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[20:07] <~ShadowDM> FADE... 01[20:07] <~ShadowDM> .To.... 01[20:07] <~ShadowDM> ..

BLACK 01[20:07] <~ShadowDM> When we last left our heroes they had just regrouped after a day of fun and investigation. 01[20:07] <~ShadowDM> Chief Kishimoto had garnered the support of a museum to assist the team in catching the gambler. With the police and news networks spreading the word of a rare incoming exhibit, there is almost no doubt that the thief will take this opportunity to strike. 01[20:08] <~ShadowDM> ***** 01[20:08] <~ShadowDM> You find yourself still in the hotel room, Rairaku playing with the television. 01[20:08] * Rairaku still messing with the television with a large amount of curiosity [20:09] <Rairaku> "....Plan is?" [20:10] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu is sharpening his kodachi, he seems looking forward to the possible conflict. [20:11] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka is eqaully ready to capture the Gambler,and re-wraps Inu into it's traditional bundle 01[20:12] * ~ShadowDM :Yori: -> "We could head over to the museum tonight or turn in early to head there tomorrow..." [20:12] <Rairaku> "Tonight...." 01[20:12] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "Everyone else ok with that?" [20:13] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Definently Tonight". 01[20:13] <~ShadowDM> Jun mutters something, but doesn't seem to have an opinion either way. 01[20:14] * Rairaku becomes slightly frustrated, strikes the TV and pushes the button to turn it off. [20:14] <Rairaku> "Go now?" [20:14] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu sheathes his katana and stands up. "Let's get set up tonight, who knows, this guy is probably ballsy enough to preempt us." 01[20:14] <~ShadowDM> The button turns off. 01[20:15] * Rairaku looks at the pile of clothes she was wearing earlier on the bed, then at herself. [20:15] <Rairaku> "Moment..." 01[20:15] <~ShadowDM> Unless Yasunaka has something to say against this course of action, Yori picks up the phone and calls the station. He hangs up after a few minutes and turns to the rest of you, "Alright, their sending a van over for us, we should head downstairs... yea you might want to change." 01[20:16] <~ShadowDM> *they're [20:16] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "a what?". 01[20:17] * Rairaku lays out her clothes and begins to change 01[20:17] <~ShadowDM> "The thing we rode in about four hours ago. Remember? Vroom vroom." 01[20:17] <~ShadowDM> Yori looks at Tanaka oddly, raising an eyebrow.

[20:18] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu coughs and blushes when Rai begins to change in full view. He busies himself with double checking his gear to save face. [20:18] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "...right,fazed out for a second". 01[20:18] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "There's a restroom... over there." He points. 01[20:19] <~ShadowDM> Jun, for his part, is quite entranced. [20:19] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "I don't think she cares". 01[20:19] * Rairaku ignores yori and continues changing "We lookout in shift?" 01[20:20] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "Then I suggest the rest of us go downstairs to meet the van. Now." 01[20:20] <~ShadowDM> He grabs Jun be the ear and walks out teh door. [20:20] <Nawa_Yasu> "Shifts of two would be good... But then it's uneven." Yasu says behind him as he follows the other two out. 01[20:21] * Rairaku finishes changing and head out the door behind them 01[20:23] <~ShadowDM> Downstairs and outside, it isn't long before the van arrives and you all are ushered in. A short ride later, you arrive at a very old, stone structure. 03[20:23] * Hideki_Junichi (~Hideki@B4EC54.F429FD.74F03D.F9839F) has joined #sunad20 01[20:25] * ~ShadowDM :Policeman -> "Well, this is it, Hitodejima Cultural Museum." 01[20:25] * Rairaku gets out of the van and gives the entire area a look [20:26] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu steps out and immediatly senses the chakra around him for anything unusual. 01[20:27] <~ShadowDM> Yasu senses nothing out of the ordinary [20:27] <Rairaku> "Plan?" 01[20:27] <~ShadowDM> Rairaku sees a busy street. There seems to be a traffic jam a couple blocks down, but nothing that seems relevant to their circumstance. [20:28] <Nawa_Yasu> "I guess I'l set up traps to cover as many entrances as possible." 01[20:28] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "Dunno, we should take a look around and get to know the layout of the building. I don't know if that's necessary Yasu, we already know how he'll get inside." 01[20:28] * Rairaku begins walking around the building [20:29] <Hideki_Junichi> Rubbing his ear "How do we bring him down when we find him?" 01[20:30] <~ShadowDM> The building is fairly normal, there is an alley down one side while the other is attatched a bank next door. The building has two floors and no way up to the second from the outside that you can see. 01[20:31] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "Not sure, we'll have to see what he's capable of. We don't know if he would even put up a good fight or not."

01[20:31] * Rairaku continues to walk around making a mental note of all exits and entrances [20:32] <Hideki_Junichi> Ponders... "If he's smart enough to avoid our detection then he's able go outmaneuver our fighting skill. I think you'll be super useful Yori. " 01[20:32] <~ShadowDM> There is, of course, the main entrance as well as a side entrance for recieving shipments. [20:33] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu scans the ceiling in the building for windows of any kind. 01[20:34] * Rairaku thinks for a moment after making a full round of the building. "Inside now?" 01[20:35] <~ShadowDM> Like all the other museums that have been broken into this one has a window on the cieling over a central, indoors courtyard. [20:35] <Nawa_Yasu> "We'd better cover that window, it's the most likely entrance for him to use." 01[20:37] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "Aye, it fits his other heists." [20:37] <Rairaku> "Idea...." [20:37] <Rairaku> "4 sides to building... 5 of us.." 01[20:37] <~ShadowDM> there's only 2 sides. [20:37] <Rairaku> "Me on top, Everyone surround 1 wall each" [20:38] <Hideki_Junichi> Contains himself from laughing when he hears rais suggestion. "Sounds good" 01[20:39] * Rairaku stares at jun for a few moments not quite understanding why he is laughing. "Cover all sides... Switch shift over night" [20:40] <Rairaku> "Good or no?" [20:40] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Sounds fine". [20:40] <Nawa_Yasu> ((Are the entrances lit, by streetlights or soemthing like that?)) 01[20:40] <~ShadowDM> Yori looks at Jun critically, "Why should we take shifts? We should have plenty of time to rest up. I'd really prefer if we were all available." [20:40] <Hideki_Junichi> "Good either way to me" 01[20:42] * Rairaku begins jumping up to the roof [20:43] <Hideki_Junichi> "Yori, Whichever way you prefer. I'm fine" 01[20:43] <~ShadowDM> From what you can see there are streetlights as well as lights on the wall beside the main entrance. [20:43] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu follows Rai up, deciding to take the short cut to the shipping entrance. "Everybody remember to turns your radios on." [20:43] <Nawa_Yasu> ((We have radios right [20:43] <Nawa_Yasu> ?)) 01[20:43] <~ShadowDM> There is another floodlight above the loading dock entrance. 01[20:45] * Rairaku eventually gets to the roof and begins surveying it [20:46] <Nawa_Yasu> ((also, how tall is the building?)) 01[20:46] <~ShadowDM> it's two stories [20:47] <Rairaku> What is here on the roof?

[20:47] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu perches on the side of the roof overlooking the shipping entrance. 01[20:48] <~ShadowDM> It's a roof. Flat... boring... in the center there is a wide window as well as an airconditioning unit in one corner. 01[20:49] * Rairaku examines the window on the roof 01[20:51] <~ShadowDM> It looks down into an indoor garden. There are several shrubbery sculptures and flower arrangements. [20:51] <Rairaku> Otherwise we just keep watch and survey the surroudings 01[20:51] <~ShadowDM> Why? [20:52] <Rairaku> memorize exits and possible paths out incase we dont see him come in? 01[20:52] <~ShadowDM> It's a nice night. The sun is slowly dipping below the horizon... 01[20:53] <~ShadowDM> The museum is quiet, it has very few visitors, though some reportors arrive later, obviously interested in the upcoming attraction. 01[20:55] <~ShadowDM> And the night waxes on... [20:55] <Rairaku> as a recap the plan is [20:56] <Rairaku> tomorrow we arrive at the museum with the artifact me pretending to be the owner of it right? [20:56] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> yeah 01[20:57] <~ShadowDM> If you want to, though I highly doubt whether or not the "owner" is there or not. [20:57] <Rairaku> didnt we tell the police cheif this was the plan? 01[20:57] <~ShadowDM> *doubt it matters whether... 01[20:59] <~ShadowDM> So are you guys heading back to the hotel to rest? [20:59] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> yeah [20:59] <Rairaku> Yep [21:00] <Nawa_Yasu> Are we? I thought we'd rest here. 01[21:01] <~ShadowDM> Hotel or Museum? [21:01] <Rairaku> Rai dosnt care where we sleep so its up to you all [21:01] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu votes for staying at the museum. [21:02] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka is fine with the Museum [21:02] <Rairaku> museum it is 01[21:04] <~ShadowDM> Indeed. The curator makes sleeping arrangements available in the staff break room. 01[21:04] <~ShadowDM> It's a small room with a few cabinets and a table with several chairs. 01[21:04] <~ShadowDM> He pulls out several matts for you to rest on. [21:05] <Nawa_Yasu> ((How is the weather ,tempature wise? [21:05] <Nawa_Yasu> )) [21:06] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka unwraps Inuatsu as a precaution,and lays it down next to his chosen matt.

