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You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!

Question to discuss: If you HAD to choose, Darren Criss or Chris Colfer? Stranger 2: CHRIS Stranger 2: I LOVE HIM Stranger 1: whi Stranger 2: KLAINE Stranger 1: who Stranger 2: CRISSCOLFER. Stranger 2: AHHHH. Stranger 1 has disconnected ......................... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Question to discuss: First speaker is Professor X! Second speaker is Magneto! Go! Stranger: ah! You: Charles...will you marry me? Stranger: hello Erik. *spits on his tea* what?! Stranger: *chokes, not spit You: ...nothing You: Don't worry about it Charles You: Let's play chess Stranger: *a blush creeps up his cheeks* I heard you, my friend Stranger: I'm just... flustered You: There's a reason I keep this blasted helmet on. You: Then I have to go and just say things Stranger: I well... *messes with his hands in his lap. peeks up at him* You really mean that, Erik?

You: ...don't make me say it again, Charles, please. You: Of course I mean it Stranger: *smiles a bit* What if I wanted you to say it again? Stranger: a proper proposal, without me choking on my tea You: You're too demanding, Charles. Really You: But fine. Stranger: Come now. I'm waiting. You: Charles Xavier, will you do me the honour of marrying me? Stranger: *tries to hold back his smile* You: *sigh* Stranger: *smiles wider. grabs his hand* Would you be entirely perplexed, Erik Lehnsherr, if I said yes? You: Of course I would *grins* but I brought it upon myself, I suppose Stranger: *laughs through closed lips* if only to leave you perplexed, then yes. Yes, Erik. I'll marry you You: Of course you would. I'm obviously irresistible. However your motives are rather unorthadox Stranger: *his smile turns softer, his eyes more gentle. reaches out and grabs his hand* I assure you, my friend, my motives are thoroughly orthodox. You: *tries to hide a smile* Of course they are, Charles. You and your damn morals would never allow it otherwise Stranger: (i actually got my own question, so there is no third party, lol) You: (Well, that is pretty epic) You: (I was wondering why they hadn't disconnected yet :P) Stranger: *laughs* What am I without my morals? *he asks rheotorically.* I am agreeing to marry because, Erik.. *the smile dies a bit* Well... because I love you Stranger: (are you kidding? i'm suprised you didn't! Charles and Erik are my OTP!) You: *jolts* I...I never knew You: (First class cemented my love for them. Not my OTP but I do love them) You: Damn you and your ability to leave me without words

You: It's completely unfair Stranger: *pulls his hand away, the heat rising on his cheeks and looks down* Because I never intended you to. *gives him a small smile* And it always suprises me when I am capable of leaving you speechless Stranger: (even james mcavoy and Ian McKellan ship Cherik, xD) You: *looks to the side* You cheat Charles, that is why. You and your abilities. *smiles softly and tries to hide it* However, I'll have to say that this match goes to you. And as your prize, well... I suppose I have affectionate feelings toward you as well You: (They're so adorable. And of course they ship them! It's totally canon) Stranger: I am never anything but fair to you when it comes to my abilities. *looks back at him, his smile a bit wider* Well I should certainly hope so. You did just propose to me after all Stranger: (even one of the screenwriters of first class said so at comic con) You: I was hoping that you had overlooked that. I suppose that was a ridiculous hope. However, I hope that you do realize how difficult it is for me to express my feelings Charles. You: *looks to the side quickly and then back again* ..I do love you too, you know. For some reason You: (I wish I'd been able to go to Comic-con. Here I am, cockblocked by an ocean) Stranger: *frowns a bit* Why is it a ridiculous hope? Did you think I would say no? *his smile grows wider.* That's fine, Erik. That expression of affection will do fine for now. Although... *he says, suddenly unsure* Stranger: (I didn't to go to that panel, but my friend did and she told me. I nearly flipped my shit, cause it meant that Cherik was officially offically canon, XD) You: I wasn't sure of what your answer would be, Charles. You keep your private thoughts to yourself, I'll have you know. Not all of us an read minds. *looks up at him* What? Are you having second thoughts? You: (Man, I would be jealous but my OTP is canon so I'm totally happy for you 100% That's so EXCITING though!!) Stranger: yes, well, consider yourself lucky *he says with a fond smile. then looks at him, eyes wide* No, no, certainly not, Erik! I simply thinking that... there is a certain display of affection.. *his cheeks redden incredibly. coughs* That we haven't quite covered yet. Stranger: (who's your OTP?) You: *looks up at him quizzically* I can't read your mind Charles and sometimes I have no idea what is going on in that head of yours. Now, are you going to make e beg or will you tell me exactly what you mean?

