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CIILk: Secretary of State for Lducat|on LL11Lk 1C Ck Mp

1. 1hls documenL seLs ouL Lhe Peads of AgreemenL on Lhe scheme deslgn for p
Lhe reformed 1eachers' enslon Scheme Lo be lnLroduced ln 2013. 1he p
governmenL have made clear Lhls seLs ouL Lhelr flnal poslLlon on Lhe maln p
elemenLs of scheme deslgn, whlch unlons have agreed Lo Lake Lo Lhelr p
LxecuLlves as Lhe ouLcome of negoLlaLlons on Lhe maln elemenLs of scheme p
deslgn. 1hls lncludes a commlLmenL Lo seek LxecuLlves' agreemenL Lo Lhe p
suspenslon of any lndusLrlal acLlon on penslon reform whlle Lhe flnal deLalls p
are belng resolved. lurLher deLalled work wlll Lake place ln Lhe new ?ear p
and LxecuLlves wlll consulL members as ap roprlaLe. p
1hls agreemenL allows for furLher dlscusslons on varlaLlons Lo Lhe balance p
beLween Lhe accrual raLe and Lhe CA8L revaluaLlon facLor wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of p
Lhe CovernmenL's cosL celllng p
2. 1he maln parameLers of Lhe new scheme are provlded below. Scheme-level p
dlscusslons wlll conLlnue ln early 2012 on a number of lssues noL covered by p
Lhls AgreemenL. 1hese are ouLllned aL Annex A. p
a. A penslon scheme deslgn based on career average, p
b. A provlslonal accrual raLe of 1/37Lh of penslonable earnlngs each p
year, and Lhe resoluLlon of ouLsLandlng lssues noL covered by Lhls p
agreemenL (see Annex A). p
c. 8evaluaLlon of acLlve members' beneflLs ln llne wlLh Cl + 1.6 . p
d. normal enslon Age equal Lo SLaLe enslon Age, whlch applles boLh p
Lo acLlve members and deferred members (new scheme servlce p
only), p
e. enslons ln paymenL Lo lncrease ln llne wlLh rlces lndex (currenLly p
Cl), p
f. beneflLs earned ln defermenL Lo lncrease ln llne wlLh Cl, p
g. Average member conLrlbuLlons of 9.6, wlLh some proLecLlon for Lhe p
lowesL pald (Lhe deLalled sLrucLure of whlch ls shown ln Annex 8.), p
h. CpLlonal lump sum commuLaLlon aL a raLe of 12:1, ln accordance wlLh p
PM8C llmlLs and regulaLlons, p

l.p Spouses/arLner penslon ln accordance wlLh currenL provlslons, p
[.p Lump-sum on deaLh ln servlce of 3 Llmes l1L salary, p
k.plll-healLh beneflLs Lhe same as Lhose ln Lhe currenL open scheme, p
l.p AcLuarlally falr early/laLe reLlremenL facLors on a cosL-neuLral basls p
excepL for Lhose wlLh a nA above age 63 who wlll have early p
reLlremenL facLors of 3 per year for a maxlmum of 3 years ln respecL p
of Lhe perlod from age 63 Lo Lhelr nA, and p
m. An employer cosL cap Lo provlde backsLop proLecLlon Lo Lhe Laxpayer p
agalnsL unforeseen cosLs and rlsks (see paragraph 3 below and Annex p
C). p
3.p1he CovernmenL seL ouL Lhe gross cosL celllng of 21.7 and Lhe neL cosL p
celllng of 12.1 ln lobllc 5etvlce leosloos. qooJ peosloos tbot lost, p
Cm8214. rovlded as Annex L Lo Lhls AgreemenL ls a reporL by Lhe p
scheme acLuary verlfylng LhaL Lhe proposed scheme deslgn above ls p
wlLhln Lhe cosL celllng. 1hls reporL has been prepared ln accordance p
wlLh Lhe advlce ln Lhe CovernmenL AcLuary's ueparLmenL's reporL of p
7 CcLober 2011: CosL celllngs for scheme level dlscusslons: Advlce on p
daLa, meLhodology and assumpLlons. p
4.p1he scheme deslgn has been revlewed by PM 1reasury who have agreed p
Lhe ap roach Laken Lo rlsk managemenL. p
3.p1hls agreemenL also covers arrangemenLs for an employers' cosL cap, p
Lhe LreaLmenL of nA followlng furLher changes Lo SA, and a 23 year p
guaranLee. 1hese are seL ouL ln more deLall aL Annex C. p
6.pln addlLlon, aLLached aL Annex u ls a pollcy cosLlngs noLe ouLllnlng p
arrangemenLs LhaL wlll ensure Leachers who, as of 1 Aprll 2012, have 10 p
years or less Lo Lhelr currenL penslon age wlll see no change ln when p
Lhey can reLlre, nor any decrease ln Lhe amounL of penslon Lhey recelve p
aL Lhelr currenL normal enslon Age. 1he noLe seLs ouL a legal p
assessmenL of Lhe pollcy as well as Lhe daLa, meLhodology and p
assumpLlons used Lo deLermlne LhaL LoLal cash expendlLure ln each and p