01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> it's warm and balmy outside, but the museum is temperature controlled to keep the humidity low and the tempurature slightly lower than outside. 02[21:06] * Hideki_Junichi (~Hideki@B4EC54.F429FD.74F03D.F9839F) Quit (Connection closed) 01[21:07] <~ShadowDM> guys. I need actions [21:07] <Rairaku> We sleep? 01[21:07] <~ShadowDM> You're all resting? Some staying up? 01[21:07] <~ShadowDM> I need more than just Rai telling me what you're doing. [21:08] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I'll stay up [21:08] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu takes his mat and walks to the door of the break room. "I'm going to sleep on the roof. I don't want this guy to get the drop on us, and the weather is nice enough that I'd like it up there." [21:08] <Rairaku> Ill stay up with byakugan on looking thru the walls surveying everything 01[21:10] <~ShadowDM> The night passes on and soon erupts into fiery day. You are all awoken as the curator arrives in the morning. He has a message for you from the police chief, letting you all know that the "package" is arriving later today, sometime around noon. [21:11] <Rairaku> The museum is open today i assume? 01[21:12] <~ShadowDM> indeed. 01[21:13] <~ShadowDM> Though this isn't the most popular museum, there are a few patrons here early enquiring about the new exhibit. [21:13] <Rairaku> before the package gets here i survey the inside of the museum slowly walking around [21:14] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu patrols the roof all day, occasionally looking out onto the street to see if anyone suspicious is observing the museum. 01[21:14] <~ShadowDM> it has a fairly simple layout, a square hallway with rooms branching off. To either side of the entrance are stairs leading to the second floor. [21:15] <Rairaku> When noon comes ill come to the loading bay to greet the package 01[21:16] <~ShadowDM> as a teenage girl? [21:16] <Rairaku> Oh right...theys the others job 01[21:18] <~ShadowDM> And so the truck arrives with a police escort and... a package surprisingly enough. It's a fairly large box and the Chief of police himself directs it into the building. 01[21:19] <~ShadowDM> The curator takes over from there and has it brought to a larger room. [21:19] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu watches from above. Eyes searching for suspicious behaviour from anyone watching ,even the guards, museum personnel, or his own teammates. 01[21:19] <~ShadowDM> give me a spot check. 01[21:19] <~ShadowDM> awareness [21:20] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+8 spotting!

05[21:20]*** ShadowDM invited Orac into the channel 03[21:20] * Orac (~supybot@C06FE3.F5723C.BE3FEB.9D4666) has joined #sunad20 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> now roll it. [21:20] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+8 spotting [21:20] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+8 spotting and gets <10 + 8> = 18 [21:20] <Rairaku> me too? 01[21:21] <~ShadowDM> Yasu notices a small group of people gathering at the other end of the alley-way, a few wielding cameras snapping pictures. [21:22] <Nawa_Yasu> Growling to himself, something about vultures, he notes their faces, knowing there isn't much else he can do about them. 01[21:23] <~ShadowDM> As the shipping crew leaves, the people move out of the way and disperse shortly thereafter. 01[21:25] <~ShadowDM> Inside, the box is opened to reveal... a ton of packing paper and a large weight. Chief Kishimoto looks at you slightly embarassed, "Sorry guys! I didn't quite have time to find something suitable. Perhaps you guys have something we could display? Any old stuff or family airlooms?" [21:26] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu hops down by the chief. "We'll manage, do you have short wave radios we can use?" 01[21:27] * ~ShadowDM : -> Chief "Oh yea! We got a ton around the station, I'm sure we have a few in our patrol cars for you to use." [21:28] <Nawa_Yasu> "That'd be most helpful." 01[21:28] * Rairaku looks at the contents of the box [21:30] <Rairaku> "...We have anything?" 01[21:30] <~ShadowDM> He makes a short call on his radio, and soon enough some lovely radios are brought in for you to use. [21:30] <Rairaku> "....Idea..." [21:30] <Rairaku> "Reporters showing up soon right?" [21:31] <Nawa_Yasu> In the meantime, Yasu pulls out the kusari-gama. "So, tell me teammates, which do you think is better, using a henge to make this look more valueble, or leaving it the way it is? On the one hand, if it isn't henge'd up close it doesn't look valueable. But if it is henge;d, if our opponent can sense or see chakra, then he'll know it's a counterfeit long before he gets close." 01[21:31] <~ShadowDM> Yasu, give me an int check. [21:32] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+3 intelligent? [21:32] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+3 intelligent? and gets <12 + 3> = 15 [21:32] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 ap [21:32] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 ap and gets 6 01[21:33] <~ShadowDM> The Kusari-gama you hold in your hands is both old and valuable looking despite some blood stains on the handle. On second though, you probably don't need to do anything to it other than let the museum staff touch it up a bit. 01[21:34] <~ShadowDM> *on second thought

[21:34] <Rairaku> "Old chain, Used in ninja war. by legendary ninja." 01[21:35] * Rairaku begins rambling a story on the weapon 01[21:35] * ~ShadowDM :Curator -> "You don't say? Could I have a look at it?" [21:35] <Nawa_Yasu> "Hmm, first I'll take it to the curator. He probably has someone on retainer to fix up objects and make the mpresentable." [21:36] <Nawa_Yasu> ((Scratch that last.)) [21:36] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu hands over the weapon. "We won it, stole it really, from a ninja we fought once." [21:36] <Rairaku> "Killed 100 ninja before being slain, the weapon has seen its day..." 01[21:37] <~ShadowDM> Though Rairaku has no way of knowing, she's probably correct. [21:37] <Rairaku> Lying is fun [21:37] <Rairaku> but then again she isnt lying, 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> The curator looks at it with an expert eye, "Mmmm... Quite a treasure you have here." He swings it a bit, "It's well balanced and quite well preserved despite its obvious age... I'd wager it's from before the Consolidation of the Clans..." 01[21:39] * Rairaku nods at the curator [21:39] <Rairaku> "Pass for valuable artifact?" 01[21:40] * ~ShadowDM :Curator -> "Of course! We can restore it a bit to make it more presentable as well." [21:40] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu seems surprised and looks at the weapon again with interest. "Really? I had no idea. All I know is that the guy who lost it would dearly like ot have it back. I'm not looking forward to the press spreading knowledge of it about the country." 01[21:40] * ~ShadowDM :Curator -> "Oh, I don't think you have to worry about that. As much as I hate to admit it, this isn't a very... prestigious museum." [21:41] <Nawa_Yasu> "Well perhaps it will be more famous once it has helped with the capture of the infamous Gambler?" 01[21:41] * Rairaku nods 01[21:41] * ~ShadowDM :Curator -> "Oh, I'm not too sure about that... but I can't abide someone stealing pieces of history!" [21:42] <Rairaku> "Its very famous weapon..." 01[21:42] * ~ShadowDM :Curator -> "Oh? What's its name?" [21:43] <Nawa_Yasu> "We have no idea. And we don't know that it's famous." Yasu gives Rai his best 'please stop' look. It's not a very good look though. [21:43] <Nawa_Yasu> "All we know is that it's a clan heirloom." [21:44] <Rairaku> "Furari... The mortal slayer..." 01[21:44] <~ShadowDM> The Curator chuckles goodnaturedly, "Oh, I'm sure I can come up with something to put on the plaque. If you'd like me to, I could look into it to see if I can find anything out about it, just to show my gratitude for your efforts. 01[21:44] <~ShadowDM> "

[21:45] <Nawa_Yasu> "That'd be nice. I'd like to know what there is to know." 01[21:46] <~ShadowDM> And so, the Curator walks off into the back offices followed by several of his aides. Meanwhile, the chief is overseeing the placement of covert security guards. [21:48] <Rairaku> "Now what..." 01[21:48] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "I guess we should get whatever preparations we have finalized... I'll probably take watch in this room, and try to cut off the thief's escape with my sand." [21:49] <Nawa_Yasu> "Keep an eye out for suspicious people? Eat and rest for the night?" 01[21:49] * ~ShadowDM :Chief -> "Sounds good! I'm just placing a few of my men around the premesise for good measure!" 01[21:49] * Rairaku looks at yori when he mentions eat [21:50] <Nawa_Yasu> "Don't forget those radios!" With that, Yasu wanders off to find a snack machine or a food court or something. 01[21:50] * Rairaku wanders around the museum looking for a snack machine 01[21:50] <~ShadowDM> There are street vendors outside as well as a small food stand down the way. 01[21:51] <~ShadowDM> Outside there is small congregation of reporters, though you note its far smaller than what you'd expect for a busy city like Hitodejima. [21:52] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu sighs and tries to avoid the reporters as he chases down some greazy street vendor food. 01[21:52] * Rairaku follows yasu 01[21:52] * ~ShadowDM :Vendor -> "Hey kid, got fresh fish wraps here!" 01[21:53] * ~ShadowDM :Another Vendor -> "No, come check out these tasty seaweed pastries!" [21:54] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Is there anything sold here that isn't fish based?". 01[21:54] * Rairaku walks up to the fish wrap stand [21:54] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu goes to get a fish wrap, and then a pastry for good measure. He feels that the fish will be fresh here. 01[21:54] <~ShadowDM> The fish is the freshest he has ever tasted... [21:55] <Nawa_Yasu> "Probably not, we are by the sea after all. At least it's probably actually fresh." 01[21:55] <~ShadowDM> considering the only fish he's had before was preserved and days old. 01[21:55] * Rairaku buys 10 wraps from the stand and walks over to a bench and sits the pile of wraps down next to her [21:55] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Hmmm let me try some". Tanaka pays for a fish wrap for himself as well 01[21:56] * ~ShadowDM :Vender -> "Thanks girl! Hope you enjoy those!" [21:56] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu blinks at the multitude of wraps Rairaku has obtained. He sits down next to her and munches on his own wrap.

