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<Warning Atmospheric Disturbance detected> the ships computer chimed. Nothing you cant handle old girl Jager said as he leant over to pat the instrument panel. It had originally been a sheet of cream plastic but over time it had been patched up so often that it was almost a chess board. He looked out the view screen, ahead the storm was off in the distance, not that it would cause the cutter any trouble. They were only an hour outside Walkersville anyway. <Service notice: ETA 60 minutes crew are advised to retur - > Jager cut the message off with a stroke of a key, it was actually time to see if he could advise Corey to rustle something halfway edible from the remains of their supplies. Jager reached upwards to engage the autopilot, it quickly became a stretch. Cargos secure and re-sealed theyll never notice anything was missing Rosie said banging her hand on the bulkhead. She has a habit of sneaking up on Jager. She was a short woman, her medium length brown hair tied up in a pony tail. Shit, you made me jump; did you replace the weight with the spare parts to cover the lost cargo so they wont notice? Jager enquired still mid stretch. Please, Im not stupid, even Corey could do that well maybe not Corey but the kid tried to eat soup off of a plate with a fork. Rosie chuckled to herself. Well check it again before we enter final approach I dont want some over zealous customs operative catching us out like over in Crowport and leave the kid alone, hes not all that bad! Jager laughed. Is it my fault that the guy decided to actually look into the crates? Rosie said with false indignity that anyone else would have taken for genuine affront. Yes, because Im your boss Jager laughed. Thats not the point, well fuck you boss Rosie said continuing her false indignity for a moment before sticking out her tongue making a rude gesture and leaving the hatch open as she left. Hey close the hatch! Jager called throwing a crumpled cup after her. Close it yourself! Rosie shouted back as she vanished down the corridor.

Jager groaned as he dragged himself from his seat, staggering as the cutter hit some turbulence and juddered and jumped at a large crash from the corridor. He stuck his head round the door catching sight of Corey covered in some watery broth and meat. You alright? Jager said looking down at the teenager as he picked bits of meat of the front of his one size fits no one overalls. Yeah its nothing Corey said, his voice tinged with annoyance as plucking some other errant morsels from his front. Right well, well be touching down soon go get ready Jager said ushering Corey back along the corridor towards his quarters. Alright, where are we going after Brimhaven? Corey asked looking up as he was pushed into his quarters. Ill tell you when I know myself, were going to repair and resupply Jager laughed. Fine Corey said dejected. Jager pushed Corey through his door and left. Jager half unlocked, half stumbled into his own quarters as the cutter lurched again, he quickly picked his way across the floor which was cluttered with discarded clothes and book slates. Jager was greeted back to the cockpit by voice of Thrunk speaking Geruli expletives through the speaker grill How is the old girl holding up then? Jager said as he placed on the headset already knowing it was connected to engineering where Thrunk spent most of his time on board the cutter maintaining the drives and most of his off hours. Thrunk was a Geruli, a dark brown humanoid creature that while lacking sight, made up for it with an incredible sense of hearing and an echo location system. The vibrations from engines lit the room up as if he actually had eyes. He tended to paint the ship as the scrap pile it was but Jager suspected this was his way of showing his love for the Copernicus. Well the fusion coils are on their last legs and the forward landing gear is sticking like they were de commissioned years ago, oh wait they were. We need some good parts, not these second hand cast offs you damn cheap skate! The voice rendered tinny and lacking in emotion by the speaker grille. Alright well replace the fusion coils in Brimhaven and how long till we lose the forward landing gear? Jager asked as he prepped the ship for touch down. We can manage to get another three landings from them at the most before theyll stop sticking and just refuse to deploy came the reply. So there on their last legs? Jager responded, with a chuckle at his own joke.

