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[23:57] <~ShadowDM> FADE... 01[23:57] <~ShadowDM> .TO.... 01[23:57] <~ShadowDM> ..

BLACK Session Close: Fri Aug 05 23:57:58 2011 01[19:56] * Tanshin_Yori follows his usual morning ritual; shower, put on some clean clothes, grab breakfast to go, show up early. 01[19:56] <~ShadowDM> The Council chambers are unusually dark. Small sconces on the wall bear flickering flames which bath the waiting area in a sort of pseudo-light. Those still shaking off the effects of sleep feel its beckoning call to give up to slumber. 01[19:56] <~ShadowDM> A Chuunin aide stands as per usual before the door, barring entrance. The fact that you arent called in right away is slightly surprising given that it is so early, yet it would seem there is another mission briefing or debriefing going on. [19:57] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka walks into the Council hall to await his team. He's sucssefully resisted the urge to pick at his scabs 01[19:58] * Rairaku walks wearily into the council halls eyes closed 01[19:58] * Tanshin_Yori patiently awaits the Council's summons. He nods in acknowledgement as his teammates enter. 01[19:59] <~ShadowDM> After Hanako's treatment there are no scabs, especially not after two weeks. Your new skin is slightly irritated and pink, but you are non worse for the wear. 01[19:59] <~ShadowDM> Yasunaka shows up shortly as well, complaining that his legs are somewhat stiff after all the training he's done. 01[19:59] * Rairaku eventually runs into a pillar and falls over, eyes still closed 01[20:00] <~ShadowDM> Surprisingly, Jun does not seem to show up. 01[20:01] * Rairaku snores quietly 01[20:04] <~ShadowDM> Soon enough you are beckoned in by the attending aide as he opens the door for a group of armored individuals. 01[20:05] * Rairaku wearily sits up as the chunin beckons 01[20:05] * Tanshin_Yori wonders who's important enough to have the Council up so early... 01[20:06] * Rairaku stands up and sleepily walks into the council room 01[20:07] * Tanshin_Yori enters the chamber as bidden. 01[20:08] <~ShadowDM> Inside, the first thing you notice is a man standing nearby. He has sand-colored hair and wears an eyepatch over his left eye. He wears a longsleeve fishnet shirt under a loose, hooded top and shorts. Rairaku would recognize him as the man that has watched over her for the past two weeks, though she never quite got his name.

01[20:08] <~ShadowDM> The Kazekage takes a sip from a canteen next to him before handing a folder to the Chuunin Aide beside the stands. 01[20:08] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "Your mission is to travel to the Jigoku no Kuchi Bridge and oversee the transfer of an extradited criminal into our custody. Bakugeki no Inejiro, wanted for several counts involving explosives and terrorism. He was recently seeking refuge in Bird Country, but they have decided to turn him over to us." 01[20:08] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "As you might have noticed, your sensei, Sasori-san is not present, but you will be accompanied by another Jounin, Ishida Noburo." 01[20:08] <~ShadowDM> The Kazekage motions toward the man standing to the side. He turns to the rest of you briefly and inclines his head to acknowledge your presence before receiving the envelope from the aide. 01[20:09] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "Are there any questions?" 01[20:09] * Rairaku yawns "Where red?" 01[20:10] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "Sasori-san is still working on a high priority mission." [20:10] <Rairaku> "Who take us?" 01[20:11] * Tanshin_Yori sighs irritably. 01[20:11] <~ShadowDM> (( did that paragraph not show up? )) [20:11] <Tanshin_Yori> "Are we permitted to use lethal force if the prisoner seems likely to escape?" 01[20:12] <~ShadowDM> (( "... but you will be accompanied by another Jounin, Ishida Noburo." )) [20:12] <Rairaku> ((She dosnt know his name)) 01[20:12] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "... Ishida Noburo. Right there." He points. 01[20:13] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Hi." 01[20:13] * Rairaku nods 01[20:14] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "You are permited to use lethal force only if the prisoner employs it. He will be bound and transported via jail-cart, so he should have little chance of escaping. As far as we know, he is not trained as a ninja." [20:14] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka gives a nod to the new Sensei as well [20:14] <Rairaku> "Go to bridge... Walk prisoner to here?" 01[20:15] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "That about sums it up." [20:15] <Rairaku> "We go now?" 01[20:15] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "If there are no further questions." 01[20:16] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Will there be Samurai support?" 01[20:16] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "Only those guarding the bridge. If you feel the situation warrants it, you may request a small escort."

01[20:17] * Rairaku looks at yori tanaka and yasu "We need escort?" 01[20:17] <~ShadowDM> Yasu shrugs, "Sounds easy enough." 01[20:17] * Tanshin_Yori nods in agreement. [20:18] <Tanshin_Yori> "Does the prisoner have any known accomplices that are still at large?" [20:18] <Rairaku> "accomplices?" [20:18] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "You never know what'll happen. an escort would useful just in case". 01[20:19] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "Not that we were aware of; he is a bomb-maker by trade and was employed by various organizations for other purposes. Our research suggest he is far too paranoid to have partners or protege." [20:19] <Tanshin_Yori> (eh... are we talking about a shinobi escort from the village, or a samurai escort once we arrive?) 01[20:19] <~ShadowDM> (( A samurai escort once you arrive at the bridge back to the village, no sense having an escort until you have the prisoner )) [20:19] <Rairaku> "acomplice...protegie..." [20:19] <Tanshin_Yori> (jus' checkin'.) 01[20:19] * Rairaku fumbles with the words 01[20:20] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "Friends that helped him do bad things or people that wanted to learn from him." 01[20:20] <~ShadowDM> *and people... 01[20:20] * Rairaku nods [20:20] <Tanshin_Yori> "Understood. I have no further questions." 01[20:20] * ~ShadowDM : -> KAZEKAGE: "Very well, then you are dismissed." 01[20:21] * Rairaku walks out rubbing her eyes waking up finally 01[20:21] * Tanshin_Yori bows respectfully to the Kazekage and the Council before leaving. 01[20:21] <~ShadowDM> Noburo nods an affirmative and walks out into the waiting area. [20:21] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka bows as well 01[20:22] <~ShadowDM> Outside, Noburo looks at you all thoughtfully. 01[20:22] * Rairaku stares at him back 01[20:22] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Meet me at the East Gate in an hour. Best we get there as soon as possible." 01[20:23] * Tanshin_Yori nods in acknowledgement before departing for home. 01[20:24] * Rairaku starts going to the east gate 01[20:25] <~ShadowDM> And Rairaku arrives at the gate... 45 minutes early. Ho hum. Maybe you can catch up on a little sleep. 01[20:27] <~ShadowDM> Noburo arrives shortly thereafter and leans quietly against the sheer cliff walls that form the East Gate. [20:28] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka heads home as well

