 0.356 0.534 0.712 0.890 1.068 Msximum 0.627 0.941 1.254 I .56a 1,681 Range 0.271 0,407 0.542 o.67a 0,814

Cycleslsec 30 45 60 75 90

Minimum ., . 0.712 1,186 1.586

Msximum 0.593 0.924 1.234 1.576 1.902 .,

Winimm ratewould zeroon the bask of!hrustmnslder.+tbwmnseq.en!ly, otorCaoNng b m would tic!e!e minimum mm. -- Rangewouldbe d[clatad bymolor+ooling cms(dwati.ns,

rmrgehad been the criteria defining the Operating upper boundary of the operating window of Fig. 8 (which approaches neutrsl throst) wqrdd be a curye that cIoseIy approximates the. straight Iine shown, however, the lower boundary woold be tie affinity-law projmtion shown as a iiottw !@e. Thus Fig. 8 shows that dowrithmst equal to four times that at 60-cycle/sec [60-Hz] peak efficiency would have been @owed.
nrend~ areas, the

Test Data Needed. Note that sll data rmd conclusions sre based on the equations of the Appendix and the desm;bed wrlmdatiors. The incoigfhence of equal+nust contours and affinfiy-law projections has been proved. I-@w$wer, calculated thrust and measured vnlues should not be expccted to agree, nor w one set of nornmliied thrust data accurately represerit al pumps. If VSD-driven PUMPS are to be applied with the same degree of competence as co?ventionall y driven pumps, acnmf lhrust measurements at variou$ speeds over the range of application will be requir@ for all pumps so used. Well Piqdpctivity A knowledge of well productivity was listed as one of the prerequisites fcr designing a convenfiona.lly driven ESP. This isequally ~: if a VSD is used. Required informa-

tion includes dats on ststic reservok pressure and producing rate vs. producing bomomhole pressure for one, or preferably several, rates. The most desirable well test would be conducted at the dEshed producing rste. From such a test, tie head/rite operatingpoint could be calm!lated precisely, facilitating optimqm pump selection. Such test data are seldom available for designing a new ESP installation. Normsl!y, one must determine the operating point from a well test conducted at a somewhat lower rate. me extrapolation technique that provides dependableresults in a given reservoir ii the one to use; however, . Vogels6 inflow-performance-relationship (IPR) teehnique generally gives superior res~ts compared with mresuming Iiiw productitihy index. Vog+s empirical a equatiim describing IPR is




*, ,,,,,,,,


This equation was used to prepare the pressuredrawdowmvs.-rate curve presented in Fig. 9. The curves presented in Figs. 10 thr~gh 12as representing the total pumphead rc@i@ to preduie various Wes of WeUS were prepared from the Fig. 9curve byapplication of various sets of scaling factors. Assumed rcseryoir pressures deter-.


0.8 /

~ -= Q 7






0.4 qO/(qO)max



Fig. soperaqng windoy on the thrustlrate plane.

Fig. 9Drawdown

vs. rate.

SPE Production Engineering,

Febnmy 1987



. a . % i? / 2 e ,/<, / ,~

t /





PRODUCINGl?ATE~ Fig. 1 oWell performance and friction loss. Fig.

PRCDW3NG @TE ~ 1 2Well testing applications:


is shown in Fig. 10 as a solid line. The pump performance in Fig. 10 is an excellent match for the well, because me limerepresenting tot.d required bead falls with the pump operating window at all rates that provide adequate motor cooling. .. EOR Projects. The applicability of VSDS in EOR projects was mentioned previously. Often, a prOperlydesiged pump can accommodate the range of weklproductivity that may occur over the life of a project. Fig. 11 presents performance datn for a VSD-driven pump tit was designed to maintain a, construrt wellbore pressure throughout a period of irnprovtig productivity. The dashed Iine.represerrts the resultant constant lit? plus friction loss. Curve 1 illustrates.welf perfonm?nce before formation pressurizi+tion, and Cuive 2 shows the maximum welf perforniance during the EOR project., Note that the entiresegment of the dashed head-reqrdred line, intercepted by Crrrves 1 and 2, lies within the operating window. Thus the pump depicted in this figure can adapt to the entire range of well productivity. WeII-Testing Applications. The performance curves of four different welfs are mapped on the well performance curves of Fig. 12. Wells 1 through 3 are of the same depth, and Wells 2,axrd 3 have the same reservoir pressure. The difference between Wells 2 and 3 is that Will 3 has a higher flow capacity. Well 1 differs from both Welfs 2 and 3 because it is completed in a Iowerpressure reservoir. Obviously, Well 4 is completed in a deeper reservoir aad hmlower flow capacity than the other wells. The pump depicted in Fig. 12 wordd be well-suited for testing Wells 1 through 3, although it would probably be operating in moderate .uptbrrrst when testing Well 3 at maximum rate. Welf 4 could be tested with this pump throughout its range of productivity; however, the pump would be in severe dowrrthnrst, particularly at higher rates. Whetier to test Welf 4 with the same pump used to test the other three wells would be an economic decision. A well test run for OWYa few days coufd reduce pump life by several months if adverse tfmst conditions occur.


