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Inside the mind of Liam Binson Act 1 Scene 1 Scene opens Taylors Bar a happening place where people

e in their twenties hang out. Three men playing darts; one of them celebrates as his dart hits the board. Two beautiful women around the age of 22 sitting by the bar. Liam enters in a three-piece suit with tears in his eyes and sits down by the bar.

Bartender: What can I get you? Liam: Beer please. Girl 1: Excuse me if you dont mind me asking whats wrong? Why are you crying? Liam (with a sad face): No no dont let me bore you with my problems. Girl 1 (smiles and says): No please I would love to help you; please tell me. Liam (turns his body toward the girl): Well I just found out that my brother was having an affair with my ex-girlfriend and I am heartbroken that my brother would do something like that. My own brother you know. Girl 1: Oh wow Im so sorry. Liam: No no dont be I should have seen it coming. Anyways I really think I should just forget about what happened and move on. Girl 1: I think thats a good idea. Bartender: Here you go, one beer. Liam: Thanks Liam: Listen I know I am being quite forward but I was planning on going to dinner with my brother right now but since he cheated with my girlfriend, well my ex-girlfriend (laughs) I was wondering if you

would like to come with me. Girl 1: Oh yeah sure I would love to just let me use the ladies room. Liam: Oh yeah sure. Man approaches from a table to Liam. He is Liams best friend Matt. Matt: Haha I see youve bagged another one. Liam (laughs): It is just too easy! They both high five each other. Matt: I heard everything, so where is your brother anyways? Liam: Across the country my friend, in Europe somewhere. Matt: And the girl you were with yesterday who you said your brother slept with? Liam: She told me she loved me last night. Now she thinks I have gone to Honduras for the Peace Core. Matt: So basically the usual. Make em fall in love with you then break their hearts. Classic Liam Binson. Liam: Yeah of course! As soon as the words I Love You came out of her mouth I bailed out of there like a soldier from a trench full of grenades. Honduras here I come! Matt and Liam break out into laughter. Matt: Youre insane. Peace Core! Girl 1 (comes back): Who is this? Liam (puts his arm around Matt): Oh this is my friend from the hospital I volunteer at every weekend. Matt stares at Liam. Girl 1: Oh my god you do volunteer work? Thats really sweet. Liam (looks away from Matt): Well you know the community has blessed me with so much I thought I would give a little back. Girl 1 (Nods her head and says): Wow youre ex-girlfriend must have been insane to cheat on you. Liam (looks down pretending to be sad)

Girl 1: Oh I am so sorry I brought it up! I am so sorry! Liam (Looks up and says): Dont worry about it. Its all right. Should we go? Girl 1 (picks up her bag): Yeah sure Liam pays the bill at the bar. Liam: See ya Matt Girl 1: Nice to meet you. Bye. Matt: Nice to meet you too. See yaa Liam. Scene 2 The Girl and Liam are out on the street waiting for a cab. Liam: Btw I didnt catch your name. Girl 1: Haha I didnt catch yours either. Emily Strauss Liam: Oh thats a really pretty name. My late grandmothers name was Emily. Im Liam. Liam Binson. Girl 1: Oh I am so sorry to hear. Liam: No dont be silly. Its quite all right. Liam waves for cab and it stops a few steps in front of them. Liam: You like Italian? Emily: Like it? I love it. Liam: Oh great then you will love this place. They both get in the cab and the scene changes to Ginnelies; a fancy Italian restaurant about 20 minutes away from the bar. Scene 3 Liam and Emily enter the restaurant. Liam: Table for two please. Waiter: Right this way sir. They both sit down. Liam: Have you ever been here before?

Emily: No but the place looks nice. Liam: Oh yeah its great and the food is absolutely brilliant. So tell me a bit about yourself Emily. Liam tunes out. Emily: Well I teacher the second grade. I went to university here in New York. I lived with my parents but I moved into my own place recently. The waiter interrupts Emily. Waiter: Here are the menus. Could I interest you in some drinks? Liam: Thank you. Umm I will have a whisky on the rocks please and for the lady Emily: Just water. Thank you. Waiter: Very well. Emily: So tell me about you now. Liam: Well my names Liam Binson (laughs). I am a doctor for the New York Knicks. Emily: Wait wait arent you only like 23 years old? Liam: Actually 22. I went to university early and graduated early. They said I had a gift. Emily: Oh wow Liam: Yeah I guess. You said you were a teacher right? That must feel really rewarding. Educating young minds. Emily: Oh yes it is quite fulfilling. Liam smiles. Waiter comes back. Waiter: Are you ready to order? Liam (browses menu quickly): I will have the...Chicken Parmigania Waiter (looks at Emily): And for you? Emily: Ill have the chicken Alfredo pizza. Waiter: Very good. (Walks away)