01[20:30] <~ShadowDM> And what are you guys doing at home? [20:31] <Tanshin_Yori> (er... I assumed this was a multi-day mission. We'll need food and water, right?) [20:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> (Tanaka's packing food and water for it, regardless) 01[20:32] * Tanshin_Yori shows up at the gate a short time later, wearing his travel cloak and carrying enough supplies for a few days. [20:33] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka arrives shortly after with his cloak,pervisions and Inu's bundle strapped to his back 01[20:35] <~ShadowDM> Noburo nods to you upon arrival, and once you are assembled, he gives the sign to the gatekeepers. The earth rumbles as a split forms in the wall and opens to permit you entrance. During the long walk through the darkness, Noburo forms a small ball of light in his hands to illuminate your way, similar to how Sasori had doen so on previous occassions. 01[20:37] * Rairaku follows [20:37] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka does as well 01[20:39] <~ShadowDM> As you reach the other end of the cave, the stone opens out into the desert proper. The sky is lightening with the approach of dawn, but the mountainous region to the east blocks your view of the sun as of yet. 01[20:39] <~ShadowDM> Players! How do you wish to travel? [20:40] <Rairaku> the fastest? [20:40] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Yeah 01[20:40] <~ShadowDM> That would be land hopping. [20:40] <Rairaku> that then [20:41] <Tanshin_Yori> Depends. How far is it, and when is the transfer scheduled to take place? 01[20:42] <~ShadowDM> the bridge is 70 miles away and the transfer is scheduled to take place in three days. 01[20:42] <~ShadowDM> By landhopping, you could make it there in roughly 16 hours. [20:42] <Rairaku> we landhop and wait there 01[20:43] <~ShadowDM> Is that the consensus? [20:43] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> that's fine [20:44] <Tanshin_Yori> Let's do that. We can scout the area for anyone who's not supposed to be there in the meantime. [20:44] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> ok [20:48] <Rairaku> that is the plan then 01[20:48] <~ShadowDM> As you landhop across the desert, all communication is cut to the bear minimum. The effort put forth leaves you weary after 4 hours of travel and the group stops to rest and sleep before resuming travel again. You encounter a few travelers on the road, but nothing special - just merchants, craftsmen, monks on pilgrimage, and refugees moving through the area. 01[20:48] <~ShadowDM> As you approach the bridge, you can see the stark red stonework from a distance. Even from miles away, you can tell it is probably the widest bridge you have ever

seen, and is likely a marvel of engineering, but what is even more shocking is what it spans, a dark, massive gorge. 01[20:49] <~ShadowDM> The Wind side of the bridge is marked by fortifications and it is roughly 8 pm when you finally reach the iron gates. [20:50] <Rairaku> There are guard around i assume? [20:53] <Rairaku> Yay nay? 01[20:53] <~ShadowDM> A few wagons and travelers are just entering the gates as you approach, and they will likely soon be closed for the night. Armored samurai dot the entrance, standing at attention, but wary eyes watch from beneath their visors. A tall, thin man seems to be taking stock of those passing through. He writes furiously on a small clipboard. [20:54] <Rairaku> "Rest now?" 01[20:54] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "We'll see." 01[20:55] <~ShadowDM> When it is your turn, Noburo produces a few papers which the man looks over. 01[20:55] * ~ShadowDM : -> GUARD: "Oh, we werent expecting you this early." [20:58] <Rairaku> "Came early...Good to scout area..." 01[20:58] <~ShadowDM> Noburo nods. 01[20:58] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Is that a problem?" 01[20:58] * ~ShadowDM : -> GUARD: "No... I guess not. We have only just begun preparations to facilitate the exchange, but you are welcome to stay in barracks. If you are uncomfortable with that, Im sure other lodgings can be found. There are a few Inns on this side of the Maw." 01[20:59] <~ShadowDM> *in the barracks. [21:00] <Rairaku> "Food..." 01[21:00] * ~ShadowDM : -> GUARD: "Of course, you must be famished, I can have someone show you to the mess hall." [21:01] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "that would most welcome". 01[21:04] <~ShadowDM> The man calls over one of the standing guards and gives him a few instructions. You are then led through the gates and into a side area which you assume is for military personel. You pass several buildings before you finally enter one. Within, off-duty samurai in various stages of unarmored sit eating. One one side, you see a large serving area that opens directly into the kitchens. 01[21:04] * Rairaku goes into the serving area 01[21:05] <~ShadowDM> When you arrive there you are handed a bowl which is quickly filled with rice. 01[21:05] <~ShadowDM> Looking down the line you see different types of meats and vegetables to go with said rice. 01[21:09] * Rairaku goes down the line grabbing many diffrent kinds of meat maybe a bit too much, eventually with a more than full tray she sits down and begins eating... 01[21:09] <~ShadowDM> Noburo shows up at the table shortly after you with nearly as much food, which he begins to systematically devour.

[21:11] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka arrives at the table his plate piled with nearly as much food,though in slightly smaller portions. 01[21:14] * Rairaku speaks with her mouth half full "how lose eye?" she looks at noburo 01[21:14] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "I plucked it out." 01[21:15] <~ShadowDM> Somehow he manages to say between mouthfuls. Several nearby samurai notice and shudder. [21:16] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "What was the reason for that?". 01[21:17] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "It offended me." [21:17] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "good reason". 01[21:17] <~ShadowDM> Ninja Lore check plz. [21:17] <Rairaku> "Offended?" she says after she gulps down a mouthful [21:20] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+7 nin lore [21:20] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+7 nin lore and gets <2 + 7> = 9 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> aww 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> poo on orac. [21:20] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> crap 01[21:21] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "I didn't want it anymore." [21:22] <Rairaku> "Why?" 01[21:23] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "It wasn't useful to me." 01[21:24] * Rairaku stares at him as if her question wanst answered 01[21:25] <~ShadowDM> Noburo raises an eyebrow at her as he slurps some noodles, unsure of what she wants. [21:26] <Rairaku> "What happend?" 01[21:27] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Um... I had it surgically removed?" [21:28] <Rairaku> "..." 01[21:28] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "..." *slurp* [21:29] <Rairaku> "Reason for having removed... Not just dont like it..." [21:30] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Rai is rather attached to eyes". 01[21:30] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "... *slurp* Time for bed." 01[21:32] <~ShadowDM> Noburo stands up and looks around, "So... we gonna stay in the barracks here or look for rooms at an Inn?" [21:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Inn's fine". [21:32] <Rairaku> "Sleep wherever..." 01[21:34] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Right... I'm voting for the Inn myself." [21:36] <Rairaku> "Inn then..." 01[21:37] <~ShadowDM> Once everyone is finished eating, he leads the way out back into the small settlment. Moving closer to the bridge itself, there is a taller building that appears to be a hotel. Walking in, you see its rather ornate for its surrounding.