Fig. 1 lPumping

a well of Improving


mined the ordinate scaling factors, and well flow capacities (M) determined those of the abscissa. Intercepts of the ordinate axis in Figs. 10 through 12 resulted from the various combinations~f assumed~eservoir pressure and depth. For example, a deep, low-pressure reservoir would require hlgb pumphead to initiate flow, whereas a shallow, high-pressure reservoir would require very little. Appfkation of VSD-Drivan Pumps Represented in Figs. 10 through 12 is the 30- to 90-cycle/sec [30-to 90-Hz] perfonmirceenvelope for an entire pump, on which the operating window developed in Fig. 7 has been drawn. The dashed line traced on Fig. 10 represents a well performance cnzrve. In addition to providing me !ift rcqizired to produce a well at any desired rate, a pump must supply additional head to overcome the tubing friction loss associated with t&it rate and weflhead pressure. The totnl head required to produce a well

Production Engineering, Febma!y19S7

Pump/Motor Mismatch. An induction motor and a centrifugal p~p do not forma good partnership if frequency is varied. It was mentioned earlier that ESPs use two-pole induction motors that have synchronous speeds cquaJ to the tilving frequency. Wheu these machines are driven by VSDs.that maintain constant voltage[tlequency ratios, they hecmhe constant-torque, variable-speed devices. This is a simple deduction from the fact that torque is proportional to the square of the vOltagelfrequency rstio. 7 Therefore, full-load motor horsepower is directly propofiionrd to frequency because horsepower is determined by the product of torque and SP+ Recalling from the previous discussion of the pump aftluty laws that pump horsepower is proportional to speed cubed, the mismatch of a pump and motor operated at variable frequency becomes apparent. This mismatch is illustrated graphically in Fig. 13. A 10-hp [7.46-kW] pump load at 30 cycles/see [30 Hz] is shown to expand into a 270-hp [201-kW1 load at 90 cycles/see [90 Hz]. It may be seen that a motor having a 90-hp [67. l-kwl full-load capacity at 30 cycles/see [30 Hz] (nine times the pump load) woufd have to be installed if the pump is to be driven to a frequency of 90 cycles/see [90 Hz]. Plots of motor load and approximate efficiency vs. frequency for this pumplmotor combkation tie also presented in Fig. 13.Note that at frequencies beloti 45 cycles/see [45 Hz], t~e motor is less than 25% loaded, resulting in motor efficiencies bcloti 50% ~Afl induction motors lose efficiency at low loads. For this reason, it is desirable to linit the design frequency range of an in- NaOation to r@istic requirements, not to design for an nrbitriwily chosen wide frequency range simply because the driving capability is available. Pig.. 1 shows that pump brake horsepower is relatively stable over the capacily range of a pump driven at constant speed, generaJy dipping somewhat at each end. Thus one might anticipate that equal-horsepower contours would map essentially parallel to the pump-performance curves at various frequencies as shown in Fig. 14. This figure was prepxed from data for the typical pump. Plotting the loci of operating poiuts for a contemplated VSD on Fig. 14 would illustrate the range. of horsepower involved. pump Design Considerations. To ensure long life, pumps should be designed to operate withinthe operating window and at the lowest possible level of thrust within the window. At the same time, the objectives of each installation must be met. Integration of these two considerations will normally involve an economic compromise; the degree is determined by the purpose of the VSD. Little or no speed variation maybe required when the purpose of a VSD is to permit the production of a large volume of fluid from a well ciquippedwitIrsmalJdiameter casing. Under these circumstances, little compromise of either pump capability or longevity should bc required. The design procedure would be the same as for a conventionally driven ESP except that pruup perhuance and thrust characteristics at some frequency above 60 cyclcslsec [60 Hz] would be used. Afso, motor selection would be based on motor horsepower output at the design frequency. An ideal situation is presented in Fig. 11; however, it may not be pnssible to maintain maximum production
SPE Production Engineering,

