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APTA General Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2008 in Oakland

The meeting was called to order at 7:45.

E-Script sign-up was delayed since the computer was not available in the After Care
room. Bridget offered help to anyone needing help after the meeting.

Head of School Report by Sarah Flowers and Mel Castello. Topics discussed:
1. CAIS Status – Sarah reported:
 Archway is nearing the end of our 2 year strategic planning for CAIS
membership. We currently have provisional status. CAIS standards are
very high, with only 4 schools accepted last year.
 Member status of CAIS offers many advantages to Archway, including
acknowledgement that Archway meets ethical principles, academic
standards (meeting standards of quality teaching), access to grants and
matching funds. CAIS accreditation will help us be better at what we do
so the kids get the best and most from us.
 Administration is diligently completing a 50 page self study that reflects
who we are and how we meet their standards. CAIS receives this
document prior to their site visit in February. Mel thanked all that
participated in the recent survey (we had 76% participation).
 Our CAIS document will be available on line for anyone to read.
 CAIS Committee will be visiting the school February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, to
conduct interviews and visit classrooms. (Mel suggested that students be
made aware before hand so they know what to expect).
 CAIS final decision on Archway’s acceptance will occur in May.

2. Lower School Turf

 We have an agreement with the turf manufacturer/installer to replace the
current turf with non-lead turf. Replacement will occur during
Thanksgiving week.
 Tonya added that we entertain greener ideas. A notice to the community
looking for other Archway parents interested in doing something other
than turf was sent out. She added that there are lots of alternative ideas
and natural play spaces are good for children and learning. There is a need
to move quickly on exploring green ideas. Next Tuesday meeting.
 Upon questioning why turf was chosen in the first place, Sarah explained
that the school wanted a space to meet, that was low maintenance and mud
free. Sarah encourages any “green ideas”.

3. Upcoming events reviewed by Mel:

 Nov. 10th - Parent Conferences for both upper and lower campuses.
 Nov. 2nd – community Bike Ride. This is open to non bike riders and the
location has a place to hang out and play.
Sarah commented on how nice the Walk-a-thon was this year. She acknowledged and
thanked the co-chairs - Matthew and Frances. .

The group agreed they did a super job and commented it was highly organized.

Beth called for Walk-a-thon Update from Bridget.

Bridget wished that the chairs were able to make it to congratulate them personally,
and thanked all the kids and parents who participated. Preliminary report of the event:
 This years event had an 85% participation; 10% higher than last year.
 Plan B for food was taken at last minute after Pria needed to step away after her
son’s injury.
 Total number of laps = 2,406. Equaling 615 miles.
 Most laps (64) by Ore Oppenheimer
 The fundraising was lower. Last year raised $21. This year’s goal is @ $20.
Looks like we will be lower than the goal for this year.
 Matching funds not included.
 Actual walk-a-thon numbers will be out by the end of the week.

Beth asked for any suggestions for the future? Responses included:
 Move back to Saturday instead of Sunday.
 Sunday seems to best suit younger kids since it does not interfere with soccer.
 1-5th grade this year had 100% participation so keeping it on Sunday makes sense.
 Should we award for full class participation?
 Booths shut down too early so that kids didn’t get to spend tickets after walking,
change for next year

Beth called for Diversity Committee Update from Asara and Rachael
 Co-chairs reflected about diversity, and discussed the challenges around language
and how we as a community address diversity. Rachel and Asara have committed
2 years to the committee.
 Committee wants to develop a diversity council that would include parents, staff
and administration.
 Discussed briefly that Tim Wise spoke at an Archway Parent Ed. Night on: React
with Cultural Justice
 Asara read a letter they drafted that addresses their goal and needs. (to be Include
in Newsletter)
 3 steps next to be done by the Diversity Committee
1.) Send out letter to the community
2.) Make a day for the new diversity council to watch a Tim Wise video as a
3.) Determine how the diversity committee can add or improve to the Winter Pot
Luck/ Multi-Cultural Potluck.
Beth recapped the Multi-cultural Pot Luck for those who never attended and Jackie
reviewed the history of it, highlighting that it included eating, mingling, and student

Discussion around the Multi-cultural Pot luck took place and included the following
 The event is miss-named and that the multi-cultural part is not fully integrated, it
is more of a lower campus performances.
 Performances were long and sometimes difficult to hear and see.
 Location may need to be explored based on what occurs. Upper campus gym has
terrible sound and makes it hard to hear performances.

Asara: Offered an opportunity to have a person conduct a 90 minute structured diversity

interplay activity that would involve the entire community at this event.

Additional information on this opportunity will be supplied and reviewed.

Beth offered up next steps:

1) Assess and report back on the participation of teachers and student performances.
2) Revisit and further explore the 90 min. interplay activity and integrating it into this

Beth called for Social Chair Update from Loretta and Shareen
 Loretta has begun to explore needs for the Winter Pot luck on Dec. 14th; trying to
find out what performances any teachers are planning. Once there is a decision
on the theme for the event, Social Chairs will assess parent volunteer needs
related to decorations, food, sound etc. and reach out to the community
 Loretta will include Beth and Jackie in e-mails

Beth called for Scholastic Book Club Update from Erika

 Erika reviewed how teachers get points based on book orders
 Room parents give out order forms. However, it was stated that from past
experience, some teachers aren’t interested in doing this.
 It was noted that maybe teachers are not aware of the amount of points they have,
and perhaps we can use those points to get free books for the school to use in the
library or perhaps a book sale?
 Erika agreed to take charge of this for the year.

Meeting was called to an end at 7:45

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