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How fit are you?

In pairs, ask and answer questions to complete the missing information in each paragraph Student A If you want to be healthy, perhaps you need to go on a diet. Start the day drnking Water or orange juice, a cup of coffe or tea, and no sugar! For lunch you should eat Grilled fisch with some green vegetables. If you are still hungry, eat Fruits or nuts. And to drink, just water! It hasnt got any calories so you can drink as much as you want. For dinner, have some soup and bread. You can also have a cup of coffe. How much / How many water or juice do I need to drink in the morning? How much / How many grilled fish should I eat for lunch? How much / How many fruits can I eat?

STUDENT B If you want to be healthy, perhaps you need to go on a diet. Start the day drnking A GLASS OF WATER OR ORANGE JUICE, coffe or tea, and no sugar! For lunch you should eat some grilled fish with Green vegetables. If you are still hungry, eat two or three fruits or nuts. And to drink, just water! It hasnt got any calories so you can drink For dinner, have some soup and bread. You can also have a cup of coffe. Cups of coffee or tea should I drink? Many green vegetables should I eat at lunchtime? Many water can I drink?

Giving instructions. Match the two halves

Listen - Read - Dont cheat Dont waste Make Open Close In the test Your time The door, please To the teacher Your books A timetable for the week or month The exercises carefully

Lo en forma que son? En parejas, preguntar y responder preguntas para completar la informacin faltante en cada prrafo Un estudiante Si quieres estar sano, tal vez usted necesita ponerse a dieta. Inicie el da drnking Agua o jugo de naranja, una taza de caf o t y el azcar no! Para la comida que debe comer Fisch a la parrilla con algunas verduras. Si usted todava tiene hambre, coma Frutas o frutos secos. Y para beber, slo agua! No tiene ninguna calora por lo que puede beber tanto como desee. Para la cena, un poco de sopa y pan. Tambin puede tomar una taza de caf. Cunto / Cuntos agua o jugo de qu tengo que beber por la maana? Cunto / Cuntos pescados a la parrilla se debe comer para el almuerzo? Cunto / Cuntas frutas puedo comer? ESTUDIANTE B Si quieres estar sano, tal vez usted necesita ponerse a dieta. Comience el da drnking UN VASO DE AGUA O JUGO DE NARANJA, caf o t y el azcar no! Para la comida que debe comer algo de pescado a la plancha con Verduras de color verde. Si usted todava tiene hambre, comer dos o tres frutas o frutos secos. Y para beber, slo agua! No tiene ninguna calora para que pueda beber Para la cena, un poco de sopa y pan. Tambin puede tomar una taza de caf. Tazas de caf o t debo tomar? Muchas verduras de color verde se debe comer en el almuerzo? Muchos de agua se puede beber?

Dando instrucciones. Coinciden con las dos mitades Escuchar - Leer - No se engae - No pierdas - Hacer - Abrir - Cerrar En la prueba de El tiempo La puerta, por favor Para el profesor Sus libros Un calendario para la semana o del mes Los ejercicios con cuidado

Nicanor Parra was born in 1914 in Chillan, a small town in the south of Chile. His father was a school teacher. In 1933 he entered the Instituto Pedaggico of the University of Chile, and got his degree as a teacher of mathematics and physics in 1938. Cancionero sin Nombre, his first

book, appeared in 1937, After teaching in Chilean secondary schools, in 1943 he went to Brown University in the USA to continue his studies in physics. Her returned to Chile in 1946. In 1952 Parra began to teach Theoretical Physics in Santiago. He created the so called anti poetry and he has read his poetry in England, France, Russia, Mexico, Cuba and the United States. He has also published several books, including one in collaboration with his great compatriot, Pablo Neruda. Read the text carefully and correct these sentences

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