01[21:56] * Rairaku goes through the wrap quite quickly [21:56] <Nawa_Yasu> After finishing the wrap Yasu moves on to the pastry. 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> And so he does. The fish wraps are steaming hot and slightly spicy. They are wrapped in lettuce leaves and wide sheets of seaweed. 01[21:57] * Rairaku takes a bite of her 5th wrap, "I dont like fish." she says as she continues eating the fishwrap 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> The pastry is both sweet and salty with a rich taste that leaves Yasu's mouth watering. [21:59] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu devours it and smiles widely. "Mmm, better than I expected." 01[21:59] * Rairaku speaks with her mouth full "How much longer till gambler shows..." [21:59] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "These are pretty good,I like that the fish wraps have a slght kick to them", [21:59] <Nawa_Yasu> "Damn right, everybody likes a little kick." 01[22:00] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "According to the reports, he typically shows up at night-" he looks up and adjusts his sunglasses "-it's barely past noon..." 01[22:00] * Rairaku grabs her last wrap her 10th and stares at it. Then offers it to yasu or tanaka. [22:01] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu takes the wrap gladly. "Thanks Rairaku." [22:01] <Rairaku> "Tasted better lizards..." 01[22:02] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "I'll... take your word for it." 01[22:02] <~ShadowDM> The Curator soon greets the reportors at the entrance and leads them inside. [22:02] <Rairaku> "we go in now..." 01[22:02] * Rairaku begins walking towards the crowd anf following them into the museum [22:03] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu follows behind the group of press people and watches for any suspicious behavior. 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> The crowd appears to act as you would guess reporters act, writing on pads of paper and snapping a few pictures here and there. 01[22:04] <~ShadowDM> You're all lead back into the large room where the Kusarigama is displayed in a wide glass stand. 01[22:04] * Rairaku looks around and pays attentin to the crowd otherwise searching for anyhting out of place [22:05] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu tries to keep out of view as he continues to watch the reporters carefully. 01[22:06] <~ShadowDM> The weapon looks considerably better than before. The sharp blades gleam as if freshly polished, while the rest of the metal has maintained its slightly dirty look- in fact, it looks like they may have rubbed some charcoal or ash into the metal to enhance its aged appearance. A new red leather grip has been ornately tied around the handle and the chain is coiled expertly beneath.

01[22:07] <~ShadowDM> No one seems to take notice of the kids as the all clamour about the display trying to get a good look at the blade. 01[22:09] <~ShadowDM> There is much scribbling of pencils and snapping of photos, a few posing questions to the curator which he expertly bluffs or deflects. [22:13] <Nawa_Yasu> Just to be sure, Yasu moved close enough to the reporters to get them all in sense chakra range. 01[22:14] <~ShadowDM> "Forged by the great Masamune the second before the Land of Wind was formed, Kisakishou is a legendary weapon that saw action in all of the Great Shinobi Wars and has tasted the blood of hundreds. It's value cannot properly be estimated due to both its age and masterful craftsmanship, but if presented for bidding, the base price would be well over one-hundred million ryo." 01[22:14] * ~ShadowDM :Reporter -> "Huh, so how'd such a second-rate museum get a prime item like this?" 01[22:17] <~ShadowDM> The Curator reddens with a strange mixture of rage and embarrassment before answering, "The owner of the weapon is an old friend of this museum's founder and a weapon efficionado. It was graciously loaned to the museum despite the recent disquiet to assist with attracting new patrons and to start off the museum's transition into building a weapons collection." 01[22:17] <~ShadowDM> Several more questions are posed to the Curator, mostly regarding the museum's interest in the weapon and a few bits of history. [22:18] <Rairaku> Is the curator sweating or showing signs of faltering to the questions? 01[22:19] <~ShadowDM> Nope, he's answering quite authoratatively. 01[22:19] <~ShadowDM> You assume he has lots of practice dealing with press and investors [22:19] <Rairaku> i Scan the audience with byakugan active 01[22:20] <~ShadowDM> None of them appear to have an unusual amount of chakra. 01[22:20] <~ShadowDM> or seem to be under the affect of any jutsu. [22:20] <Rairaku> look outwards on the outside? [22:21] <Rairaku> Anyone out of place or any unsual chakras? 01[22:21] <~ShadowDM> you see the police in their places and a few patrons walking around the museum, but nothing seems out of place. [22:22] <Rairaku> i turn off byakugan and continue listening to the curator 01[22:22] <~ShadowDM> And eventually the reporters trundle out. As the last leaves, the Curator seems to relax and lets out a sigh. [22:23] <Rairaku> "People believe?" she asks while walking up to the curator [22:23] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "You guys did a great job touching the kusari-gama up sir". [22:23] <Nawa_Yasu> "Indeed. It looks wonderful."

01[22:24] <~ShadowDM> The Curator smiles goodnaturedly, but seems weary, "They seemed to buy it, I just hate to think what they'll say about us when it turns out to be fake." [22:24] <Rairaku> "They will say the museum helped in catching great theif" [22:24] <Nawa_Yasu> Looking about to ensure that no press members are near, Yasu whispers ot the curator, "Now how much of that was the truth?" 01[22:24] * ~ShadowDM :Curator -> "Thank you, by the way, that is actually the blade's name. It was inscribed in old common beneath the grip of the hand." 01[22:24] <~ShadowDM> *handles 01[22:25] <~ShadowDM> *handle 01[22:25] * Rairaku shrugs lightly "tried to make up story for you, Sorry" [22:26] <Rairaku> "We wait now for gambler...." 01[22:26] * ~ShadowDM :Curator -> "Oh, that's quite all right. They don't usually care about that though, just how much its worth and how good it looks." [22:26] <Nawa_Yasu> "Vultures." [22:26] <Rairaku> "Where hide" rairaku says as she looks around at each exhibit 01[22:27] * ~ShadowDM :Curator -> "I however, think the history behind it is quite fascinating and knowing the name gives me a good place to start off." [22:28] <Nawa_Yasu> "I'd certainly like to know more. It's half mine. Kind of. [22:28] <Nawa_Yasu> " [22:28] <Rairaku> Is there any larger exhibits? 01[22:28] * ~ShadowDM :Curato -> "Oh... well there is the garden... They say the Gambler usually comes in through the roof, so it might not be so safe to hide there... Don't you ninjas have any special hiding abilities or something?" [22:29] <Rairaku> "No good at hiding..." 01[22:29] <~ShadowDM> There are plenty of exhibits. 01[22:29] * Rairaku points to herself [22:29] <Rairaku> Larger ones i may be able to hide in or under 01[22:29] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "You don't need to be good at hiding to transform." [22:30] <Rairaku> are the bushes in the garden big enough for someone to hide in? 01[22:31] <~ShadowDM> more than big enough. 01[22:31] <~ShadowDM> though the prospect of falling glass gives you some pause. [22:31] <Rairaku> a small risk to be there when he breaks in 01[22:31] <~ShadowDM> indeed. [22:31] <Rairaku> Im okay with that [22:32] <Rairaku> i hide in the bushes 01[22:32] * ~ShadowDM :Chief -> "Well, he shouldn't be here til at night after it closes. I'll have my men ready

to swarm when you give the word, but we'll try to stay out of your way. I just want to be there to close off any exits." [22:33] <Nawa_Yasu> "Mmm, tell your men to be careful. This guy is stronger than you'd know." 01[22:33] <~ShadowDM> The chief nods and gives you a thumbs up before leaving. [22:34] <Rairaku> i wait like a predator in the shadows waiting to strike from my bush fortress 01[22:34] <~ShadowDM> Yori makes sure nobody is present before surrounding himself with sand which quickly coaleses into large vase. 01[22:35] <~ShadowDM> brb [22:36] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu hides just outside the garden room around the corner from the door. [22:40] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka hides in the trees in the garden 01[22:46] <~ShadowDM> I need hide checks from everyone hiding. 01[22:46] <~ShadowDM> or stealth [22:47] <Rairaku> 1d20+6 [22:47] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+6 and gets <8 + 6> = 14 [22:47] <Rairaku> 1d6 AP! [22:47] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 AP! and gets 1 01[22:47] <~ShadowDM> keep the AP [22:48] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+9 hidingyness! [22:48] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+9 hidingyness! and gets <5 + 9> = 14 [22:48] <Rairaku> Just wanted to get an even 15 [22:48] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 ap [22:48] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 ap and gets 2 01[22:48] <~ShadowDM> it's just one of those nights, eh orac? 01[22:48] <~ShadowDM> Chikamatsu_Tanaka 01[22:48] <~ShadowDM> hide check. [22:49] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+4 stealthy ness [22:49] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+4 stealthy ness and gets <6 + 4> = 10 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> And as surely as Tanaka is fabulous, day turns to night. The museum is dark, only the most necessary lights providing illumination in concert with the moonlight streaming through the windows. What could be considered beautiful by day seemed twisted in strange in these darkened halls as an eerie silence permeated the rooms. 01[22:52] <~ShadowDM> The moon looks down on those in the garden through the large window. 01[22:52] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka and Rai, give me awareness checks. [22:52] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [22:52] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <9 + 13> = 22 01[22:53] <~ShadowDM> it's not sight-based if you're counting that. [22:53] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+6 spider senses tingling

[22:53] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+6 spider senses tingling and gets <15 + 6> = 21 [22:53] <Rairaku> do i need to AP? 01[22:53] <~ShadowDM> did you add modifiers from your eyes? [22:53] <Rairaku> i did 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> what is it without those? [22:54] <Rairaku> 19 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> then yes 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> you need to AP [22:54] <Rairaku> 1d6 [22:54] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 4 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> Both Tanaka and Rairaku notice that everything has gone silent. 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> Very oddly silent. [22:55] <Rairaku> i turn on byakugan 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> give me a spot-check [22:55] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [22:55] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <16 + 13> = 29 [22:55] <Rairaku> WOO [22:55] <Rairaku> do i need to ap or no? 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> wanna AP that? 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> yea [22:56] <Rairaku> 1d6 [22:56] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 2 01[22:57] <~ShadowDM> The air is permeated with chakra which messes with your vision in that aspect, but you can see a concentration of the chakra very high above you on the roof moving toward the edge of the window. 01[22:57] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka, spot check. [22:57] <Rairaku> I keep a focused eye on it [22:58] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+8 spot [22:58] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+8 spot and gets <6 + 8> = 14 [22:58] <Nawa_Yasu> ((Has Yasu noticed anything?)) 01[22:58] <~ShadowDM> Yasu is in the hallway, yes? [22:58] <Nawa_Yasu> Yeah, but he's looking aorund the corner into the room. 01[22:58] <~ShadowDM> into the garden or into the display room? [22:59] <Nawa_Yasu> The garden. 01[22:59] <~ShadowDM> you haven't noticed anything odd yet. 01[22:59] <~ShadowDM> well, give me a spot check. [23:00] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+8 spotty! [23:00] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+8 spotty! and gets <13 + 8> = 21 01[23:00] <~ShadowDM> There is a VERY slim chance you could AP that [23:01] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 ap [23:01] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 ap and gets 5 [23:01] <Nawa_Yasu> ((15 ap left now. ;P))

