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10. Mega Steel Structures 1. What is the other name, that the China Olympic Stadium is called, and name the Architect? The Bird nest, as its in the shape of nest. The name of the Architect is Swiss Architect Jacques Herzsog & Pierre de Meuron. 2. What is the key innovation in steel that had made the Brooklyn Bridge survive for about 100 years even today against corrosion? Give any three examples of other applications/products of this innovation. 1. Zinc coating on steel to get galvanized steel cables was the key innovation in steel that had made the Brooklyn Bridge survives for about 100 years even today against corrosion. 2. Galvanized roofing/Shuttering sheets, automobile sheet metal body building galvanized sheet metal ducts for HVAC, galvanized fasteners and nails, Galvanized sheet metal white goods and dessert coolers. 3. Justify with a sketch how a high temperature 2800 degree C is achieved, through Henry Bessemers invention for steel mass production? Before HBs Invention in 1885, it had taken one week to produce one ton of steel. Bessemer invented a new method to heat up steel to attain 2800 C by blowing oxygen and air in a supersonic speed. This could bring the production of steel of 1 ton in just 15 minutes. The invention had revolutionized the mass production of steel. The invention went hand in hand with industrial revolution of the western world. 4. Describe in detail the Construction challenges of Chinese Olympic Stadium with a sketch?
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42000 tons of steel beams woven together to make the shape of a birds nest. Centre stage of a biggest event 2008 Olympics Beijing China. Lifted the heavy Beams with Cranes to about 70 mtrs high for fixing. Panel Roofs 320 meter long and 297 meters wide and covers 91000 spectators. Intricate design and Kris cross woven steel beams designed by using computers and software Named Birds nest. The Birds nest. As its in the shape of nest. Swiss Architect Jacques Herzsog & Pierre de Meuron. Fragile looking design must withstand earth quakes and eco friendly. Steel roof fitted with high tech membranes to let sunlight and noise and wind out. The faade was kept open to natural ventilation. State of the art technology to conserve energy, water and to regulate heat. Foundations in concrete and earth quake proof. Divided the bow in to six isolated sections to move and shake incase of earth quake to absorb the shake. No seat is 140mtrs from the centre. Long and flexible enough steel to woven the steel beams with twists and
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turns. Calculated by simulated seismic tests on structure. Sections of beams made in Shangai and moved to Beijing. Using 80 tone cranes to lift 300 ton weighing steel beams and welding them in next two three days. Over 1000 skilled welders did the job. Challenge of making stadium stand on its own by unloading and removing the supports. To move polluters and plant trees. 4. What is the name and the capacity of mega cargo container ship? Hanjin Washington mega container ship with 2650 steel containers of 60,000. 5. What is the key contribution of mega container ships in the present global economy? What kind of goods the Mega Container ships, travelling from South Korea to California Carrier. In the present economy mega container ships transport about 90% of goods what the world produces across the globe. TV sets motor cycles and fresh fish. 6. Describe the steps and the process involved in building a mega container ship? Step 1. Procuring the required sheets of steel enough to cover eight football fields and moving them by machines to the work shed and on rollers to clean it. Step 2. Cut the steel to predesigned shape, by computerized cutting torches. Two technical persons and a remote control does the work of 14 men in a fraction of time. At times, the torches even worked under the water to keep the sheets cool and avoid bending. Step 3. Weld the cut steel sheets in to sections. An army of robotic welding
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does most of the straight welding. Most intricate welding works are still done by hand. These enormous honeycomb structures build the skeleton of the ships. These structures take the weight of the containers and the pressure of Sea waves. Finally, all the sections are assembled together to build a container ship. 7. It would be a greatest extravaganza and a life time experience to celebrate the New Year eve in the biggest Cruise Ship Justify the statement with the preparations and facilities in the Cruise Ship.

