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Stop Binge Eating Binge Eating Disorder How to Stop Emotional Eating the SolutionsWeigh Emotional Eating and

Binge Eating: A Personal Insight From my own personal journey since I was a young girl struggling with binge eating and being overweight, and as a professional working for the last 21 years with binge eating and compulsive eating men and women who struggle to lose weight, stopping binge eating has taught me over and over again that it is their emotional issues, their emotional hungers that they keep stuffed inside of their bodies by eating that keep them living in the binge eating world. It is their emotional hungers that keep them from incorporating and practicing normal healthy eating habits that would allow them to feel physically healthier, psychologically happier, have more energy, lose weight and be able to move more freely in the world. Emotional eaters who suffer from binge eating spend most of their adult life trying to stop their binge eating by going on one diet after another rather than addressing the binge eating disorder directly so they can live a happy and normal life. What I teach my clients at SolutionsWeigh Program for Binge Eating Disorders is to do exactly that. Stop binge eating! Binge Eating Ideas That Work: How to Stop Binge Eating Idea #1 Give a voice to your feelings. The more you give a voice to your feelings the less you will attempt to swallow your feelings by binge eating.

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Learn healthy, nurturing, ways to feed your emotional hungers without using food. Learn to give a voice to your uncomfortable feelings such as anger, fear and sadness instead of swallowing those feelings by bingeing and overeating.

Learn to differentiate between your physical and emotional hungers. How to Stop Binge Eating Idea #2, 3, 4 Do you know how to perform self-soothing? Most people with binge eating disorders don t. They didn t learn how to self-sooth as young children for various reasons. Instead, they have learned to use binge eating of food as a way to self-soothe. But, it doesn t work. If you want to stop binge eating, learn these self-soothing techniques as an adult. ( taught in our 6 week course Binge on Words)

What are your favorite foods when you are binge eating? Do they have any early family memories attached to them? Think about what you are trying to get from that emotional connection now. Don t stop at I don t know . Most people are stuck in what I call the I don t know syndrome : they don t let themselves think beyond this point. There is valuable information that you need in order to stop binge eating. Ask yourself the following question: If I did know how I feel, what would I be feeling ? Some thoughts will come up. Even if you think you are making these up, it comes from you, so it s a good starting point.

Write down how much time in a 24-hour period you label yourself in a demeaning or derogatory way. Many people with binge eating problems refuse to nurture and respect their bodies and themselves until they lose the weight. However, beating yourself up and demeaning yourself is not the way to build up your self-esteem and confidence. What feels better, praise or criticism? If you think the way to lose weight is by criticizing yourself, look at who in your life taught you that. If you want something from other people, you need to start giving it to yourself first. How to Stop Binge Eating Idea #5 Binge eating disorder and emotional eating is not about being out of control with food. It s about needing to control uncomfortable emotions that you want to avoid. If you change your focus and learn the skills to give voice to your emotions and your feelings, rather than try to control your food, you will be amazed at how much easier it is to set limits with food. Do you always feel hungry? Put down the food. Your inner child is starving!!!!! Take a moment to listen to yourself. That s not hunger you are experiencing, its your inner child who wants you to listen to her. You are not paying attention to her. She doesn t want you to shove food down her throat. What she wants and needs is for you to binge on words.

