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Turk J Phys 26 (2002) , 1 11.


The Sensitivity of c u decay in the Gluino-Axion Model

M ge BOZ u Physics Department, Hacettepe University, 06532 Ankara-TURKEY

Received 25.05.2001

Abstract The sensitivity of c u decay in the recently proposed gluino-axion model is analyzed for a light sbottom in a restricted parameter space. The decay rate enhances up to 3% with respect to the SM result in a moderate range of tan values.



In the standard electroweak theory (SM) the single phase in the CKM matrix CKM is a unique source for both avour and CP violations. In the supersymmetric (SUSY) extensions of the standard model, there exist novel sources for both avour and CP violations coming from the soft supersymmetry breaking mass terms [1]. The new sources of CP violation can be probed via the avour conserving processes such as the Higgs system [2] and the electric dipole moments (EDM) [3] of the particles. On the other hand, a searching platform for avour violation is the avourchanging processes generally arising at one and higher loop orders [4,5,6]. It is now a wellknown fact that mixing [7,8] and decays [9,10] of D mesons, as well as K and B meson processes [11] are very important tools in searching for the new physics eects via the loops of the new particles. In this work, our main interest will be the radiative charm decays. The radiative decay D , which is represented by the radiative decay c u, at the parton level, has been analyzed using dierent methods and levels of precision [12,13]. In Ref. [14], the sensitivity of this decay is analyzed in detail in the context of minimal SUSY standard model (MSSM). In Ref. [15], the analysis of c u has been also done in the same context, but in a restricted parameter space with the light scalar bottom quark [16,17]. For such F = 1 decays, the charginos contribute in a manner with no need for avour-changing mixing [18]. Therefore, with the aim of saturating the existing EDM bounds, the sfermions of the rst two generations are assumed to be heavy enough( TeV) and approximately degenerate such that their contributions decouple for any loop of interest. Within such an approximation, it is clear that the contribution of the chargino-squark loops will be the only essential ones. It has been observed in Ref. [16] that the light sbottom (1 ) could be as light as the bottom quark itself. b Moreover, the corresponding parameter space favours the light stop to be degenerate with the top quark itself: Mt1 = 175 GeV and M1 = 5 GeV . b (1)

The compatibility of a light bottom squark in the unconstrained MSSM has been recently studied in Ref. [17], where the renormalization group ow up to Grand Unication Scale is considered. Unlike Ref. [17], in
This work was partially supported by the Turkish Scientic and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK) under the project, No:TBAG-2002(100T108).


Ref. [15] only chargino, charged Higgs and W-boson loops give contribution to the underlying model, whereas the gluino mass is not included. In this work, however, we will make our analysis in the recently proposed gluino-axion model [19,20]. The supersymmetric (SUSY) theories, which are designed to solve the hierarchy problems, possess two hierarchy problems: One concerning the strong CP problem, also existing in the S.M, whose source is the neutron EDM exceeding the present bounds by nine orders of magnitude and the other is the puzzle, concerning the Higgsino Dirac mass parameter , which follows from the superpotential of the model. A simultaneous solution to these two hierarchy problems is achieved in Ref. [19] in the context of supersymmetry with a new kind of axion [21,22] which couples to the gluino rather than to quarks. In the gluino-axion model the invariance of the SUSY Lagrangian and all supersymmetry breaking terms under U (1)R is guaranteed by promoting the ordinary parameter to a composite operator involving the gauge singlet S with unit R charge. When the scalar component of the singlet develops vacuum expectation value (VEV) around the PecceiQuinn scale 1011 GeV, an eective parameter aTeV is induced. Besides, the low energy theory is identical to minimal SUSY model with all sources of soft SUSY phases. Due to all these abilities of the model of Ref. [19], in solving the hierarchy problems, in the analysis below we will adopt its parameter space. Assuming that all the sfermions of the rst two generations are heavy enough to decouple and all generation changing entries of the sfermion mass matrices vanish, in what follows, we will analyze (c u) in units of the SM result. In doing this: (i) the Wilson coecients are evolved down to the mesonic mass scale for a phenomenologically sensible description; (ii) all the supersymmetric contributions, as well as the the contributions of the charged Higgs and W-boson loops, are calculated at the weak scale; (iii) due to its restricted parameter space, we work in the gluino-axion model [19], where the soft masses needed for this analysis are expressed in terms of the parameter through appropriate avour matrices The organization of this work is as follows. In Sect. 2, starting from the low energy Lagrangian of the model, we dene the soft masses which we need for this analysis. We work on the sbottom and chargino contributions in Sects 2.1 and 2.2. In Sec. 2.3, armed with full diagonalization of the squark and chargino sectors, we discuss the one-loop contributions to the Wilson coecients. A numerical study of the theoretical predictions in comparison with that of the SM is performed in Sec. 3. We summarize our conclusions in Sec. 4.