01[21:37] <~ShadowDM> Who wants to share rooms? [21:38] <Rairaku> Yori and yasu tanaka and me? 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> That'd work. 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> Shortly, three rooms are rented, each on the second floor. 01[21:39] <~ShadowDM> Heading straight to bed? 01[21:39] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "I'll have them send a message over to the garrison to let them know where we're staying." [21:43] <Rairaku> " Will sleep in bit...private time outside." 01[21:44] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Alright, just don't stay up too late." [21:45] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "I'm turnin in". [21:45] <Rairaku> Otherwise i stay up maybe an hour later surveying the surroundings [21:46] <Rairaku> otherwise im going to bed with tanaka 01[21:46] <~ShadowDM> The surroundings on this side of the Maw of Hell are fairly simple. The military fortifications take up most of the area with very few civilian establishments. 01[21:47] <~ShadowDM> The gorge is a sheer cliff face which drops further than you are capable of seeing. 01[21:49] <~ShadowDM> And the night passes as you recover from your speedy travel. 01[21:49] <~ShadowDM> ----01[21:49] <~ShadowDM> The next morning finds you refreshed and ready. After nabbing a quick breakfast you head into the small settlement around the bridge. From what you can see there is not much more than a few Inns and a smith. The main area here is dominated by the military. 01[21:49] <~ShadowDM> As you find out, the Maw of Hell is said to be bottomless and a direct link to hell itself. The more you think about it the less sense that makes, but regardless of the veracity of those two statements, it is far deeper than any hole you have ever seen. 01[21:49] <~ShadowDM> From your vantage point, you can see a large number of tents and hastily made housing on the other side of the bridge in Bird Country. Given the current unrest in that country, its possible those are 01[21:51] <~ShadowDM> refugees. 01[21:51] <~ShadowDM> Players! Action? 01[21:51] <~ShadowDM> *Actions? [21:52] <Rairaku> Laze around and train 01[21:52] <~ShadowDM> You bum. [21:54] <Rairaku> yes like rai has aspirations in life... [21:55] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka plans to scout out the area amongst the refugees 01[21:55] <~ShadowDM> You aren't allowed to cross the bridge. 01[21:55] <~ShadowDM> Or rather, it's too dangerous to cross the bridge. [21:55] <Rairaku> How is it dangerous? [21:55] <Rairaku> ITs big...wide... and a bridge

01[21:55] <~ShadowDM> Bird Country is currently in the middle of a civil war. 01[21:56] <~ShadowDM> You are genin. 01[21:56] <~ShadowDM> You are prime kidnapping material. [21:56] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> ok. then I'll do some finger training with some finger weights 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> and so you do. 01[22:02] <~ShadowDM> Rai, what is your total for the training? [22:03] <Rairaku> i have +9 [22:03] <Rairaku> and the DC is 13 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> indeed, so it takes 1.5 days. [22:04] <Rairaku> yup... figured id just be micromanaging and leanring shit on the fly 01[22:04] <~ShadowDM> that only takes up 8 hours of your day.. leaving a lot of extra time [22:04] <Rairaku> Rai is like a cat... does like 1 thing and sleeps the rest of the day [22:06] <Rairaku> Otherwise i keep a eye on everything around, making note of all escape routes if he were to break out upon transit 01[22:07] <~ShadowDM> There is a wall around this side of the bridge. The only way he could get out are various guarded entrances, going back over the bridge, or... jumping. [22:07] <Rairaku> Jumping is very reasonable for a prisoner with nothing to loose 01[22:07] <~ShadowDM> Most people don't want to die. [22:09] <Rairaku> NOTHING to loose... 01[22:10] <~ShadowDM> except their lives... 01[22:10] <~ShadowDM> which they don't want ot. 01[22:10] <~ShadowDM> *to [22:11] <Rairaku> that is open to debate but anyway i make note of all this and go back to sleeping 01[22:11] <~ShadowDM> and so you sleep. 01[22:19] * Tanshin_Yori scouts out the Wind side of the bridge, looking for potential escape routes and hiding places. 01[22:20] <~ShadowDM> The land is rocky and far to the east, there are mountains. However, given that the man was not trained as a shinobi, it's highly unlikely that he could outrun you on the open ground. 01[22:21] <~ShadowDM> As mentioned before, there is always the option of jumping off the side of the large gorge. [22:27] <Tanshin_Yori> That being done, Yori will spend some time enjoying the scenery until the date of the exchange arrives. 01[22:27] <~ShadowDM> And so you do. 01[22:27] <~ShadowDM> The day of the exchange is quiet. Almost so quiet as to be considered too quiet, however, there are the odd sounds of people talk and going about their lives in the distance. Traffic across the bridge has been stopped to facilitate the movement of the prisoner.

01[22:27] <~ShadowDM> In the distance you can see the beginning of the procession as it makes its way across the bridge. You and a contingent of samurai move out to meet them at the midpoint. 01[22:28] <~ShadowDM> Any preperations being made? [22:28] <Rairaku> "Prisoner?" 01[22:29] <~ShadowDM> You see a small steel cart moving across the bridge drawn by horses. [22:30] <Tanshin_Yori> How busy is traffic on the bridge? 01[22:31] <~ShadowDM> ^ "Traffic across the bridge has been stopped to facilitate the movement of the prisoner." [22:31] <Tanshin_Yori> I can't think of anything further that needs to be done. [22:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka has a hand on the wrap of Inu's bandages at all times [22:35] <Rairaku> Eyes peering at everything 01[22:36] <~ShadowDM> The cart is surrounded by Bird Samurai on all sides. On top of the steel box, you see a short ninja with his legs crossed idly hanging them over the side. As the procession stops, the samurai move back to allow you closer inspection. 01[22:36] <~ShadowDM> The Bird ninja jumps off the cart and opens the door. Roughly, he pulls the man out and holds him in place before Noburo. The prisoner is thin with no hair, and his eyes are constantly shifting around, but he doesnt look particularly worried. 01[22:36] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NINJA: "This is him." 01[22:36] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Mhmm... Everything checks out." 01[22:36] <~ShadowDM> Noburo pulls a photo of the man out of the files and nods. [22:37] <Rairaku> examine the man thuroughly 01[22:37] <~ShadowDM> The man has nothing but the cloths he's wearing and the manacles trapping him. 01[22:37] <~ShadowDM> Spot check. 01[22:37] <~ShadowDM> from Rai [22:37] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [22:37] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <2 + 14> = 16 01[22:38] <~ShadowDM> might wanna AP that. [22:38] <Rairaku> 1d6 [22:38] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 6 01[22:38] <~ShadowDM> You notice a spot of chakra forming in the stone beneath the man's feet and expanding outward at a rapid rate. [22:39] <Rairaku> "BOMB ROCK" she says a she points into the cage and darts to grab the rock 01[22:39] <~ShadowDM> ... no. 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> Like the stone that forms the bridge. 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> not a particarly single stone.

