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7 Secrets Of Average Guys Who REPEATEDLY Attract & Succeed With Women In Singapore

by: Skilldo

This report contains secrets that are NOT simply ideas that come to mind. They are based on actual real-life cases of men with average looks and height who seem to be just a normal guy. But in reality they have obtained results in the dating arena NOT just once, but over and over again. Well call these men Lords of Dating for the rest of this report. These are the secrets they hold

Copyright 2006 - 2008

Secret 1: They dont OVER-indulge in hanging out with male buddies.

Dont get me wrong. I occasionally hang out with groups of male friends from old school days, and we have loud sessions of supper and crude jokes. Just that its NOT a weekly thing where I habitually go. The Lords of Dating who frequents the dating field, understand this point You cannot always be in the company of all-male groups. Reason being -- If a guy always accompanies male friends for movies or dinner, he becomes automatic to go back to the same male friends, and it rarely occurs to him that there are women who he can ask out to get the same activities done. The skill of asking girls out becomes diluted. One has to space out every all-male outings. The habit has to be broken before it becomes too addictive. If its strictly a group, at the very least have a mix of male and females. Better yet, welcome new ladies to frequently join the group. (They can be lady friends of friends, girl cousins of friends etc just get them in.) This way, the mind is trained to react with interactions with different women. So whenever an opportunity to know a new girl appears, the male wouldnt feel strange or unnatural. (Its already in his conditional nature to talk to women)

Secret 2: They embrace dating women as being human and being MEN.
In Singapore, there are too many distractions around us that easily make a person forget theres such a thing as dating. (E.g. Overtime at work, playing Final Fantasy video games, client meetings till 8pm etc) Its almost like the more you get distracted, the lesser you know how to skillfully date. Because of that, many would feel disoriented or at a lost-of-words when they eventually want to get to know a lady or ask her out. NOT these Lords of Dating.

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Lords of Dating dont let distractions untrain them from dating. They dont close up on ladies. They dont apologize for doing what they are put on earth to do. See, all of us are born because our parents started out getting to know one another and decided to bond. So why should anyone apologize for wanting to date? Its the very factor that created us in the first place. By the way, its easy to mistaken wanting to date as being desperate. No, its not. These Lords of Dating know what they want (which incidentally is a strong turn-on for women), they convey a fine balance where its within them to like dating but they wont be needy for it. Its this In-control personality that attracts girls.

Secret 3: They always have at least 5-6 conversation openers ready. (In preparation for chances to approach)
Lords of Dating have a variety of openers, ready to be deployed when a situation arises. For now, lets look at how a guy WITHOUT any openers would do. (Well call him Max) Max is in a music store. He sees a cute lady in a pink spaghetti-stripe browsing through the cds. With such an opportunity for Max to walk up and chat, he would instead spend time in his head thinking of what to say When the lady accidentally drops a cd, Max could have used that as a chance to chat. But he is still standing in a distance pretending to look at cds while pondering on how to open a conversation. Minutes passed and Max finally got one line! But by then, the lady had walked to the counter to purchase her stuff followed by an exit out of the store. Well leave Max at this point and wish him better luck next time. Back to the other socially-thriving Lords of Dating. Their mentality is simply -Every waking-moment contains opportunities for me to approach women. Could be 5 minutes from now, could be later in the night. So theres no reason why I shouldnt be equipped with any openers.

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By the way, we started this section saying they stand-by with a VARIETY of openers. These include openers belonging to different categories that are useful in a range of situations. And with 5-6 of such openers already in-mind, one would be able to flex them easily according to situations.

Secret 4: Theyre NOT afraid or ashamed to learn ways to get the girl.
Firstly, all these Lords of Dating started out as new as everyone else. They know Nobody is born with a lifes instruction manual. All the things we know today are learnt. Being good with women can be one of them. So, before the man can be good with his skills, he has to learn them first. Now, I have a question: A woman may concurrently have 2 to 3 suitors at any point of time. How do you become so wanted that shell want to go with you (more than the others)? Think about that for a second. You many have your own answer, but my version is this: One guy can get the girl over other males because he attracted the lady enough to occupy the number one spot in her mind. Thus, Lords of Dating will stop at nothing to know the high-powered how-tos of getting the girl. Because if he didnt, another dude probably would. HOW did these Lords of Dating learn then? They did it by accepting information from other guys who are fully experienced at dating. I know sometimes its tempting to want to do it without reference of whether itll work or not. Heres the thing: Its NOT wise to bulldoze. These guys fight the temptation. They dont want to leave their social life to randomness. They leave it to the verified successes that came before them.

Copyright 2006 - 2008

Secret 5: They accept the fact that human lifespan is limited. (Everyone has only one shot at life, so why not attract the type of women you want?)
18250. Note this number down, Many of the males reading this would belong to the mid 20s to 40s range. So assuming you live another fifty years, the above number is exactly how many days there are left. Lords of Dating use this number to their advantage. They know there are a few social choices within that limited number of days. It goes like this A) Its either I attract the type of women I like during these number of days B) Or Ill just SETTLE with someone that comes along (and hopefully whatever the number of days I spend with her will not be spent regretting C) Or Ill NOT attract at all. Whether a person picks A, B or C, the number still runs. So the Lords would rather be kind to themselves and pick the best option. Heres something to think about -The very next woman you meet may just turn out to be the one you spend countless passionate days and nights with. The Lords dont deny that. They didnt want to miss out. And there are only so many days to do something about it, thats why they do it.