Waiter: Here are your drinks. The waiter puts down the Whisky next to Liam and the water next to Emily. He rips off the plastic rapper of the water bottle and pours the water in the glass. Emily: So you work as a doctor for the Knicks. You must meet all the players? Liam: Oh yeah of course. The other day I was just examining Carmelo Anthonys knee. (laughs) Emily (laughs and says): Oh my god! That is unbelievable! So you get to watch all the Knicks games? Liam: Yeah each and every one of them. And the best part is I get to sit courtside! You know there is a game next week. I can take you with me. Emily (smiles and says): Its a date. The food arrives and they eat. Emily (takes a bite of her food): Wow the food here is great. Liam: I know right. I thought you would like it. (Smiles) Liam (once they have finished eating): Would you like some dessert? Emily: Oh no I am stuffed. Liam: Me too. Let me call for the bill. Liam waves to the waiter for the bill. Liam pays the bill and leaves a handsome tip. Liam: Hey so lets go back to my place. Emily (smiles): Sure Scene ends. Scene 4

Liam and Emily enter Liams spacious apartment. Emily: Nice place Liam: Thanks but I get lonely sometimes. Emily: Are you lonely now? Liam smiles and puts his arm around Emilys lower back and pulls her close to him until their bodies are touching. Liam (smiles): Not at all Liam kisses Emily. They kiss for a short period of time. Liam: So do you want to watch a movie? Emily (With a surprised look on her face and says with uncertainty): Sure Liam puts the movie into the DVD player and it starts. About 5 minutes into the movie Emily takes the remote and pauses. Emily: I dont get one thing. We kissed for like five minutes and you want to watch a movie. Am I not attractive enough for you? Is that it? Is there something wrong with me? Liam: Emily dont be crazy! Its just that I really like you. I think you are an amazing person and I really felt connected to you. Even though I have only known you for like a couple of hours I really see something great between us. I just did not want to take things fast and ruin everything. Im really sorry. Emily: Oh wow no you shouldnt be saying sorry I should. I really feel there can be something great between us too. And I think there is. She hugs him. As soon as her head is parallel to his a cocky smile comes across Liams face. Scene 5 They both wake up in the morning on the couch. Emily: Oh God look at the time! I have to get to work. Heres my number. Call me okay? She writes down her number and keeps it on the table. Liam: Will do sweetheart Emily exits Liams apartment.

Liam goes into his bedroom takes the paper and saves the number on his phone. Then rips the paper into tiny pieces and throws it into the bin. As soon as he does that he receives a phone call from his mother Jane. He picks up the phone. Jane: Hey Liam! How are you? Liam: Hey mom Im great! What about you? Jane: Oh you know just doing work around the house. Boring stuff. But I have something important to tell you. Liam: What is it Ma? Jane: Well Liam your dad called. Liam: I dont have a dad. Jane: Oh Liam dont be like that! Liam: What do you mean dont be like that? He left us. Im never gonna forget it or let it go. Jane: You have to let it go sometime Liam. Liam: No mom I wont and I cant. I just cant. Jane: Well look son I dont know what to tell you. He called and said he wants to see us. I havent told your brother yet so dont mention it to him all right? Liam: Yeah yeah I wont. Well anyways ma it was nice talking to you. I gotta go but ill speak to you soon. I love you. (Smiles) Jane: I love you too. Bye. Liam: Bye Liam hangs up the phone. Liam goes into his living room and opens the television. He sits on the sofa and on the table beside him there is a picture of his dad, his mother and him. He picks it up and scrutinizes it. Liam (voice in his head plays in the background): Where are you dad? Why do you want to see us now? Why did you have to leave us? Were we really that bad? Come on tell me you asshole. Why did you run out on us? Why do I even have this picture of you in my apartment?

Liam stands up and throws the picture at the wall. The glass along with the frame shatter and the only thing left is the picture inside. Act 1 ends.

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