[22:40] <Rairaku> ... made it seem like a rock benath his toe [22:40] <Rairaku> otherwise i make it known 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> ... "The stone beneath his feet." as in the very ground he walks upon. 01[22:41] <~ShadowDM> not "a rock beneath his foot." 01[22:41] <~ShadowDM> The Samurai behind you move to take up flanking positions beside the cart. 01[22:41] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Alright... take him awa--" 01[22:41] <~ShadowDM> The bridge shudders suddenly as the stone floor warps beneath your feet! 01[22:41] <~ShadowDM> REFLEX SAVES! 01[22:41] <~ShadowDM> Rai gets a +5 bonus [22:41] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+2 Reflex [22:41] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Reflex and gets <13 + 2> = 15 [22:42] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [22:42] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <3 + 13> = 16 [22:42] <Tanshin_Yori> d6 AP [22:42] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d6 AP and gets 2 [22:42] <Tanshin_Yori> 17 for me. 01[22:42] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka? [22:42] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+5 refelex [22:42] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+5 refelex and gets <5 + 5> = 10 [22:42] <Rairaku> do i need to ap? 01[22:42] <~ShadowDM> you could. [22:42] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> d6 AP [22:42] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d6 AP and gets 1 [22:43] <Rairaku> do i need to or do i fail the save without it? 01[22:43] <~ShadowDM> you're supposed to AP before you know the results, but yea you need it. [22:43] <Rairaku> 1d6 [22:43] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 4 01[22:43] <~ShadowDM> 1d20+6 for Yasu [22:43] <Orac> ShadowDM rolls 1d20+6 for Yasu and gets <2 + 6> = 8 01[22:43] <~ShadowDM> oof 01[22:44] <~ShadowDM> Yasu and tanaka Fall flat on their bums. 01[22:44] <~ShadowDM> The earth moves like water and a giant bubble forms between you and the prisoner which pops anticlimatically to show 4 shinobi. 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> Initiative! [22:45] <Tanshin_Yori> d20 Init! [22:45] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20 Init! and gets 7 [22:45] <Tanshin_Yori> Moving at Cleric Speed. [22:45] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> d20 init [22:45] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20 init and gets 20 [22:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+3 [22:45] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+3 and gets <11 + 3> = 14 01[22:47] <~ShadowDM> someone roll for Yasu please.

[22:48] <Rairaku> 1d20 [22:48] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20 and gets 10 01[22:54] * ~ShadowDM : -> WOMAN: Now, Akatsuchi! 01[22:54] * ~ShadowDM : -> RED-HAIRED BOY: Right. 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> The boy forms several handseals before driving his fists into the ground. The stone shakes again before forming two walls on either side of the bridges mid-point. 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 09 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . . . . s . | . 10 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 11 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # # p B . . | . 12 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # # . N . . | . 13 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . s . . H H . . . s | . 14 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . G W . . | . 15 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . A M . . s | . 16 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 17 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . T R Y O . . | . 18 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . s | . 19 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 20 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> Red-hair, Tanaka, Woman, Noburo, Armored Man, Rairaku, Girl, Yasu, Yori, Bird ninja, Samurai, Horses 01[22:54] * ~ShadowDM -> * = Prison Cart, r = Rock Wall 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! 01[22:54] <~ShadowDM> your urn! [22:59] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+7 Awareness [22:59] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+7 Awareness and gets <9 + 7> = 16 [22:59] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [22:59] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <9 + 14> = 23 01[22:59] <~ShadowDM> The man and armor and the women are turned away from you 01[23:00] <~ShadowDM> but the boy is looking in your direction and wears a bandana with the symbol of Iwagakure crossed out on it. [23:00] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> d20+9 aware [23:00] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+9 aware and gets <15 + 9> = 24

[23:00] <Rairaku> the boy being the one with the red hair and the B on the map? 01[23:01] <~ShadowDM> A, being Akatsuchi. 01[23:01] <~ShadowDM> B is for Bird Ninja 01[23:02] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka it is still your turn. [23:03] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I'll use Chakra no Ito to animate Inu 01[23:03] <~ShadowDM> alright, roll its HP. [23:04] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> d6? [23:04] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka: Error: Malformed dice list. [23:06] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 5d10+5 Inu [23:06] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 5d10+5 Inu and gets <5,1,3,8,2 + 5> = 24 01[23:06] <~ShadowDM> Alright, that's the puppet's HP. [23:07] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> k [23:09] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> do I have any more actions for the round? 01[23:09] <~ShadowDM> Do you have Heroic Surge? [23:10] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> no 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> you have a move action, but there's nothing really you could do with it. [23:11] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I'll make a move action to I19 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> that's a 5-foot step, but sure. [23:11] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> done 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 09 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . . B N s . | . 10 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 11 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # # p . . . | . 12 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # # . . . . | . 13 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . s . . H H . M . s | . 14 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . G W . . | . 15 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . A . . . s | . 16 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . i . . . . . | . 17 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . R Y O . . | . 18 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . T . . . . s | . 19 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 20

01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Tanaka, Woman, Noburo, Armored Man, Rairaku, Girl, Yasu, Yori, Bird ninja, Samurai, Horses 01[23:11] * ~ShadowDM -> * = Prison Cart, r = Rock Wall 01[23:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: Who the hell are you? 01[23:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> WOMAN: None of your concern, sand Shinobi, Ill be taking that man. 01[23:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD NINJA: Well see about that. 01[23:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> WOMAN: What an appropriate turn of phrase. 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> She quickly makes several hand seals and the Bird Ninja, the prisoner, and the two bird samurai behind them shudder before freezing where they stand. Noburo slaps his forehead, but seems to shake it off. 01[23:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: Genjutsu... Ill not give you the chance to try that again. 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> Noburo rushes forward, spinning to lash out at the women with his foot, but the armored man steps in the way. 01[23:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> ARMORED_MAN: Nobody touches Geimenku-sama. 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> His fist rockets forward, knocking Noburo into the Bird ninja. The prisoner drops to the floor. 01[23:12] <~ShadowDM> RAIRAKU! Your turn! [23:14] <Rairaku> activate jyuuken as a swift make a 5 foot step into akatsuchi [23:15] <Rairaku> activate reckless flurry spending 3 chakra for 3 attacks [23:15] <Rairaku> 0/-2/-4 totaling to 11/9/7 01[23:15] <~ShadowDM> roll em [23:15] <Rairaku> 1d20+11 [23:16] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+11 and gets <8 + 11> = 19 [23:16] <Rairaku> miss/hit? 01[23:16] <~ShadowDM> one sec [23:17] <Rairaku> wait my bad activating flawless form [23:17] <Rairaku> 0/-2/-4 totaling to 13/11/9 01[23:18] <~ShadowDM> You do understand how flawless form works right? 01[23:18] <~ShadowDM> you get the bonuses for one round after you use the technique. 01[23:18] <~ShadowDM> not on the technique itself. [23:19] <Rairaku> i thought it was for the usage of the technique 01[23:19] <~ShadowDM> "Although it grants no benefits... after the technique was performed successfully." [23:19] <Rairaku> for one round after performing 01[23:19] <~ShadowDM> so on the next round. you can get the benefits of it on another tech

01[23:19] <~ShadowDM> but not the one that you activate it from. [23:20] <Rairaku> weird but okay [23:20] <Rairaku> do it hit? with the first? 01[23:20] <~ShadowDM> you can AP it [23:20] <Rairaku> 1d6 [23:20] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 3 01[23:20] <~ShadowDM> hit! 01[23:20] <~ShadowDM> next? [23:20] <Rairaku> 1d20+9 [23:20] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+9 and gets <7 + 9> = 16 01[23:20] <~ShadowDM> miss 01[23:21] <~ShadowDM> Orac hates your guts. [23:21] <Rairaku> 1d8 [23:21] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d8 and gets 5 [23:21] <Rairaku> 5 damage 01[23:21] <~ShadowDM> He grunts as your strike lands. [23:21] <Rairaku> done 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | 09 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . . B N s . | 10 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | 11 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # # p . . . | 12 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # # . . . . | 13 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . s . . H H . M . s | 14 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . G W . . | 15 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . A . . . s | 16 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . i Rbb b . . | 17 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . b YbNb. . | 18 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . T b b b . s | 19 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | 20 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Tanaka, Geimenku, Noburo, Armored Man, Rairaku, Girl, Yasu, Yori, Bird ninja, Samurai, Horses 01[23:24] * ~ShadowDM -> * = Prison Cart, r = Rock Wall 01[23:24] <~ShadowDM> The girl turns toward the group and opens her arms wide. Bees spread out from within her cloak to surround the group.

