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John Doe Zine

This is probably one of the queerest things I have ever done. A fucking art show / photo exhibit. It showed 20 years of JDZ history. A whole bunch of covers and I even set up digital picture frames that spooled through some of my best times. It was a complete farce.

Photo Pat Mullen

I always end up going to weird concerts in sequence. Fuck it, its just music. In one week last year I went to Goatwhore and John Michael Montgomery. Guess who was louder? I like both bands so why should I let your bias stop me from what I like. John Michael Montgomery put on a good show. The only complaint I have is that his encore was Turn the page. I hate bands that end with a cover song. You hear that Social Distortion. Goatwhore needed to turn up the volume. Photo: Seneca

Im definitely on foreign soil here since I hardly took any of the photos in this issue. Basically any photo that you feel has quality you can thank Carleigh Samson and Pat Mullen. Anything that looks like dog shit you can thank me. I only lifted photos from them that I was somehow involved with. Most of them happened during the KOTC event I hosted last year, meaning 2010. Here is some background on the last year and a half. Brian broke his camera so I decided to give him mine. No camera, No zine. That is how it usually works. After all who really wants to read? I could have written some short stories. So anyway, Brian had the camera and went to Afghanistan and got wounded. My last year and a half was very good. I hope you all had a good time as well. I hosted lots of contests and events. I even teamed up with the Skateboard Market for our first joint events. By the way, If you are reading this, you should call the Skateboard Market to find out how to donate to get lights at the North side skate park in Fort Collins. 970-407-1767 Above: Chacho shoeless crail Cover: Bernie ollie into bank. Photo: Carleigh Samson

When I heard the Reverend Horton Heat was doing a free show in Cheyenne I had to go. It was Cheyenne Day when he played at the local cowboy bar. The sound was terrible for the first thirty minutes. They finally pulled it together. I was stoked to re-listen to songs I heard over ten years ago. I remember this stripper I used to hang out with was stage named Jezebel. I used to serenade her when she danced. Photo: Seneca

Photo: Jim

I was so amped on this show. Even though it was eighty-five dollars. Who charges a price like that? After the show I realized I wasnt much of a Maiden fan. I only knew the famous songs and they didnt play many of those. I came home and downloaded them. What are the chances next time I wont know any songs either? Fuck me

I never went to college so I never did cool stuff in my twenties, like keg stands. Fast forward eighteen years and Im at my wedding reception four years after the fact. I dropped some cash for it and just like every other event I do, it got rained out. Funny how I did my first keg stand with my father in law. Why the fuck does Cheyenne go down to thirty-eight degrees in June?

On my quest for Bacon Cheeseburger America I ended up at King Kong burger in Omaha. It is probably one of the worst burgers I ever ate. Granted some of you might find it fantastic. Good for you. Thomas Nichols body jar. Photo Pat Mullen

When we were driving to the Mall of America I made sure we stopped at Clear Lake, Iowa. I had to see where the Buddy Holly crash site was. After making my wife walk through a half mile of muddy cornfield we reached it. Buddy Holly is fucking awesome

If any of you have driven on I-90 in South Dakota you have probably seen many signs for the Corn Palace. My wife hated this place. She thought everything would be made of corn. A few murals on the town gymnasium is all it was. She felt completely let down. I like the story more now that she hated it

I have a thing for Roadside Attractions. Wall Drug is in South Dakota. You mean you didnt know that by the signs. I think they have a sign in Africa and the South Pole. It was fucking awesome when an old lady yelled at us for getting in to the building. Guess she thought the door was locked

Jacob front blunt in Broomfield

I got the crew I was with convinced to go to the Mandalay Bay to see what it was like to go to a huge beauty pageant. It ended up being a huge shit show. We went back to casino and I put a dollar in a random machine and pulled the arm. The lights started flashing and somehow I won over a grand off a dollar. Sick.

I had a fantastic idea to be a clown for Halloween. Lucky I didnt go to the skate park, there could have been problems. Its funny how many people are scared of clowns. My teeth almost looked like Pennywise.

Back when I was raising money for the Cheyenne skate park I sent some money to have a tile put in for the Bennett DIY pool. After several years of the pool being there I finally went to go check it out. I saw my tile in all its glory. I like my Wyoming tile.

Park City, Utah is one of my favorite skate parks. They added a new street part since I was there several years ago. Maybe Park City is one of my favorites because I somehow got a nollie flip over the hip on the pyramid. Guess what, I didnt pull the trick

I think there is a vampire buried in the cemetery next to the skate park. Some people say this is the greatest park in Colorado and others say it I terrible. I didnt skate it. I took a picture of a chick in a sports bra lying on the ground

Once again this park is hailed as one of the best in Colorado. I dont see a lot of Cheyenne kids digging it. Fuck it. You would probably like it

Scott front blunt

Some kid put the address of the Berrics on a message board. I went on Google Earth and saw the fence across the street that I saw in one of their video clips. I put it in my GPS and found it. If I didnt have a wedding to go to I could have tried to go to Koston vs. Capaldi or PJ Ladd vs. Chris Cole. Could I have got in?

I had jet lag like a mother fucker and no one was at the Berrics to let me in. I got to my hotel and was looking at my hotel guide and saw the Ronald Reagan Library was just down the road. I made it to the library and it was sick. I got to see Dutchs grave. This was number thirteen I think.

I called Jim and asked if I should go to the skateboard museum at Skate lab. He looked online and said no. I called Jam and he said to go. There are so many boards. I recommend going to Simi Valley and having a look. Especially if you are in to skate history. You can skate the indoor park there as well. Do you think this zine will become part of the exhibit? It fucking rules. You should go.

Tsedeq front rock

I dont even listen to the Ramones that much but fuck it. I looked up graves in LA and found Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Johnny and Dee Dee were in the same area of the cemetery. It sucks we didnt get to see Bugsy Segal. There was a Toto dog show when we were there

I called Seneca and Ameron and asked them if they wanted to go to the Church of Scientology. We found the joint and it was weird as fuck. People were looking at us and security stopped us. Finally a lady getting back from her lunch break invited us in. She took our E-Meter readings and let us watch videos. It ended up being a good time

Xavier back grab

Joe ollie some grass to concrete circle. Photo Sam H.

Eric West front feeble. Photo Sam H.

Shaun nollie flip

Camo Joe air walk

Xavier FSAs: Photos Taylor and Pat Mullen

Josh Steele back tail in Broomfield

Jason crail

Kyle FSA Steve nose pick

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