Breathtaking, juicy, big fat dripping, wonderful, salivating, well done, binge words to feed your inner child of love. Binge on words that will fill up that empty pit of hunger in her stomach with warm fuzzy feelings that you have been searching for your entire life. Binge eating people so often spend most of their lives hating the way their bodies look and refusing to be kind to themselves because of the hatred they have for their bodies. That self-loathing is not just about your body, its also a statement about yourself. If you had a small child standing in front of you looking up at you with an innocent face, would you tell her how much you hate her because she is fat? Never, so why is it OK to tell yourself that? It's not. So think of your inner child (give her an age) standing in front of you, starving for your (parents) attention. You can ignore her, verbally abuse her, or soothe her. Think about what your parents did to you. Today, you have a choice, don t continue to verbally abuse yourself with harsh words and criticisms that only make you the cycle of self-hatred continue. You can heal those wounds, Think of it this way: Adopt your inner child, she s STARVING, she s been neglected, criticized and emotionally abandoned. If you saw a five year old on the street, your heart would go out to her, well that s what your inner child feels, too. It's not hunger pains you feel, it s the child who never heard those words of love from the parents who raised you. At a recent retreat I gave, when the women talked about how much they hated themselves and what they looked like, and told me that they refused to be kind and say nice things to themselves until they lost weight, I gave them this picture of their inner child. I told them to sit quietly and think of themselves at that young age, and think of who said those mean and cruel words to them and how it felt. Look at this innocent child who did nothing wrong. The tears came pouring down their faces as they realized that little girl was still inside of them, and how hurtful those words still feel today. If you want to stop binge eating food, start bingeing on words. Words of love and praise go a long way in helping build self-esteem. Even if you think yours is broken, it can be repaired. Not by continuing the hatred, but by nurturing the wounds. Binge on your kind words, they are non caloric and they don t cost anything! Make a copy of this picture, and start feeding yourself with the following words: You are special I will always love you I will protect you You are wonderful I love you because you are my child You are the best You are soooooo beautiful How to Stop Binge Eating Idea #6 Are you an all or nothing person? Are you either on a diet or off a diet? Are you either binge eating or not binge eating? Changing your binge eating habits is also about changing your life. Ask yourself if you are ready to make changes in your life. Permanent changes. Taking care of yourself is not a short term project that stops when you get busy with another project. Are you willing to devote the rest of your life to your personal self-care no matter what else interferes? If your answer is I am not sure , than you might seek out some counseling to explore the other issues that are keeping you from taking care of yourself. How to Stop Binge Eating Idea #7 Make your binge eating failures into motivation. Successful people are motivated. They have plans that are manageable, which include failing, which is a pre-requisite to learning to change. Yet, most people with binge eating disorders stop trying because they see failing as a weakness. Failing is the only measure we have that what we are doing needs to be changed. If one doesn t fail, one is not trying hard enough. Read a few books about successful people, and notice that failing is a part of what made each one successful. Hot to Stop Binge Eating Idea #8 Search for the 'secret' ingredient in your favorite food. Do you have special foods you eat when you are binge eating? Make a list of these foods. For example, do you need to go out and buy a certain brand of ice cream if you want to binge? Do you eat a particular brand of cookies or chips? Do you make sure you have a certain snack in your house at all times? For some people, it doesn t matter, they just want ice cream, or chips, or sweets, but for others, it s a very particular brand of food. Whether it s the general category or particular brand, there is a secret emotion that you need are looking for. It usually goes back to a something you got in your past where you also made the connection to a certain food. Try the