every year ls no hlgher for Lhe proLecLed group Lhan lL would have been L
were no reform Lo Lake place. L
7.L Members who are wlLhln a furLher 3 .3 years of Lhelr normal enslon L
Age, l.e. up Lo 13.3 years from Lhelr nA wlll have llmlLed proLecLlon L
wlLh llnear Laperlng so LhaL for every monLh of age LhaL Lhey are beyond L
10 years of Lhelr normal penslon age, Lhey lose 2 monLhs of proLecLlon. L
AL Lhe end of Lhe proLecLed perlod, Lhey wlll be Lransferred lnLo Lhe new L
penslon arrangemenLs. L
8.L Cn Lhe basls LhaL Lhe scheme deslgn ln Lhls heads of agreemenL ls L
agreed, Lhe CovernmenL agrees Lo reLaln lalr ueal provlslon and exLend L
access Lo publlc servlce penslon schemes for Lransferrlng sLaff. 1hls L
means LhaL all sLaff whose employmenL ls compulsorlly Lransferred from L
malnLalned schools (lncludlng academles), hlgher and furLher educaLlon L
lnsLlLuLlons under 1uL, lncludlng subsequenL 1uL Lransfers, wlll sLlll L
be able Lo reLaln membershlp of Lhe 1eachers' enslon Scheme when
Lransferred. 1hese arrangemenLs wlll replace Lhe currenL provlslons for L
bulk Lransfers under lalr ueal, whlch wlll no longer apply. L



1.s 1he followlng areas wlll be dlscussed ln early 2012 LogeLher wlLh Lhe s
compleLlon of an LquallLy lmpacL As es menL. 1he requlremenL Lo flL s
Lhe new scheme wlLhln Lhe revlsed cosL celllng for Lhe 8eference s
Scheme publlshed on 2 november wlll remaln, and agreemenL on Lhese s
ls ues wlll also be sub[ecL Lo revlew by PM 1reasury Lo agree Lhe s
approach Laken Lo rlsk managemenL, lmpacL on cash flow and any s
ad[usLmenLs Lo Lhe accrual raLe as neces ary. s
l)s AbaLemenL (for servlce accrued prlor Lo and posL 2013) s
ll)s hased reLlremenL s
lll)s 1reaLmenL of members who leave acLlve servlce buL re[oln wlLhln s
3 years. s
lv)s 1reaLmenL of members who Lransfer beLween ubllc SecLor s
1ransfer Club schemes s
v)ns ConLrlbuLlon raLes and sLrucLure, lncludlng Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of s
years 2 and 3 of planned lncreases and Lhe lmpacL on parL Llme s
and lower pald sLaff. s
vl)s ConLrlbuLlon raLe dlsLrlbuLlon posL 2013 s
vll)s llexlblllLles Lo allow members Lo pay Lo reLlre before Lhelr nsA s
wlLh an unreduced penslon or Lo lncrease Lhelr penslon lncome. s
vlll)s 1he lmpllcaLlons of Lhe penslon reforms for 1oLal 8eward s

ANNLk 8:

