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Escola Tcnica Faar Matria: Ingls Tcnico Professor: Cleyton Pereira dos Santos Aluno: Vanessa Peixoto da Silva

Nota: 8,5 Data: 20 /11 /2011 TRABALHO DE INGLS INSTRUMENTAL 01. Reescreva as frases na forma correta do tempo presente dos verbos a seguir: (1,0) nota: 0,0 a) They (attend) church every Sunday. They attend church every Sunday . R.: They are attend church every Sunday. b) He (speak) several foreign languages. He speaks several foreign languages. R.: He is speak several foreign languages. c) We always (travel) by car. We always travel by car. R.: We are always travel by car. d) He (take) a lot of trips together. He takes a lot of trips together R.: He is take a lot of trips together. e) Some girls (use) too much make-up. Some girls use too much make-up. R.: She is use too much make-up. 02. Use o verbo to have corretamente nas frases abaixo: (1,0) nota:1,0 a) Mr. Peter, the architect, has many clients. (certa) b) Dr. Joe has many patients. (certa) c) I have a new house. (certa) d) We have many friends in Buritis. (certa) e) He and I have many books in our library. (certa) 03. Traduza as frases para o ingls: (1,0) nota: 0,8 a) Ele tem uma bicicleta nova. R.: He has a new bike. (certa) b) Ela come uma ma. R.: She eats an apple. (certa) c) Ele tem uma irm bonita. R.: He has a beautiful sister. (certa) d) Ela trabalha hoje e amanh. R.: She has works today an tomorrow. (errada)She works today and tomorrow. e) Ns temos um computador potente. R.: We have a powerful computer. (certa) 04. Complete com o verbo to be no tempo presente: (0,5) - nota:0,5 a) He is a good boy. (certa) b) Tomorrow is Sunday. (certa) c) She is fat. (certa) d) I am a businessman. (certa) e) We are great students. (certa) 05. Complete com a ou an: (0,5) nota: 0,5 c) It is an egg. (certa) d) It is a banana. (certa) e) She is an unusual woman. (certa) f) It is an apple. (certa) g) It is a car. (certa)

06. Marque C para CORRETA e E para ERRADA, nas frases abaixo. (1,0) nota: 0,8 a) (E) Mr. Smith have todays newspaper. (certa) b) (C) My name is Nikita. (certa) c) (E) Mary and I have wonderful parents. (errada) d) (E) It are cold today. (certa) e) (E) I never has lunch before 11am. (certa) 07. Passe as frases da forma afirmativa do verb to be para a forma negativa: (1,5) nota: 1,5 a) She is beautiful. R.: She is not beautiful. (certa) b) I am here. R.: I am not here. (certa) c) They are bad. R.: They are not bad. (certa) d) You are old friends. R.: You are not old friends. (certa) e) It is ugly. R.: It is not ugly. (certa) 08. Complete com o pronome e o verbo to be no tempo presente: (1,0) nota: 1,0 a) I am beautiful. (certa) b) It is here. (certa) c) You are bad. (certa) d) They are old friends. (certa) e) He is ugly. (certa) 09. Traduza as frases do exerccio 04 para o portugus. (1,0) tudo certo - nota: 1,0 a) Ele um bom menino. b) Ontem foi domingo. c) Ela gorda. d) Eu sou um homem de negcios. e) Ns somos grandes alunos. 10. Passe as frases do exerccio 08 para a forma interrogativa. (1,5) tudo certo - nota: 1,5 a) Am I beautiful ? b) Is it here ? c) Are you bad ? d) Are they old friends ? e) Is he ugly ?

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