Copyright 2006 - 2008

Secret 6: When on a date with women, they understand its NOT about sitting down for dinner, chat about each others hobbies or watch a movie. (90% of men miss the point)
Thats right. Most dudes do the most typical things during dates, They believe just by going out to eat, drink and chat, the lady will be his. NO! Your main purpose on a date is to ATTRACT. (You can still eat or watch movies but please dont neglect the most important thing which is to attract!) Firing off the attraction switches in a woman is what we are talking about here. There are cases where sad guys have gone out on dates with the same woman more than 8 times and in the end, the woman still doesnt feel attracted to the guy... and they just become normal friends. On the other side of the spectrum, there are guys who go out with women just once and he never sees the second date. She wouldnt go out again simply because she didnt FEEL anything about him during the first date. She thinks Why bother with another date? Why waste time? Wanna know whats worse? Unless these guys finally get it, they will repeat the same mistake with the next lady, and the next Lords of Dating on the other hand use strategies to attract the lady at dates. They apply gambits to engulf the lady with a kind of attractive male profile. They tell stories that make the lady think to herself Hey, there is something about this guy that is so likable They say things that put in MORE emotional attraction to the lady, not less. Side note: Most women complained that their first dates are crap because the things the guy says are putting a lot of data into her brain (Such as how many members in his family, how often he goes swimming etc.) The guy is NOT saying emotionally charged things to make her FEEL something. If the words exchanged dont create feelings (or what people call chemistry), theres no incentive for the lady to want to go out with the guy again. Effective male daters understand chemistry can be created through conversation. And the amusing thing is that, most of them will know by the end of the first date whether the lady likes them or not. Theyll know if they can get the girl soon or do they need another date to increase the attraction. It is predictable. (I personally promise you this is true and NOT exaggerated. It may seem like superpowers but

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its actually reading easy-to-tell signals to notice the extent of effectiveness of your attraction tactics)

Secret 7: They know looks, height or being rich is proven to have NOTHING to do with the ability to attract women.
I know this lawyer who earns tons of money a month (He has an awesome car by the way). I also happen to know this 1.79 metres tall marathon runner. Finally, I got to meet this Korean star look-a-like from a friends housewarming not long ago. Wanna know what they have in common? Theyve never been in a relationship with a woman. Ive encountered very eligible men who are single for years. The way I see it, people would never believe they are single but the truth is, they are. The above examples had me convinced that, unlike what masses believed, having height or looks or cash DOESNT mean that person will definitely get a girl. Conversely, I can offer opposite examples as well - 1.57 metres tall sales manager (had many girlfriends before); current squeeze is a girl from NUS. - 27 years-old School Technician earning low wage (I will not disclose exactly how much he earns but its not spectacular by any stretch), getting married soon to a lady teacher he knew from his school. - A website owner who is balding (genetic reasons) but that didnt stop him from romancing women. The last girl he was with became his girlfriend in 3 days (from time they meet to the time they got together). - Ex-airport staff in his mid-40s (with hint of beer-belly coming out), dating ladies half his age at present. You see, Im not naming these cases to show that theres hope or anything. But these are real-world examples that showcase other peoples reality. It can be anyones reality by NOT letting how good/bad you look or how tall/short/old/young you are become your excuse. So in a nutshell, Its NOT a physical or material problem...

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its a SKILL problem! Specifically (as discussed in a previous point), the skill of triggering attraction switches in the female biology. Lords of Dating who are socially victorious dont give a hoot about things (physical aspects) they have little or no control, but use their time to focus on things (attraction building abilities) they CAN control instead.

About the author Skilldo is an ex-gloomy guy who was irritated by two things - his lack of ability to date women and the shortage of social options in his life. This all changed when he decided to use dating methods and tactics (learnt from collective wisdom of mentors as well as self-discovered in social situations). In doing so, he transformed himself to become skillful in approaching, dating and getting into cozy relationships with women. Throughout the years, Skilldo further develop and fine-tune concepts in meeting & dating ladies. The end result is establishing Singapores first Get from Single to Attached System for men. It is a complete system with no loose ends. Skilldo believes any average guy who learns it CAN succeed with women. Today he splits his time between secretly instructing the system to men at bootcamps in Singapore, and exploring little-known food places to dine with his girlfriend. You can learn more about Skilldos story and what he can offer you with the following materials The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter (ebook)

Dynamo Dating - 16 Secret Moves That Get Ladies Interested In You On Dates

Skilldo System [Men Only Bootcamp] Approach, Dating, Girl-Getting Skills Entirely for Singapore Use

Copyright 2006 - 2008

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