N . . . . . . . . . . . .

01[23:24] * ~ShadowDM : -> GIRL: Thousand Stings Technique! 01[23:25] <~ShadowDM> Yori! Defense! [23:25] <Tanshin_Yori> Defense 20 with Sand Shield 01[23:27] <~ShadowDM> A barrage of needles flies in on you! The sand tries to keep up, but a volley manages to break through! 6 damage! 01[23:28] <~ShadowDM> Yasu's turn! [23:29] <Tanshin_Yori> Yasu forms a half-seal and points imperiously at Akatsuchi. Raiton: Raikousen no Jutsu! [23:29] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+4 Ranged Touch [23:29] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+4 Ranged Touch and gets <5 + 4> = 9 [23:29] <Tanshin_Yori> -_-; 01[23:29] <~ShadowDM> yea... no. [23:31] <Tanshin_Yori> wait... which one is Yasu? [23:31] <Tanshin_Yori> N? 01[23:31] <~ShadowDM> yes 01[23:31] <~ShadowDM> he also needs to make a Fortitude save. [23:32] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+2 Fort [23:32] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Fort and gets <10 + 2> = 12 [23:32] <Tanshin_Yori> d6 AP [23:32] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d6 AP and gets 3 01[23:32] <~ShadowDM> and he barely manages to succeed! [23:32] <Tanshin_Yori> 15. [23:32] <Tanshin_Yori> w00t. 01[23:32] <~ShadowDM> if he has nothing else to do, the it would be Yori's turn, who also needs to make a fort save. [23:32] <Tanshin_Yori> Yasu takes a 5-foot step to K-17 and ends his turn. [23:33] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+6 Fort [23:33] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+6 Fort and gets <7 + 6> = 13 [23:33] <Tanshin_Yori> -_-; [23:33] <Tanshin_Yori> I already used an AP this round for the Reflex save, so... 01[23:33] <~ShadowDM> -__- you are so close it's not funny... 01[23:34] <~ShadowDM> bat, ah well, you're nauseated for 1 round. [23:34] <Tanshin_Yori> Titty biscuits. 01[23:34] <~ShadowDM> Bees flying around Yori harass him to no end. 01[23:35] * Tanshin_Yori tries to move out of the cloud, cursing the stinging insects with every step. [23:35] <Tanshin_Yori> Moving to F-18. [23:35] <Tanshin_Yori> and end turn. -_-; 01[23:36] <~ShadowDM> The sand manages to shield Yori from the viscious stings as the bees dive in for the fleeing nin.

01[23:39] <~ShadowDM> The bird ninja twitches from where he lays, trying to shake off the genjutsu while the samurai move in to assist. 01[23:39] <~ShadowDM> The samurai swing on the women, but instead meet the hard armor of her guardian while those assaulting Akatsuchi meet a resistance similar to what Rai faced! 01[23:39] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi smiles at Rai and steps to the side. Carefully, he makes a few flurried seals and the rock beneath the jail-cart explodes with a loud bang! Startled, the horses run forward, trampling the samurai! 01[23:39] <~ShadowDM> Rai, Tanaka, and Inubatsu! Reflex saves! [23:41] <Rairaku> 1d20+7 [23:41] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+7 and gets <13 + 7> = 20 [23:41] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+5 [23:41] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+5 and gets <14 + 5> = 19 [23:41] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+5 for Inu [23:41] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+5 for Inu and gets <3 + 5> = 8 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> Rai and Tanaka manage to leap out of the way, but Inubatsu gets clipped as Tanaka pulls it to the side! 6 damage on the puppet! 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 09 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . . B N s . | . 10 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 11 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . p . . . | . 12 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 13 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . M s . | . 14 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . G W s . | . 15 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . A s . . | . 16 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . i # #bRbNb. . | . 17 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . Y # #bb b . . | . 18 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . T H Hbb b . . | . 19 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 20 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Tanaka, Geimenku, Noburo, Armored Man, Rairaku, Girl, Yasu, Yori, Bird ninja, Samurai, Horses 01[23:42] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! your go!

[23:43] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka send Inu to attack Akatsuchi with a slam attack 01[23:44] <~ShadowDM> You know the puppet has a natural attack, yes? 01[23:44] <~ShadowDM> The bite? [23:44] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> what's it deal 1d6? 01[23:45] <~ShadowDM> it's 1d4+1 01[23:45] <~ShadowDM> eh 01[23:45] <~ShadowDM> I guess it's the same damage either way. [23:45] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I thougt Improved servos increased it's damage? 01[23:45] <~ShadowDM> ah 01[23:46] <~ShadowDM> that's right. 01[23:46] <~ShadowDM> it'd be 1d6+2 then [23:46] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> k, I'll do the natural attack then 01[23:46] <~ShadowDM> roll the attack. [23:47] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+2 [23:47] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 and gets <9 + 2> = 11 01[23:47] <~ShadowDM> it's +6, roll again [23:47] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+6 attack [23:47] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+6 attack and gets <18 + 6> = 24 01[23:47] <~ShadowDM> hit! [23:48] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d6+2 bite [23:48] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d6+2 bite and gets <1 + 2> = 3 01[23:48] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi curses as the dog-puppet chomps on his leg. [23:48] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> can I deal another natural attack? 01[23:49] <~ShadowDM> do you have heroic surge? [23:49] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> no. 01[23:49] <~ShadowDM> then no. [23:49] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> crap 01[23:50] <~ShadowDM> is that all then? [23:51] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> did I use my move action up? 01[23:51] <~ShadowDM> yes, the puppet had to move. [23:51] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> ok then done 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> The woman steps away from the samurai and forms more hand-seals. Though you guys see nothing, the Samurai screem in terror and fall to the ground as though they were dead. 01[23:56] * ~ShadowDM : -> GEIMENKU: Alright, Ryuuen, grab the man. This place stinks. 01[23:56] * ~ShadowDM : -> RYUUEN: Yes, Geimenkusama. 01[23:56] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: Not so fast. 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> Noburo forms several hands seals and two spits out two tigers made of lighting which charge Ryuuen and Geimenku. The armored man steps in front and takes both head on. Lightning flickers across the armor, but you get the sense that most of it was somehow grounded.