You: (I am a proud Klainer. Kurt/Blaine from Glee. I literally cannot live without those two. Feel free to judge :P) Stranger: *looks up at him* well, I mean... *eyes search his face, attempting to steal his nerves. then pulls Erik into a kiss, hesitant and unsure* Stranger: (haha, no judging at all! my good friend is a very big Klainer herself, XD. I never really got into Glee, but Klaine is cute, XD) You: *eyes open wide, shocked before closing as Charles kisses him. He kissed back slightly, unsure of what to do in the situation. He smirks as Charles pulls away* Why, my dear Charles, I did not realize that you were such an impulsive individual. Perhaps I have misjudged you. You: However, I cannot deny that that was enjoyable. Meterphorical sparks were flying, so to speak Stranger: *looks down, his hand shielding his eyes, his cheeks painfully hot* Normally I'm not *he mumbles* I do believe I got my point across, however.... You: (Klaine is literally the best thing ever for me. But YAY! No judging. I like you :P) Stranger: (XD thanks!! I love the little proposal thing to blaine that kurt did on the tour)) You: *smirks at Charles's red face* Neither are you so painfully meek. I rather enjoy this part of you. However, right now I have other things that need attending too *grabs Charles's face and kisses him again* You: (I literally watched every single version of that skit. And you made me squee just then, I hope you realize this) Stranger: *can't say he's all too suprised with Erik's agressiveness. but his eyes still widen for a moment as his chin is forced up to meet the metal benders lips. his eyelids slide closed as he rests his palms against the fabric of the turtleneck covering Erik's chest* Stranger: (haha, yay me! like I said. My friend is obsessed. I know the main things about them. Like, "There comes a time when you say to yourself, 'Oh. there you are. I've been looking for you forever.'" Stranger: *) Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Question to discuss: Cyber sex strangers? Stranger: Haha You: Yeah, no. Sorry

You: No offense to the other stranger Stranger: Hmm, I wonder why. Stranger: You know what, I DO take offense! Stranger: I am offended! You: I am sorry! Stranger: What if I wanted to cyber with you and now I am disappointed, hmm? Stranger: It's all your fault. You: I WAS going to say that you were very attractive and it was through no fault of your own You: BUT You: since you're being like that! Well, I guess you'll just have to be disappointed! Stranger: But you have no idea if I am attractive or not so not only did you disappoint me, but you are a LIAR. You: I am watching you through your webcam You: creepy Stranger: Nuh uh You: (pleasehaveawebcam) Stranger: Hahahahahaha Stranger: Well now you've gone and creeped me out. Taking the cam down now... You: I always put tape over mine. I get so scared Stranger: It was unplugged. I STILL feel weird. You: I'm sorry! You: I didn't mean to make you feel weird! Stranger: jfksagkl;jsfjgnsbdlbbfds Stranger: Everything makes me feel weird, take no offense. You: Fair enough. The internet and technology are weird things Stranger: Yup yup. You: So, stranger, what is news? Stranger: Hmmm