The Model

In the gluino-axion model of Ref. [19], the soft terms of the low energy Lagrangian are identical to those in the general MSSM: Lsoft M SSM = + + + +
2 2 2 2 Q MQ Q + uc Muc uc + dc Mdc dc + L ML L

2 ec Mec ec +

Au Q Hu uc + Ad Q Hd dc

2 Ae L Hd ec + h.c. + MHu |Hu |2 2 MHd |Hd|2 + ( BHu Hd + h.c.)

M3 a a + M2 i i + M1 1 1 + h.c. , 3 3 2 2


except for the fact that the soft masses are proportional to the the parameter via appropriate avour matrices. (Note that here, and in what follows, we will neglect the eects of axion, axino and saxino interactions as their couplings are severely suppressed [19].) The avour matrices form the sources of CP violation and intergenerational mixings in the squark sector. The phases of the trilinear couplings (Au,d,e ), the gaugino masses (M3,2,1 ), and the eective parameter
2 vs /MP l eiQCD /3 a TeV eiQCD /3 ,


are the only phases which contribute to CP violation observables. In this formula for parameter, vs 1011 GeV is the PecceiQuinn scale, and QCD is the eective QCD vacuum angle. In the gluino-axion model 2


all the soft masses are expressed in terms of the parameter. In our analysis only the chargino and bottom squark loops contribute to the process, so that we will not need to express all the soft masses in terms of the parameter. Instead we will only need to specify the bottom squark soft masses, and the gaugino masses, namely: (i) the bottom squark soft masses:
2 MQ

2 kQ ||2 ,


where kQ is a real parameter; (ii) the gaugino masses: M2 where k2 is a complex parameter. = k2 , (5)


Sbottom Sector

We start by analyzing the squark sector where the elements of the sbottom mass matrix M2 can be b,ij expressed in the weak basis (L , R ) as follows: b b M2 b where 2 Mb,11 M2

2 Mb,11 mb (Ab tan )

mb (Ab tan ) 2 Mb,22


= =

2 2 b kQ ||2 + m2 + cos 2MZ (Tz Qb sin2 w ) , b 2 2 kQ ||2 + m2 + cos 2MZ Qb sin2 w , b


b 2 2 2 with Qb = 1/3, Tz = 1/2 and sin w = (1 MW /MZ )1/2 . Moreover, the sbottom soft masses MQ are expressed in terms of the parameter(4). Additionally, the mass-squared eigenvalues are given by 2 M1 (2 ) b b

1 2

2 b 2 2kQ ||2 + 2m2 + Tz cos 2MZ b 2 b cos 2MZ (Tz 2Qb sin2 w ) 2


+ 4m2 (Ab Rb )2 b


In the present scenario the light stop and sbottom masses are known, which allows one to solve one of the unknowns in (8) in terms of these known masses. We choose to solve the sbottom leftright entries (Ab tan ), that is: (Ab tan ) = 1 m2 b
2 2 b 2 M kQ ||2 m2 (1/2) Tz cos 2MZ b b