01[23:01] <~ShadowDM> And no :( 01[23:01] <~ShadowDM> Yasu noticed nothing [23:01] <Nawa_Yasu> *sad face* 01[23:02] <~ShadowDM> Rairaku! Tanaka! Reflex saves! Tanaka, you lose your dexterity bonus! 01[23:02] <~ShadowDM> to the save [23:02] <Rairaku> I still focus on the figure the minute it enters the buiding i charge it [23:02] <Rairaku> 1d20+3 [23:02] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+3 and gets <19 + 3> = 22 [23:03] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+2 [23:03] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 and gets <1 + 2> = 3 [23:03] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> shit on a stick 01[23:03] <~ShadowDM> Rai! Do you have evasion? [23:03] <Rairaku> No, 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> Fractures soundless form in the window, creating a spider-web like pattern across the clear surface before it gives way to a cascade of falling shards. Rai does her best to move out of the way, but Tanaka is unaware of the danger! Rai takes 14 damage, Tanaka takes 28. 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> Yasu, you notice something is wrong. 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> Very wrong. 01[23:06] <~ShadowDM> Or very right considering this is how you thought the enemy would get in. [23:06] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu curses and draws his kodachi. He steps into the doorway and assesses the situation. 01[23:06] <~ShadowDM> Rai, spot check. [23:06] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [23:06] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <2 + 13> = 15 01[23:06] <~ShadowDM> Rai loses sight of the figure, but your fairly certain it is no longer on the roof. 01[23:06] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka and yasu, spot checks. [23:07] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+8 spot [23:07] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+8 spot and gets <6 + 8> = 14 [23:07] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+8 spot that shiznit! [23:07] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+8 spot that shiznit! and gets <9 + 8> = 17 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> None of are able to pinpoint your agressor, but Yasu notices that the world around him has suddenly gone completely silent. [23:11] <Rairaku> i try and get a lock on the guy again 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> And then out of the shadows steps... the Gambler. 01[23:12] <~ShadowDM> The gambler is a... woman. Her curvaceous figure somehow fits into a tight wetsuit. Short blonde hair is tied back into a ponytail with a few wild bangs hanging loose around her shaded goggles. She looks honestly suprised to see you. [23:12] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu looks to where Tanaka is lying near death and then to the Gambler. He mouths at him, "You are going to regret that."

01[23:12] <~ShadowDM> Yasu cannot see Tanaka or Rai 01[23:13] <~ShadowDM> She looks confused as he tries to mouth something at her, apparently she cannot read lips. [23:13] <Nawa_Yasu> Oh... bellay that then. 01[23:13] <~ShadowDM> But she gets his meaning well enough considering he is menacing a kodachi at her. The Gambler pulls out a deck of cards and fans them out, as if tempting him to select one. [23:13] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka's blood seeps out from under the moutain of glass shards impalin him, a small muffled scream can be heard 01[23:14] <~ShadowDM> Nothing can be heard because... apparently sound isn't working. [23:14] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> from underneath 01[23:14] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! Actions? [23:15] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu sheathes one of his kodachi and uses a jutsu, Raiton: Raikousen no Jutsu! [23:16] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+4 ranged touch! [23:16] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+4 ranged touch! and gets <6 + 4> = 10 [23:16] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 ap [23:16] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 ap and gets 6 01[23:16] <~ShadowDM> miss! 01[23:17] <~ShadowDM> She looks slightly displeased at your lack of playfullness. Yasu, Defense! [23:17] <Nawa_Yasu> 20 01[23:18] <~ShadowDM> and Orac apparently hates her too. 01[23:19] <~ShadowDM> A card flies past your ear, barely missing you. 01[23:19] <~ShadowDM> She forms several hand seals and more attractive women appear in the air around her. [23:19] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu grins, getting in to the rhythm of the fight. 01[23:19] <~ShadowDM> Rai, you may make another spot check. [23:19] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [23:19] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <14 + 13> = 27 01[23:20] <~ShadowDM> congrats! you notice several women standing between you and the room with the "artifact", Yasu has currently engaged her... them... Yasu! your go! 01[23:22] <~ShadowDM> At this point there are four women standing in front of you. [23:22] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu get close enough to use denha no jutsu on the whole crowd. 01[23:22] <~ShadowDM> roll it and tell me the save. [23:23] <Nawa_Yasu> Roll it? It's an area effect. It's reflex dc 17 though. 01[23:23] <~ShadowDM> yes, roll the damage. [23:23] <Nawa_Yasu> Or roll the damage you mean? [23:23] <Nawa_Yasu> 2d6 lightning!

[23:23] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 2d6 lightning! and gets <3,1> = 4 01[23:23] <~ShadowDM> you're not... Empowering it? 01[23:23] <~ShadowDM> well whatever, I guess. [23:24] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu doesn't have much chakra, he's jsut testing the waters. 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> Three of the women dance through the lightning, but one dissappears into a puff of smoke. 01[23:25] <~ShadowDM> is that all? [23:26] <Nawa_Yasu> Draw my kodachi again? 01[23:26] <~ShadowDM> and you do so. 01[23:26] <~ShadowDM> The women charge forward, provoking an AoO from Yasu! [23:27] <Nawa_Yasu> I'll use jiki-uchi for one of them. 01[23:27] <~ShadowDM> so... roll it? [23:27] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+6 jiki-uchi attack [23:27] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+6 jiki-uchi attack and gets <5 + 6> = 11 01[23:27] <~ShadowDM> Miss! [23:28] <Nawa_Yasu> Do I have more AoO's to roll? 01[23:28] <~ShadowDM> Do you have Combat Reflexes? [23:28] <Nawa_Yasu> nm I only get one, right. 01[23:29] <~ShadowDM> omg... I don't even know what just happened. 01[23:30] <~ShadowDM> 1d3 [23:30] <Orac> ShadowDM rolls 1d3 and gets 1 01[23:30] <~ShadowDM> The women dash past you unscathed into the room with Kisakishou, where a wave of sand greets them. The sand flows around one of them forming hands and constricting! 01[23:30] <~ShadowDM> Rai! your go! [23:31] <Rairaku> charge her? 01[23:31] <~ShadowDM> you're not close enough. [23:31] <Rairaku> 45 feet? 01[23:32] <~ShadowDM> ah right, speed ranks 01[23:32] <~ShadowDM> roll it. [23:32] <Nawa_Yasu> Isn't a charge a double move anyway? [23:32] <Rairaku> 1d20+12 Touch [23:32] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+12 Touch and gets <3 + 12> = 15 01[23:32] <~ShadowDM> miss! [23:32] <Rairaku> oh come on... ap or no? 01[23:32] <~ShadowDM> sure [23:32] <Rairaku> will it hit? [23:33] <Rairaku> or has a chance? 01[23:33] <~ShadowDM> you have a 33% chance [23:33] <Rairaku> 1d6 [23:33] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 5 01[23:33] <~ShadowDM> hit! [23:33] <Rairaku> 1d6+2 [23:33] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6+2 and gets <1 + 2> = 3 01[23:33] <~ShadowDM> and you strike!

01[23:33] <~ShadowDM> she grunts and curses. [23:33] <Rairaku> witch one is the real one? [23:34] <Rairaku> or did i just strike the real one? 01[23:34] <~ShadowDM> the one you just hit apparently, since both you and Yori have hit and she didn't disappear. [23:34] <Rairaku> otherwise im done 01[23:34] <~ShadowDM> charging is a full-round, so yea. 01[23:34] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! [23:35] <Nawa_Yasu> Double kodachi attacks against the nearest enemy. [23:35] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+3 attack one [23:35] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+3 attack one and gets <11 + 3> = 14 [23:35] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+3 second attack! [23:35] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+3 second attack! and gets <18 + 3> = 21 01[23:36] <~ShadowDM> How are you making two attacks? [23:36] <Nawa_Yasu> Two kodachi, two weapon fighting. 01[23:37] <~ShadowDM> you can only make the second attack during a full-attack action 01[23:37] <~ShadowDM> which you are not doing. 01[23:38] <~ShadowDM> so roll again 01[23:39] <~ShadowDM> nawa_yasu ? [23:40] <Nawa_Yasu> Sorry... [23:41] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+5 attack [23:41] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+5 attack and gets <12 + 5> = 17 01[23:41] <~ShadowDM> wanna AP it? [23:41] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 ap [23:41] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 ap and gets 3 01[23:41] <~ShadowDM> hit! [23:41] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6+2 slicing [23:41] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6+2 slicing and gets <3 + 2> = 5 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> Her form shifts slightly as the sand collapses around nothing. Yasu! Defense! [23:43] <Nawa_Yasu> 20 01[23:45] <~ShadowDM> Two cards slam into Yasu, dealing 9 damage while 2 sink into the sand that rises up to defend Yori. 01[23:45] <~ShadowDM> Spot checks, everyone [23:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [23:45] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <8 + 13> = 21 [23:46] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+8 spot! [23:46] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+8 spot! and gets <6 + 8> = 14 [23:46] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 ap [23:46] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 ap and gets 5 01[23:46] <~ShadowDM> Rai, you see the gambler behind the display case! 02[23:47] * Frankto ( Quit (Client closed the connection) [23:47] <Rairaku> She kawarimi or shunpo away?

