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Dlctlonury Reference

$cqulesced submlt or comply sllently or wlthout protest; ugree; consent

$nlmoslty $ feellng of strong dlsllke, lll wlll, or enmlty thut tends to dlspluy ltself ln uctlon:
u deep-seuted unlmoslty between two slsters; unlmoslty ugulnst ones nelghbor.
$stute of keen penetrutlon or dlscernment; suguclous: un ustute unulysls. Clever; cunnlng;
lngenlous; shrewd: un ustute merchundlslng progrum; un ustute munlpulutlon of fucts.
%eseech to lmplore urgently; to beg eugerly for; sollclt
%rusque ubrupt ln munner; blunt; rough: $ brusque welcome greeted hls unexpected return.
%urgeon to grow or develop qulckly; flourlsh
Churllsh boorlsh; rude; dlfflcult to work wlth
Complucency u feellng of qulet pleusure or securlty, often whlle unuwure of some potentlul
dunger, defect, or the llke; self-sutlsfuctlon or smug sutlsfuctlon wlth un exlstlng sltuutlon,
condltlon, etc.
Congenlul $greeuble, sultuble, or pleusure ln nuture or churucter: congenlul surroundlngs.
Sulted or udupted ln splrlt, feellng, temper, etc.; computlble: u congenlul couple.
Consummute vb: to brlng to u stute of perfectlon; fulflll. ud|: complete; perfect; superb
Contrlte cuused by or showlng slncere remorse; flllng wlth u sense of gullt und the deslre
for utonement: u contrlte slnner.
Cursory golng rupldly over somethlng wlthout notlclng detulls; husty; superflclul: u cursory
glunce ut u newspuper urtlcle.
Doctrlne u purtlculur prlnclple, posltlon, or pollcy tuught or udvocuted; somethlng thut ls
tuught; teuchlngs collectlvely
(greglous extruordlnury ln some bud wuy; glurlng; flugrunt
)lugrunt shocklngly notlceuble or evldent; obvlous
)olly the stute or quullty of belng foollsh; luck of understund or sense; u foollsh uctlon,
pructlce, ldeu, etc.: the folly of performlng wlthout u reheursul.
*rovellng to humble oneself or uct ln un ub|ect munner, us ln greut feur or utter servlllty; to
lle or cruwl wlth the fuce downwurd und the body prostrute, esp. ln humlllty or feur
*uffuw u loud, unrestrulned burst of luughter
+uughty dlsdulnfully proud; snobblsh, scornfully urrogunt
+uusfruu u housewlfe
,nslnuutlon un lndlrect or covert suggestlon or hlnt, esp. of u derogutory nuture: She mude
nusty lnslnuutlons ubout her rlvuls.
.een to wull; wulllng
/umented mourned for, us u person who ls deud: Our lute lumented frlend.
/uve to wush or buthe; to flow ulong, ugulnst, or pust
/lvld enruged; furlously ungry: Wlllful stupldlty mukes me ubsolutely llvld. )eellng or
uppeurlng strunguluted due to strong emotlon; reddlsh or flushed
0uwklsh churucterlzed by slckly sentlmentullty; weukly emotlonul; huvlng u mlldly
slckenlng fluvor; sllghtly nuuseutlng
Obstlnute not yleldlng to urgument, persuuslon, or entreuty; churucterlzed by lnflexlble
perslstence or un unyleldlng uttltude; not euslly controlled or overcome: the obstlnute growth
of weeds.
3ulpuble reudlly or plulnly seen, heurd, percelved, etc.; obvlous. Cupuble of belng touched
or felt; tunglble
3ecunlury of or pertulnlng to money: pecunlury dlfflcultles.
3recurlous dependent on clrcumstunces beyond ones control; dependent on the wlll or
pleusure of unother; exposed to or lnvolvlng dunger; huvlng lnsufflclent, llttle, or no
3retense pretendlng or felgnlng; muke-belleve
4ulntessentlul of the pure und essentlul essence of somethlng; of or pertulnlng to the
perfect embodlment of somethlng
Rupt deeply engrossed or ubsorbed; currled off splrltuully to unother pluce, speur of
exlstence, etc.
Retlcence the stute of belng reserved, esp. wlth the regurd to speuklng freely; restrulnt: +ls
nuturul retlcence seemed to dlsuppeur under the lnfluence of ulcohol.
Scuthlng bltterly severe, us u remurk; hurmful, ln|urlous, or seurlng: u scuthlng revlew of
the pluy.
Succlnct expressed ln few words; conclse
Superfluous belng more thun ls sufflclent or requlred; excesslve; unnecessury or needless
7erse %rlef und plthy; ubruptly conclse
7lmorous full of feur; tlmld; churucterlzed by or lndlcutlng feur
7remulous churucterlzed by trembllng us from feur, nervousness, or weukness; tlmld or
7repldutlon tremulous feur, ulurm, or ugltutlon
7rlte lucklng ln freshness or effectlveness becuuse of constunt use or excesslve repetltlon;
9olutlle chungeuble; tendlng to fluctuute shurply und regulurly; fleetlng

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