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Test shots:

Test shots of some of the images I will use for my final magazine product 1: Close-up shot:

This shot is a close up shot. This shot will be used for the purpose of having a shot for the contents page. (See mock up) On that page, there is a square of 4 images, each one containing the fact of a band member. This image will be used for one of those images, as Alex will portray one of the 4 band members in the group. The HIT band will be featured in the main storyline of Key point as their split up will be the main focus of the article. Outside of storyline reasons, a close up also shows the importance of this character in the magazine product. 2: Long shot.

This image is one of two long shots of Martyn which is used for his individual image in the Key Point magazine. His image will be used for practical purposes such as having visual content of the band to display.

3: Wide angle shot.

This is very much like the long shot image, but this one was taken at a wider angle, hence why there is more of an image on this one. Other than that, there are no real significant differences to image 2. This image will be used for the image at the bottom of the contents page. Or it may be, its a choice between this one and image 2. Either image will be used and a guitar will be placed over his torso so the edit make it look like he is holding a guitar. 4: High angle shot.

Only slightly a high angle shot, this image will be used for one of the band member images on the contents page. (See mock up drawings) 5: Group image. (Long shot)

This image will be used for what goes inside the cut-out of the main contents. Excluding the leader, me, as Mr Messai, they will all be featured inside the centre of the cut-out as the band members who are part of the storyline. 6: Extreme close-up.

This is an image of part of my face in an extreme close up image. This will probably be used for the 4th image on the contents page, featuring me. 7: Low angle shot.

An image of me from a low shot. One, this shot adds variety to the shots taken, and two, this also helps with the main cut-out. I will cut-out my face and shoulders from the image, darken it to almost black, and then put the group image over this in the cover page. This image has many uses. 8: Side shot.

A side shot of Martyn that may be used for an extra image that hasnt been designed for in the mock up designs. This image could be used for the contents page image of Martyn as a band member. So as far as images, 1 will be used for a contents image, as will 8, 6, and 4. 2 or 3 will be used for the bottom image on the cover page, and images 7 and 5 will be used for the main image on the cover. Some images from here may be used

or reused for the double page spread, although there are plans for more pictures to be taken and used for the final product.

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