01[23:47] <~ShadowDM> Neither as far as you can tell. [23:47] <Rairaku> lemme know when i can go so i can point her out 01[23:48] <~ShadowDM> it's your go right now. [23:48] <Rairaku> i charge at her again 01[23:48] <~ShadowDM> there are things in the way [23:48] <Rairaku> then i move and attack 01[23:48] <~ShadowDM> roll it. 01[23:49] <~ShadowDM> and your defense? [23:49] <Rairaku> 1d20+9 Touch [23:49] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+9 Touch and gets <6 + 9> = 15 [23:49] <Rairaku> and defense is 18 [23:49] <Rairaku> Ap to hit or impossible? 01[23:49] <~ShadowDM> impossible [23:50] <Rairaku> im done otherwise 01[23:50] <~ShadowDM> As you dash by one of the women slice you with a card for 3 damage 01[23:52] <~ShadowDM> a wave of sand swirls around one of the women, but she dances expertly out of its grasp! 01[23:52] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! Go! [23:53] <Nawa_Yasu> Are any of the women within a five foot move of me? 01[23:53] <~ShadowDM> yes [23:53] <Nawa_Yasu> I'll make a five foot step to her and full attack. 01[23:53] <~ShadowDM> roll it [23:53] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+3 one [23:53] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+3 one and gets <16 + 3> = 19 [23:54] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 ap [23:54] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 ap and gets 1 [23:54] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+3 two [23:54] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+3 two and gets <11 + 3> = 14 01[23:54] <~ShadowDM> One hit! [23:54] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6+2 damage! [23:54] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6+2 damage! and gets <3 + 2> = 5 01[23:54] <~ShadowDM> The women explodes as your kodachi seems to pass through air! 01[23:55] <~ShadowDM> Everyone, spot checks! [23:55] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [23:55] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <6 + 13> = 19 01[23:55] <~ShadowDM> Yasu? [23:56] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+8 spot [23:56] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+8 spot and gets <16 + 8> = 24 01[23:57] <~ShadowDM> Both of you notice that the Gambler that Yasu just killed left behind several cards that slowly fall to the ground. Rai, you notice there is chakra in them. [23:57] <Rairaku> I try to yell get away 01[23:57] <~ShadowDM> no words come out 01[23:58] <~ShadowDM> The last 'clone' decides Yori isn't worth her effort, but two cards fly past Yasu's head, just barely missing. 01[23:59] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! Reflex save! [23:59] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+4 relxive dodge!

[23:59] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+4 relxive dodge! and gets <14 + 4> = 18 01[00:00] <~ShadowDM> do you have evasion? Session Time: Sun Apr 17 00:00:00 2011 [00:00] <Nawa_Yasu> Not yet. 01[00:00] <~ShadowDM> Then you take 4 damage as the cards glow for a second before bursting into flame! 01[00:01] <~ShadowDM> The real woman expertly slices a hole in the glass with a card before pulling out the Kusarigami! [00:01] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu coughs as smoke rises from his clothes. He turns to glare at the Gambler by the display case. 01[00:01] <~ShadowDM> Rai! AoO! [00:02] <Rairaku> i use jick uchi [00:02] <Rairaku> and flawless form 01[00:02] <~ShadowDM> roll it [00:02] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [00:02] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <7 + 14> = 21 01[00:02] <~ShadowDM> wanna Ap that? [00:02] <Rairaku> 1d6 [00:02] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 5 01[00:02] <~ShadowDM> hit! [00:03] <Rairaku> 1d6+7 [00:03] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6+7 and gets <6 + 7> = 13 01[00:03] <~ShadowDM> She grunts, do you have combat reflexes? [00:04] <Rairaku> No 01[00:04] <~ShadowDM> The Gambler stubbornly forms the handseals once more and dissappears from in front of you and back to the entrance quick is quickly sealed by a wall of sand! Yori tries to say something, but it doesn't seem to make any sound. 01[00:05] <~ShadowDM> Rai! Your turn! [00:05] <Rairaku> keep charging? 01[00:05] <~ShadowDM> things keep getting in the way! [00:06] <Rairaku> i move and attack again 01[00:06] <~ShadowDM> too far this time. [00:06] <Rairaku> double move then [00:06] <Rairaku> otherwise nothin [00:06] <Rairaku> double move to engage her 01[00:06] <~ShadowDM> alright, a double move brings you right next to her! 01[00:06] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! your go! [00:07] <Nawa_Yasu> I drop a kodachi and try to hit her with Raikousen again. 01[00:07] <~ShadowDM> roll it! [00:07] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+4 ranged touch! [00:07] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+4 ranged touch! and gets <19 + 4> = 23 01[00:07] <~ShadowDM> hit! [00:07] <Nawa_Yasu> 2d6 electricity [00:07] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 2d6 electricity and gets <2,3> = 5

[00:07] <Nawa_Yasu> and... [00:07] <Nawa_Yasu> save dc 16 fort 01[00:08] <~ShadowDM> She twitches and grits her teeth, fighting through the pain! 01[00:09] <~ShadowDM> The wall of sand explodes from the outside while the other futily throws cards at Yasu. 01[00:10] <~ShadowDM> The Gambler turns and gives a wink before dashing out, Rai! AoO!!! [00:10] <Rairaku> jiki and flawless form again.... 01[00:10] <~ShadowDM> roll! [00:10] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [00:10] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <11 + 14> = 25 01[00:10] <~ShadowDM> hit! [00:10] <Rairaku> 1d6+7 [00:10] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6+7 and gets <6 + 7> = 13 01[00:11] <~ShadowDM> She tumbles out into the hallway and dashes down the hallway. [00:11] <Rairaku> would run past her at x4 [00:11] <Rairaku> at8 01[00:12] <~ShadowDM> and you do so! [00:12] <Rairaku> Would i even be close to her if i did? 01[00:12] <~ShadowDM> how far do you want to run past her? [00:13] <Rairaku> i dont want to run past her i want to keep her in melee [00:13] <Rairaku> so when she keeps leving i get Aoo 01[00:13] <~ShadowDM> so you want to be right behind her? [00:14] <Rairaku> eh....scratch that [00:14] <Rairaku> i want to be right next to her [00:14] <Rairaku> same speed 01[00:14] <~ShadowDM> She spins as she runs to lash out with a viscious kick, dealing 3 damage! [00:14] <Rairaku> yeah keeping with her [00:14] <Rairaku> i use my jutsu or nah? 01[00:14] <~ShadowDM> no, this was an AoO [00:15] <Rairaku> gotcha [00:15] <Rairaku> i yell for the police 01[00:15] <~ShadowDM> no sound comes out [00:16] <Rairaku> otherwise lemme know when i can attack 01[00:16] <~ShadowDM> She stops abruptly and takes a step to the side before forming handseals and appearing further down the hallway. 01[00:17] <~ShadowDM> actually scratch that, Yasu, your go! [00:17] <Nawa_Yasu> I assume they are bot pretty far ahead of me? 01[00:17] <~ShadowDM> She's not too far down the hallway, if you stepped out, you'd still see her. [00:18] <Nawa_Yasu> M'kay, can I catch up to her in one move? 01[00:19] <~ShadowDM> no [00:20] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu will move as clsoe to her as he can in one move and fire another raikousen, but first. AP for temporary chakra?

[00:20] [00:20] [00:20] [00:20] [00:20] 10

02[00:20] * /channel: invalid parameters 01[00:20] <~ShadowDM> go for it <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 temporary chakra! <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 temporary chakra! and gets 3 <Nawa_Yasu> And then raikousen, which costs exactly that much. <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+4 ranged touch! <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+4 ranged touch! and gets <6 + 4> =

01[00:21] <~ShadowDM> miss D: 01[00:21] <~ShadowDM> Yori dashes out and sends a torrent of sand down the hallway, missing the Gambler. 01[00:23] <~ShadowDM> She stops abruptly and takes a step to the side before forming handseals and appearing further down the hallway. 01[00:23] <~ShadowDM> The second one dashes out and into the garden. [00:23] <Rairaku> still cant charge her right? T_T 01[00:23] <~ShadowDM> you can charge. [00:24] <Rairaku> this one real? 01[00:24] <~ShadowDM> you've done considerable damage. [00:24] <Rairaku> i charge then 01[00:24] <~ShadowDM> roll it [00:24] <Rairaku> 1d20+12 [00:24] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+12 and gets <10 + 12> = 22 01[00:25] <~ShadowDM> wanna AP that? [00:25] <Rairaku> lemme guess i hafta AP? [00:25] <Rairaku> 1d6 [00:25] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 2 01[00:25] <~ShadowDM> hit! [00:25] <Rairaku> 1d6+2 [00:25] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6+2 and gets <5 + 2> = 7 01[00:25] <~ShadowDM> Yasu Wis check [00:25] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+1 [00:25] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+1 and gets <20 + 1> = 21 01[00:26] <~ShadowDM> Hey... you can suddenly hear things. 01[00:31] <~ShadowDM> Nawa_Yasu your go? [00:32] <Nawa_Yasu> One sec... [00:32] <Nawa_Yasu> Am I in range to charge her? 01[00:33] <~ShadowDM> nope [00:33] <Nawa_Yasu> am I in range to catch up to her with a full round ru naction? 01[00:33] <~ShadowDM> no, or else you could charge her. [00:34] <Nawa_Yasu> Well I full ru nas close as I can. 01[00:34] <~ShadowDM> and so you do... 01[00:36] <~ShadowDM> Yori curses and chases the other women into the garden. 01[00:38] <~ShadowDM> The girl looks pissed, but more concerned about getting the fuck out. With a flourish she