Contr|but|on |ncreases 2012-1S
lollowlng Lhe lndependenL ubllc Servlce enslons Commls lon (lSC) revlew s
of publlc servlce penslon schemes Lhe governmenL announced a requlremenL s
Lo make 2.8bn of savlngs over Lhree years by lncreaslng conLrlbuLlons Lo s
publlc secLor penslons. s
PM1 has advlsed each scheme Lhe level of savlngs LhaL lL expecLs Lhem Lo s
make. 1he savlngs wlll be phased, so LhaL ln 2012-13 40 of Lhe savlngs are s
expecLed, ln 2013-14 80 of Lhe savlngs are expecLed and Lhe full savlngs are s
requlred by 2014-13. 1he savlngs LhaL Lhe 1S are requlred Lo make by 2014-13 s
ls 813m based on salary daLa as of 31 March 2010. s
ln !uly 2011 Lhe ueparLmenL opened a consulLaLlon Lo conslder Lhe s
conLrlbuLlon lncreases for 2012-13. 1he consulLaLlon closed ln scLober 2011 s
and Lhe ueparLmenL publlshed lLs response on 16 uecember 2011. 1he Lable s
below shows Lhe conLrlbuLlon raLes Lo be lmplemenLed from 1 Aprll 2012. 1he s
deLalls of Lhe conLrlbuLlon sLrucLure posL 2012 wlll be sub[ecL Lo dlscusslon s
wlLh unlons. s
Rate in 2012-
Membership % of
14,999 6.4% 0% 1,400 0.2%
15,000 25,999 7.0% 0.6% 116,000 17.1%
26,000 31,999 7.3% 0.9% 117,000 17.2%
32,000 39,999 7.6% 1.2% 271,000 39.6%
40,000 74,999 8.0% 1.6% 172,000 25.2%
75,000 111,999 8.4% 2.0% 4,000 0.6%
112,000 8.8% 2.4% 600 0.1%
1he conLrlbuLlon raLes ln Lhe Lable wlll dellver 40 flrsL year savlngs as 2
requlred by PM1. 1he ueparLmenL wlll consulL on Lhe level of lncreases for
2013-14 and 2014-13. 2

luLure lncreases Lo SA s
1.s 1he CovernmenL's vlew ls LhaL ln Lhe new scheme, for penslon accruals s
posL-2013, normal enslon Age should be seL equal Lo SLaLe enslon s
Age. 1hls wlll mean LhaL each member wlll have an lndlvldual nsormal s
enslon Age dependenL on Lhelr daLe of blrLh. s
2.s As seL ouL ln Lhe 2011 AuLumn SLaLemenL, fuLure lncrease ln Lhe SLaLe s
enslon Age wlll be based on demographlc evldence. 1he CovernmenL s
wlll dlscus furLher Lhe proces LhaL could be puL ln place Lo allow Lhe s
vlews of lnLeresLed parLles Lo be consldered when Lhese declslons are s
made. s
3.s 1he CovernmenL's vlew ls LhaL, lf Lhere are furLher changes Lo SLaLe s
enslon Age, Lhere wlll be an auLomaLlc llnk Lo change Lhe normal s
enslon Age of members of Lhe scheme by an equlvalenL amounL. 1hls s
also follows Lhe recommendaLlons of Lhe lndependenL ubllc Servlce s
enslon Commls lon, Lo adequaLely manage rlsks Lo Lhe Laxpayer from s
furLher lmprovemenLs Lo longevlLy. As seL ouL ln Lhe heads of s
agreemenL, normal penslon age ln Lhe maln publlc servlce penslon
schemes wlll be llnked Lo SLaLe enslon Age. 1he CovernmenL belleves s
LhaL Lhe SA should conLlnue Lo keep pace wlLh lncreases ln longevlLy Lo s
ensure falrnes beLween generaLlons, and ls conslderlng Lhe process LhaL s
wlll be used Lo deLermlne fuLure changes Lo Lhe SA, lncludlng any s
lncrease ln SA or changes Lo Lhe Llmlng of currenL proposals for change s
Lo SA. 1hls wlll be based on demographlc evldence. uW consulLed on s
Lhls over Lhe Summer. s
4.s As recommended by Lord PuLLon, Lhe CovernmenL wlll keep under s
revlew Lhe llnk beLween normal enslon Age ln Lhe publlc servlce
schemes and SLaLe enslon Age Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe llnk beLween s
Lhe Lwo conLlnues Lo be approprlaLe. s