Tour along Caribbean Seas. Serviced with 14 glass lifts. Fully stocked of foods and drinks, over 500 tons of food loaded. To make the guests aware about all what they need and where to get. Strict laws to take foods from other Country on port. On board television channel. On board entertainment and events. Swimming and wading pool. Evening Dance Floor. Freedoms Doctor. Sophisticated navigation facilities. Waste management systems, with on board waste processing plant. Cans are compressed and bottles are crushed and only offloaded on ground. Dumps no waste on sea. Sanities the hands before food. Promise of exceptional food 24 hours a day. With 250 chefs on board. Descending bridge and platform for performance. Parades, skating rings, Gaming rooms, on board wave simulator. Theaters with seating capacity for 1500 people.
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Six Photographers to take pictures home. Facility to isolate misbehaving guests. On board washing and press facilities for guests. Separate facilities for crew members dining and entertainment. Facilities to isolate disaster prone areas. Cantilevered Whirlpool on top deck. Ships own desalination plant. 30 large life boats and 78 inflatable rafts for emergency strategically placed around. Facility to transfer backup stock of food from other ships. Projection screen for countdown of the New Year eve party.

11. Mega Sports and Entertainment 1. Where is the Worlds highest roller coaster installed and its height? Kingdo Ka is a roller coaster located at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey USA. At the end of the launch track, the train climbs the main top hat tower, reaching a height of 456feet (139 m). 2. Why the water filled mannequins were used in roller coaster test ride? Give any other two examples, where you would use the water filled mannequins for tests and simulation. To test the Roller coaster with full load for climbing the required height, water filled mannequins were used. 3. Describe with Sketches, what are the revolutionary construction techniques used to build the Arizona Cardinal super stadium?

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Refer Video since it is not clear. Suitable Steel roofing, curved panels on exterior in the shape of sleeping snakes, retractable stadium floors on rails, light weight Teflon roofs. Brunel trusses for rectangular Curved panels by cutting it at an angle and fixing. Retractable tracks on rails 500 wheels and and 76 horse power for multipurpose events. 4. Explain with few sketches the Thermit process, how Engineers had joined the long steel rails for retractable stadium floor?

Disposal bricks on rails joint with an iron jack.

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Pack it with special sand for any gaps on sides and also for Insulation. Heat the joint with blow torch. Thermit welding (TW)(sometimes called thermit welding) is a process which joins metal by heating them with super heated liquid metal from a chemical reaction between a metal oxide and aluminum or other reducing agent, with or without the application of the pressure. Filler metal is obtained from the liquid metal. Thermit welding is basically a process in which mixture containing aluminium powder, iron oxide and suitable alloying elements is ignited in a crucible to form molten steel and slag. This molten steel is then directed into the pre-fabricated moulds where it fuses with the pre heated Ralf ends to form a Thermit welded joint. This process is based o the exothermic reaction as shown below. These items are mixed in certain ratios to for the Thermit Powder. The Thermit Powder ignites at temperature of about 300 degrees centigrade. On ignition, the reaction starts and the mixture melts. The temperature of the molten rises to about 2700 degrees centigrade but lowers down due to the presence of steel chips and heat losses. The Ferro alloys are added to the powder to obtain the desired properties of metal. The Thermit powder is designed to produce alloy steel as close as possible in composition and microstructure to the parent metal. Though seemingly simple, manufacturer of Thermit powders requires close quality

12. MEGA MINES AND RESOURCES 1. State the importance of Tao Tona mines at South Africa? What it means Taotona? Tao Tona mine is a gold mine in South Africa. At some3.90 km (2.4 miles) deep it is currently home to the worlds deepest mining operations

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west of Johannesburg. Produced over half of all the gold man has ever mined. The name Tau Tona means great lion in the local language. 2. List the challenges engineers have to undergo to at Tao Tona gold mine and explain how engineers have mitigated to overcome. The deposits were at an angle that straight deep. Underground earthquakes pockets of lethal gas, scorching temperature and heat, darkness and millions of gallons of pressurized water. Solution main shaft of 2 kms length. Then a second and third after to take men up to 3.6 km. Then creating an environment to breadth and work. Fans to circulate air above and below. Gigantic refrigeration plants to cool the air from 58 to 28 Degrees, with constant maintenance. Threats of Underground fire. Locomotives are intricate part of mines lateral movement of people. Workers collect methane monitor. Workers get heat stroke dehydration so medical services on their tows always. Water is circulated for cooling to drinking.