following exercise to help you connect to your secret ingredients : a. What foods do you want when you think of the following feelings Angry__________________________________ Sad____________________________________ Lonely__________________________________ Frustrated_______________________________ Depressed_______________________________ Guilty___________________________________ Disappointed______________________________ Happy___________________________________ Anxious__________________________________ Powerless________________________________ b. Next, think back to when you were young and try and connect each food with a family occasion or particular memory you have about your family or family members. For example, Jane always wanted chocolate jelly rings when she was upset. They had to be a special brand that she could only buy at two specialty stores. So she would stock up on them for those just in case times . When she thought about the jelly rings, she had a memory of her grandmother sitting on the couch calling her to sit next to her, feeding her the jelly rings, and stroking her hair. It was always a special time for Jane, because her mother was always too busy to sit with her. So the emotional reason why Jane needed to have jelly rings not because the jelly rings were so special, but because she connected it to the closeness and soothing she felt from her grandmother every time she sat next to her and ate the jelly ring while she stroked her hair. Today, after doing the above exercise, Jane has learned to stroke her own hair, think of her grandmother and can get in touch with those same wonderful warm fuzzy feelings and bring those special memories back without eating the jelly rings. These are just a few of the many ideas we discuss in my special program Binge on Words. I invite you to join us for our six week program, or on a telephone conference call, or for a telephone phone consultation. Stop binge eating! I have devoted my career to helping binge eating and emotional eating men and women. Please contact me today or register for our Binge on Words program. Weight loss, the million dollar question, how do I lose weight? Well I got to ask you, how did you gain the weight in the first place? Being overweight isn t the real problem, it s just a symptom of overeating. Forget dieting and exercising. In order to lose weight and keep it off you need to get to the root of the problem. If you are overweight and are trying to just exercise or diet then you are trying to cover up your unconscious overeating with a bandage. Underneath the bandage the overeating habits will still be there. And even if you were to lose the weight, you won t be able to keep it off unless you take a deep look at why you eat. Binge eating is the most common overeating mechanism. Binge eating is simply eating too much food. Often people binge eat to deal with stress, fear, anger or other tough emotions. A common binge eating episode is eating a whole tub of ice-cream at the end of a stressful day. Another common binge eating episode is dieting and crashing. This was my biggest problem when it came to weight loss. I would diet extremely, eating too little, and I d be able to keep it up for a few days. However on the 6th or 7th day I would crash, and binge eat basically eating all the fatty sugary foods I ve been avoiding. Binge eating is something I personally dealt with for years. Which is why I wanted to give you 7 tips to stop binge eating, or avoid binge eating in the first place. 1. Do NOT diet. Dieting doesn t work. I ve tried all the diets. I would be able to keep a diet up for a few days. But then I would have a day where I would crash, and binge eat. Rather than trying to diet to lose weight, try to slowly improve your eating habits. Instead of eating 5 junk foods a day, try eating 4 for the next 7 days. Once you have done that successfully then trying eating 3 junk foods for the next 7 days etc. 2. Eat fatty or sugary foods in controlled moderation. Do not deprive yourself of foods you crave. Otherwise you will keep increasing your craving for that food. One day you will crash and binge on that food. Eat fatty and sugary foods you craved in controlled moderation. Control the portion size. It s not a good idea to order a whole large pizza for yourself if you only plan on eating 2 slices. Rather it s better to order a personal sized pizza. 3. Understand that weight loss is HARD. Commercials for weight loss products make weight loss look so easy. It s NOT. Loosing weight and keeping it off is one of the toughest goals one can achieve. However you can achieve it slowly over time. Trying to lose weight