01[23:56] * ~ShadowDM : -> RYUUEN: Grrr.... 01[23:56] * ~ShadowDM : -> GEIMENKU: Forget him, Ryuuen, grab the man and lets go! 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> Ryuuen casts one more glance(?) at Noburo before reaching down for the prisoner with one massive hand and slinging him over his shoulder... and jumping off the side. 01[23:56] * ~ShadowDM : -> GEIMENKU: Alright kids, lets get out of here. 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 09 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . . B N s . | . 10 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 11 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 12 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | Mp13 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . W . s . | . 14 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . G . s . | . 15 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . i A s . . | . 16 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # #bRbNb. . | . 17 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . Y # #bb b . . | . 18 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . T H Hbb b . . | . 19 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 20 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Tanaka, Geimenku, Noburo, Armored Man, Rairaku, Girl, Yasu, Yori, Bird ninja, Samurai, Horses 01[23:56] * ~ShadowDM -> * = Prison Cart, r = Rock Wall 01[23:56] <~ShadowDM> RAI! your go! [23:57] <Rairaku> the prisoner jumped over the side? 01[23:57] <~ShadowDM> Well, the man holding the prisoner jumped off the side, but yes. [23:58] <Rairaku> "Follow him!?" she asks noburo waiting for an immedate answer 01[23:58] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Can you fly?" 01[23:58] <~ShadowDM> Also, Rai, fort save. [23:59] <Rairaku> 1d20+7 [23:59] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+7 and gets <19 + 7> = 26 01[23:59] <~ShadowDM> success! why do they send baby bees to fight you??? Session Time: Sat May 21 00:00:00 2011

[00:00] [00:00] [00:00] [00:01] [00:01] [00:01]

<Rairaku> spending 3 chakra again to hit akatsuchi again <Rairaku> totaling in my previous bonuses <Rairaku> 13/11/9 <Rairaku> 1d20+13 <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <12 + 13> = 25 <Rairaku> hit i assume since a 23 did it last time 01[00:02] <~ShadowDM> hit! [00:02] <Rairaku> 1d20+11 [00:02] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+11 and gets <17 + 11> = 28 01[00:02] <~ShadowDM> Hit [00:02] <Rairaku> 1d20+9 [00:02] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+9 and gets <18 + 9> = 27 01[00:02] <~ShadowDM> Hit [00:02] <Rairaku> 3d8+6 [00:02] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 3d8+6 and gets <2,8,8 + 6> = 24 01[00:03] <~ShadowDM> The young boy grunts as your hammer him. [00:03] <Rairaku> Heroic surge [00:03] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [00:03] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <10 + 13> = 23 01[00:04] <~ShadowDM> Hit. [00:04] <Rairaku> 1d8+2 [00:04] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d8+2 and gets <2 + 2> = 4 01[00:04] <~ShadowDM> and he takes it. [00:04] <Rairaku> done for me that is alot 01[00:08] <~ShadowDM> The girl looks around and more bees sprout from her cloths as she taps Akatsuchi on the shoulder. 01[00:08] * ~ShadowDM : -> GIRL: Cmon, lets get out of here! 01[00:08] <~ShadowDM> She makes a dash for the side, jumping over samurai bodies before madly throwing herself off the edge. 01[00:08] <~ShadowDM> Inubatsu gets a AoO against her as she moves out of the square! 01[00:11] <~ShadowDM> chikamatsu_Tanaka? [00:12] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> ok making another bite attack [00:12] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+6 [00:12] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+6 and gets <9 + 6> = 15 01[00:12] <~ShadowDM> hit! [00:13] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d6+2 bite [00:13] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d6+2 bite and gets <1 + 2> = 3 01[00:13] <~ShadowDM> He manages to nip her as she runs. 01[00:13] <~ShadowDM> YASU! 01[00:13] <~ShadowDM> you are now left with only 2 targets. [00:15] <Tanshin_Yori> A and W? 01[00:15] <~ShadowDM> yep [00:16] <Tanshin_Yori> Hrm... [00:17] <Tanshin_Yori> Yasu moves to J-13 with Shunshin no Jutsu and attempts to initiate grapple with the woman!

01[00:17] <~ShadowDM> This should be good. 01[00:17] <~ShadowDM> make your touch attack. [00:17] <Tanshin_Yori> Any chance he can make a hide check to catch her unawares? [00:17] <Tanshin_Yori> >.> 01[00:17] <~ShadowDM> no, she's facing your direction. [00:17] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+4 Touch! OF JUSTICE!!! [00:17] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+4 Touch! OF JUSTICE!!! and gets <20 + 4> = 24 [00:17] <Tanshin_Yori> o.o 01[00:17] <~ShadowDM> hit. [00:18] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+4 Grapple! [00:18] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+4 Grapple! and gets <15 + 4> = 19 [00:18] <Tanshin_Yori> d6 AP [00:18] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d6 AP and gets 5 [00:18] <Tanshin_Yori> 24! 01[00:18] <~ShadowDM> She doesn't resist. [00:18] <Tanshin_Yori> ... [00:18] <Tanshin_Yori> Something is wrong here. [00:18] <Tanshin_Yori> Anyways, that's Yasu's turn. 01[00:18] <~ShadowDM> then it is yori's! [00:19] <Tanshin_Yori> I'll use Shunshin no Jutsu to move to J-18, move to J-16 and form a cage of sand around the man and the prisoner if I can see them. [00:19] <Tanshin_Yori> er... [00:20] <Tanshin_Yori> j-18 then m-16. 01[00:20] <~ShadowDM> how much weight can your sand bear? [00:20] <Tanshin_Yori> Effective STR 16, so up to 230 lbs... 01[00:20] <~ShadowDM> ... [00:21] <Tanshin_Yori> Hrm. I'll go for just the prisoner. 01[00:21] <~ShadowDM> Touch attack plz. [00:21] <Tanshin_Yori> d20 Touch! [00:21] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20 Touch! and gets 13 [00:21] <Tanshin_Yori> d6 AP! [00:21] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d6 AP! and gets 4 [00:21] <Tanshin_Yori> 17? [00:21] <Tanshin_Yori> Please? 01[00:21] <~ShadowDM> hit 01[00:21] <~ShadowDM> now grapple check. [00:21] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+4 Grapple! [00:21] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+4 Grapple! and gets <2 + 4> = 6 [00:22] <Tanshin_Yori> FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU01[00:22] <~ShadowDM> The armored man manages to shake the prisoner loose from the claw-like sand. 01[00:22] * Tanshin_Yori 's shouts of impotent rage echo throughout the canyon. 01[00:22] <~ShadowDM> noted. [00:23] <Tanshin_Yori> Thus endeth my turn. ;_;