If you make that joke again Thrunk began. Well well get them repaired if we have the time, If not Ill prioritise it on our return to Nexus Jager said interrupting Thrunk lighting a cigar. At the latest Jager Thrunk said severely as he could through the tinny speakers. There was always something wrong with the cutter when you were talking to Thrunk. The joke was occasionally made that if the ship was in perfect condition, Thrunk would break something just so he could complain and fix it. Get yourself ready for landing were going to be in Brimhaven soon so everyones got shore leave so Ill see what I can do about repairs Jager said to Thrunk shutting the channel <Incoming transmission from Brimhaven Control> Open Channel Jager responded ---aven control to the bulk cutter Copernicus, I repeat this Brimhaven control to the bulk cutter Copernicus, state your business The voice cut through the static. This is the bulk cutter Copernicus, were transporting high grade crude from Praxis to Brimhaven, requesting permission to land Jager answered, swinging into the pilots chair. The hatch behind Jager opened as Rosie and Corey entered the cock pit and locked themselves into their seats. Roger Copernicus we have your beacon and ID on our screens prepare to land at Io Fields landing pad two, port auto systems will take it from here welcome to Brimhaven The operator replied down the channel Roger Control preparing to land, auto guidance confirmed Jager closed the channel and sat back as the controls were taken over by the ports main computer, the Copernicus turned down towards the city. Above them a massive ship was silhouetted against the clouds. Wow is that the Changste? Corey said awestruck looking at the looming form of the battleship passing above them, the cockpit momentarily went dark as they passed through the shadow of the gargantuan vessel. Thats right, flagship of the sectors defence fleet, same class as the Everest and the Olympus Mons. Biggest ships made by man Rosie said looking out of the cockpit as they passed under the colossal ship above them. Theres the Intrepid too Jager countered. Ha the Intrepid was bigger thats the key word here being was even that couldnt survive the Betelgeuse incident Rosie muttered the last part scornfully to herself.

Whats the Betelgeuse Incident? Corey asked turning and looking at Rosie a look of puzzlement on his childish features. The Betelgeuse incident happened before you were born; maybe fifteen years ago, a combined Pacar supremacist group called New Heading crashed a captured Freighter full of old tactical nukes into the red giant Betelgeuse in the Orion Sector. This destabilised the star so much it went super nova. The Intrepid, The Sanctity and The Sol Eternal were in the area on practice manouvers in the area. The Sanctity and the Sol Eternal were close enough to the edges of the system to a jump to FTL and get out of the blast range Rosie spoke with a vehement tone. They nearly lost The Sanctity; she came out of FTL so fast she nearly shook herself apart. Jager added. Anyway The Intrepid had been further into the system and couldnt get out of the blast radius in time and was lost with all hands when the star went super nova. I remember looking up back on earth as the night sky lit up from the explosion and then we got the news the Intrepid had been caught in the blast Rosie said appearing to be lost in her thoughts for a second before recovering herself. Thats also why theres a day of remembrance once a year on the anniversary of the incident Rosie finished and sat back down in her seat watching the ships pass in silence. Theres a rumour Ive heard that the Intrepid itself managed to reach FTL but the shock wave from the blast knocked them way off course or up to a crazy fast speed or something Jager continued If thats true she could be anywhere If thats true, they may as well be dead, that kind of speeds could send them through time Rosie countered. A guy can have his hopes right? Jager looked back. The auto systems brought the Copernicus in over Io Fields bringing the ship down smoothly on the landing pad. As the ship touched down it set upon by a horde of misshapen creatures, bloated insects of the deuterium tanks, the simian like heavy lifting cranes with their oversized arms and short thick legs, within minutes their were numerous tubes and hoses attached to points all over the Copernicus. The hatch opened and the crew stepped from the decontamination chamber, whips of mist clinging to their legs for a second. An Okire wearing the robes of a customs official waddled over followed by an almost child like construct carrying a great number of papers and books. The Okire were an insect race, resembling a huge blue lady bird. They communicated among themselves by vibrating their carapace, when it came to other races they communicated by a small box they attached below their mandibles.

Welcome to Brimhaven, may I see youre papers? The Okire asked in an almost unbearably metallic voice that was only made worse by the bulbous scab red eyes and the fact that this box had at some point been slightly damaged. Yes everythings fine thank you, were just on our way to visit a friend of ours in the city. Jager said handing over his papers looking down at the creature and wondering how it could stand to do such a monotonous job. Very well sir, I hope you enjoy your time in Brimhaven, there are numerous inn and hotels in the leisure district of the city The official droned he was cut off. Thank you were staying with our friend. Han Woods. Jager said refusing the proffered slate. He paused for a moment to light a cigar blowing a smoke ring. Where? Thrunk said. Now clad in a slightly less oil stained and dirty pair of overalls that looked out of place and misshapen on his slender frame Weve got a friend who owns a bar called the Corona over on Luna Plaza, I forgot this is your first trip here with us. Rosie said offhandedly. Ah Han, wonder if hes still sore about last time? Jager asked No, I paid the damages when you passed out after you got into that fist fight with the two Geruli bouncers Rosie smiled remembering. The Corona it is! Thats if no one has any objections Jager said pausing a moment calling down one of the many taxi speeders that came with any city. The cab was a older speeder painted in chipped fading red paint. The human driver brought it into land deftly in front of the, Jager took a drag of his cigar as the driver turned and looked at him disapprovingly in front of the taxi. I am sorry sir, but this is a no smoking cab The voice of the driver was almost drowned out by the noise of the five of the suspensors that bore the vehicle aloft. Jager muttered something half curse half acknowledgement under his breath as he stubbed out the cigar and re pocketed it. They arrived at Luna plaza as the crowds of partygoers and tourists began to fill the area like an evening tide, albeit one of drunks and people policing them. It always struck Jager how different people were at night to during the day. He thought about the day time image of the area, full of office workers and people about their daily business, compared with the gangs of teens and the genuine people out and about for a nice night. Its true what people say, the city comes to life when the sun goes down. The