Stranger: Nothing. Oh that's exciting man You: Pretty much the same over here. Stranger: So you still didn't answer my question. You: I forgot the question...what was the question Stranger: WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME Stranger: HmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmM You: I DO LOVE YOU!! You: I NEVER SAID THAT I DIDN'T! Stranger: WHATEVER You: FINE You: BE THAT WAY Stranger: FINE You: SEE IF I CARE Stranger: I WILL You: I DO CARE! I CARE A LOT! YOU'VE BROKEN MY HEART, YOU BITCH Stranger: NO NO NON ON NON Stranger: YOU BROKE Stranger: MY Stranger: HEART Stranger: YOU are the one who is a bitch you BITCH You: WELL, AREN'T WE A COOKY COUPLE Stranger: YOU WON'T SLEEP ON YOUR TUMMY You: YOU WON'T SLEEP ON YOUR BACK Stranger: FGRJESDHLJHTDLSGHHTYEHTD You: OMG Stranger: I am DYING SDFHSNGFFSHT You: FAVOURITE WAY TO SAY RED WINES IN A GERMAN ACCENT???

Stranger: RED VINES You: OMG!!!! You: NO WAAAAAY Stranger: AHAHDSAKFDFSDKGDFSGFDGHEWHW You: DUDE, I'M FLAILING OVER HERE!! Stranger: ME TOOOOOO You: OK OK OK CALM DOWN Stranger: Trying to TRYING TO You: BREATHE GIRL, BREATHE You: This is me talking to myself because I NEED THIS ADVICE Stranger: I NEED IT TOO THO FSJDFGFDHDHGHSH You: Well, you just got a MILLION times cooler Stranger: AWESOME You: nuh uh Stranger: I am hysterically laughing like You: TOTALLY AWESOME Stranger: I hope I don't wake anyone up jesus gjdfsgfksjdk GDJHDSKDFGHS You: You aren't the only one!! You: Luckily it's only 7pm here so I'm good on the waking people front Stranger: It's five in the morning here so I have to be super careful fjdsgljfdg You: oh WOW!! You: What are you doing up so early!!?? Stranger: I never went to sleep! fjeksgh You: Oh WOW! I would DIE without my 9 hours of sleep Stranger: I need like 12 so I don't even know what to do half the time. You: LOL!!! You: Sleep is my best friend

Stranger: Mhmm preach You: So, awesome stranger, do you have a tumblr? Stranger: I do jfksgjflg You: May I has it? Stranger: I suppose, since you seem to be so awesome nfjdgsjfdlg oh my god Stranger: 'Tis :3 You: Thank you!!!!!! You: I will add you! Stranger: Hahaha okay c: You: Wow, this was not at all expected Stranger: I KNOW You: In a completely good AWESOME way You: I swear I just had like 5 heart attacks Stranger: I am still pretty sure I'm gonna die so Stranger: I KNOW RIGHT You: But like SERIOUSLY!! What are the chances! Like, we weren't even TALKING about it and don't even think I said the QUOTE properly! Stranger: It was a MAGICAL MOMENT Stranger: I freaked out tho I was like, "Is she.... is this.... fmdksla;gf" You: I wasn't expecting you to even realize but then you said the LINE and I was like You: ....No....NOOOOOO....NO WAY!!! Stranger: Ahhh my day is made You: Same here. And I had a pretty shitty day so thank YOU so very VERY much!! Stranger: FGDSFHGREHSFFSD Okay PRETEND I AM HUGGING YOU BECAUSE FKDSHFHG Stranger: Most totally awesome chat. Ever. You: I DON'T HAVE TO PRETEND, YOU ARE HERE IN SPIRIT!!!!! You: I agree, wow. You: This chat is like