Lmployer CosL Cap Sv
3.vAs recommended by Lord PuLLon, Lhe CovernmenL proposes Lo v
lnLroduce an employer cosL cap. 1hls would provlde backsLop proLecLlon v
for Lhe Laxpayer, proLecLlng Lhem from hlghly excepLlonal and v
unanLlclpaLed evenLs whlch very slgnlflcanLly lncrease scheme cosLs. v
Accordlngly, Lhe CovernmenL belleves Lhls cap ls hlghly unllkely Lo blLe ln v
Lhe nexL 23 years. v
6.v1he CovernmenL lnLends LhaL only changes Lo scheme cosLs due Lo v
'member cosLs', such as a dramaLlc change ln longevlLy and as deflned v
by prevlous cap and share arrangemenLs, would be conLrolled by Lhe v
cap. llnanclal cosL pressures, lncludlng changes Lo Lhe dlscounL raLe, v
would be meL by employers. 1he employer cosL cap wlll be symmeLrlcal v
so LhaL, lf Lhere are reducLlons ln member cosLs such LhaL Lhe cosL falls v
below a 'floor', Lhe savlngs would go back lnLo Lhe scheme Lo Lhe beneflL v
of members, such as by lmprovlng members' beneflLs or reduclng v
member conLrlbuLlon raLes. v
7.vScheme valuaLlons wlll Lake place perlodlcally Lo assess how Lhe cosL of v
Lhe scheme has lncreased or reduced. ln Lhe evenL LhaL member cosLs v
drlve Lhe cosL of Lhe scheme above Lhe cap or below Lhe floor, Lhere wlll v
be a perlod of consulLaLlon, before changes are made Lo brlng cosLs v
wlLhln Lhe cap and floor. lf agreemenL cannoL be reached Lhrough v
consulLaLlon, Lhe accrual raLe wlll be ad[usLed as an auLomaLlc defaulL. v
8.v1he employer cosL cap wlll be seL followlng a full acLuarlal valuaLlon. v
1he cap wlll be seL aL 2 above, and Lhe floor seL 2 below, Lhe v
employer conLrlbuLlon raLes calculaLed ahead of Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhe v
new scheme ln 2013. Caps wlll noL be based on cosL celllngs, buL on Lhe v
full acLuarlal valuaLlon. Should new evldence arlse over Lhe nexL few v
monLhs abouL Lhe llkely lmpacL of Lhe cap, Lhe CovernmenL wlll be v
wllllng Lo conslder amendlng Lhe level of Lhe cap and floor. v

kev|ew|ng contr|but|on |eve|s and opt-out rates 1y
9.y1he CovernmenL remalns commlLLed Lo securlng ln full Lhe Spendlng y
8evlew savlngs of 2.3bn ln 2013-14 and 2.8bn ln 2014-13 from y
lncreased member conLrlbuLlons, and wlll consulL formally on y
lmplemenLaLlon ln due course. 1he CovernmenL wlll revlew Lhe lmpacL y
of Lhe 2012-13 conLrlbuLlon lncreases, lncludlng on opL-ouL, before y
Laklng flnal declslons on how fuLure lncreases wlll be dellvered. y
lnLeresLed parLles wlll have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo provlde evldence and y
vlews Lo Lhe CovernmenL. y
23 year CuaranLee y
10. 1he Chlef SecreLary seL ouL Lo arllamenL on 2 november 2011 an offer y
on publlc servlce penslons LhaL ls falr and susLalnable, and one LhaL can y
endure for 23 years. 1hls means LhaL no changes Lo scheme deslgn, y
beneflLs or conLrlbuLlon raLes should be necessary for 23 years ouLslde y
of Lhe processes agreed for Lhe cosL cap. 1o glve subsLance Lo Lhls, Lhe y
CovernmenL lnLends Lo lnclude provlslons on Lhe face of Lhe y
forLhcomlng ubllc Servlce enslons 8lll Lo ensure a hlgh bar ls seL for y
fuLure CovernmenLs Lo change Lhe deslgn of Lhe schemes. 1he Chlef y
SecreLary wlll also glve a commlLmenL Lo arllamenL of no more reform y
for 23 years. y