Corona was not the most salubrious of establishments and had seen its share of brawls, drunken arguments and the occasional instance of more serious crime. The former two occasionally involving Jager, the later had been roundly stamped out when they were around. It was a favourite haunt of the crew of the Copernicus though they had not been in Brimhaven for close on three years. Jager and the crew wandered through the clusters of tables occupied by small time thugs and crews on shore leave. Walking up to the bar the diminutive and slightly stooped form of Han, the bars owner stood watching them with a smile spreading his wrinkled face. Jager long time no see? What unfortunate rock have you been hiding under? Please, if youre going to start fights at least have the decency of cleaning the blood off the ceiling Han laughed merrily as the five of them approached the bar. Youre still around old man? Jager replied a genuine grin splitting his features. I thought they would have retired you by now and got someone new in to watch the bar No still me, though Balthazar is in most nights now to keep things generally ordered Han said pouring each a glass, Corey sulked moodily when he realised he wasnt getting any of wherever they were drinking. Ah ok well were gonna be in town at least a few days till were resupplied so you got our usual rooms to spare? Jager asked supping from his glass. Yep there all empty thought Ryes needs a quick once over, where is Rye anyway. And whose the Geruli? Han asked noticing that he was gone and that Thrunk had replaced him. The whole crew bristled slightly. Rye Rye got into a fight over in Nexus about a year back, a gun was pulled and he was shot Jager shook his head. He died before the ambulance arrived. We picked up Thrunk about a month later; he was a friend of Ryes back from their days in the fleet Im sorry he was a good man and sorry for your loss Thrunk? Am I saing that right? Han said. Its close enough, my actual name has four syllables more in frequencies humans cant make Thrunk said back gurgling his races version of a laugh. Well here are the keys to your rooms come and go as you please Han smiled as he handed them over Thank you Han, shall we do this as per usual arrangements? Jager asked taking the keys and passing them around as they drank their drinks. Pay when you leave my friend and try not to mess up the joint too much! Han laughed.

Thank you well Im going out for a drink, anyone care to join me, besides Corey? Jager asked pre-empting the youths eagerness. Sure Ill join you Rosie said smiling Yeah Ill come too Thrunk nodded. He was enjoying the noise, his echo location almost going into over drive. Right Corey you go up to the rooms and sort out any messes Jager told him Ill bring you back something Yes Mr Jager Corey said grinning as he went behind the bar and up the stairs. The three of them left The Corona and strode out into the square now packed with people. Jager relit the cigar the cab driver had forced him to stub and took a deep drag as if inhaling its wonderful aroma. Thrunk and Rosie followed him into the press of people. They returned just before sunrise, Rosie and Jager half supporting Thrunk as well as each other. Why didnt you tell me that was last one was a Snake Special? Thrunk groaned. I forgot that stuff cuts you Geruli in two alright? Jager said as Thrunk wretched once more. Oh man Im going to feel this tomorrow Thrunk said rubbing his ears, the massive influx of sensory data from his echo location would cause his ears to be sensitive in the morning. It was know as an ear hangover. They all bade good night at the top of the stairs and went to sleep off the effects. Jager managed to get his jacket and his gloves off and his cigar out before he collapsed into bed. Rosie faired little better although she managed to land on the bed this was at the expense of comfort landing half on the bed half on the floor. They both faired better than Thrunk who simply missed the bed and landed on the floor with a thud they all heard but were in no shape to do anything about.

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