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It process 140 thousand tons of ore in order to yield 1.6 tons of gold every month. Hoppers locos and conveyors used to transport ore to the ground. The thickness of ore deposit is just 25cm hence the mine below is quite narrow. Smallest Seismic event can collapse the working area. 3. Why the engineers had to look for an alternative to timbers support systems, under the mines and how they resolved the same? The tunnels initially were supported by tons and tons of timber, which had become major threats in case of fire accidents. They cannot afford ventilation being spoiled by smokes. Hence they look for an alternative to timber support systems under the mines. And they phased out timber by new technology called backfill. Backfill is a method of using earth materials to support the earth. Gold ore waste ash is used for this purpose. 13. MEGA RESOURCES 1. A large reservoir of Methane gas is found at a place near Arctic Circle. What steps did engineers take to tap this enormous source of natural energy? Explain the daunting challenges that fell in their way? Engineers did not make the platform in artic circle, they made in Spain and transported it to site with a very interesting way of lifting with filling base of ship then pumping out water to lift the platform then finally fixing it at the site with very less offsets.

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14. MEGA BUILDINGS 1. Name the first skyscraper building to utilize wind power to produce energy for its use? World Trade Centre, Bahrain. 2. How the fans of the wind turbines in the world trade centre, Bahrain were treated against colliding with the bridge? Explain with sketch?

The Bridge was made like an aero plane wing going slightly backward from the wing to that when it swings the blades do not touch the bridge. 3. Explain the process involved in obtaining wind energy by the use of wind turbines, for the energy requirements of World Trade
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Centre, Bahrain with a sketch.

The use of turbines on three levels, on bridges, to be explained by the students. Solution explained as follows. The first ever turbine mounted and it generated 400MW hours of electricity a year enough to power 100 average European homes. Wind energy will hit the aerodynamic blades forcing them to rotate up to 38 times per minute. The blades will turn low speed shaft which connects to gear box. The gear inside will drive another high speed shaft spinning approximately 1500 times a minute. This will power the generated producing the clean energy for the Bahrain world trade centre. As the go higher the wind speed increase and even with ropes controlling the blades as they ascends the upper bridge will be a battle. Efficient air condition system will slash the high cost of cooling and high efficiency effloresce lighting on every floor will further reduce the energy consumption. In over all, this building will consume half the energy of other sky scrappers in the area. With the lesson learned from the first blades lifting, the push the blades in towards the generator and help the crew get both flushed with each other. Great challenges face for the third blades fixing as the height was more and speed of the wind was high and finally they connected blades with the
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generator. Further if the wind condition is low, the turbine will not spin and if it is too high testing is dangerous. If the turbines are under full operation, the blades will turn about 38 rotations per minute. Hence the turbine spins as a clean energy source creating 1300MW hours of electricity every year. 4. The structure of Burj Al Arab is designated to withstand Earthquake and high winds. What different technologies were in terms of slabs, shell of the building, steel and concrete part of the building caters to the effect? A) Steel skeleton around the building, slender concrete slabs, pile foundation using skin friction, cross bracing of steel trusses on three levels etc to be explained by students. B) The rough weather conditions involving high waves on a low lying island, pile foundation using skin friction, liquefaction hollow concrete blocks for draining out water etc.

Steel Skeleton around the Building: Steel Exo-Skeletons were of minimum and light. These were tested using sucking design in wind Tunnel. Used Engineering hanging weight called accummed mass temper and placed in vulnerable points. Structure swings in a safety limit. 11 of this are fitted from top to bottom.

Slender concrete Slabs. Slendrical concrete walls were not capable of withstanding the elements alone. To hold them firmly against high wind and
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earthquake, gigantic steel structures were provided. Pile Foundation: Used the Steel reinforcement concrete foundation pile drilled deep into the sand and study of the results conducted for the drilled test proving the compacted and calcified sand stratum beneath. These were provided to avoid sinking of the structures. Using skin friction foundation, the slipping of two rough surfaces sand and piles were avoided from each other. The designer considered 20% longer deep foundation than the original plan. The total of 250 numbers concrete piles were used and have a combined length of 2.5 miles to support the whole structure. Cross bracing of steel trusses These were very long and heavy. They lifted at a low speed little by little upward. Due to temperature, the trusses were expanded and contracted by 4 to 5 cm over 24 hours. On the frame of the structures, fixing brackets contains a washer with its hole upset from the centre. This swivel until it gets aligned with the hole in diagonal trusses. Then, these are hold in position by insertion of 30 cm dia cast steel pan locking them together.