too quickly by eating very little or exercising for extremely long sessions will not work. It will lead you to crashing and binge eating. 4. Forgive yourself. There will be days where you are too week to say no, and will binge eat. It s ok, forgive yourself. Don t let the feelings of guild creep in. Don t try to be a perfectionist. You are NOT perfect. Rather forgive yourself, and move on. If you let feelings of guilt and disappointment creep in, you probably will feel overwhelmed, give up, and binge eat some more. 5. Tell a friend. Tell a trusted close friend of family member about your binge eating or overeating habits. More often than not they will be very supportive. They will even ask you what they can do to help. Request that they ask you every now and then about your progress with improving your eating habits. This will help you stay accountable with your commitment to stop binge eating. 6. Read up on how to stop binge eating. If you can t stop binge eating, and this is a very serious problem for you then make a commitment to get it handled. Read everything you can find about the subject. You can start by reading many of the tips articles I have on my website How To Stop Eating. 7. Team up with others who are trying to stop binge eating. Overeating is Easy Change is Hard almost Impossible I m not going to lie to you. It was very difficult for me to stop overeating. Let s be honest here It s really easy to be a couch potato, overeat all day and watch television, anyone can do it, pshhh I did it so much I think I deserve an award It s such an easy escape. I mean let s admit it, life can be hard, really hard. One day life is great, another life stinks. And food is an easy pleasure button What s an easier way to please yourself than grabbing a tub of ice cream and eating the whole thing in front of the television? So yes it is hard to stop overeating, almost impossible if you ve been dealing with it for years. It was for me. I did it, but I often felt hopeless I often felt like I m trying to climb an impossible hill of recovery with no end. Even worse I often felt like I m constantly sliding back The steps to stop overeating are very simple. However simple isn t always easy. After recovering from overeating I realized I had a step by step system that works, while it s simple, it isn t easy Let me explain. Her is a BIG tip to stop overeating: Regularly Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Wait, huh, what does comfort zone has anything to do with how to stop overeating? EVERYTHING. You see growth and improvement in any aspect of your life requires getting out of your comfy same day in same day out lifestyle or routine. If you keep living your life the same way you are now you ll keep getting the same results. In order to make changes in your life, you have to take different actions. This is simple easy to understand but hard to implement, why? Often those new actions seem scary or a bit uncomfortable at first. here is a quick example To get in shape I decided to join a group exercise class at my last gym. It was very scary showing up for the class because I knew how hard it will be, I was totally out of shape but I knew I needed the class to motivate me. Not only was I out of shape but I was fat. I was fatter than most people in the class and I hated how I looked in my shorts and t-shirt. So I forced myself to just show up. And believe me it was uncomfortable, and I was sore for a week afterword. But I can t describe to you how amazing I felt at the end of that class because I stepped out of my comfort zone. How can you step outside of your comfort zone? Think of 3 actions that you can take this week to get out of your comfort zone. Now write those 3 actions down and commit to doing them whether or not you feel like it. I know this is hard, but just try it, and the decide whether it s worth it or not.

You ve got nothing to lose other than your bad eating habits and maybe some of that extra wei.ght. How to Stop Overeating Sick of being overweight? Maybe you ve been fat all your life, I have and I hated it. Until recently I was a slave to junk food. I always asked how to stop overeating and I got all kind of answers that never reall worked. After years of trial and error, I finally started getting my eating under control and started losing weight. I put my best tips in a free report than you can get by clicking here. In this article I will share with you 3 tips to quickly stop overeating and start losing weight Tip 1 Stop focusing so much on what you eat or how much you overeat, rather focus on why you eat. Do you eat because you re hungry? Really hungry? Pause before answering this question. Really think about it. Do you ever find yourself eating due to stress? Do you ever dig into that tub of icecream because you re depressed? Do you ever reach out for those chips to escape reality in front of your tv set? Tip 2 Get and stay out of your comfort zone. Wait, huh, what does comfort zone has anything to do with how to stop overeating? EVERYTHING. You see growth and improvement in any aspect of your life requires getting out of your comfy same day in same day out lifestyle. If you keep living your life the same way you are now you ll keep getting the same results. In order to make changes in your life, you have to take different actions. Often those actions seem scary or a bit uncomfortable at first. here is a quick example To get in shape I decided to join a group exercise class at my last gym. It was very scary showing up for the class because I knew how hard it will be, I was totally out of shape but I knew I needed others to motivate me. So I forced myself to just show up. And believe me it was uncomfortable, and I was sore for a week afterword. But I can t describe to you how amazing I felt at the end of that class because I stepped out of my comfort zone. Tip 3 Avoid Isolation. During times in my life I was a slave to food I often was isolated. I hated seeing people. I felt fat and disgusted and stayed home. And this was a destructive cycle. Why? Because being isolated and lonely left me feeling sad and depressed. And my only friend was the tub of ice cream or that box of chocolate chip cookies. Eating was my only source of pleasure. So I stayed isolated and kept binge eating. You have to get out of isolation. Go out, make new friends if you have to even if it feels uncomfortable. Go see your grandma. Visit some of your distant cousins. Catch up with your junior high friends. Do whatever you gotta do to get out of isolation. Isolation will always lead to overeating. I hope that reading this article has helped you answer the question of how to stop overeating. Click here for more tip to stop overeating. How To Stop Binge Eating Are you sick of your out of control eating? Do you eat in private? Do you hide food and eat it until your stomach is about to burst? Have you tried every diet out there without any lasting success? Have you lose weight only to gain it back? Are you finally wondering How to Stop Binge Eating once and for all? Well I m going to share with you 3 tips to quickly stop binge eating and start losing weight beginning today. Tip 1 Learn all you can about emotional eating. Emotional eating is the most common cause of weight gain. It s characterized by eating to cope with emotions including boredom, stress, fear or sadness. You see it in the movies all the time. A girl s boyfriend breaks up with her, and she s so sad, she goes home and binges on that ice cream tub. While it s obvious in the movies it might not be so obvious in your life. To stop emotional eating you must first become aware of your emotional eating triggers. Tip 2 Start Journaling Constantly. I don t mean writing dear diary, today Mike said I was a hottie and he was checking out my butt , I mean journaling about your feelings, your emotions, what s behind them, what you worry about, the real stuff. Here is how you can start. At the end of a stressful day sit down and think about the 3 top things on your mind, the things you worry about the most and are stressed about the most. After listing them down start making more notes under each topic. Decide whether it s something you can control or not. If you can control it come up with actions steps you can take to correct the situation. If you can t then decide to let it go. Tip 3 Exercise. I gotta admit exercise is a pain in the butt. Come on, I would rather sleep on my hammock all day like Fred Flinstone than go the the gym. Or lay down on my couch in front of a TV. However exercise has many benefits like the following

