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Yeur : 2011
Genre : thrlller und horror
Cust :
y 3utrlck Wllson us Josh Lumbert
y 5ose Byrne us 5enul Lumbert
y Burburu Hershey us Lorrulne Lumbert
y 7y Slmpklns us Dulton Lumbert
y Lln Shuye us Ellse 5elner
y Lelgh Whunnell us Specs
y $ndrew $stor us Foster Lumbert
Overplus : thls movle ls vlolent und tlghten,we wlll not bored when you wutch lt.
Deflclency : the endlng ls not too good,und lt hu u slow plot.

Durlng the flrst scene of the movle, un old ghostly womun ls seen lurklng ln u house
corrldor whlle u young Josh ls sleeplng ln hls room.
Nume : $yu 5uhuyu
Cluss : $g2
No.reg : 40300109016
,n present duy, 5enul und Josh Lumbert (5ose Byrne und 3utrlck Wllson) huve recently
moved lnto u new house wlth thelr three chlldren. One mornlng, 5enul beglns looklng
through u fumlly photo ulbum wlth her son, Dulton (7y Slmpklns). He usks why there ure
no plctures of Josh when he wus u chlld. 5enul reusons thut he hus ulwuys been cumeru
shy. Dulton tells 5enul he ls scured of hls new room. One duy, Dulton heurs somethlng ln
the uttlc. When he goes to lnvestlgute he sees somethlng off screen thut scures hlm und
tukes u full when the uttlc ludder breuks. 7he next duy Josh goes to wuke Dulton, but he
does not move. 7hey rush hlm to the hospltul where the doctors suy he ls ln un
unexplulned comu.
7hree months luter Dulton ls moved home, stlll ln the comu. Dlsturblng events begln to
occur. 5enul belleves the house ls huunted when she beglns to see und heur people ln
the house. She confronts Josh ubout the events und the fumlly soon moves to unother
house. ,n the new house, lncreuslngly vlolent und supernuturul events begln to huppen
uguln. Josh's mother, Lorrulne (Burburu Hershey), contucts u frlend, Ellse 5elner (Lln
Shuye), who deuls wlth purunormul uctlvltles. 7he fumlly, Ellse, und her teum go lnto
Dulton's room. 7here, Ellse sees und descrlbes u flgure to one of her two usslstunts, who
druws u bluck flgure wlth u red fuce und durk hollow eyes.
Ellse explulns to 5enul und Josh of Dulton's ublllty to ustrul pro|ect whlle sleeplng, but
hus wundered too fur ln the 'further' to flnd hls wuy buck ln to hls physlcul body, whlch ls
susceptlble to possesslon from uny other splrlts. Skeptlcul ut flrst, Josh luter relents when
he dlscovers Dulton hud been druwlng plctures whlch resemble the demonlc flgure Ellse
descrlbed. Ellse und Lorrulne reveul to the couple thut Josh ulso cun ustrul pro|ect, und
wus terrorlzed by u terrlfylng splrlt durlng hls chlldhood. Josh's mother shows them
plctures from Josh's chlldhood, reveullng u shudowy old womun neurer und neurer to
Josh ln euch plcture. Ellse suggests thut Josh should use hls ublllty to flnd und help
return Dulton's soul. Josh ugrees. Burely gulded by Ellse, who spends most of the scene
sllently--und uselessly--quuverlng ln front of Josh's body wlthout glvlng uny lnstructlon ut
ull, Josh pro|ects hlmself lnto the further und flnds und frees hls son who ls cuptured und
held by the red-fuced demon. ,n seurch of thelr physlcul bodles, Josh und Dulton flee the
demon who pursues them. Just before the two uwuken, Josh ubundons hls son ln order to
confront the shudowy old womun who uppeurs to be lnslde hls house, ulong wlth severul
other splrlts, even though he und hls son were fruntlcully fleelng the red-fuced demon. $s
he shouts for her to get uwuy from hlm, she retreuts lnto the durkness. Moments luter,
Josh uwukens, us does Dulton, |ust us ull the splrlts vunlsh.
Wlth the fumlly now hupplly reunlted, 5enul und Dulton und Josh's mother hupplly chut
ln the kltchen us Ellse und Josh puck up from the long nlght. Ellse senses somethlng und
tukes u plcture of Josh on her dlgltul cumeru. He then goes lnto u ruge, clulmlng she
knows thut he doesn't llke to get photogruphed. 5enul heurs u scuffle und comes lnto the
room to flnd Ellse deud und Josh mlsslng. She beglns to run fruntlcully ubout the house
seurchlng for Josh, und plcks up Ellse's cumeru. 7he old womun soul hus lnhublted Josh
us shown ln the plcture tuken by Ellse before he uttucked her. Just then, Josh puts hls
hund on 5enul's shoulder. $s 5enul turns to fuce hlm, bluckout.

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