1 304507590 Ft?muENcY(HEqTz)

39. .13Motorloading and

ancte aODlicatiOn.


in a wide.speed-

Fig. 14Mapping pump.

of required


for a typic

from a well subject to widely changing productivity with the same pump without straying from the operating window. It then becomes. an economic decision whether to operate outside the window,and pay for the consequences or to change equipment when necessary to maintain acceptable levels of thrust. The low motor efficiency. ,associated with light motor loading is inherent in all wide-frequency-range applications. This factor.would con21

Februay 19S7 -..


tribute heavily to the economics favoring changing the equipment. In contrast, low motor efficiency should not discourage the use of widefrequdy ranges in WC1l testing applications. Critical Speeds and Vibration In some instances, ESP failures have been attributed to vibration. These machkes are subject to axial, transverse, and torsional vibration modes, separately or in combination. s Any of these modes may occur during startup or at final operating speed. The first two modes area result of manufacturing tolerances, eccentricity, unbalance, and IOW iigidity of the vafious rotating masses of an ESP. A critical sped occurs when the driving frequency (or a harmonic thereof) falls in resonance with the natural vibrating frequency of one of the component masses. If seal and thmst-bearing damage occurs that cannot otherwise be expb.ined, one or bnth of these mndes of vibration would become suspect. Relatively few failures are thought to occur from these two modes of vibration because of the dampening effect of the oil in the motor and protector and because of the weU fluid in the pump. The phenomenon of torsional vibration and its effects have b&n reported. 8 SeveraJ torsional critical speeds will nommlly exist at frequencies below 60 cycles/see [60 Hz], and more should be encountered at higher frequencies. Evidence of a torsionul vibration, problem includes wtexplained shaft and tbmst-~fig failures. As with the orher modes of. vibration, viscous dampening generally precludes deteeruble damage. Use of VSDs increases tie likelihood of all modes of vibration damage because (1) .fhe potential exposure to criticaI speeda is increased when the unit must be accelerated across a frequency band of increased width, (2) the soft start inherent. in VSDS will result in a longer duration of cridcil speed operation during startup,and (3) the possibility of steady-state operation at a critical speed is greatly ma=mifi@when tfTc+s a continuous runie of pOsk sible operating speeds, rather than just one speed. The soft-start feature of a VSD is generally desirable because the electrical and mechanical stresses ac greatly reduced compared with a normal across-the-line start in which an ESP accelerates to operating speed in abQut 0.25 second. Ifvibration-related failures are. occurring, however, this feature may be a contributor. Cavitation Cavitation can be very destructive to any type,of centrifugal pump. This phenomenon occurs when small vapor smids form and subsequently collapse.Small metal particles are removed when such imploding bubbles ae impinged to pump surfaces. ,Classic cavitation may be prevented if suftitfintnit positive suction head (NPSH) @e case of an ESP, adequate NPSH is deis providedfn veloped easily when a pumpsubmergence of about 100 ft [30 m] ii maintained. Required NPSH should increase somewhat at the higher pump speeds obtainable with VSDS. A second category of cavitation is attributable to flow reversals that can occur at either the suction or dkchurge of an impeller. This occurrence, called internal recirculation, has bceir known to pump designers for a number of yearn and has recently been discussed in the literature. 9,0 This type of cavitation isnot known to have 22