1 2 b cos 2MZ (Tz 2Qb sin2 w ) 4


2 One notes that the LR mixing parameter depends only on the sbottom soft mass MQ which is proportional to the parameter (4). As usual, the sbottom matrix M2 can be diagonalized via the unitary rotation: b L b R b = cos b sin b sin b cos b 1 b 2 b , (10)

b b which relates the weak basis (L , R ) to the mass eigenstates (1 , 2 ), whereas the mixing angle b is dened b b as cos b = m2 (Ab b mb (Ab tan ) tan )2 + M 2
2 b,11 M b



2 2 where Mb,11 is the 11matrix element of M2 dened in (7), M is given by (8), and the numerator and the b b1 denominator of (11) are expressed in terms of (9).


Chargino Sector

We start with the 2 2 mass matrix [23] of the charginos which are the mass eigenstates of charged gauginos and Higgsinos: 2MW cos k2 , (12) MC = 2MW sin where the gaugino masses M2 are expressed in terms of the parameter (5). The mass matrix of the charginos (12) can be diagonalized via the biunitary transformation:
CR MC CL = diag(m1 , m2 ) ,


where CL and CR are 2 2 unitary matrices and m1 , m2 are the masses of the charginos 1 , 2 such that m1 > m2 . For convinience, the following explicit parametrization can be chosen for the chargino mixing matrices: CL(R) = cos L(R) sin L(R) sin L(R) cos L(R) , (14)

where the angle parameters L(R) can be determined from 13. After a straightforward calculation, one gets: tan 2L(R) = 8MW
2 k2 2 cos2 + 2 sin2 + 2 k2 sin 2 2 2 k2 2 2 (+)2MW cos 2


and nally, the masses of the charginos are given by m2 1(2) = 1 2 2 2 2 2 k + 2 + 2MW + ()[(k2 2 2 )2 + 4MW cos2 2 2 2 (16)

2 2 + 4MW (k2 2 + 2 + 2k2 2 sin 2)]1/2 .

Following the full diagonalization of the sbottom and the chargino sectors, in what follows, we will start working on the contributions to the Wilson coecients from the chargino, charged Higgs and W-boson loops. Between these three types of contributions, the rst one is of SUSY origin in which chargino and sbottom loops contribute while the other two are of S.M.


One Loop Contributions to The Wilson Coecients

Analysis of the c u decay follows closely that of the b s decay [11,24]. The eective Hamiltonian, describing a F = 1 transition, is dened at the scale = MW with the standard quark operators GF Heff = 2

Ci Oi ,


where Oi=1,,8 are the standard quark operators [25]. For a phenomenologically sensible description, the Wilson coecients Ci are evolved down to the mesonic mass scale and, in solving the the Wilson coecients, two successive steps are followed: rst the Wilson coecients are evolved from = MW down to = mb level using ve active quark avors, then these coecients are run down to = mc level for four active quark avours. The details of this analysis, at m = mc level, are studied in Ref. [15]. However, we summarize our calculational procedure in Appendix A for completeness. 4


As all other radiative avourchanging decays, c u decay is described in terms of the coecient C7 evaluated at = mc : C7 (mc ) = C7 (mc ) + C2 (MW )C7 (mc ) + C7 (MW )C7 (mc ) +C8 (MW )C7 (mc ).
(8) (0) (2) (7)


The explicit expressions of each term in (18) are dened in Appendix A. One notes that C7 (mc ) depends on three Wilson coecients: C2 (MW ), C7 (MW ) and C8 (MW ) and the determination of these short-distance coecients reects the properties of the model under consideration. Here, C2 (MW ) = 1, and C7 (MW ) and C8 (MW ) can be expressed as follows: C7(8)(MW ) =
H W C7(8)(MW ) + C7(8)(MW ) + C7(8)(MW ).