You: 1) Making fun of the OP You: 2) teasing each other You: 3) Quoting You: 4) FLAILING You: 5) STILL FLAILING Stranger: God, it's FANTASTIC You: and I have yet to stop You: *sigh* man, I TOTALLY needed this. Thank you so MUCH Stranger: I know man I just wanna throw my arms everywhere Stranger: And thank YOU You: would you judge me if I said that I totally DID throw them everywhere? :P Stranger: No one ever understands my references to anything but you even went FIRST GDFS You: and you are very VERY welcome You: I KNOW! Stranger: And no, I feel like that's totally appropriate. You: Real life friends...*sigh* they don't understand Stranger: They never will. You: I'll be like JOE WALKER IS AMAZING You: And they'll all be like....Who? Stranger: I KNOW You: Oh him...he's alright You: And I want to CRY Stranger: I feel bad for people sometimes, never seeing a single Starkid musical.... it's like seeing an orphaned child. You: Don't even get me started on Darren Criss You: I KNOW You: How could you NOT??? Stranger: Like I mean, not even one single Act? A part? The beginning?? You poor, poor child.

You: It's like...WHY? Why would you not experience all the Starkid amazingness?? You: I tried showing my friend it once. She sat through 5 minutes and then said it was boring. You: She went RIIIIIGHT down my list Stranger: Aw hell naw You: how is it boring?????!!!! You: I don't understand Stranger: This is the best Omegle chat I have ever had fdsklgnljkgfdsg You: Right. Back. At. You. Stranger: *HIGH FIVE* You: Only the *HIGHEST OF FIVES* for you Stranger: FGRJDGSKFDJDKSGDJSH You: Yes :) Stranger: You. Are cool. You: You. Are. Cooler. Stranger: I can't even handle the club right now jfkdsjdsldfs You: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! You: Is it appropriate to say "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE???" Stranger: I think it TOTALLY IS You: I really need to stop flailing before I hurt myself Stranger: Hahahahaha yes try not to hurt yourself please You: I'll try, I'll try. But I'm european so I tend to use my hand a LOT Stranger: Bahaha well just make sure you flail away from your face. You: Thus the potential flailing problems :P You: It's the desk I'm more worried about :P Stranger: Oh god jfdkslfjsdklgj I've hit desks SO many times before whilst flailing You: ABSOLUTELY understand where you are coming from You: And it HURTS

You: for like 5 seconds, then I usually go back to flailing Stranger: YES, if you are flailing hard enough you can go, "lalalal OW okay fdslalalalaflail" and recover. You: YES YES YES You: THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS You: I'm surprised I don't have more muscles in my arms from all the flailing. I should be RIPPED Stranger: EXACTLY Stranger: WHERE ARE THE MUSCLES AND SHIT You: I DON'T KNOW!!! AND AFTER ALL THE TYPING AND FLAILING???!! I SHOULD HAVE THE UPPER BODY OF A WRESTLER Stranger: Bahahahaha You: No but seriously now, I'm thinking. Where DID that muscle go?? You: That's weird... You: SO I hear there's a Starkid charity thing on! You going? Stranger: WHAT I have not heard of this! You: Seriously girl??!! You: Hold on Stranger: I will wait RIGHT HERE You: You: there go now! Stranger: OH MY GOD WAIT WAIT OKAY WATCHIN' You: I WILL WAIT RIGHT HERE!! Stranger: DAAAAHH I CAN'T GOOOO You: WHYYYYY???!!!! You: Unless you don't live in America in which case, I AM SO SORRY Stranger: I live in Maryland and I have to start saving for VidCon if I want to go aaaalllll the way next year so I have no money gjdfksfd You: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, that sucks! You: (this is assuming that Maryland is in America)