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More Productivity Exercising will boost your productivity. You ll find you can do so much more during the day when you exercise Weight Loss Exercise will help you lose weight and keep it off. I hope reading this article helped you answer the question of how to stop binge eating. Here are some more tips to stop binge eating. Stop Stress Eating Tips Notice how on stressful days the temptation to eat a lot of food is very strong? Maybe you find yourself reaching for comfort foods and junk foods Becoming aware of stress eating or eating due to stress is important. One way to deal with stress eating is to deal with the stressful events or circumstances in your life Here is a question from a reader about how to deal with a stressful job. The advice in the answer I will share with you can be applied to most stressful circumstances in your own life - Question Andrew, Your site and the content is really great, thanks a lot. do you have any content/experience on eating when fatigued? after work I just eat and eat, even though I workout in the morning. the food I eat isn t good for me, either pbj s, energy bars , etc. any help surely appreciated. thank you. - Dave - My Response Dave, I ve had the same experience for years. As a matter of fact my job was a big source of stress eating. I discuss this more in my book which you can learn more about here: To give you the short version I hated what I was doing at my job but deep down suppressed it because I feared how tough it would be to transition careers. So if you don t like your job my advice would be for you to start looking for another one. If you just feel stressed during that part of the day in general then schedule another activity after work, preferably one that reliefs your stress. Maybe exercise after work instead of the morning. Go for a walk after work. Call a friend or a family member and tell them about your day and what s on your mind once you get home from work. - Andrew Reply from Reader Hi Andrew, Thanks for your comments they re very practical. In fact I went for a 90-minute walk last night after watching a movie with my wife, just feeling cabin fever and I sure needed it. Binge Eating Help To quickly stop binge eating and start losing weight click here to get you free report. In this article I will share many binge eating help resources. The resources will help you stay on track with your binge eating recovery. The first resource is your family and friends. Sharing about your binge eating, what your learning about it, and your struggles with it is a great first step. This way your family can help you stay on track and you can always go to them whenever you feel tempted to binge. Another resource for binge eating help is learning all you can about the topic. Reading books on the topic of binge eating, and how others have recovered is also a great way to stay on track. Another binge eating help resource that you can access right now is the binge eating support forum. The forum is open 24/7 and usually you ll get a reply for your questions or comments within a few hours from posting. The forum is also a great place to meet others who are trying to stop binge eating. The last binge eating support resource is eating disorder group meetings. You should be able to find group meetings in your local area or city/town, just search for eating disorder group meetings online. Overeater s anonymous and ANAD are two popular groups. You ll find those group meetings very encouraging and you ll also meet others who have. I wish you the best of luck in your binge eating recovery. I did it and so can you. Binge Eating Recovery