dissappears in cascade of cards to appear on the opposite side of the hallway. 01[00:38] <~ShadowDM> Rai! Your go! [00:38] <Rairaku> Charge again? 01[00:38] <~ShadowDM> too far [00:38] <Rairaku> double move then? 01[00:38] <~ShadowDM> and you're that much closer. [00:39] <Rairaku> well how far do i need to move to get to her? 01[00:39] <~ShadowDM> you'd need two more double moves [00:39] <Rairaku> so a run then? 01[00:39] <~ShadowDM> and now you need one double move to get to her. 01[00:39] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! [00:40] <Nawa_Yasu> Another full round run action. 01[00:40] <~ShadowDM> and you're closer to her than Rai. [00:41] <Nawa_Yasu> m'kay. Too bad shunshin no jutsu has such a sucky range. 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> She disappears around the corner of the hallway while her clone steps out into the hallway before being crushed beneath a torrent of sand. 01[00:45] <~ShadowDM> Rai! [00:46] <Rairaku> i run at her [00:46] <Rairaku> as much as i can 01[00:46] <~ShadowDM> and so you do, you run around the corner to find her stumbling down the hallway, one hand on the wall for support. [00:46] <Rairaku> i resay that 01[00:47] <~ShadowDM> no sound [00:47] <Rairaku> i run tuntil im in melee with her 01[00:47] <~ShadowDM> you've already moved 01[00:47] <~ShadowDM> Yasu, your go! [00:47] <Rairaku> no i mean i dont want to run -past- her if i make it here 01[00:47] <~ShadowDM> Aye, getting to there was your move is what I was saying. 01[00:50] <~ShadowDM> Nawa_Yasu ? [00:51] <Nawa_Yasu> I full move to catch up. 01[00:51] <~ShadowDM> and so you do. 01[00:53] <~ShadowDM> The Gambler pulls out an entire deck of cards from her suit and tosses it behind her as she continues to move forward as fast as possible. The deck splits apart, releasing a mulitude of cards into the air. 01[00:53] <~ShadowDM> Rai! Your go! [00:54] <Rairaku> can i charge or not? [00:54] <Rairaku> no* 01[00:54] <~ShadowDM> You'd have to charge through the cards [00:54] <Rairaku> thats fine 01[00:54] <~ShadowDM> alright

01[00:54] <~ShadowDM> defense? [00:54] <Rairaku> 18 01[00:55] <~ShadowDM> As you pass through the cloud of cards, they shine briefly before forming a string of cards that dig into the floor and walls as they wrap around your ankles and wrists. 01[00:55] <~ShadowDM> strength check? 01[00:55] <~ShadowDM> or escape artist if you have it. [00:56] <Rairaku> i have acrobatics 01[00:56] <~ShadowDM> roll it [00:56] <Rairaku> 1d20+8 [00:56] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+8 and gets <8 + 8> = 16 01[00:56] <~ShadowDM> no go, Rai is held fast by the cards. 01[00:56] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! [00:56] <Rairaku> no ap whatsoever? 01[00:57] <~ShadowDM> it has a 16% chance of success [00:57] <Rairaku> of course im gonna try [00:57] <Rairaku> 1d6 [00:57] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 5 01[00:57] <~ShadowDM> actually no 01[00:57] <~ShadowDM> that's for the Strength check 01[00:58] <~ShadowDM> The DC for the escape artist is too high, keep the Ap 01[00:58] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! your go! [00:59] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> ((Yasu said brb)) 01[00:59] <~ShadowDM> One of you want to go for him? [01:00] <Rairaku> i know he has a +2 str im not sure he would be able to get through the cardsd 01[01:00] <~ShadowDM> all the cards formed the chain around Rai 01[01:00] <~ShadowDM> there aren't anymore in the air. [01:00] <Rairaku> oh then fuck yeah yasu is gonna go 01[01:01] <~ShadowDM> go for it [01:01] <Rairaku> well is she within one move of him or no? 01[01:01] <~ShadowDM> he has a +5 bonus I believe. 01[01:01] <~ShadowDM> he can charge her. [01:01] <Rairaku> then yes [01:01] <Rairaku> 1d20+7 [01:01] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+7 and gets <20 + 7> = 27 01[01:01] <~ShadowDM> hit and threat [01:01] <Rairaku> 1d20+7 [01:01] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+7 and gets <12 + 7> = 19 01[01:01] <~ShadowDM> ap it? [01:01] <Rairaku> 1d6 [01:01] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 1

01[01:02] <~ShadowDM> no confirmation, but hit [01:02] <Rairaku> 1d6+2 [01:02] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6+2 and gets <3 + 2> = 5 01[01:03] <~ShadowDM> he lands a solid blow, but she rolls with it and keep and pushing towards the front entrance. 01[01:03] <~ShadowDM> Yasu gets an AoO [01:03] <Rairaku> jiki uchi 01[01:03] <~ShadowDM> I don't think he has any chakra left. [01:03] <Rairaku> its 1 chakra... 01[01:04] <~ShadowDM> he had to AP for 3 chakra before [01:04] <Rairaku> hmm [01:04] <Rairaku> okay then [01:04] <Rairaku> 1d20+5 [01:04] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+5 and gets <13 + 5> = 18 01[01:04] <~ShadowDM> miss! [01:04] <Rairaku> he shouts for the police 01[01:04] <~ShadowDM> No sound. 01[01:05] <~ShadowDM> The Gambler flat-out runs around the corner toward the front door. Yasu and Rai see a splash of sand hit the wall, but hear nothing. Rai! [01:06] <Rairaku> acro to get out of the chain? 01[01:06] <~ShadowDM> roll strength or escape artist [01:06] <Rairaku> 1d20-1 Strength [01:06] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20-1 Strength and gets <15 - 1> = 14 01[01:07] <~ShadowDM> <__< why not escape artist? [01:07] <Rairaku> should i roll that instead? 01[01:07] <~ShadowDM> oh ye [01:07] <Rairaku> 1d20+8 [01:07] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+8 and gets <13 + 8> = 21 01[01:07] <~ShadowDM> that's close enough to AP [01:08] <Rairaku> 1d6 [01:08] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 6 01[01:08] <~ShadowDM> Success! Rai manages to wriggle out of the stiff cards! 01[01:08] <~ShadowDM> Yasu's go! [01:08] <Rairaku> one move or double move to get to her? 01[01:09] <~ShadowDM> she moves faster than he does. 01[01:09] <~ShadowDM> currently she's out of his range. 01[01:09] <~ShadowDM> at least at the speed she was going. [01:09] <Rairaku> so run then? 01[01:09] <~ShadowDM> he can make it around the corner easily enough. 01[01:09] <~ShadowDM> Where he sees Yori and several police officers confronting her. [01:10] <Rairaku> we...caught her?

01[01:11] <~ShadowDM> It would appear not as she is still attempting to flee. 01[01:11] <~ShadowDM> She tosses two smokebombs, filling the hallway with a concealing mist. 01[01:12] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "Hold your fire!" 01[01:12] <~ShadowDM> Apparently you can hear again. [01:12] <Nawa_Yasu> Can I sense chakra to find her? 01[01:12] <~ShadowDM> it's not your go, so no 01[01:12] <~ShadowDM> Rai! [01:12] <Rairaku> i still have byakugan on...can i see her? 01[01:12] <~ShadowDM> give me a spot check [01:12] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [01:12] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <5 + 13> = 18 [01:14] <Rairaku> so i dont see her? 01[01:14] <~ShadowDM> nope [01:14] <Rairaku> move into the smoke 01[01:14] <~ShadowDM> you're not around the corner yet. [01:14] <Rairaku> then i double move around the corner? 01[01:15] <~ShadowDM> and you do so. Hey, there's smoke. 01[01:16] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "Damnit, watch out." 01[01:18] <~ShadowDM> As the smoke clears you see a latice of sand poles forming down the hallway, but there is no sign of the Gambler. [01:19] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [01:19] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <14 + 13> = 27 01[01:20] <~ShadowDM> You see her out on the street. [01:20] <Rairaku> I shout at the top of my lungs THE STREET and i run at her 01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> spot check again. [01:21] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [01:21] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <13 + 13> = 26 01[01:21] <~ShadowDM> you see her further down the street, heading toward a crowded area. [01:22] <Rairaku> continue? i can still see her chakra and its kind of ovious 01[01:22] <~ShadowDM> and so you do. [01:22] <Rairaku> i continue movine at her- wait its a crowded what time? 01[01:22] <~ShadowDM> like 1 AM 01[01:23] <~ShadowDM> and a crowded area 01[01:23] <~ShadowDM> from the lights you would know that it's a downtown kind of area 01[01:23] <~ShadowDM> but Rai would have no idea [01:23] <Rairaku> i dont stop chasing her...ever...even in death 01[01:23] <~ShadowDM> Even if you lose sight of her? [01:23] <Rairaku> yes