15. MEGA CHALLENGES ON THE SEA 1. Which mega structure was built to increase the coastline of Dubai by 56 km?
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A) Palm Island Dubai 2. The water level was a problem in low lands of islands settlements; explain with sketch how they pumped out water with the help of wind energy. A) Students required explaining wind mills with fabric acting a sails to power the water mills below the ground to pump out water. Some wind mills working in tandem each pumping water gradually. a. When covered with canvas, the mills blades become sails that graphed wind gusting in from North Sea and convert them into raw pumping bar through a series of huge gears that turns are massive water wheel below. b. About four hundred years ago there wear cutting edge technology offering the best solution to Hollands drainage problems. c. There was a limit to how high a single wind mill can lift the water. d. Engineer arranges the wind mill in groups over a net work of canals. Each pumping water gradually move upward about from the lowest point on the bottom line to the top the deck and while splitting into the canal or river and flow out to the sea. Therefore with the added power of wind mill, Dutch could track new land from sea.

3. The Palm Island is built to amaze any one by its size and shape. Its biggest challenge is to create its base, made completely with sand and rock. Explain how these rocks and sand were obtained and how they were used to make this incredible island in place in its exact shape, overcoming difficulties like liquefaction?
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A) The sand was obtained from the nearby sea bed and rocks from rock quarries. The sand was taken and filled in ships and then pumped (sprayed), through hoses known as rain bowing to the construction sites bed. The layer of sand was covered with rocks, and then again covered with different layers of rocks to provide extra strength, raising the island up to 4m above the sea level. The shape of island is ascertained by the use of GPS by the worlds only privately owned satellite ikonos. The sub soil was compacted to counter act liquefaction by the process called vibral compaction etc to be explained by the students. 4. Explain the construction of the Worlds largest Dam in Holland. What was the need to build such a long Dam, also explain its working and usage in different weather conditions? Explain the construction and its parts, like cutting edge technology for building piers over uneven sandy ocean bed, anchoring of mats, piers, etc? Longest Dam consisting more than Sixty blockades, hung between 65 gigantic piers, its the dam with gates. It was constructed to keep out sea water after a lot of dykes were made to stop water to reclaim land in Holland. It will be open in normal weather conditions for sensitive ecosystem to work normally and fishing industry could sustain. The gates of Dam are closed in case of High winds and rough weather conditions. The Construction of Piers oven Mats specially designed to lay on sandy bed, placing of rock over the mat footing of massive piers to with stand the high currents and anchoring the base to be explained by the student. 16. MEGA GARBAGE MOUNTAIN

1. Whats so special about Californias Puente Hills?

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Its the Worlds largest garbage landfill.

2. Enumerate five different uses of dumping garbage wastes into landfills? They clean our surroundings, toxins are finished, a green way to dispose waste, health problems checked, takes loads of enormously increasing cities, etc. 3. The Volume of wastes needs to be reduced (compacted) so as to be put in landfills. Explain how this compaction is done by volume compactor Trucks. With reference from Worlds largest Garbage dump, explain the special feature these trucks have to compact and settle the garbage with sketches? The Trucks weighing one hundred and twenty thousand pounds, 536 HP Engine, 14 feet tall and 30 feet long, fourty seven foot steel wheels, seventeen foot leveling blade, four 55 inch wide wheels each with 72 steel teeth. They are attached to hydraulically control steel arms to turn the wheels very sharply, they can settle an area 22 feet wide in one back and forth motion, moving just two overlapping passes over it. The steel tyres can swivel in the centre thus turning very sharply. The teeth have a special shape to provide force in directions on both sides as well as below, which increases its efficiency. 4. Explain the process of collecting wastes from the house holds, then taking them to the large landfill to be compacted and settled there. Also explain the challenges that lie in the way these wastes are disposed. Take reference from the worlds largest garbage mountain. The wastes fall in five categories, they are collected and compacted in the truck from first collection point itself, then transported to the site,
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to be treated with large volume compactor trucks. Then with other machines they are aligned to the site for creating a regular slope at the landfill. The Garbage dump is guarded against garbage spills and Birds which pick the garbage and can drop it in residential areas. The Garbage site is uneven to work on, trucks needs to be carefully driven, ect to be explained by student.

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