Stress Relief Exercising is a great way to relief stress, if you don t exercise you might resort to emotional eating to cope with stress

While the cause of binge eating is unknown there are many common guesses. A part of binge eating recovery is understanding what causes the disorder in the first place. Some believe that binge eating is caused through genes and is hereditary. Others believe that depression is a cause of binge eating. Some argue that excessive dieting and deprivation can also be a factor. Here are some free tips to stop binge eating. Binge eating recovery is very simple. It first involves understanding your overeating triggers or the causes of your binge eating. Often this can be a stressful day, an annoying boss, or negative thoughts. After figuring out such triggers the next step is to deal with them. If it s an annoying boss you need to ask yourself why they annoy you? Whether it s worth it working with someone annoying or if it would be better to find a new job and so on. The next step in binge eating recovery is replacing overeating habits with healthier coping habits. Overeating is generally a coping mechanism. Food can be a great source of comfort and can be abused for such a purpose. Instead of using food for comfort a binge eater is taught other stress relief techniques such as exercise, meditation and sharing stressful events with friends and family. If you ve been dealing with eating issues for a while then binge eating recovery might sound very tough and threatening. You might even be wondering if you can ever really stop binge eating. Well I got great news of you: you can do it. I did it and so can you. Overcoming Binge Eating Ever feel like you can t stop eating a certain food after you start? Maybe it s cookies, pizza, or potato chips. What s your forbidden food ? You know the one food that you often end up binge eating on? Here is a FREE report to help you quickly stop binge eating. In overcoming binge eating a common question is should you consume those forbidden foods or completely avoid them? Is it realistic to have those foods in moderation or is it just safer to avoid them all together? There are different schools of thoughts on this topic. Some experts recommend abstaining from such trigger foods (foods that trigger your binge eating). Other experts recommend consuming such foods in moderation since it s a more realistic approach to overcoming binge eating. If you don t know which advice to go with I recommend you try both. Try to first abstain from those foods completely. If you can do it great. If you can t and end up bingeing on those foods still then you need to try the other approach: have those foods in moderation. In overcoming binge eating you might be really scared to have such forbidden foods however it might be an essential part or your recovery and building normal eating habits. I hope this article helps you in going through binge eating treatment. I hope you recover from binge eating. You ll find many helpful articles on this website on the topics of binge eating, overeating, emotional eating, and food addiction. I really hope that you get your eating under control, lose weight, and get this area of your life handled. Binge Eating Treatment Binge eating is the most common eating disorder and is mainly characterized by out of control eating episodes where one eats until their stomach hurts. Click HERE for a free binge eating recovery report. Binge eating treatment can be very tricky since it involves many aspects including psychological and emotional therapy. Therapy includes becoming more aware of one s thoughts and emotions which usually trigger their overeating. There are many forms of binge eating treatment including books on the topic, seeing a therapist or checking into an eating disorder recovery facility. A major part of binge eating treatment is learning to manage emotional eating. Emotional eating is consuming food to deal with emotional stress. Comforts foods are a great example of emotional eating. Often overeating is a form of emotional eating. Binge eating treatment can be very costly. Seeing a therapist can be very expensive and worst of all therapists don t guarantee any recovery results. Therapy works for some but can be a waste of time and money for others. Some health insurance providers are willing to pay for binge eating treatment therapy sessions while others aren t. It s best to check with your own health insurance company to verify your coverage if you are thinking about trying binge eating recovery. If you are wondering whether you are dealing with binge eating or not then read these very common binge eating symptoms and decide for your self. If you have any experience with binge eating treatment please consider leaving a comment at the bottom of your post, I d really love to get your feedback and learn more about the type of treatment that worked for you. Food Addiction Treatment Food addiction is simply out of control eating. It s characterized by eating beyond the satisfaction of physical hunger. As a matter of fact a big part of food addiction treatment is learning to differentiate between real hunger