[01:24] <Rairaku> i can survive and track...she is obviously bleeding 01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> Another spot check [01:24] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [01:24] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <17 + 13> = 30 01[01:24] <~ShadowDM> She moves into the crowd dissappearing from normal sight as you follow. 01[01:25] <~ShadowDM> roll another spot. [01:25] <Rairaku> ... [01:25] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [01:25] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <6 + 13> = 19 01[01:25] <~ShadowDM> she had a 90 foot lead on you, don't give me that look 01[01:25] <~ShadowDM> wanna Ap that? [01:25] <Rairaku> 1d6 [01:25] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 5 01[01:25] <~ShadowDM> and you continue the chase down an alleyway which... 01[01:26] <~ShadowDM> apparently is a dead end. 01[01:26] <~ShadowDM> She skids to a halt at the wall and turns to face you and... 01[01:26] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I surrender." [01:27] <Rairaku> Not at any point do i stop to hear words me pinning her to the wall like a rabid dog [01:27] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [01:27] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <7 + 13> = 20 01[01:28] <~ShadowDM> and what is that? [01:28] <Rairaku> sense motive? 01[01:28] <~ShadowDM> she's not lying [01:28] <Rairaku> she surrenders? 01[01:28] <~ShadowDM> you can tell with your sight that she is rather low on chakra 01[01:28] <~ShadowDM> more like completely out. [01:29] <Rairaku> i grab herand drag her by the hair much like a caveman would a woman he finds fancy 01[01:29] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I guess... the children will just have to starve." 01[01:29] <~ShadowDM> Her hair isn't long enough to hold. 01[01:29] <~ShadowDM> at least not in a dragging kind of way. 01[01:29] * Rairaku stares at her with a confused gaze [01:30] <Rairaku> Sense motive? 01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> roll it if you want to. [01:30] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [01:30] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <10 + 13> = 23 01[01:30] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Just don't bring them into this... I couldn't bear to see their faces if they found out..." 01[01:30] <~ShadowDM> She not lying

[01:30] <Rairaku> "They are not accused of crimes... You are, As well as nearly killing my freind..." 01[01:31] * Rairaku stares intently her byakugan turning off 01[01:31] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Killing your friend? I might have singed one a little badly, but I hardly think I nearly killed anyone... 01[01:31] <~ShadowDM> " [01:32] <Rairaku> "you surrender, be glad i am honorable." [01:32] <Rairaku> "You will turn yourself to the police and apologize to my freind..." 01[01:32] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I can't be glad as long as the monastary is being demolished..." [01:34] <Rairaku> "....Nothing in that sentence said what i said will happen" she says while grabbing her arm and dragging her back to the museum 01[01:35] <~ShadowDM> She sighs, but doesn't seem to resist, but won't be pulled faster than a casual walk. [01:36] <Rairaku> as we walk we talk... 01[01:36] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I really thought this was the only way... after the city said they wouldn't renew our permit, just so they could build some highrise... How could we afford to buy the land? We're not some conglomerate, and we have so many mouths to feed..." [01:37] <Rairaku> "Wrong is wrong, Justification only worsens it..." 01[01:37] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Tcheh, tell that to the mayor." 01[01:38] <~ShadowDM> You move through the crowd toward the Museum, getting more than a few strange looks. 01[01:38] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I certainly don't see the good in forcing children out onto the street..." [01:38] <Rairaku> "There are other ways, your mind is to narrow to see them..." [01:39] <Rairaku> i stop in sight of the museum 01[01:39] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I suppose you're right, though I really believe prostitution is demeaning to women..." 01[01:39] <~ShadowDM> She stops slightly confused. [01:40] <Rairaku> "Look at me with clarity." 01[01:41] <~ShadowDM> Unless you stop her, she pulls her goggles off with her free hand, "Huh?" [01:41] <Rairaku> i take one last sense motive 01[01:41] <~ShadowDM> roll it [01:41] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [01:41] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <20 + 13> = 33 01[01:42] <~ShadowDM> She's lying, she doesn't think prostitution is demeaning to women. But the other stuff is true. [01:43] <Rairaku> Everything about the monastarty and children all true? by the grace of that 20 orac gave me...all true? 01[01:43] <~ShadowDM> yes.

01[01:43] * Rairaku still looking forward [01:43] <Rairaku> Is yasu anywhere nearby? 01[01:43] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! 01[01:44] <~ShadowDM> how far would you have followed!? 01[01:44] <~ShadowDM> You wouldn't have been able to see them oncethey were oustide [01:44] <Nawa_Yasu> As far as I oculd before. 01[01:44] <~ShadowDM> So you're standing outside the museum 01[01:44] <~ShadowDM> spot check! [01:44] <Rairaku> I just shout "Rabbit" 01[01:44] <~ShadowDM> Then you hear Rai calling. [01:44] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+8 spot check [01:44] <Orac> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+8 spot check and gets <15 + 8> = 23 [01:45] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu follows the sound of Rai's voice to find her, wherever she is. [01:45] <Rairaku> Some distace away from the museum 01[01:45] <~ShadowDM> She's standing down the street with the gambler at the edge of a crowd of people [01:46] <Rairaku> "....Problem." [01:47] <Nawa_Yasu> "What's the problem?" 01[01:47] * Rairaku looks at the gambler 01[01:47] <~ShadowDM> She looks slightly confused. [01:47] <Rairaku> "Conscience." [01:48] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu sighs, "About what? She's a thief. That should be all you need to know." [01:48] <Rairaku> "Tell him." 01[01:49] * Rairaku nudges the gambler 01[01:50] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> *Sigh* "I'm actually a priestess in a monastary on the island... the recently elected mayor has taken it upon himself to foreclose on us though, so they can continue building resorts and increase the tourist trade..." 01[01:51] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "We're not for profit and we've been running on a permit, so we don't have the money to buy the land... We house orphans, and don't really have any place for them to go after we're shut down... I suppose they could be sent to other locations, but traveling is just so dangerous and we don't know what kind of strain that would put on other monastaries..." [01:52] <Rairaku> "Conscience, Rabbit how do you judge?" [01:55] <Nawa_Yasu> "Regardless of all that. She is a thief. A thief we were sent to capture." 01[01:56] * Rairaku stares at yasu her white eyes more prominent in the night. "I didnt ask about the mission." [01:56] <Nawa_Yasu> "Then what do you want to know? Whether she's lying or not? I can't tell that." [01:57] <Rairaku> "Not lying, I want know.... Right to turn her in?" [01:59] <Nawa_Yasu> "I think so. I think that stealign is a crime. I think that if she is tellign the truth, and that she is a goodp erson

caring for orphans, I think she took a wrong turn. Once we turn her in we can discuss this with the Mayor himself." 01[01:59] * Rairaku looks at yasu then at the gambler [01:59] <Rairaku> "have stolen items still?" 01[02:00] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Yes... I hadn't found a buyer yet." [02:00] <Nawa_Yasu> "Also, do you really expect us to believe that with all you've stolen you don't have the money to transport all of your supposed orphans to somewhere where you can buy or construct a place for them to live?" [02:01] <Rairaku> "....Honorable?" 01[02:01] * Rairaku looks at the gambler 01[02:01] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "It's not as simple as that. This is our home... The monastary has been here for centuries... The Mayor is just... being impossible. He wants us gone." [02:01] <Nawa_Yasu> "Well, since yo ustill have the items. Once we take oyu in you c an use them as a bargaining chip to either fix your orphan problem, or lighten your sentence, since I think you are lying." 01[02:02] * Rairaku gives a long stare at yasu 01[02:02] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Despite anything I've done, I've tried to avoid harming innocent people. I still have my honor, or else I'd have already run... You don't seem very strong physically." 01[02:03] <~ShadowDM> The Gambler gives Yasu a very hard look when he says 'Orphan Problem'. 01[02:03] * Rairaku looks at the gambler with a softer stare "bargain..." [02:04] <Rairaku> "Plan...." as she looks at yasu [02:04] <Nawa_Yasu> "I assume you don't want to turn her in?" 01[02:05] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I guess... that's all I can do. I won't be able to return to the monastary though... not after this gets out... but I'll take my punishment without complaint." [02:05] <Rairaku> "Moral opposition to duty..." She says to yasu 01[02:06] * Rairaku looks a the gambler [02:06] <Rairaku> "You are still at Full... Able to escape any time. you came back with Deal." [02:06] <Nawa_Yasu> "Quite. Well... If we don't turn her in, our mission doesn't end. We must continue to try and track her down until we have her, she is dead, or the city calls it off." 01[02:07] <~ShadowDM> (( Ugh, dead or alive was not part of the mission )) [02:07] <Rairaku> "Save monastary, for return of artifacts and you go to police..." [02:07] <Rairaku> "Be good liar, Tell them i can escape at any time..." [02:07] <Nawa_Yasu> ((Yasu included that possibility for effect.)) 01[02:08] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I guess... I could try."

[02:08] <Rairaku> "Tell.... Me. Where artifacts hidden, You have insuInsu- Saftey..." [02:08] <Rairaku> "If they no accept deal, i know where artifact are." 01[02:08] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Insurance? Alright. But only you." [02:08] <Nawa_Yasu> "And we'll make sure the mayor adheres to the letter of the deal you make." 01[02:08] * Rairaku nods 01[02:08] <~ShadowDM> She gives Yasu a look. [02:09] <Rairaku> "If mayor does not abide.... i tell them gambler escaped with bamafamillion of coin. the place lose visitor and coins." [02:10] <Rairaku> "Plan good?" 01[02:12] * Rairaku looks at gambler and yasu [02:12] <Nawa_Yasu> "It works. Let's go. And I'm sorry for beign so harsh. I guess maybe you were being truthful after all" 01[02:12] * Rairaku nods and walks to the police gathering [02:13] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu follows behind, prepared for any escape attempt. 01[02:13] <~ShadowDM> The Gambler follows without resisting. [02:13] <Rairaku> "Thief has deal." She says walking up to the gathering 01[02:14] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "If you ever want to see the goods again, get me a meeting with the mayor." 01[02:14] * Rairaku nods 01[02:14] * ~ShadowDM :Chief Kishimoto -> "You wanna run that by me again?" [02:15] <Nawa_Yasu> "Chief, it's not the best ,but how else will she divulge the location on all the stolen artifacts?" 01[02:15] * Rairaku clears her throat [02:15] <Nawa_Yasu> of* [02:15] <Rairaku> "Deal, She speak with mayor. You get stolen stuff." 01[02:16] <~ShadowDM> Despite Kishimoto's incredulous look, The Gambler runs over the basic idea. She can get away any time she likes and is bored with the game of cat and mouse. She stole for the thrill and now wants to talk to the mayor to work out a deal to get the artifacts back to their owners. [02:17] <Rairaku> "Deal?" She says to the chief with a questionable tone 01[02:17] <~ShadowDM> The chief is a little surprised and rather speechless. 01[02:17] * ~ShadowDM :Chief -> "I guess we... have no choice." [02:18] <Rairaku> "We speak now?" 01[02:19] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I want to speak with the mayor." [02:19] <Rairaku> "Where mayor?" 01[02:19] * ~ShadowDM :Chief -> "I... ok." [02:19] <Nawa_Yasu> "First off, a teammate of ours is in there dying, last time I checked. Can we deal with that?"

