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Here are some great game ideas for your open house or any event you plan to have.

These were all submitted by other lovely Avon reps! Thanks everyone for the great ideas!

Scramble AVON words, and whoever unscrambles them the fastest or gets them all right wins. for example: lipstick - (ipslkict) earrings - (rgernais) jewelry - (werlyje)

If you're sending invites for your hostess and need to give her an incentive to call all guests the day or two before the party to re-confirm try this: Put a word on each invite which forms a sentance. Example: 10 invites put something like - Earn or make 50% when you give AVON a try. That's 10 words and each word is on one invite. So now your hostess has to call all guests to re-confirm her party and receive the word on her guests invites. Then she takes all the words and tries to form the sentance. When she does she calls you to get a FREE gift at her party.

Now you KNOW she called all her guests which gives you more people to present your biz to!

Booking Game for Points

I wonder who came here from afar, Give yourself 5 points if you came in a car.

Were you on time, not a minute late? Punctuality pays so give your self 8. Give 10 points if you left dirty dishes at home but take away 5 if you came here all alone Bring a friend is what you should do, but add 5 if you have your check book with you. Count all your buttons each gives you 1, except if they are clear or white then you get none. Now daughters are sweet, on that we agree so for each one you have you can add 3 Little boys like to play, so if at home you have Some add 1 point for each one Now that's all there is, so total your score, Except if you're a special friend, then there's more. It's a 20 point bonus for a VIP. If you're going to be a hostess for me.

Lap game
Make a list of questions. I have a list but these are a little racy for one of my other bizs I did. But you can make a generic or AVON related list of questions. Eample:

Are you wearing red lipstick? Wearing a skirt? Have painted toe nails? etc And for every question your guests can answer with a yes gets to move to the next seat whether or not that seat is still occupied or not. So if a few answer no to several questions in a row then you might have 3 people sitting on each others laps. guest who makes it back to their seat first wins!

Dirty Minds
Whoever can answer the most questions clues right WINS! I'm spread before I'm eaten. Your tongue gets me off. People sometimes lick my nuts. PEANUT BUTTER I'm red and messy. I am soaked up by a napkin. I am sometimes wiped off a wiener. KETCHUP I last a long time when conditions are right. You never know how many inches you'll get. You never know when I'm going to come. SNOWSTORM You rub me on my box to get me started. I come in a book. After you've blown me, I'm still hot. MATCH I have a big butt. People s uck on me. I come in a box. CIGAR I'm in your pants. A whole hand fits inside of me. I hold your wrinkled ones. POCKET

All day long, it's in and out. I get it up twice a day. I'm always coming on the beach. TIDE You s uck on me with your mouth. I can't stay hard forever. There's sometimes lipstick on my stick when you're done. POPSICLE When I get old, I sag. There can be two of me under your tongue. Sometimes, it's hard to keep me up. CHIN I have big white b alls. I drip when I heat up. People stick a carrot in me. SNOWMAN I sometimes go down on you. My bytes don't bruise. I can drive it floppy or hard. COMPUTER

People in heat turn me on. Blowing is my specialty. Sticking your finger in me is dangerous. FAN I make you breathe heavily. You do me in many different positions. I can make your muscle hard. EXERCISE I can go both ways. I'm a much better ride if you push. I'm safe when I'm well hung. SWING It's hard to get me off. The rear is where I usually get stuck. I drive home your point. BUMPER STICKERS

I'm humped. When people ride me, they sweat. I can go for hours without a wet spot. CAMEL After me, some people light a cigarette. I require being eaten. I'm the last thing some people do at night. SUPPER

Want a really cool way to get EVERY GIRL at your party to tuck your business card into her wallet? Try this game:

The Free Gift Business Card Game

Bring your business cards to the presentation room where you are doing your party. Write "FGW" on the back of one of the business cards. Hand out all the business cards face up to the girls and let them know one of the cards has "FGW" on the back of it standing for a free gift winner! Tell them all to flip their business cards over to see if any of them have those letters written on the card but not to say it out loud if they are the winner. Then tell everyone they need to put all the business cards into their wallet right away. At the end of the party you can say ladies who was our free gift winner? Someone raises her hand and you give out the free gift. (Can be as easy as a mini) Tell her congratulations! Now they all forgot they tucked your business card into their wallet for a safe keeping place and you have your business cards right where you want them!