and emotional hunger (which leads to emotional eating). Click HERE for a free report to overcoming food addiction. Are you always hungry? Are there certain foods that you can t stop eating after you consume the first serving? Are you sick of tired of overeating? Do you keep gaining weight because of your food addiction? Have you worked on overcoming food addiction in the past yet always failed? Food addiction in many ways is very similar to binge eating where one eats large amounts of food in a very short period of time. There are several food addiction treatments however most of them revolve around very similar concepts which I will discuss in this article. One important step to overcoming food addiction is differentiating between real hunger and fake hunger. Here is an article which discusses this concept in depth:Can t Stop Eating Too Much Food? Another important step to any food addiction treatment is understanding the rewards or payoffs of overeating, here is an article which discusses this concept in depth: Can t Stop Binge Eating if it s a Reward Lastly, a very important step to overcoming food addiction is increasing your awareness. One way to do that is through journaling. Journal about your day, your feelings, your thoughts and your eating. As you journal you ll be able to reflect on your own life, your choices, and your eating. You ll start seeing the cause and effect relationships between your emotions or thoughts and overeating. You ll start seeing how feeling a lot of stress really can encourage you to engage in overeating. You ll start seeing how thinking negative thoughts and being tough on yourself will keep you stuck in your food addiction recovery efforts without making any progress. Recovery from food addiction is a very worthy goal. While the journey might seem tough in the beginning it will get easier. As you build healthier eating habits, work on managing your thoughts and emotions, your food addiction recovery will take care of itself. You might also be wondering what about fast food addiction or junk food addiction? Well they aren t any different than any other kind of food addiction. You see it s not really about the food you are addicted to rather why you are addicted to it. Often the reasons behind different food addictions are the same and therefore food addiction treatment works well in all cases. Can t Stop Eating Too Much Food? Overeating, binge eating or eating too much is the most common cause of weight gain. Since I write a newsletter focused mainly on overeating and emotional eating I hear it all the time from many of my readers but I just can t stop eating or they ask me how can I stop eating too much? Click HERE for a FREE Report filled with tips to quickly Stop Overeating. If you can t stop eating it s actually a sign that you might be dealing with food addiction. Overcoming food addiction is easy if you know where to start. Now there are basically two types of issues you need to deal with when undergoing food addiction treatment. The first category of issues usually revolves around the question of why you eat in the first place. You might automatically answer I eat because I m hungry . Well you re right but there are two types of hunger. There is real physical hunger and then there is a fake hunger. Most food addicts confuse fake hunger with real hunger and as a result overeat. A major step in overcoming food addiction is recognizing the fake hunger. The fake hunger is often a form of emotional eating. Here are some posts that will help you learn more about emotional eating: Stop Emotional Eating Articles As you learn more about emotional eating you ll be able to differentiate between real hunger and emotional hunger. You might already know about emotional eating and be thinking but I still can t stop eating . Well that s because you need to deal with the 2nd type of issues of food addiction treatment: Eating Awareness. Eating awareness simply means becoming more aware of what you are eating. It means slowing down your eating, and engaging in mindful eating. A quick technique to increase your eating awareness is to maintain a food journal. A food journal is a journal where you list when and what you eat during the day, and how it makes you feel. This will help you stay accountable to your eating choice. Let s say you eat junk food and write it down in your eating journal, and you write how it made you feel nasty and disgusted afterwords. Next time you are tempted to eat junk food you ll remember how it made you feel last time and it will be much easier to say no. You can visit the binge eating forum and start your own eating accountability journallike many of the other members on there. You ll find a lot of encouragement and advice to stay on track from other forum members also. I hope you enjoy this Can t Stop Eating Too Much Food article Tips to Stop Eating Junk Foods