Clearly, these coecients receive contributions from chargino, charged Higgs and W-boson loops. C7(8)(MW ) b) is the pure supersymmetric contribution, where chargino ( ) and bottom squark ( loops contribute to the H W process. C7(8)(MW ) and C7(8)(MW ) are the charged Higgs, and W boson loop contributions respectively. The chargino contribution to C7(8)(MW ) can be expressed as 2 C7(8)(MW ) 2 2 hb MW m2 i 2 CL1i Sb1k + g CL2i Sb2k m2 i M 2 b

i=1 k=1

CL1iSb1k +

hb 7(8) CL2iSb2k K1 (rki ) g2 (20)

ht mi 7(8) CR2i Sb1k K2 (rki ) , g2 mt where ht hb and rki = m2 i 2 . M b


= =

mt g2 , 2MW sin mb g2 , 2MW cos



The contributions of charged Higgs bosons are given by:

H C7(8)(MW )

1 7(8) 7(8) rh K1 (rH ) + tan2 K2 (rH ) , 2


where rH = m2 b . 2 MH 7(8) 3 rW K1 (rW ) , m2 b 2 . MW (24)

Finally, the standard W-boson contributions lead to

W C7(8)(MW )


where rW The loop functions K1



7(8) (20), (23) and K1 (25) are dened in Appendix B. 5


Table 1. The maximum values of Ri (%) for dierent k2 and kQ in a moderate range of tan values. One notes that, for tan = 4, starts from 95 GeV whereas for tan = 10 and tan = 15, the lowest bounds of are 88 GeV and 87 GeV respectively.

tan 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15

k2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

kQ 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2

95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95

1 GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV

R1 (%) 2.431 2.261 1.863 1.470 1.125 1.723 1.815 1.647 1.394 1.133 1.240 1.393 1.371 1.207 0.997

88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88

2 GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV

R2 (%) 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87

2.557 2.662 2.460 2.099 1.724 1.869 1.905 1.939 1.731 1.456

3 GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV

R3 (%)

2.031 2.032 2.082 1.860 1.567


Numerical Analysis

As mentioned in the Introduction, we analyze c u decay in the light of recent experimental data, which requires Mt1 = 175 GeV and M1 = 5 GeV so that in the present scenario, light sbottom and the b stop masses are known, allowing one to solve the LR mixing entry (9) in terms of the known masses. A convinient way to observe the new physics eects is via the dimensionless quantity dened by R= (c u)M SSM 1, (c u)SM (27)

which measures the fractional enhancement or suppression in the decay rate with respect to the SM value. One notes that R has been based on real parameters, namely real gaugino mass and the parameter. The phases of these parameters are very important in determining the CP asymetry of the decay. However, since the CP asymetry of this decay has not been measured yet, and only for the numerical analysis of R , the parameters k2 and are taken as real. Using the formulae in the previous section, we will now perform a numerical study of R in the allowed range of the parameter and analyze the variation of this quantity with the positive and negative values of . As a reecting property of the underlying model all the soft masses are expressed in terms of the parameter. Since the parameter is stabilized to the weak scale, as a consequence of the naturalness, all dimensionless parameters are expected to be O(1). Therefore, we take the dimensionless quantities k2 and kQ in O(1) and let || vary from |250| GeV to |80| GeV. Moreover, we will study in a moderate range of tan values, namely, tan = 4, tan = 10, tan = 15, tan = 20 to illustrate the variation of R with the parameter, for dierent values of k2 and kQ. Depicted in Table 1 is the variation of R(%) for > 0 with dierent values of k2 and kQ . One notes that the allowed range of the parameter, and so as the lowest value of , depends on tan as well as the the other parameters of the model under consideration. For instance, for tan = 4, the lowest bound of starts from 95 GeV, whereas for tan = 10 the bound is lowered to 88 GeV and for tan = 15, to 87 GeV. Although not shown in the table, the starting value of for tan = 20 is 86 GeV. It is observed that for the cases k2 = 1 and kQ = 1 and k2 = 1.5 and kQ = 1.5, there are no solutions for R(%) since in both cases chargino masses are imaginary. The solutions for R(%) start only when k2 = 2, 6