Tic Tac Toe

this is perfect to play during the entire party because it makes them pay attention and talk less, it makes the hostess feel like a star, and the sales go UP! Give everyone a piece of paper and tell them to make a tic tac toe grid on it. Tell them during your party they need to write one or two favorite items out of every section somewhere on the grid. The hostess will do the same. At the end of the party the hostess will read off her grid and the first person who gets three in a row (a tic tac toe) must yell out: "I love AVON." And then she gets a prize. Fantastic game!

"What's In Your Purse?"

I printed up a picture of a purse, then on the purse i put names of items that are commonly carried in it (ex. lipstick,mascara..etc) each person gets a purse and circles each item that they have in their actual purse. each item gets them one point. each Avon item gets an additional point. the person with the most points gets a prize. then i tell them that Avon sells all these products and show examples of each. we women are loyal to our cosmetics so i offer a discount to those willing to try a similar avon product. the 100% satisfaction guarantee usually seals the deal.


To get your Hostess in the party spirit, give her this Hostess Scavenger Hunt. This is a list of 30 different types of people. If she has 10 of them at her party, give her a special gift. Each person counts for only one category. 1. A good friend 16. A lady on a diet 2. A relative 17. Someone with size 9 shoes 3. A grandmother 18. A babysitter 4. Someone she works with 19. Someone who lives in a corner house 5. Someone with a camper 20. A former neighbor 6. Someone with red hair 21. An Avon Lady 7. A neighbor 22. Someone who books a party 8. Someone who wears glasses 23. A lady with a cat 9. A person who lives in a tri-level house 24. An old school friend 10. A person who lives in a mobile home 25. A mother-to-be 11. A Sunday School teacher 26. Someone with all daughters 12. A secretary 27. Someone with all sons 13. A bowler 28. A teacher

14. Someone with a station wagon 29. A person with a green car 15. Someone who just moved 30. A hairdresser


Take four items and put prices that are wrong next to each one. Guests have to place the items in order, matching the price with the correct item. You can even make the whole party a Price is Right theme. Your commercials can be showing Bonus Buys, Booking Gifts, etc. You will be showing the merchandise while playing the game. Also, to get everybody to play the game, put their name in a hat or bowl and draw four names. Those four people bid on an item (guess the price) and the person closest gets to play the game. On the next round, repeat the procedure.

Do you have this? Have guests keep score of their points on their order forms. You can then look over the forms at home to find the person who might be a good candidate for recruiting. 1. 50 points Do you own a color TV 2. 50 points Are you a two car family 3. 25 points Do you own a washer 4. 25 points Do you own a dryer 5. 25 points Do you work outside your home 6. 25 points Are you a one car family 7. 30 points Are you bored with being a homemaker (cooking, cleaning, etc.) 8. 25 points Do you wish you had a new wardrobe

9. 25 points Do you need new carpeting or curtains 10. 25 points Does your budget need some help Give everyone a gift and tell them Everyone is receiving a small gift right now from my game gifts, but some of you will be even bigger winners. I'll be calling you in a day or two with news about that. The next day you can call a guest and tell her about becoming a representative. By looking at the scores, you will know her needs or wants and be able to help her get them.

Have each guest write the names of two friends, two relatives, two co-workers, two neighbors and two club members. Give a prize to the first person finished. After they are through, tell them their guest list is already made out for their home (or book) party!


You will need: 4 envelopes and a basket with your inexpensive door prizes. Inside each envelope, put a small piece of paper folded several times so they can't see it. On one, write $1.00; another $2.00; another $3.00; and another $5.00. Tell everyone what is inside and that they are gift certificate for tonight! Have the first person to your left pick one of the envelopes. But tell her she CAN'T LOOK!!!! Now, play one of the "Right-Left" game and the envelope travels right and left. At the end, tell the person with the envelope "DON'T LOOK" ~ Because I want to "Make A Deal" with you. Say: "Since you didn't pick the

envelope, maybe your luck is better than you can trade for another envelope if you want to" (Hold the other envelopes out). Usually everyone is hollering "trade" or "don't trade"). Next, say, "DON'T LOOK!" ~ "I'll make another deal with you...(Pull out your gift basket) "I will trade you the envelope for an item in my basket....that envelope could be worth $5 or maybe just $1" (Everyone is again yelling "trade" or "don't trade"). She then makes her choice. Then say, "DON'T LOOK!!!" ~"I have another deal to make with you....I will give you your envelope back and DOUBLE what's inside or give you TWO prizes from my basket IF you will book a show tonight and help (Hostess) out." If she doesn't book she gets either what's in the envelope or her gift but MOST of the time they will book.

