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Ganton Avenue Brigade

By: Matthew Sanders

Case: N19 D. J. McDouglas

Dwayne Jason McDouglas, you are found guilty of third degree murder and sentenced to life in San Quentin Prison for mass murder, occupation in a criminal organization, grand theft auto, drug dealing, drug use and human trafficking. I rest this case and a bang of the judges hammer were the last things my father heard in his life. I say life because that was the end of it San Quentin was hell.

The End
My story begins on that very day, November 19th, 1991. That was the day I turned 7 and instead of a present I lost my father. I havent mentioned my name yet? Max McDouglas Max Dwayne McDouglas to be exact, I guess thats what the world wants now for everyone to be exact. My father wasnt a criminal, not to me anyways. Yeah, he did all those things, but he did it for us. All for us. I have four brothers and a sister and I am a nigger. I was born and raised in Los Santos with, like I said earlier, my four brothers Chris, James, Albert, Reggie and my sister Mona. But Ill get to them later As I said, it was my 7th birthday. I like the number 7 it sounds cool Max? Max Max! Max come down stairs and say hi to your grandfather and grandmother. My mother called me as I was playing my favorite video game in my room, not knowing anything. I crawled downstairs with a bored look on my face and there I saw my gramps and grams talking to my brothers and sister. As I was walking down I say my father outside in a suit with another man also in a suit. Momma, wheres daddy going? Mona asked as she looked at our father getting into a fancy black Washington. My mother didnt reply, because it was my birthday and she wanted everything to go smooth. My momma loved my pops very much, I knew that then and I know it now That was the day pops got sentenced to life and I had no idea until moms got home

Across the train tracks

As time went by I started visiting pops less and less, I already turned 13 and I started hanging out around the hood with some of my friends playing ball or somethin My best friend was Sean White, he lived just across the tracks in Idlewood. The thing about Sean was that his dad and my dad werent really friends, if I could say it like that. His dad was in a gang in that time called The Idlewood Bloodz, and my dad was the leader of the Ganton Avenue Brigade. Didnt I mention that? Sorry, I guess that was kind of a big detail. The Brigade and The Bloodz were at war, and Seans dad was the reason my old man was in the joint. Thats a long story, and I dont really want to talk about that to some scumbags who are gonna read this bullshit, aight? Anyway Sean and myself were

best friends, always chillin in my hood and playing basketball or climbing trees or whatever lil kids did back in the day, ya feel me? Wondering why I suddenly changed my style of writing? Its more gangsta now, I guess Thats because of Sean. He showed me the streets, introduced me to everything that was going on and told me what actually happened with my old man. So after that, my and Sean swore never to fight like that the way my dad and his did

A one way ticket to the Big Apple.

A couple of months after I turned 20 my father was murdered in the slammer by some asshole they called The Knife, huh, go figure. Mona, who was 18 at the time killed herself because of that and Reggie and Albert moved out to go to college. So, I left Los Santos, my moms, my brother James and my best friend Sean to leave for New York City and try to meet up with my oldest brother Chris who moved there to become a businessman or whatever. Once I arrived Chris found me a lil place to crash. The next day I met up with Chris who, believe it or not, was working for the Fortuna Family mafia in New York. Yep, another criminal, great, huh? So, having no money and no connections, Chris put me up to run little errands for the Don Alessandro Fortuna. He was some crazy young dick that got his pops cash and started randomly pulling shit to make a name for himself. So, a couple of years and a few thousand dollars later, I get a call from James, who was a successful lawyer down in Vice, that moms died of cancer and that Reggie got married and moved to Spain. What happened with Albert? I have no idea, not to this very day So, James, Chris and me returned for moms funeral and after that we all parted ways. James went back to Vice, Chris, intimidated, went back to New York, and I Well, I was 27 and I thought I would hang around Los Santos for a while.

Los Santos: 2011

Everything was different. The Bloodz were gone, extinct. Sean was no where to be seen. Some new dickheads cracked from the surface and started blasting each other. The Mafia grew strong and I was stuck in my little old house at the end of Grove Street with a beat up Greenwood. Things were going pretty good for me Searching though my house I found my fathers diary with all the secrets of the Ganton Avenue Brigade. I started reading up and couldnt believe what kind of and organization my pops was into. That was some heavy shit, I gotta tell yall. Organized crime, a shit-load of cash. I mean, they pull one job for twice the amount I got for a year in New York! So, pumped up on adrenaline and with a mind full of creativity I started looking around for any last remaining life of the Brigade. I found this guy, really washed up black dude by the name of Reginald RC Christ. After a couple of hours of talking and two bottles of brandy later I really got into the core of the Brigade and knew everything there was to know. So I started scoring some cash on the side with little felonies: Selling stolen cars, little robberies ya know, nothing big And now its all beginning to fall into place...

The Beginning

Now, at the moment Im writing this diary, just like my dad wrote his. Ill probably just paste it to his ending or something, doesnt really matter. The diary aint important. Im looking around the hood to see if anyone still wants to bang. Where the fuck is the Brigade?! No successors? Nothing?! Motherfucking busters I didnt spend 7 years in New York under the mob to stop this shit now! Cmon Los Santos! Bring it on.

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