been associated with E.SPs. Internal recirculation occtrrs in centrifugal pumps operated at rates below the higheffkiency mng% the exact point of initiation depends on specific pump design. Intense vortices result from this phenomenon that develop core velocities high enough to reduce localized static pressures below the vapor pressure, thus causing voids. These voids subsequently collapse, resulting in cavitation. Thk type of cavitation has been identified at heads up to 1,970 ft [600 m]. 9 Thus the heads developed by ESPs would not preclude this problem. Furthermore, Frasers9 cquabons indicate that internal recirculation could occur in the specific ESPs examined. : . Cavitation damage attributed to internal recirculation is associated with h]gh-energy pumps. Thk may currently be an unidentified problem in conventionally driven ESPS. Regardless, it cmdd become a problem (or a more severe problem) at the higher energy levels corr&ponding to the higher pump speeds that can be developed when VSDS are used. Also, when driving frequencies below 60 cycl&/scc [60 Hz] are.used, intend recirculation &vitation, rather than thtust, may be the criterion that should determine minimum rates in some instuuces. Such minimum aIlowable pumping rates at various driven frequencies rnigbt be represented by an afllnity-law projection similar to the dashed limeof Fig. 7. The questions raised here indlcatc hat internal recirculation in ESPs is an area that merits research: ,: Conclusions 1. S@ variation makes ESP equipment selection more comolex and critical if maximum pump life is to be achi~ved. 2. Affinitv-law conformance of ESPs should be verified, pafiic~larly for those of the smallest series. 3. Equal-thrust contours do not coincide with affinityIaw projections. 4. Thrust range converges as speed,increases. 5. Measured pump thrust dnta are needed so thaf VSDdriven pumps can be appIied with the same degree of competence asconventionally dr@en pumps. 6. The design frequency range should be based on realistic pumping requirements, regardless of the wide ~ge of driving capability that might be available. 7. Use of VSDS increases exposure to vibration damage. 8. Internal recirculation cavitation damage could become a problem in ESPs at the high frequencies that can redeveloped by VSDs. Nomernc[ature A, =impellere yeffowarea, in. z [cmz] ., A+ = force-reactive area of an impelle? eye, in.z . [cmz] ,, AIL =bafancing hub area, in.2 [cmz] .4, = total weaofimneller, in. z rcmzl ~= force, lbf[Nl . F. = axial thrust, lbf [N] F.l, = axial force resulting from hydraulic impact, lbf [Nl FF = buoyed weight of impeller, Ibf [Nl F, = hydrostatic force, Ibf [N]
SPE Production Engineering, February 1987

h= total dynamic head, ft [m] K] = unique coefficient for a specific pump that determines the fraction of Ap that is superimposed on pi inside the balancing hub, dimensionless K2 = unique coefficient for a specific pump; dimensionless Kq = unique coefficient of a specific pump for operating points along a specific afflnitylaw projection m = mass, Ibm [kg] N = rotating speed, revlmin Pi = suction gauge pressure, psi [kPa] ~R = reservoir absolute pressure, psi [kPa] p~f = producing bottomhole absolute flowing pressure, psi [kPa] Ap = impeller discharge pressure minus suction pressure, psi [kPa] Apn = Ap at the neutral thrust point, psi [kPa]. g. = well producing rate cOrrespOnding tO P,+ B/D [m3/d] q,,~~, = maximum WW prOducing rate, BID [m3/dl Q =pumping rate, B/D [m3/d] t = time, seconds v = velocity, ft/sec [m/s] v 1 = velocity at Point 1, ftlsec [m/s] ~2 = velocity at Point 2, ft/sec [m/s] d = angle between the departing flow stream and impeller axis, degrees [rad] Acknowledgment I thank Conoco Inc. for permission m publish this paper. References 1. Drvine, D, L.:`, AVariable Speed Submersible &roping System,''
2. 3. 4. 5, 6. paper SPE 8241 presented at the 1979 SPE Anmml Techicd C..ference and Exhibition. Las Vegas, Sept. 23-26. Alcock, D, N,:,! Opemting Submersible Pumps with Closed-bop Speed Control,, Oil& Gas J. (Oct. 12, 1981) 115-2S. `$ Submersible Pump Handbmk,,, Centritift-Hughes, Clamo=, OK(1981)Sec.4. Stepmoff, A,J.: Cenrrifignl o&hia/Flow Preps, zco"ddttio", Job. Wiley and Sons Inc., New York City (1948) 25-26. Marks, L,S,: Mcchunical Engineers Handbook, sixth edkion, McOraw.Hill Book Co. Inc., New York City (1958).sec. [4, 2!. Vogel,l.V.: .InflowPerforma"ceR clationshipsf orSol"tio.-& 1968)83-92; Tmm. ,AtME ,243. ,Drive We[ls,., JPT(Im.

liquid can be determined from the basic impulsel momentum relationship for constant force:

F*= ~(P1Y2).

. . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(A-l)

Eq. A-2 follows directly from Eq. A-1. mv(l eos 9) 32.17

F.k t=

.. .



A-3 was derived from Eq. A-2 by use of oilfield





Rg&.dtant Hydrostatic Force for Pumps With Balancing Chambers. Analysis of thehydrostatic forces exened on an impeller of a pump with a bslancing chmber yields F, =Ajrpi +(Ar_Ajr)(~i +Ap)Ah(Pi+~[AP) -(A, -Ah)(Pi+AP). . . . . . ... . . . ... . . . ..(A4)

Eq. A4 reduces to

,. ),4jr]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(AL5)

F,= APIAk(lK,

Resultant Hydrostatic Force for pumps Without Balancing Chambers. Ana3ysis of the hydrostatic forces ei&ted on m- impeller of a pump that does not use a balmcing chamber yields F, =Afipj+(A; K2AP.). -A~)(P/ +AP)A,(Pr+AP . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . .. (A-6)

1, Wilson, B. L.and Lh, J.C.: . Electrical Submersible ~mp Perfornmm Using Variable Speed Drives.,, SPE 13805presented at

Eq. A-6 reduces to. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ..(A-7)

the 1985SPEPmducdon Operations SvmDosium.Oklahoma Citv. . March 1O-I2. 8, Brimer, T. R., Traylor. F. T., ad Stewart. R. E.: ,,Caues ad Prevention of V~bratiomlduced Failures in Submergible Oilwell Purnpig Equipment .,. paper SPE 1lC43 pzsmtcd at the 1982SPE Am.a[ Tecbnicd Ccmferenceand Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 26-29, 9, Fraser, W. H.: .RccircuIalion in C.snrrif.g.l Pumps,,, World Pumps Trade zmdTechnicalPress Ltd.. Mordm (1982)8S, 227-35. 10. Karassik. I.J.: .Centrifugal Pumps and System Hydraulics, Che,,zica/ Enginieritig(Oct, 4, 1982) S4-106.


Appendix-Derivation of Thruet Equations Hydraulic Impact. The axial force exerted on any type of impeller because of thehydratdic impact of flowing
SPEProdctio Engimccring, Februaw 1987

The term (K2Apn) represents the areal average pressure reduction resulting from thetendency tovaw.tetbe no-flow region on top of the impeller. Thk effect is a functionof N2 and inconstant over the entire flow rangeat constant speed. For convenience, this pressure wasexpressed as afmction of Apn. Pump Thrust. Pump thrust is the algebraic sum of hydraulic impact, Iiydrostatic force, and buoyed weight of the impeller. Thksummation ismadein Eq. A-8 for

pump designs incorporating balancing chambers and in Eq. A-9 for pumps employing the alternate balancing technique. Expression$ contained in these equations for the various component forces were taken from Eqs. A-3, A-5, and A-7.
~ ; .

sting points

A-9 can be reduced to Eq. A-1Oto describe thrust at operon .an affinity-law projection.


. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... ... . . ..(A-1O)



+Ap[,4k(l-KI . ... . .

)-Afi]-Fj . (A-8)

848,589 A,

Thus thrust varies along affinity-law projections of all points of pump performance curves except for the single case when K3 =0, which results in Fa = F;. S[ Metric Conversion Factora


cycles/see X 1.O* hp X 7.46043

= Q2(I-cos a 848,589 A, ~) +A,K2Apn A~A.D Fi (A-9)

E+OO = HZ E01 =.kW SPEPE

factor exact. is

Thrust ~ong an Affiiity-Law Projection. The affinity laws state that Q-N and h- N2. .Therefore, Q2 - N2 and Ap -N. 2 Wkh these relationships, &hher Eq. A-8 or

Origin@ nm..script cewivea in the S.cielY 0+ Petroleum E.9i!eem .fi.e sePt. Z 1Sffi. Paw accepted,1.$publicn!im June 5, 198S. Re.wd n!anuwid receivedJune 20, t 9B6. Paper (SPE 14249 first presented at the 1SS5SPE Annual Technical Conf.,..m a.d Exmitb. held in Las was. sem. 22-25.







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