Transitional Protection - Headline policy features
lL ls proposed LhaL LranslLlonal proLecLlon wlll be provlded Lo Lhose u
wlLhln 13.3 years of Lhelr nA on 1
Aprll 2012, as seL ouL below. u
All members ln Lhe currenL nA 60 scheme who are aged 30 and over on u
Aprll 2012, and all members of Lhe currenL nA 63 scheme who are u
aged 33 or over on 1
Aprll 2012 would reLaln Lhelr exlsLlng penslon u
enLlLlemenLs (l.e. Lhey would remaln ln Lhelr currenL exlsLlng scheme)
unLll Lhey draw Lhelr beneflLs or become enLlLled Lo do so (oLher Lhan by u
drawlng phased reLlremenL beneflLs). ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lhey were u
subsequenLly re-employed, fuLure servlce would accrue beneflLs ln Lhe u
reformed 1S. u
Members of Lhe nA 60 scheme who are aged beLween 46x and 30 on u
Aprll 2012 would remaln ln Lhe currenL scheme on a Lapered basls, u
l.e. a member who was 49 years and 11 monLhs on 1
Aprll 2012 would u
reLaln membershlp of Lhelr exlsLlng scheme unLll 1
lebruary 2022 (by u
when Lhey would be 39 years and 9 monLhs), and from LhaL daLe Lhey u
would sLarL Lo accrue servlce under Lhe reformed scheme. A member u
who ls 49 years and 10 monLhs on 1
Aprll 2012 would remaln ln Lhe u
exlsLlng scheme unLll 1
uecember 2021. 1hls Laper would conLlnue on u
a llnear basls unLll members who are 46 years and 7 monLhs on 1
Aprll u
2012 remaln ln Lhe exlsLlng scheme unLll 1
!une 2013. 1hose aged 46x u
or younger would all move Lo Lhe reformed scheme from 1
Aprll 2013 u
Members of Lhe nA 63 scheme who are aged beLween 31x and 33 on u
Aprll 2012 would remaln ln Lhelr currenL scheme on Lhe same Lapered u
basls as above, buL all Lhe ages quoLed would be 3 years greaLer, e.g. a u
member who ls 34 years and 11 monLhs on 1
Aprll 2012 would remaln u
ln Lhe exlsLlng scheme unLll 1
lebruary 2022. u
1hls approach Lo Lhe 10 year proLecLlon honours Lhe CS1's ob[ecLlve, by u
ensurlng LhaL Lhese members do noL see any change Lo when Lhey can u
draw Lhelr beneflLs or Lhe level of beneflLs LhaL Lhey wlll recelve. 1he u
approach Lo Laperlng ensures LhaL Lhose closesL Lo age 30 on 1
Aprll u
2012 wlll recelve almosL Lhe same level of proLecLlon as Lhose who are u
over age 30 and LhaL Lhe proLecLlon ls reduced evenly for younger u
Leachers unLll lL reaches zero proLecLlon for Lhose aged 46x. u