Cravings for junk foods and fast food are often a big problem for someone who s trying to lose a few pounds. You have probably have tried to stop eating junk foods and found it very difficult. Usually you decide to start a diet and get your weight under control. And you can keep it up for a few days, maybe even a week or two. But then one of those days, you come across a very tempting junk food, and you just can t resist. You Tell yourself that you will only have a little. However once you start eating you can t stop, and you end up having a binge eating episode, or consume a whole feast of junk foods. I know you have probably tried to control your junk food cravings using much of the popular advice that doesn t work. Maybe you just tried avoiding exposure to junk foods. Maybe you stopped buying it. You probably still found that you can t stop eating junk foods. Here is why What will happen the next time you are at a social dinner or lunch, and everyone is consuming the junk food you have been avoiding? Well if you have been depriving yourself, your cravings will be out of control. While at the event you might eat a sensible amount just because you are ashamed to overeat in public, after wards you will probably have an overeating episode. Besides if you had such strong discipline and self-control then overeating junk foods probably wouldn t be an issue for you in the first place. I know I don t. I m not very disciplined and when I try to rely mostly on my will power I often disappoint myself. So how do you get your cravings for junk food under control? How do you stop eating junk foods? Tip 1 Consume enough food, do not diet, do not try and eat too little to lose weight, all of that simply doesn t work. How many diets have you tried? Maybe you lost some weight while on a diet but didn t you gain it right back right after you stopped dieting? Diets don t work. Converting your bad eating habits to healthy ones takes time, it s a gradual process. Dieting for a month or two will never give you lasting weight loss. Often dieting deprives you of your favorite foods, or leaves you feeling hungry throughout the day. Of course as a result that hunger and deprivation builds up and turns into an overeating episode followed by lots of guilt and shame for ruining your diet. Well go easy on yourself, a diet isn t realistic, it doesn t work, so forgive yourself and move on. Also remember that a diet will never help you stop eating junk foods long term. Instead make sure you are consuming enough food. Make sure you are enjoying a variety of foods. Make sure you aren t physically hungry at the end of a meal. Start paying attention to your hunger levels. If you are once hungry between meals, have a small snack, it s ok. It s much healthier than eating too little, letting your hunger build and then have a binge eating episode. This might be tough for you if you have always been dieting. But give it a try. Also make sure your hunger is physical and not emotional. This isn t an excuse to engage in emotional eating. Emotional eating is where you eat to deal with tough emotions. Eating a huge meal at the end of a stressful day is a common example of Emotional Eating. Tip 2 Consume Your Favorite Junk Foods & Fast Foods in Controlled Moderation I know you are worried that if you start eating your favorite junk food you wont be able to stop eating it. Many popular overeating support groups advice you to abstain from all junk foods and fast food claiming that they have addictive elements to them. Well I tried that. I seriously tried abstaining from all of my junk foods for a while, but it never worked for me. I tried and failed at it several times. And I m guessing if you can avoid junk foods all together then overeating wouldn t be a problem for you in the first place.

Not only that but the more I tried to abstain from junk food, the more I craved it. Of course the more cravings the bigger of a binge eating episode I ended up having. It just didn t work. I couldn t stop eating junk foods simply by avoiding them all together. What really works is consuming your favorite junk foods in controlled moderation. If you really feel like eating fast food one night, then decide what you will order, visit the restaurant and get just that. A cheeseburger every now and then won t hurt you. Rather it will help you avoid future overeating or binge eating episodes. If you have really been craving doughnuts, then get a doughnut on your way to work one morning. Remember controlled moderation. You shouldn t order more than one doughnut. How do you know the right number of servings or amount of junk food you should buy? Well that s up to you, you need to decide before purchasing the food and stick with your decision. If you decide to only eat one doughnut then it s a bad idea to order a dozen. Don t do it. The more often you give yourself permission to have those forbidden foods the less and less you will crave them. The less cravings you have for junk foods the less often you will overeat or binge eat. I hope these tips help you get your junk food cravings under control longterm. Instead of trying to stop eating junk foods completely, these tips should help have normal eating habits around junk foods, and be able to eat them in moderation.

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