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1. Vwie Vwextal .. is a Brainchild of Johnathon Paul Anderson

1. ...
It is 11 Lettors Long and Describes a Brick Road.
Unlike Belding Which is 7 Lettors Long and
Describes a Horse and Carriage..
2. Vwie Vwextal is the Main Facilitie In Zwieal County .. Bwi
State and Boulder Amearikaeii Country..
a Miror Image to the Usa. For the Usa.. a Novelty
Development ..
Vwie Vwextal Reminds Me of a Carrot Garden ..
3. Vwie Vwextal Started . Because When i Was 15 My Mother
Joined the U.S. Army and Took Me
To El Paso/Ft. Bliss then To Giessen/Depot .. and I Felt
the Environment was
More Comfortable ..
4. as Qasxle Bambi Peppermint The Hero of Boulder
Amearikaeii. and President..
and The Rest of ""APJ"" For the Usa .. Deemed Wexley
Systems/ Unqb.vq
Will Be Here To Help the Sailors/Gardners .. Cultivate
There Comunities ..
5. Vwie Vwextal Times Will Be the Main Seat Behind The
Boulder Amearikaeiin Support Desk..
From Ionia/Montcalm Counties, Michigan . i have them
Refered to As Zwieal County
6. Zwieal County is home to Vwel Swotzen Mountain Range .
Which We Are Setting Atop of..
and Could Dig or Contour With The Right Tools .. This
is Under .. Peppermint Valley ..
My Proposal is to turn some farm land in to suberb or
difel .. in deutschland looking on
the map suported by .. Multimap .. there are 15 cities in
hesse where there are 5 in ionia ..
7. Vwie Vwextal Times Would Now Like to Notify for You the
Major Boulder Amearikaeiin
Support Concepts for Neu Ionia/Montcalm :: = :: Zwieal
1. Wexley Systems
Qasxle Bamboo Valley High..
Buisines/Art School ..
We Have 1. Gespa - Wimo..
Fuels . Hydrogen, Ethynal, Petroleum..
2. Heningers . Department Store
Seller of Foreign Imports Like Shoes and
Toasters , Transformers ..
3. Eaft . Baby Supplies ..
4. Qrea Qoa Qoa Qaing . Qcu Qcu Qlocks .
5. Boulder Earth Lengthes . Nut Crackers .
Cribs . Cloth Diapers.
6. Klestle . Fine Furnitures
7. Kaskraeii . Fast lane Furnitures..
8. Thomas Schaeck . Zwieal Novelties . Ham
9. Brittnie Conjunction . Jeans and Shirts..
10. Qasxle Berrie Products . Soaps and
Chemical Supports.
11. Cholvis Genetics.
12. 2x. Qrea Qoa Qoa Qaing . Hair Support
13. Nezearkes . 1. Night Club. Officers Club .
14. Nezearkes . 2. Fast Food .
15. Nezearkes . On Base Furniture support ..
16. Peppermint Valley or On Base Support
17. Appleranche . Cx / Comissary
1. Ocouscious Qassern
2. SwitzenHopf Qassern
3. Obramerswicht Qassern

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