01[00:26] <~ShadowDM> The Bird ninja manages to shake off the genjutsu, but is unable to stand due to how badly he is shaking. The samurai are still frozen where they stood, while those that were trampled beneath the horses moan in pain. 01[00:26] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi steps away from his assailants and roars. Despite being roughly eleven years old, its rather frightening as hes surrounded by a red aura and two ethereal fists of crimson rise above his own. 01[00:26] * ~ShadowDM : -> GEIMENKU: Akatsuchi! We dont have time for this! Just be a good boy and jump! 01[00:26] <~ShadowDM> The earth beneath Rai shivers. Reflex save! [00:27] <Rairaku> 1d20+7 [00:27] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+7 and gets <12 + 7> = 19 [00:27] <Rairaku> ap [00:27] <Rairaku> 1d6 [00:27] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 6 01[00:27] <~ShadowDM> does she have evasion? [00:27] <Rairaku> pff no 01[00:27] <~ShadowDM> Then she takes 16 damage. [00:28] <Rairaku> oh boy~ 01[00:28] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! Your go! [00:28] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> who can i choose from? [00:29] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> as Targets I mean 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> You have Akatsuchi, who just went super saiyan, and Geimenku who is grappling with Yasu. 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 09 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . . B N s . | . 10 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 11 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 12 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | Mp13 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . b b b WN. s . | . 14 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . b b b . A s . | . 15 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . b b ib. s . . | . 16 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # #bRbb . . | . 17 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . Y # #bb b . . | . 18 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . T H Hbb b . . | . 19 01[00:29] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 20

01[00:30] <~ShadowDM> Yori, give me an awareness check. [00:30] [00:30] 8 [00:30] [00:30] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+7 Awareness <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+7 Awareness and gets <1 + 7> =

<Tanshin_Yori> ugh <Tanshin_Yori> Fuck you too, Orac. 01[00:30] <~ShadowDM> nevermind. You're aware this canyon is deep. 01[00:30] <~ShadowDM> Rai! give me an awareness [00:30] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [00:30] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <8 + 14> = 22 [00:31] <Rairaku> yay 01[00:31] <~ShadowDM> There is something odd about this guy's chakra now. It seems... shockingly pure. Like almost 'holy'. [00:31] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I'll attack Aka then 01[00:32] <~ShadowDM> do eeet. [00:32] <Tanshin_Yori> DO EET NAOUGHW [00:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+6 [00:32] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+6 and gets <13 + 6> = 19 01[00:33] <~ShadowDM> you can Ap that. [00:33] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d6 AP [00:33] <Orac> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d6 AP and gets 1 01[00:33] <~ShadowDM> and miss, the force of Akatsuchi's chakra, pushes the puppet back. 01[00:34] <~ShadowDM> Geimenku smiles at Yasu and grips him. The first thing Yasu notices is that this woman is inhumanly strong. The second thing he notices is that she has pointed teeth. A lot of them. 01[00:34] <~ShadowDM> YASU! GRAPPLE CHECK! [00:35] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+4 Grapple! [00:35] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+4 Grapple! and gets <16 + 4> = 20 01[00:35] <~ShadowDM> wanna Ap that? [00:35] <Tanshin_Yori> ... sure. [00:35] <Tanshin_Yori> d6 AP [00:35] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d6 AP and gets 4 [00:35] <Tanshin_Yori> 24! 01[00:35] <~ShadowDM> And Yasu barely manages to not be pinned to the floor and bitten! [00:35] <Tanshin_Yori> yaaaaay 01[00:36] * ~ShadowDM : -> GEIMENKU "Ah, a fighter. That's good, I like em fiesty!" 01[00:36] <~ShadowDM> Another grapple check! [00:36] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+4 Grapple! [00:36] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+4 Grapple! and gets <3 + 4> = 7 [00:36] <Tanshin_Yori> awww. [00:36] <Tanshin_Yori> Figures. 01[00:37] <~ShadowDM> She tosses Yasu away like a limp doll.

01[00:37] * ~ShadowDM : -> GEIMENKU: "Akatsuchi! Listen to me. Leave. Now." 01[00:37] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi grips his head, like he's trying to fight something. 01[00:38] <~ShadowDM> The woman curses and jumps off the building. 01[00:39] <~ShadowDM> Noburo dashes to the side and looks down in time to see several large flaming creatures pass beneath the bridge and catch the fleeing shinobi. 01[00:40] * ~ShadowDM : -> ???: "Wait... where's Akatsuchi? Akatsuchi!" 01[00:40] * ~ShadowDM : -> GEIMENKU: "Nevermind him, Ichii, he's chosen his fate. Now just fly us out of here..." 01[00:41] <~ShadowDM> Rai! Your turn! 01[00:41] <~ShadowDM> Fort save! [00:41] <Rairaku> 1d20+8 [00:41] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+8 and gets <19 + 8> = 27 01[00:41] <~ShadowDM> you succeed! [00:41] <Rairaku> no shit 01[00:41] <~ShadowDM> Spot check! [00:41] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [00:41] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <9 + 14> = 23 [00:42] <Rairaku> same as last turn 5 foot to flank [00:43] <Rairaku> 3 for 3 01[00:43] <~ShadowDM> You see chakra that is not similar to Akatsuchi's start rising off his body like smoke... in fact, it is more like that women with genjutsu, but far more malevolent. [00:43] <Rairaku> am i flanking or no its been a bit since i saw the new map 01[00:43] <~ShadowDM> You're not flanking. 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 09 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . s . . . B N s . | . 10 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | . 11 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . N . . . | . 12 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . . . . . . . | Mp13 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . b b b . . s . | G 14 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . b b b i A s . | . 15 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . b b b . s . . Y . 16 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # #bRbb . . | . 17 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . . # #bb b . . | . 18

01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | . . . T H Hbb b . . | . 19 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> . | r r r r r r r r r r | . 20 [00:44] <Rairaku> werent the little s the bird nin? 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> s's are samurai [00:44] <Rairaku> so i would be flanking with a samurai if i 5 foot 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> all of which are either frozen by genjutsu or under horses 01[00:44] <~ShadowDM> the ones around Akatsuchi are on the ground, unconscious. [00:45] <Rairaku> same [00:45] <Rairaku> 13/11/9 [00:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [00:45] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+13 and gets <7 + 13> = 20 01[00:45] <~ShadowDM> miss [00:45] <Rairaku> done 01[00:46] <~ShadowDM> no AP? [00:46] <Rairaku> 1d6 [00:46] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 4 01[00:46] <~ShadowDM> hit! [00:46] <Rairaku> 1d20+11 [00:46] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+11 and gets <12 + 11> = 23 01[00:46] <~ShadowDM> hit! [00:46] <Rairaku> 1d20+9 [00:46] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+9 and gets <7 + 9> = 16 01[00:46] <~ShadowDM> miss! [00:46] <Rairaku> 2d8+4 [00:46] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 2d8+4 and gets <1,2 + 4> = 7 [00:47] <Rairaku> bypasses chakra reduction blah blah 01[00:47] <~ShadowDM> aye. [00:47] <Rairaku> thats it for me 01[00:47] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! Your go! [00:48] <Tanshin_Yori> eh... which square is he in? [00:48] <Tanshin_Yori> J-10? 01[00:48] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi? [00:48] <Tanshin_Yori> No, Yasu. 01[00:48] <~ShadowDM> I-12 = Yasu 01[00:48] <~ShadowDM> maybe I'll just use U for him now on. [00:49] <Rairaku> or use numbers for the villans... [00:49] <Rairaku> and note them on the bot 01[00:49] <~ShadowDM> Eh, maybe. 01[00:49] <~ShadowDM> anyways 01[00:49] <~ShadowDM> it's Yasu's turn. [00:51] <Tanshin_Yori> Hrm... Yasu will grapple Akatsuchi. 01[00:51] <~ShadowDM> o_O go for it. [00:51] <Tanshin_Yori> and designate him as his Dodge target. [00:52] <Tanshin_Yori> wait, no. Grapple is a terrible idea. [00:52] <Tanshin_Yori> Yasu will draw his kodachi, designate Akatsuchi as his dodge target, and ready an action to interpose himself if Akatsuchi tries to escape.