Costing and behavioural assumptions
8y reLalnlng membershlp of Lhe currenL scheme members wlll conLlnue v
Lo draw Lhe same level of beneflLs as currenLly esLlmaLed. 1hls wlll v
ensure LhaL Lhe expendlLure flgures for Lhe 10 years from 2012-13 wlll v
noL exceed Lhe prevlous esLlmaLes, as lL ls assumed LhaL members wlll v
conLlnue Lo reLlre aL Lhe same Llme as Lhey prevlously would have. v
lor a perlod of 3.3 years from 1
Aprll 2022 members wlll sLarL Lo reach v
Lhelr currenL nA (elLher 60 or 63) wlLh "mlxed" servlce beLween Lhe v
currenL and reformed 1S. Powever, Lhls cohorL of Leachers wlll have v
accrued Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of Lhelr servlce under Lhe currenL scheme, v
wlLh only llmlLed servlce under Lhe reformed 1S. lL ls assumed v
Lherefore LhaL Lhese Leachers wlll elLher sLlll draw Lhelr beneflLs aL Lhelr v
currenL nA (wlLh a lower level of overall beneflLs) or Lhey wlll conLlnue v
Lo work beyond Lhelr currenL nA unLll Lhey accrue a penslon broadly v
equal Lo Lhe penslon Lhey would have accrued aL age 60 under Lhe v
currenL scheme v
Initial impact assessment
8ased on currenL age proflle of Lhe scheme (see below), lL ls esLlmaLed v
LhaL of Lhe LoLal acLlve membershlp of 630k, approxlmaLely 200k v
members wlll beneflL from Lhe 10 year proLecLlon and LhaL a furLher 60k v
members wlll beneflL from Lhe Laperlng proLecLlon. v
Age Profi l e of Acti ve members as at 31 March 2010
Teacher Data as at:
Age Profile
Male Male Female Female Male Male Female Female
< 21 0 0 0 0 7 92 12 131 242
21 0 0 0 0 71 119 445 246 881
22 1 1 2 0 496 205 2424 622 3751
23 3 1 4 1 1270 307 5434 894 7914
24 42 5 262 28 1866 376 7596 1004 11179
25 329 12 1677 103 2209 387 7903 1016 13636
26 965 38 4276 313 2231 407 6303 952 15485
27 1716 62 6474 595 1824 355 4578 833 16437
28 2315 98 7740 1051 1524 377 3598 795 17498
29 2959 90 8832 1606 1395 379 2791 818 18870
30 3289 140 9136 2236 1192 356 2313 791 19453
31 3284 165 8619 2668 1002 359 1828 780 18705
32 3178 188 7668 3066 851 300 1445 755 17451

33 3344 187 7026 3437 795 327 1206 731 17053
34 3514 191 6755 3689 645 310 1098 771 16973
35 3901 223 6640 4121 639 314 995 914 17747
36 3895 223 6451 4192 620 299 933 989 17602
37 4187 260 6399 4158 607 320 949 1115 17995
38 4381 308 6168 4110 562 323 947 1197 17996
39 4263 297 5793 3818 587 375 979 1342 17454
40 4129 306 5579 3652 519 330 952 1328 16795
41 4020 321 5618 3503 521 349 1046 1322 16700
42 3913 363 5650 3248 487 388 939 1419 16407
43 3861 371 6179 3403 465 359 935 1425 16998
44 4034 383 6501 3339 464 373 954 1309 17357
45 4285 443 6596 3399 444 418 849 1435 17869
46 4101 442 6619 3224 453 373 801 1228 17241
47 4044 434 6491 3004 402 373 740 1114 16602
48 4063 445 6632 2893 373 377 616 1082 16481
49 4094 409 6981 2948 326 323 544 991 16616
50 4183 435 7391 2885 335 323 472 966 16990
51 4364 488 7817 3151 285 341 390 892 17728
52 4642 492 8469 3475 236 304 331 787 18736
53 4679 569 8822 3653 225 313 270 805 19336
54 5009 652 8941 3806 199 267 233 663 19770
55 4951 713 8995 3792 184 285 208 663 19791
56 5122 854 8682 4065 175 246 142 600 19886
57 4672 924 7747 4191 142 249 121 509 18555
58 4192 1032 6762 4100 89 232 90 488 16985
59 3625 1100 5510 3857 99 245 85 418 14939
60 2398 1077 3274 2893 80 248 46 372 10388
61 1594 989 1733 2323 64 237 34 315 7289
62 1269 1006 1210 1882 63 265 30 280 6005
63 913 815 746 1476 34 269 16 308 4577
64 492 539 395 822 26 196 16 197 2683
65 195 398 206 694 16 138 10 193 1850
66 74 274 76 445 8 133 10 201 1221
67 55 182 58 285 4 97 8 200 889
68 27 87 22 158 5 80 5 135 519
69 16 75 18 114 5 64 2 114 408
70 0 57 9 72 4 42 5 76 265
71 1 14 1 22 1 13 0 28 80
72 0 5 0 9 1 12 0 20 47
73 0 4 0 6 0 9 0 14 33
74 0 1 0 3 0 8 0 14 26
75 + 0 1 0 1 1 9 0 21 33
TOTAL 138583 19189 249652 119985 27128 14575 64677 38628 672417

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