This is a fun game to relax everybody. Give each person a piece of paper. Tell them to lay in on the catalog and turn lengthwise on their laps. Tell them to close their eyes and keep them closed for the entire game. We're going on a Hawaiian vacation, so draw an island in the middle of your paper. ---to the left of your island, draw a ship ---you are surrounded by water, so put some fish in the sea ---this is Hawaii, so put a palm tree on the island ---its a nice day, so put some birds in the air ---that ship didn't get there all by itself, so put a sailor on the ship ---he might get hungry, so draw some coconuts on the palm tree ---sailors like to see where they are going, so put some port holes on the ship

---sailors like entertainment, so draw a hula dancer on the island ---it's a sunny day, so put a sun in the sky Now you can open your eyes! We are going to see how well you did. Score points if: Your island is in the middle 10 points Your ship is to the left of the island, but not touching 10 points For each fish you have 5 points For the base of the palm tree being on the island 5 points For each bird you drew 5 points If the sailor is on the ship, not swimming 15 points If any coconut is on the tree 5 points If the porthole is on the ship 10 points If the hula dancer is on the island 15 points Now the sun: If to the left 20 points If to the right 15 points If in the middle 10 points Highest points wins!

LEFT- RIGHT STORY IDEA (four Dif Stories) (Fill in blank with hostesses name) _______________decided to have an AVON Party right in her own home. She immediately called her friend, Ms. Right and invited her. Ms. Right said, Yes she would love to come. She certainly didnt want to be left out. Well, Ms. Right got all excited and immediately called her friend Mr. Left who lived right down the street. Ms. Right told Mr. Left all about the Valentine Candle Party! Mr. Left said hed love to go along and would even give her a ride. Ms. Right became excited at the thought of spending the afternoon with Mr. Left. On the

day of the party, Mr. Left, picked up Ms. Right right on time and they left right away. When they came to the corner, Mr. Left asked Ms. Right which way _________lived. Ms. Right wasnt really sure, but she suggested Mr. Left turn right. So, thats what Mr. Left did. Right away, Ms. Right realized they should have turned left instead of right so she told Mr. Left she was wrong and they needed to turn right. They found _______ house and made it to the party right on time. Ms. Right and Mr. Left had such a wonderful time they decided to have a PL party together. That was a year ago... Well, today, Ms. Right has a new name, it is Mrs. Left.

Hand a small gift to one of the guests and explain that in this game they are to pass the gift to the person on their left or right when you say the word left or right. The person holding the gift at the end of the game gets to keep the gift. If there is a large group, you may want to have more than one gift so it is fun for all. Start slowly, but then gradually increase your reading speed so they have to hustle. Let's play the LEFT RIGHT game. I will put a prize into play and it must move to the players LEFT or RIGHT depending on which of those directions you hear me say. Well let's get started RIGHT now. I was thinking about the $40 an hour I usually make. I hoped everything would go just RIGHT for (hostess's name) party. I LEFT no detail undone as I packed the car, checked my list--it all looked RIGHT to me and I was going to be RIGHT on time. I got in the car, on the LEFT side, of course, and backed down the drive, turned West, that's to the RIGHT, and was humming RIGHT along with the radio. RIGHT then I realized I had LEFT my catalogs RIGHT on the dining room table. I made a quick LEFT turn and went back for them. As I LEFT again I hoped that (hostess) was going to get many nice free things with her (35, 25 or 20%) earnings. RIGHT? And I also thought about her 1/2 off item she would be earning. RIGHT. When I arrived at (hostess's) house I was relieved that I had made all the LEFT and RIGHT turns and got here RIGHT on time. I unpacked my kit RIGHT away and set up my display RIGHT before the first guest arrived. The RIGHT thing for you to do tonight would be to consider your shopping lists for birthdays, house warmings, showers and other special occasions. Who is LEFT to buy for? Everyone must have some shopping LEFT to do. It's a good thing Friendly Home Parties has all the RIGHT gifts for all the RIGHT people's homes and at the RIGHT prices. You will love the quality and prices in our catalog, so dig RIGHT in and pick out great choices on the pages LEFT and RIGHT. RIGHT now is the RIGHT time to schedule a Friendly Home Parties show of your own so you can take advantage of all the free and half price merchandise. RIGHT? And it's also the RIGHT time to become an Advisor for Friendly Home Parties. There is no cash advancement. It's so easy to do. You will get everything you need to make this a fun job, just RIGHT for you. Don't be LEFT out!