Stranger: Haha yes, it's on the east coast. You: I don't know. I can't go but that's because I live in Australia and we are COCKBLOCKED by an ocean You: right. east coats You: *coast You: LOL coats Stranger: Bahaha I'm sorry you're gigantically cockblocked like that Stranger: EAST COATS You: It SUCKS. Stranger: I wonder what those would look like You: The day the Starkids come to Aus, I will CRY with happpiness You: I bet they look really cool You: like...hip :P Stranger: fdjsa;fkja;ljskfa You: Hells yeah! Stranger: I am seriously bummed that I didn't get to see them at LeakyCon Stranger: They were AMAZING You: I saw videos. I saw them and I just...they were just... You: they were awesome You: I WISH I COULD HAVE GONE TOO!! Stranger: And then Darren comes out and everyone goes ahhFSJDAKFFSAH DARREN FNDSKFA" You: Well, we knew he wasn't working because he had his scruff happening :P You: Granted, I would have died You: If I was there. You: with happiness. Stranger: I know, I just wanna go to all the Cons. ALL THE CONS You: THERE ARE LIKE NO CONS HERE. YOU GUYS HAVE EVERYTHING!! Stranger: I'M SORRY

You: Comic-con, I want to go SO badly! You: LOL! That's ok. I resigned myself to the fact that I won't get to go. You: I will just wait patiently until Darren gets enough money to fly them all over here :P Stranger: Haha yes that is what needs to happen You: Absolutely. You: If I meet Lauren Lopez, I will go insane You: She is so SO amazing You: Like, her ACTING. Stranger: Oh my god nmfkdsafg RIGHT You: I KNOW!! You: These people, so SO much love Stranger: I just wanna- I just wanna put all the Starkids in a snow globe or something but then no one else would get to see them so maybe that is not the best idea um You: I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!! You: Snow globe Starkids. That's an idea! You: They should sell them You: Like little figurines of themselves on a snowglobe You: *in You: I would but it You: *buy You: STUPID TYPOS Stranger: fnsmafsjdslasfldka Stranger: You sre funny Stranger: DAMMIT Stranger: oh my jndsfhfajdkslfas You: TYPOS SHOULD DIEEEEEE You: It's all the excitedness. Not good for typing ;P You: Dude, I am totally gonna tweet Joey that

You: We gotta make it happennnn Stranger: The snow globe thing? You: yes. yes. yes You: I want one Stranger: YEAH Stranger: Imagine if they were in character and they like sung when you pressed a button and you had Lauren's and it's just like, "DID SOMEONE SAY DRACO MALFOYYYY" You: OH. MY. GOSH. You: THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!! You: I would just press the buttons all DAY Stranger: It'd be like a beacon to other Starkids fmjsafg You: oh WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW You: I actually saw someone the other day walking around the city with Starkid sunnies on. I was like LET ME LOVE YOU!! Stranger: Oh my god I NEVER see anything like that Stranger: If I did I would definitely run up to them and give them the biggest hug because they are totally asking for it You: It was a one time thing. You: But I hugged the LIFE out of them You: Called out "YOU'RE TOTALLY AWESOME" and then we hugged You: It was AWESOME Stranger: That is a magnificent story You: One I will tell my children Stranger: Yes, yes, definitely You: My children are going to be so messed up :P Stranger: They will be AWESOME You: They'll think their mum is a LOONEY You: Oh, if I have anything to do with it, they will be. You: First books they will ever read. Harry Potter and The Bully Book

You: Oh and Chris Colfer's books but that's a given because I'm me Stranger: Hahahahaha Stranger: Man I wonder if the guy who posted the question for us is still here and if he is I wonder what is going through his head right now mfkdsfjldk You: LOL!!!! You: With a question like that, I doubt that he's still here You: If he is 'HI OP!!!! WATCH STARKID MUSICALS' Stranger: YEAH I SECOND THAT SUGGESTION You: SPREAD THE LOVE!! Stranger: Oh my god fmdklgfsdg it's about to get light out, I think I should probably go to sleep You: Oh wow! I totally forgot!! You: Of course! Go to bed! You: It was AMAZING talking to you Stranger: Right back at ya *gun fingers* (gun fingers are cool right man I don't think so oh well) You: Gun fingers are awesome Stranger: This was so awesome mfkdf I'll see ya later BYE <3 Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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