[00:53] <Tanshin_Yori> and by that I mean jump over the side. 01[00:53] <~ShadowDM> indeed. 01[00:53] <~ShadowDM> Yori's go! [00:53] <Rairaku> we all jump at that point 01[00:53] * Tanshin_Yori turns to Akatsuchi, and he does not look happy. 01[00:54] <~ShadowDM> How old is Yori? [00:54] <Tanshin_Yori> 12. 01[00:54] <~ShadowDM> this kid looks younger than you. 01[00:54] <~ShadowDM> awareness check again. [00:54] <Tanshin_Yori> Aye. You said he's 11, right? 01[00:54] <~ShadowDM> 10-11 [00:54] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+7 Awareness [00:54] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+7 Awareness and gets <17 + 7> = 24 01[00:55] <~ShadowDM> This transformation... is... kind of familiar... 01[00:55] <~ShadowDM> In fact... the presence of his aura almost feels like the exact opposite of what's inside you. [00:55] <Tanshin_Yori> Hrm. [00:56] <Tanshin_Yori> Yori's sand leaps out to engulf Akatsuchi! [00:56] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+4 Touch [00:56] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+4 Touch and gets <14 + 4> = 18 01[00:56] <~ShadowDM> wanna Ap that? [00:56] <Tanshin_Yori> (Grapplin', BTW.) [00:57] <Tanshin_Yori> Mmm... nah. [00:57] <Tanshin_Yori> or... [00:57] <Tanshin_Yori> hrm. [00:57] <Tanshin_Yori> Sure. [00:57] <Tanshin_Yori> d6 AP [00:57] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d6 AP and gets 4 01[00:57] <~ShadowDM> hit! [00:57] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+4 Grapple! [00:57] <Orac> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+4 Grapple! and gets <19 + 4> = 23 01[00:57] <~ShadowDM> And Akatsuchi is grappled! [00:58] <Tanshin_Yori> aaand that's my turn. 01[00:58] <~ShadowDM> The bird ninja leaps up and moves over to the younger nin to soundly thump him on the back of the head. As Akatsuchi is knocked unconscious, the aura dissapates. 01[00:59] <~ShadowDM> The stone walls melt back into the bridge, and the Bird ninja turns yells loudly. 01[00:59] * Tanshin_Yori scowls. "At least we have aprisoner." 01[00:59] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NINJA: "We need a medic over here!" 01[01:00] <~ShadowDM> The horses are moved out of the way and medics are drawn from the ends of the bridge over to the fallen samurai. Noburo and the Bird Ninja move to the other samurai and one by one dispel the genjutsu chaining them in place. 01[01:00] <~ShadowDM> Rai! Awareness check!

[01:00] [01:00] [01:01] [01:01]

<Rairaku> 1d20+14 <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <2 + 14> = 16 <Rairaku> 1d6 <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 4 01[01:01] <~ShadowDM> The smokey chakra rolling off of Akatsuchi becomes like a cloud of malevolence around him, while his own chakra glows through the mist like a piercing light. 01[01:01] <~ShadowDM> Noburo walks over to where the younger nin lays unconscious in the sand claw. 01[01:01] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "What is this? Genjutsu?" [01:03] <Rairaku> 1d20+3 [01:03] <Orac> Rairaku rolls 1d20+3 and gets <1 + 3> = 4 01[01:03] <~ShadowDM> You recognize it as the same chakra as the women, but that's about it. [01:04] <Rairaku> "Influence..." [01:04] <Tanshin_Yori> "I'll bet they sealed something in this kid. Using Genjutsu to control him wouldn't surprise me." [01:04] <Rairaku> "Woman that jumped." 01[01:04] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Maybe. Regardless, let's get him secured before he wakes up. We can find out what is going on then." 01[01:05] * Rairaku nods [01:05] <Tanshin_Yori> "Let's throw him in the wagon and get going, then. I'm ready to be done with this mission." 01[01:06] <~ShadowDM> As the scene is cleared, the Bird ninja moves over to join you. "Permission to enter your territory? It's my mission to see Bakugeki no Inejiro safely entered into your custody." [01:06] <Rairaku> " compatriot or entourage..." 01[01:06] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Permission granted. We could use your help." 01[01:07] * Tanshin_Yori raises an eyebrow. "Are we giving pursuit?" 01[01:08] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "We will. They're heading east toward the mountains. If this kid can give us the location, we might be able to catch them before they head out. After using so much chakra in the fight, they'll probably take some time to recover." [01:08] <Rairaku> " chase?" 01[01:09] * Tanshin_Yori seems satisfied with this answer. 01[01:09] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "We'll have to hoof it. But such a short distance isn't anything for us, and I'm sure your eyes will lead us to them once we have a general idea of their base's location." [01:10] <Rairaku> "..." 01[01:10] <~ShadowDM> Given that the cart is damage from running into a stone wall, Noburo opts to carry the unconscious kid over his shoulder. Soon enough the group reaches the Wind side of the canyon.

01[01:10] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "I need an empty internment room and a medic." 01[01:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> GUARD: "Certainly." 01[01:11] <~ShadowDM> You are all lead to an empty room with a desk and a few chairs. Shortly a medic arrives, looking somewhat uncomfortable. 01[01:11] * Tanshin_Yori follows after Noburo, eyeing Akatsuchi the whole time. 01[01:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> MEDIC: "You're not going to... torture him are you?" [01:11] <Rairaku> "No." [01:12] <Tanshin_Yori> "Maybe." [01:12] <Rairaku> "No..." she says again looking at yori 01[01:12] * Tanshin_Yori glares at Rai. 01[01:12] <~ShadowDM> The medic looks immensely relieved at Rai's words, but casts a dubious glance at Yori before quickly looking away, muttering something under her breath. [01:13] <Tanshin_Yori> "It's not our call to make. Sempai?" 01[01:14] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "I'm not going to permit torturing a ten year old. Especially not one that might have been coerced with genjutsu. Let's just see what he has to say for himself first." 01[01:14] * Tanshin_Yori sighs in... disappointment? 01[01:15] <~ShadowDM> And as the medic begins his work to awake the unconscious Akatsuchi, 01[01:15] <~ShadowDM> Your journey and your lives end in bottomless cavern-induced death as we... 01[01:15] <~ShadowDM> FADE... 01[01:15] <~ShadowDM> .TO.... 01[01:15] <~ShadowDM> ..BLACK

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