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The Bitten and The Unbitten: Raised No Fools EXCERPT Okay, this is the direction I'm headed in,

as far as ebook part 2 goes. Thank you to those of you who are reading the progression of my short stories. I hope to become a good (quick-paced / minimal fluff) ebook storyteller. The "Merryville incident" can be found in the short-story ebook: The Bitten and the Unbitten: Who's Your Daddy?

NAMESAKE Where once the southern clans remained hidden under earth and within topside shadows, the Merryville incident now congregated vampires within lairs throughout the south. In the underworld, bad news traveled with vampkinetic swiftness. The discovery of a disloyal Vamprantton elicited a reverberating shock that had an entrancing effect on the regional clans. Betrayal within the leadership is incomprehensible on this side, especially since defectors from other vampire regions settled in the Americas to escape Sayten's heirs. In fact, the power rifts between Master Deathino and his nephew, Drackk Ulla, consequently pitted bloodkin versus bloodkin, vampire clan against clan, and divisiveness even among the families of human helpers. The leadership still prevailed in spite of it all. Nonetheless, the latest controversy of Trevell's betrayal inevitably highlighted the severity of the first-family's fragility by uniquely punctuating that the descendants of Sayten and Deathino nurtured detrimental, centuries-old, family grudges. This singly lends itself to repercussions without question. In truth, the Vamprantton leaderships could fall in jeopardy of a coup d'tat by conspiratorial wannabes secreted within The Bitten Race. Inversely, if any Vamprantton held on, clearly Dralin benefitted having an advantage if his cousins, Knightton and Feardren, cannot maintain unity in the south. Subsequently, it was time to close ranks in the southern region. *** Master Feardren released yet another uncharacteristic call with vampkinetic rapidity. Clan elders were summoned to convene at Drakuul's lair in what was now being called the War Room, nearly eight-and-a-half levels underside. Drakuul's newly constructed lair was strategically designed for this very purpose. He, of all vampires, needed an underground sanctuary that could double as a fortress when self-preservation became paramount. There was no other place for a Vamprantton outcast to go really, but if there was, nothing rivaled this new dig sitegenerally speaking. Master Deathino had wanted the south to be his nephew's refuge and in fact, had said as much and commanded that it be so. For sure, his cousin needed an impenetrable lair now, Master Feardren thought to himself; unfortunately, it also may be true for the rest of the southern clans at this point. Feardren stood beneath the War Room's arch greeting materializing clan elders, some

new and others not so much. In the back of his mind, Feardren wondered if his father had known this day would come, but he quickly dismissed the thought. There was absolutely no way that Master Deathino could have anticipated the vulnerability of one of his own sons to side with Sayten's heirs. Not ever. But here it was: embrace one and lose one. Fair exchange among vampires perhaps; yet, the truth was that such an exchange fomented conflict. Stakes maim even the well intentioned, Deathino once said. How right he was. Feardren began addressing the clan elders. "You all know about the regional breach by now." He was glad to see prompt, simultaneous head nodding ripple around the room. This meant he could get down to business and save precious time. He continued, "we regret the circumstances that brings us all together now." "Master Feardren, we have heard about Trevell. We are all still in disbelief over this. And regarding the circumstances surrounding the Merryville incident, his loss is all the more truly regrettable," Nallen offered sincerely. "I appreciate that. Believe me when I tell you all, that, my brothers and I are pained, equally at a loss of understanding." "But what is the truth, Master Feardren?" Grevyn jumped in. "Is it true that Trevell denied Master Deathino as his sire?" Feardren took a moment. There was no way around the truth. His younger brother claimed Sayten over Deathino. "I did not hear him speak those words, but was told that he did," Feardren admitted. There was an agitated murmuring that bubbled up from the group, but Feardren was unsure what was being said. "Our brother was foolish, but there is no question about his respect for our father," he assured them. "Yet he did not remain loyal and preferenced your bloodkin, Master Sayten," interjected Salen. "It cannot be overlooked." The rest of the elders nodded stiffly this time, but were still in agreement once again. "And that means what, exactly, to youSalen?" Feardren questioned with perfect enunciation. Stumbling over his words, Salen added, "it simply means, or perhaps so, that Trevell possibly did not approvein some way, of Drakuul staying here." Feardren approached him slowly. "You're here, Salen," Feardren gritted out through locking incisors. "My father granted you a new lair address upon your escape from Sayten's and Drackk's imbecility, why would he not his own nephew?" The room grew still, sensing the expectation of a throat yank. Feardren would not be crossed on this and only a fool would attempt it. Salen's voice quivered now. "I mean no disrespect, Master Feardren." He focused on a spot on the floor as he spoke, outmatched in power and strength by Feardren. "I'm simply repeating what others within the Bitten Race echo." Salen looked directly up at Nallen, but Nallen looked away wanting no part in it and frankly, having more sense. Grevyn spoke up next, taking the heat off the trapped and quivering elder. "What now, Master Feardren?" "My brothers and I will present ourselves before the Vampire Council of Law and Policy Enforcement in protest of Loren's breach. As clan elders, you all are to prepare yourselves in the event things deteriorate while we are there." He met the gazes looking back at him. He didn't have to spell it out. The clan leaders knew exactly what he meant.

"What will your message be, Master Feardren?" "We are the leadership here, the First-Family Masters. We police the south our way, and all those residing here do so with our consent, as it has always been." Grevyn accepted this, as did the other elders present, but he still had more questions. "Forgive me, Master, but what if they insist that you hand over Drakuul?" "You speak of Master Drakuul Vamprantton." Feardren corrected, taking issue in the laxity with which the clan elders disrespected his cousin's seniority and powerful namesake in his presence. "Yes. Oh yes, forgive me, I meant... Master Drakuul?" Grevyn said quickly. "What if they are adamant? Will you surrender him then?" "My cousin makes up his own mind. Nevertheless, as long as he remains in the south, Loren has no authority to pursue him here or to demand our participation in his capture. My brothers and I stand firm on this point." Not one among them was brave enough to counter, but the obvious could not be ignored. Trevell hadn't stood on this point, quite the contrary, in fact. "He once had the marker of your sire upon him wherever he went," Nallen said cautiously, rejoining the conversation again. "With Master Deathino gone, Master Drakuul will always be the most vulnerable of the Bitten Race." "Not so, elder Nallen. My brothers and I are Deathino's vamplings and his heirsI remind you all again. We. Reign. Here." Feardren smoothly adjusted his tone. "Our cousin will not be banished from the south by us. If any of your bloodkin have a problem with this arrangement, grant them leave by tomorrow's moon night," Feardren stated. "Master Drakuul is a Vamprantton. He will be respected herefor as long as he remains, he will be respected here." *** NOTE: Only uploading excerpts on Scribd. Next will be an excerpt of the medical transcription-vampire fiction, which includes the descendants of Sayten & Deathino. It is the second short story in the ebook: The Bitten and The Unbitten: WYD?

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