01[02:19] <~ShadowDM> Kishimoto pulls out his phone and makes a few calls, the mayor of course, agrees, wanting to get this done with. 01[02:20] * ~ShadowDM :Chief Kishimoto -> "He's already on his way to the hospital." [02:20] <Nawa_Yasu> "Good. How was he?" 01[02:20] <~ShadowDM> (( how does Yasu even know this? )) 01[02:20] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka was in critical condition, and for her part, the Gambler seems repentant. 01[02:21] * Rairaku looks at the police chief 01[02:21] <~ShadowDM> She states she had no idea someone would be foolish enough to hide under the window that she typically entered by. [02:21] <Rairaku> "Speak with mayor now?" 01[02:22] * ~ShadowDM :Chief -> "Yea... let's go..." 01[02:22] <~ShadowDM> A van pulls around and the driver gets out. The chief gets into the driver seet and indicates the rest of you should get in. 01[02:22] <~ShadowDM> Yori went with Tanaka to the hospital. 02[02:24] * Nawa_Yasu ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[02:24] * Nawa_Yasu ( has joined #sunad20 01[02:27] <~ShadowDM> The van arrives at an ornate manor where the mayor is waiting in his study. The Gambler lays out the deal and the mayor is, of course, forced to agree. Several official documents and seals later, and the monastary is a permanent fixture in the community. The Mayor puts up with a verbal lambasting from Rai and the group leaves the manor. 01[02:27] <~ShadowDM> Outside... [02:27] <Rairaku> "Everything fine now?" she says to the gambler 01[02:28] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I guess... I should leave now. The locations I gave you are the real deal, so you can collect the artifacts as soon as you like. Oh..." 01[02:28] <~ShadowDM> She tosses Kisakishou to Yasu, "Here..." [02:28] <Rairaku> "Where now?" she asks the gambler [02:29] <Nawa_Yasu> "Thank you. I'd hate to have to tell a friend of mine I lost hi, 'it turned out it's a valueble heirloom' weapon." 01[02:29] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "I don't know... maybe to another monastary... I don't think I'll be able to face the others here again. There are some places I could go." [02:30] <Rairaku> "....I like you." [02:30] <Rairaku> "Nice good heart.." 01[02:30] <~ShadowDM> The Gambler gives Rai a wink, "You're not so bad yourself, I kinda expected ninja to be different." [02:31] <Rairaku> ""im not ninja.... But there is place in sunag- sunsunaga-. Sand place for you...."

[02:31] <Nawa_Yasu> "Some are, I apologize for my doubts, you turned out to be pretty decent after all." 01[02:32] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "The hidden village? No, I couldn't go there. I belong with others of my discipline." 01[02:32] <~ShadowDM> She gives Yasu a wink, "Just keep an eye on that thing, it's too nice to lose." [02:32] <Rairaku> "Not as ninja....Start monastary there?" 01[02:33] <~ShadowDM> (( Yasu would know that's a no-no. Ninjas have villages, Priests/monks have monastaries, and never shall they meet in twain." 01[02:33] <~ShadowDM> *)) [02:34] <Nawa_Yasu> "That can't happen Rairaku, as useful as her talents are, it's jsut not done." [02:34] <Rairaku> "So is Hyuuga in another village..." [02:34] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "But Yasu there's plenty of untamed desert that she could live in". 01[02:34] * Rairaku blinks [02:35] <Rairaku> "I have place for you to go...." 01[02:35] <~ShadowDM> ((Tanaka is trying not to bleed to death, so he wouldn't be around to say this )) 01[02:35] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Oh?" [02:36] <Rairaku> "Like to see more of you.... My old home, May need clean out but its fine for solitude and repentance." 01[02:37] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Thanks... maybe I'll head there for a while to think and find my next steps." [02:37] <Rairaku> "Will clear out snippys on way back... Visit suna somtime?" [02:37] <Nawa_Yasu> "Yeah! Out in the desert! If you want to strengthen your reseolve the desert is the best place to do it. The heat, the storms of sand. The constant struggle for life will help you to regain your purity of purpose." 01[02:39] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Hehe, you know how to charm a girl, huh? Yea, that sounds like a good plan. I'll head out. Tonight." 01[02:39] <~ShadowDM> She looks full of resolve. [02:40] <Rairaku> "Beware snippys.... Be sure to feed glow worms every night for light..." Otherwise she gives directions to the rock formation that leads to the underground shelter 01[02:40] <~ShadowDM> The Gambler repeats it back to her verbatum and seems to have a good grasp on the directions. [02:41] <Nawa_Yasu> "Mayeb you'll get the chance to help out some ,save someone from bandits or something? You are certainly capable of doing so." [02:41] <Rairaku> "We go to hospital now... See if shadow is okay..." 01[02:42] * ~ShadowDM :The Gambler -> "Alright... I hope we meet again." 01[02:42] * Rairaku hugs the gabler 01[02:43] <~ShadowDM> She hugs back before giving the two of you a smile and dissappearing into the night 01[02:43] <~ShadowDM> "By the way! My name is Bausumei!"

[02:43] [02:43] [02:44] [02:44] [02:45]

<Nawa_Yasu> Yasu shouts back, "I'll remember it!" <Rairaku> "Basum- Ba- Basuma-" <Rairaku> "Boobies..." <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu chuckles, "An apt nickname... I suppose." <Rairaku> "See if shadow okay...? 01[02:45] <~ShadowDM> And like that you are left alone. On the street. To the hospital! [02:45] <Nawa_Yasu> "We should." 01[02:45] <~ShadowDM> Rai and Yasu soon arrive at the hospital where Tanaka is being kept thanks to the assistance of a police officer. They find Yori and Sasori waiting up with their ailing companion. 01[02:46] * ~ShadowDM :Sasori -> "He exited surgery a while ago, and isn't quite yet whole enough to benefit from healing ninjutsu." [02:46] <Nawa_Yasu> "How is he Sensei?" [02:46] <Nawa_Yasu> (9Ignore redundant question.)) 01[02:47] * ~ShadowDM :Sasori -> "He'll make it, though I wouldn't be shocked if he had a sudden phobia of windows." [02:48] <Nawa_Yasu> "They should really consider safety glass in the future." 01[02:48] * ~ShadowDM :Yori -> "I don't think they quite expect people to go around breaking it..." 01[02:49] <~ShadowDM> There is a loud noise outside kind of like a scream as Shuu and Kajito appear through the doorway. 01[02:49] <~ShadowDM> Shuu is wearing shorts, a hawaiian shirt, and sandals while his hawk companion dons stylish sunglasses. 01[02:50] * ~ShadowDM :Shuu -> "Hey guys! Heard the little puppeteer was hurt!" 01[02:50] * ~ShadowDM :Sasori -> "Yea, and I think it'd be best if he got some peace and quiet." [02:50] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu sighs at the walkign cliches that are Shuu and Kajito. [02:50] <Rairaku> "Tired...." 01[02:50] * ~ShadowDM :Shuu -> "Oh yea, definitely." 01[02:51] * ~ShadowDM :Shuu -> "Oh yea, Rai-chan, you look beat." 01[02:51] * ~ShadowDM :Sasori -> "You guys should go to the hotel. I can stay here." [02:51] <Nawa_Yasu> "I could use soem rest too. I've been cut, and in clsoe range of an explosion. Still doing better than Tanaka though." [02:52] <Rairaku> "Mission done?" as she looks at sasori 01[02:54] * ~ShadowDM :Sasori -> "I don't know. You tell me." [02:54] <Rairaku> "You say when done..." [02:56] <Nawa_Yasu> Well, this is one mission there will without a doubt be loose ends to. Actually, that seems to be a trend for us." [02:56] <Rairaku> "What loose end?"

01[02:57] * ~ShadowDM :Sasori -> "I'm not the leader, I'm the instructor. The mission was to catch the thief and get the artifacts back. We're done when you say we're done if we have accomplished our goals." [02:57] <Nawa_Yasu> "First there's Bausumei, less a loose end and more of a continuing relationship. The loose end is makign sure that the mayor sticks to his deal in the future." [02:58] <Rairaku> "If not i have location of artifacts..." [02:58] <Rairaku> "I told nobody yet..." [02:59] <Nawa_Yasu> "Well we need to tell them now. But what if, a few months from now the mayor breaks his deal? It won't be easy, not with that paperwork behind it. But we should still try and know what's going on here." 01[02:59] <~ShadowDM> (( The deals forged were official and you were witnesses. )) [03:00] <Rairaku> "Doubt mayor will break deal..." 01[03:00] * ~ShadowDM :Sasori -> "If you guys got yourself involved in local dealings, that's on you. I suppose you could give these orphans or whatever a way of contacting you should things go awry." [03:00] <Nawa_Yasu> "Me too." [03:01] <Rairaku> "Think of loose end seeing..." [03:02] <Rairaku> "Misson done" She says as she falls asleep in the guest chair [03:02] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu selects a comfy lookign chair to pass out in as well. 01[03:04] <~ShadowDM> And as the team finally looses the long battle with sleep, 01[03:04] <~ShadowDM> Their journey and their lives end in comfy chair-induced death as we... 01[03:04] <~ShadowDM> FADE... 01[03:04] <~ShadowDM> .TO.... 01[03:04] <~ShadowDM> ..BLACK

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