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The story started on his childhood when he drawn a picture of a Boa constrictor which shows a Boa that have

eaten an elephant, it was been rejected by the adults and said the image is not a Boa but a hat. After his first drawing, he drawn the image more clearer for he showed that elephant inside the Boa but the adults told him to stop that non-sense and focus just on his academics than drawing. So he never drew again until he met the little prince. He became a pilot and travel often. One day his planed crush and was stuck in the desert of sahara. He tried to fix his plane all by himself and his water supply is insufficient if he will stay longer stranded. He was sleeping when a voice waked him up asking him to draw a sheep and it was the little prince. He obeyed the little prince will. He first draw his drawing of a Boa Constrictor for it is the only thing that he knew how to drew, surprisingly the little prince is the only one who understood his drawing. The little prince said that he need a sheep not a boa constrictor, so he drew a sheep and it is his first time to draw a figure which is not a boa constrictor. The little prince rejected it and also with his third drawing. At last he drew a box with three holes and told the prince that the sheep is inside and astonishingly the little prince accepted the drawing. He needed the sheep for it eats bushes and he described his planet smallness. The little prince saw his plane and asked him if he came in another planet too. He offered the little prince that he will draw a string for the sheep so it would not escape but the little prince disagreed and told him that it is no need for his planet is small so he will find it easily. As each day pass, he learned something about the little prince planet, journey and why he is here. The little prince told him that he needed the sheep so it would eat the baobabs in his planet and he needed it to vanish before it grows. The little prince love sunset and he is disappointed that it he have to wait for a long time just to see the sunset here in earth. There was also a day when the Little Prince got frustrated on the reason why does a flower have thorns. Then one day the little Prince narrated the story of his flower and it was the reason of his departure for he left the flower because it just lied on him. The little prince was so regretful that he left; if he only knows how to love truly he should have not left but he is young. As the little Prince journeys story continues, He went to a King and the liked the little Prince. The king showed him what his empire is and what does he rule. He asked a favor to the king if he could see the sunset but the king told him that it is not possible for hes commands are all reasonable which made the Little prince disappointed so he decided to leave but the king doesnt want him to go. He offered the little prince to be his ministry of Justice but the little prince rejected it also with the kings second offer for him to become his ambassador. Therefore, the little prince said that grown-ups are

strange. After the visit to the king, he visited a conceited man and asked him to admire him which made him say again to himself that grown-ups are really strange. Then there was a short visit on a drunken man, The man said that he is ashamed, that is the reason he is drinking and he is ashamed because he is drinking; and then again he told himself that grown-ups are truly strange. His 4th visit was at a businessman. The businessman was counting millions without even knowing what his counting and so the little prince told him that it is stars. The businessman said that he is busy and counting stars so he could own it because for him what you found first is your property. The little prince said to himself that grown-ups are strange and extraordinary. The next that he visited was a lamplighter who lives in a very small planet. The lamplighter is different than the other that he visited. He is the only one who cares more than the orders than himself. The little Prince gave him a tip so he could rest but it is not enough for the need of the lamplighter which is to sleep. The little Prince has found the one he want to be friend with but unluckily the lamplighters planet is so small and they wont fit in so he continued his journey. After this he visited another planet and he saw a geographer which acknowledge the little prince as an explorer and made him realize that his flower is not eternal and make him regret that he left and leave the flower all alone and defenseless. The Geographer suggested that he should visit the earth for it has a good reputation. At last, the little prince reach the earth but it was not like just what he have expected for he was expecting for lots of people but he saw no man. Then he saw a snake and told him that its all because there is no man in a dessert, The snake talks in riddles. After that, he saw a flower with three petals and he asked for where are the people but the flower said that there are no people here only six or seven exist and they are gone now for the wind blows them away because they dont have roots. He climbed up a mountain for he thought that he would have a greater look up there and he may saw people, But he saw nothing. He screamed and there were echoes, he thought that someone is replying but it only repeats what he says. It made him to remember his flower who speaks first before he does. He walked and finally saw a road, he saw flowers. There were roses and it just made him realize more that his flower was really lying all alone for it once said that she is the only one of her kind, so he lied down in the grass and just cried. Then he saw a fox which asked him to tame him. The fox though him a valuable lesson which is our heart has a greater perception than are eyes. The fox made him realized that his follower is unique even though it has a common appearance just like the other rose. Its the moment that counts not the appearance. The little prince saw a switchman which works on a railway and the switchman told him where and what does the people does inside the train. After that he saw a merchant who sells a pill that makes your thirst be gone and the little prince wondered why does such pill should

exist. The Merchant answered that is for the use their time on other things than wasting time in drinking water.

After the little prince story about his journey, theyve noticed that there was no water left and his plane is still broken. The little prince told him that he is also thirsty so decided to take walk and look for a well and at daybreak theyve found a well. They drunk felt energized; the little prince told him that its the anniversary of his arrival on earth and after that, the prince did not correspond to his questions. The prince told him to go and fix his plane; hell just wait until its finish. Finally, he fixed his plane. He saw the prince above a wall talking, he was curious who was the prince talking so came closer. He saw a poisonous snake that is hunting the prince, so he grab hi revolver in his pocket but the snake hastened on its escape. The Prince told him that he already knows that the pilot can now go because his already fixed his ride. The Prince told him that he is going to go too for it is time for him to go back.

The little prince told him to leave for he doesnt want to see him leaving. The pilot stayed silence for a long time as the prince tells him his inheritance to him. The prince got up and be gone slowly. He was motionless he couldnt stop the little prince.

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