Figure 1. Variation of R(%) with < 0 for tan = 4 (solid curve), tan = 10 (dashed curve), tan = 15(dotted curve), tan = 20 (dot-dashed curve) with k2 = 2.5 and kQ = 1.25.

but for convinience, we summarize the data starting from k2 = 2.5 for dierent values of kQ in Table 1. It is also noticable that for values of k2 larger than 3, the data for R(%) are not favorable. In Fig. 1, the variation of R(%) is shown for < 0 , with four dierent values of tan = 4 (solid curve), tan = 10 (dashed curve), tan = 15 (dottedcurve) and tan = 20 (dotdashed curve). In between the dierent values of k2 and kQ , we concentrate on one particular k2 , kQ s pair and make our analysis for the case where k2 = 2.5 and kQ = 1.25. Moreover, since R(%) remains constant at about 0.1% in the range between 500 GeV to 250 GeV, we discard this region of the parameter space which does not make sense for our analysis. Instead, we concentrate on the interval as ranges from 250 GeV to 80 GeV. One notes that as increases, the supersymmetric contribution decreases in accordance with the decoupling of the supersymmetric contribution. As the gure suggests, for tan = 10 (dashed curve) R increases from 0.2% up to 3% level, and for tan = 4 (solid curve) it increases up to 2.5% level as ranges from 250 GeV to 80 GeV. Though the behaviour is similar, for larger tan , R decreases faster. Indeed it can be at most 2% for tan = 15 and 1.25% for tan = 20. It is observed in this analysis that for larger tan values, tan > 20, the enhancement in the rate remains always below 1%, thereby leaving a small window of observation. As is noted immediately from the gure, although the maximum value of R(%) decreases with increasing tan , the maximum value of R(%) for tan = 10 is greater than the one for tan = 4. This eect can be easily understood by observing the dependency of tan on the lowest value of as noted before. (The maximum value of R is 2.7 for 88 GeV, it decreases to 1.8 at 95 GeV for tan = 10, whereas for tan = 4, its value at 95 GeV is 2.4 but for 88 GeV there is no solution). Fig. 2 is similar to Fig. 1, except for the choice of positive parameter. Being an approximate mirror of Fig. 1, R again decreases with increasing . From the analysis of these two gures showing the variation of R(%) in a moderate range of tan values, in general, one can arrive at a conclusion that theoretically, this region is favorite since the enhancement is more than 1% for most of the parameter space, that is, b s decay is as well in the allowed band of CLEO data.



In this work, we have analyzed c u decay in the gluino-axion model for a light scalar bottom quark. The scalar bottom quark enters the chargino contribution, and thus, inuences the decay rate. For 7


Figure 2. The same as Fig. 1 but > 0.

a moderate range of tan values (where there is no danger of violating the CLEO result on b s decay rate), we nd that the rate is enhanced up to 3% with respect to the SM. Before closing, we would like to point out that: Although the numerical analysis of the branching ratio based on real parameters, namely real gaugino mass and the parameter, in general the phases of these parameters are crucial for determining the CP asymetry of the decay. The phases of these parameters contribute to direct CP violation as well as D0 D0 mixing as in the Kaon and B-meson systems. However, the CP asymetry of this decay has not been measured yet, so the complex parameters are not analyzed in this work. Besides such direct measurements, another important clue for CP violation in charm-quark systems (e.g D-meson) is the formation of P-wave charmoniums; especially the phases of the trilinear couplings, the A-parameters dened in (2), can be directly probed by the observation of such CP odd charmonium levels at lepton colliders [26]. Moreover, it is known that the A-parameters are never constrained by any other observable such as the Higgs system and EDMs.

The author thanks D. A. Demir for useful conversations.

