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WRA 341Writing, Naturally: Nature, Environmental, and Travel Writing

SS12Week One through Week Ten

Instructor: Dr. Deborah Carmichael Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures Email:

Course Introduction
As the course title indicates we will be focusing on writing for three traditionally defined genres. However, as we work through the course it will become apparent that the boundaries of these definitions are inadequate and permeable. Nature, environmental, and travel writing are all place-based. These writings grow from personal observation, experiences, and knowledge. If successful we bring our reader to an understanding of nature and place, and their importance. We will also look at how the use of visual material may enhance our written words. The class is imagined as a space for participation by and interaction with students from a range of interests from writers to science majors. The inclusion of a variety of voices will enrich our learning opportunities.

Course Goals and Objectives

By the end of our course, using a variety of assignments and activities, we should be better able to articulate our own definitions of what this writing is all about. Our skills of observation, analysis, and writing should all be sharper enabling us to communicate the significance of the worlds we share to a variety of audiences. We will look briefly at writers and writing that have shaped the traditions from which we will be working, using primarily American texts. The bulk of our reading will focus on more current publications to analyze how authors shape their work for various audiences and purposes.

Our work will generate class conversations as we read, reflect, and write. Each of us brings a unique perspective to the class. By talking among ourselves, we can begin to frame ways to talk to larger audiences.

Course Delivery
Our communication will be facilitated through the use of Angel [Michaelhelp me describe these] Jing ELI

Reading assignments will be linked for our use including an examination of publications in the field.

Course Assignments
Some assignments will be continuous throughout the ten weeks we will be working together. These include blog participation and reading responses.

Class Blog: [link to blog and first entry]

This is an opportunity for conversation about what we are seeing and what we are learning. Everyone will be expected to join the dialogue at least twice per week.

Reading Responses: [link to assignment and reading list]

We will examine two readings per week. Some will be foundational works in nature, environmental, and travel writing, while others will be recent and topical. Responses will be short mini-essays of one to two pages examining the strategies each author uses to describe, to inspire, to motivate, or to explore through place-based writing.

In addition to the regular weekly assignments, we will work on three larger porjects.

Writing Projects: [link to WP #1 assignment, sample proposal]

Proposals will be required for each of these, with encouragement to think beyond a traditional essay format. In other words, we can think about an audience beyond our class; an audience that may be more effectively reached through another form combining text and visuals. Multiple peer reviews will allow us to refine our work.

The course assignment calendar outlines activities week by week with due dates. More detailed writing project instructions will be provided as they are assigned. See additional descriptions of the weekly work posted with our course documents.

Assignment Values
Class Blog Reading Responses Project One Project Two Project Three Reflection Writing Assignment Deadlines:
Listed on the assignment calendar Assignments must be posted by 12:00 PM EST on the day listed Late work will receive a reduced grade of 5% for each day late

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University Policies
Academic Honesty:
The Michigan State University policy can be found in your Spartan Life: Student Handbook and Resource Guide. Information can also be found at:

Persons With Disabilities:

If you believe you may need any accommodations or assistance, please contact the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities. RCPD will schedule a personal assessment of your needs. Any recommendations from that center will be implemented.

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