Well this may be a silly game but the winner will soon be RIGHT in front of us. And you will be a winner too if you schedule your Friendly Home Parties show RIGHT away. See me RIGHT after this presentation and I will answer any questions you have LEFT. This is all I have LEFT to say. Congratulations to the winner RIGHT now! If you are holding the gift, it's yours to keep!

I LEFT my house and was on my way to (Hostess's name) house. But I LEFT the directions at home RIGHT by the phone! I knew RIGHT away that I needed to have the RIGHT directions to (Hostess's name) house, so I turned LEFT and I turned RIGHT and made my way back to my house for the RIGHT directions. Sure enough, there they were, RIGHT where I had LEFT them, RIGHT next to the phone. Finally, I was on the RIGHT track. I arrived RIGHT on time and set up my display RIGHT over here. You all arrived and sat RIGHT down. I'll get RIGHT to work and tell you all about our wonderful company, Hostess program and income opportunity. I hope nothing will be LEFT out. In a moment I will be showing you our fabulous merchandise. If you LEFT home with the intention of shopping for gifts tonight, remember, we have the RIGHT gifts for everyone. Review your shopping list, we wouldn't want anyone to be LEFT out. We have just the RIGHT gifts for Birthdays, Anniversaries, and even just the special occasions. Friendly Home Parties has a money back guarentee! When your mercandise comes in please check it RIGHT away and if something is not RIGHT please call me RIGHT away and you can be sure I will take care of it RIGHT away and if something is not RIGHT please call me RIGHT away and you can be sure I will take care of it RIGHT away and make it RIGHT. You don't want to be LEFT with something you are not 100% satisfied with, RIGHT? If you'd like to be a Hostess and earn lots of free merchandise, or if this is the RIGHT time for you to explore joining Friendly Home Parties as an Advisor, please talk to me RIGHT after the demonstration. I'm enjoying being here with all of you tonight and I hope that you are having fun too. I know you can't wait to see if we have that special item you have been looking for and so without further delay I will get RIGHT to the point of this demonstration, which is showing you our fantastic merchandise. Therefore, there is really nothing LEFT for me to do now except to congratulate our winner. RIGHT?

This is the story about two close friends. Mrs. Rightmyer and Mrs. Leftmore. On the same day, both ladies received an invitation to a Friendly Party. RIGHT away they each phoned the Hostess to RSVP. The Hostess let them know that at the show they would see great new products and they should be sure to each bring a friend. Mrs. Rightmyer called Mrs. Leftmore RIGHT away to ask if they could ride together. Mrs. Leftmore thought that would be a great idea, after all, her home was only two doors LEFT of Mrs. Rightmyer's. Mrs. Righmyer called the Hostess RIGHT back to check the

directions. She was sure to write them RIGHT down so she and Mrs. Leftmore would not get lost. When the night arrived, Mrs. Leftmore met Mrs. Rightmyer RIGHT at 6:45, as they both wanted to be RIGHT on time. They LEFT the phone number where they could be reached and LEFT for the show.. Mrs. Leftmore read the directions as Mrs. Rightmyer drove: they were to go 3 miles and make a RIGHT at the light, go over a bridge, make a second RIGHT (where the deil was on the LEFT) and the hostess's home would be the fifth house on the RIGHT. Sure enough, they arrived RIGHT at 6:55. The hostess let them in and told them to make themselves RIGHT at home. They were please with all the new items-there was the RIGHT gift at the RIGHT price for every occasion. The Advisor LEFT nothing to the imagintion as she explained each item. Mrs. RIGHTmyer fell in love with the Fillable Photo Frames and she knew she wanted two-one for her RIGHT night stand and one for her LEFT. As Mrs. Rightmyer listened to the hostess program, she realized she could get both items for free for hostessing a show, RIGHT in her own home. Both ladies had fun playing the RIGHT and LEFT game, but Mrs. Leftmore was impressed at how much fun the Advisor was having! The Advisor had shared lots of information about the income opportunity. Now Mrs. Leftmore was starting to wonder if this could be RIGHT for had been a long time since she and Mr. Leftmore had LEFT for vacation and here was an opportunity to earn one free! Her hours could be based RIGHT around her family. What harm could it do to ask for information? She was pleased to hear she could get started RIGHT away with no cash advancement! Well, the party was over and it was time to go home, but both knew they had made the RIGHT decision to attend.

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