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Appendix A The solutions of the QCD renormalization group equations (RGE) can be expressed as: Ck () = Ukl (, MW )Cl (MW ),


5 4 where Ukl and Ukl are the evaluation matrices dened in ve and four avour contexts, respectively, and can be determined by the following expressions [27]:

U 5 (mb , MW )kn b U 4 (mc , mb )kn bc


= = = =

a 1 Okl b l Okn ,

s (MW ) , s (mb )
al 1 Okl bc Okn ,

s (mb ) . s (mc )


f ll , in which f can be taken as 4(5) as needed, and In the above expression, al 20 with 0 = 3 D 1 (eff)T O is the diagonalized 8 8 anamolous dimension matrix. =O The explicit expressions for each term in (18) can be obtained after the solution of (29):


8 (0) C7 (mc )


a b i fi (bc ) ,


where the numbers ai are given by ai = 0.609 , 0.696 , 0.423 , 0.261 , 0.146 , 0.522 , 0.899 , 0.409 and f1 (bc) f3 (bc) f4 (bc) f5 (bc) f6 (bc) f7 (bc) f8 (bc)
(2) 0.640 0.640 = 2.2996 bc , f2 (bc) = 1.09 bc , 0.845 0.420 0.132 = 0.001 bc + 0.027 bc 0.0004 bc 0.347 0.560 0.640 0.032 bc + 0.483 bc 0.516 bc , 0.845 0.420 0.132 = 0.0002 bc 0.0006 bc 0.0010 bc 0.240 0.347 0.560 0.640 +0.4 bc + 0.107 bc 0.546 bc 0.388 bc , 0.845 0.42 0.132 = +0.00004 bc 0.00009 bc 0.0057 bc 0.347 0.560 0.640 +0.006 bc + 0.084 bc 0.091 bc , 0.845 0.420 0.132 = +0.017 bc + 0.016 bc + 0.00042 bc 0.347 0.560 0.640 +0.032 bc 0.084 bc 0.038 bc , 0.845 0.420 0.132 = 0.0065 bc + 0.00044 c + 0.00006 bc 0.347 0.560 0.640 +0.004 bc 0.267 bc + 0.238 bc , 0.845 0.420 0.132 = 0.0004 bc + 0.00096 bc + 0.0008 bc 0.347 0.560 0.640 +0.728 bc 3.744 bc + 2.365 bc .



The second term C7 (mc ) is given by


C7 (mc ) and the numbers ri read as



ri bc gi (b ) ,


ri = 0.560 , 0.640 , 10



and g1 (b ) g2 (b ) = =
0.899 0.423 0.146 0.304 b 0.466 b 0.111 b 0.409 0.609 +4.872 b 4.599 b , 0.899 0.423 0.146 0.304 b + 0.466 b + 0.111 b , 0.409 0.609 + 4.599 b . 4.872 b


For the third term, C7 (mc ), in (18) we nd C7 (mc ) Finally, C7 (mc ) in (18) is given by:
2 (8) C7 (mc ) (8) (7)


0.696 0.640 C7 (MW )b bc .


= C8 (MW )

si bc hi (b ) ,


where si = 0.560 , 0.640 , and h1 (b ) = h2 (b ) =

0.609 5.333 b , 0.609 0.609 0.696 2.667 b + 5.333 b 2.667 b .



Appendix B 7 7 The loop functions K1 (r) and K2 (r) are dened as:
7 K1(2) (r) = 8 K1(2) (r) =

1 I1(2)(r) J1(2)(r) , 3 J1(2)(r) .


where the functions I1 (r), I1 (r) and J1 (r), J2 (r), can be expressed as: I1 (r) I2 (r) J1 (r) J2 (r) = = = = 1 (2 + 3r 6r 2 + r 3 + 6rlnr) , 12(1 r)4 1 (3 + 4r r 2 2lnr), 12(1 r)3 1 (1 6r + 3r 2 + 2r 3 6r 2 lnr), 12(1 r)4 1 (1 r 2 + 2rlnr) . 12(1 r)3 1 J1(2)(r) I1(2)(r) , 3 I1(2)(r) .


7 K1(2) (r) = 8 K1(2) (r) =



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