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I would love to live in the 1960s because it was an exciting decade.

There were many exciting and depressing major events. From the Civil Rights Movement in 1964, to JFKs assassination in 1963, and the landing on the moon in 1969, the 1960s were mainly a time of war, politics, science and pop culture. The Vietnam War was a huge event in the 1960s, and it was a mistake for the United States to enter in the first place. If its a war going on in Vietnam, and its not in your home ground, you are obviously going to lose the war anyway. Over 58,000 American soldiers have died, and close to 3 million innocent Vietnamese civilians have lost their lives too. The American soldiers have not been trained for guerilla warfare, which was how the Communist North Vietnam fought. Overall, the United States just gave up and went home after over ten years of fighting. The Cuban Missile Crisis was also a big event in the 60s. I feel that Kennedy looked over his options carefully and just blockaded the island instead of just attacking Russia or Cuba directly. If he didnt choose that option, who knows what could have happened to the United States, and even the world? A potential World War III could have happened! The 1960s was a time about Civil Rights. Even though Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation over 100 years earlier, the segregation in the United States hasnt changed much since. Whites and blacks just couldnt cooperate and work together. All of this changed on August 28, 1963 when Martin Luther King Jr. gave his I Have a Dream speech. He ensured that white people and black people could live together in harmony, and in equality. Kings power of voice and body language gathered together over 200,000 people near Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. I think that I Have a Dream is one of the greatest speeches ever written and given. A year later, in 1964, Congress signed the Civil Rights Act, which gave all black people their rights. This was a smart move because there is no point for racism in the world. We are all one and the same, we are equal. In 1964, the Fab Four, well known as The Beatles came to America from Liverpool, England. These four men, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison, changed the way we listened to music forever. People all over America have become obsessed with the band. Their first album Meet The Beatles was in the Billboard 200 for over 10 weeks. In my opinion, The Beatles are one of the best bands in the world. In 1969, an event changed history. The Apollo 11 mission launched astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin to the moon. The mission was a success and it was truly one of the greatest events in American history. In conclusion, the 1960s was one of the best decades of the 20th Century. It had many significant events, and many memories. If I had a time machine, I would relive the 1960s over and over again.

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