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GOD OF CONQUEST At class, Zoe played his games in the middle of study time.

And he got hit by his teacher. And this story begin at the lunch time after class over. Zoe : Why did she have to hit me ? ( keep playing games whenever his face got hit by his teacher ) When he keep looking on his handphone then Amy comes and blunder against Zoe back. Amy : Heads up, Glaga !! Zoe : Woaaaaaa, my handphone !! Hey, Glaga.. Sorry, but could you clean the yard by yourself today ? Zoe : Huh ? I have to prepare for this upcoming meet ! Cleaning should be left to people with nothing else to do, if you know what I mean. Zoe Zoe : ( looked back ) Dont be ridiculous !! I absolutely refuse !! : fiuh.. That girl. Amy : ( run away and left a broom with notice All Yours ) Amy : I mean.. Unlike you, Im totally busy. Amy : Sorry about that.

At school yard after school Zoe : Damn it. That girl makes no sense at all. She should follow the example of girls in games ( start playing games ) When Zoe start playing his handphone, there is many e-mail in there. But.. There is one e-mail was very make him interest.

Dear God of Conquest Ive heard that You can conquer any women On the off chance that this is true, I have a girl for you Reply NB : Dont press the button if you cant do it ! Dokuro Skull --Chief of new hell


: What ? This message sounds like a challange Who do you think I am ? A god like me.. Never back down ( push reply )

Sky turn dark and start thundering and one of that thunder was reach tha yard where zoe stand and when the thunder reach earth, the sky back to normal. But something strange show up. Theres a girl stand on the middle of yard. Elsie : Thank you for signing the contract Zoe ^.^ Zoe : ( still shock and cant say even a single word ) Elsie : Lets start to hunt the runaway spirits ( pull zoe to the class ) at class Zoe : calm down ( talk to himself ) ( turn to the white board ) Okay, lets sort this out.. First, Who are you ?

Elsie : Ow, sorry because I forgot to introducing my self ^.^ Im elsie the vodka, but everyone call me elsie Im a demon sent from hell as a part of the runaway spirits team Zoe : ( ignoring elsie ) Oh, yes. Today is Thursday. Ill go buy a game. ( talk with scary face ) if you arent carefull, youll lose your head. Zoe : My head ? ( surprised because theres a collar in his neck ) Whats with this collar ? Elsie : You already signed contract with a demon. Zoe : A demon ? From Dokuro, the bureau chief ? Zoe : Ummm.. Ummmm... That message !? If you fail to meet the conditions, or break the contract without permission, the collar will activate and remove your head. Zoe : ( stay cool and close the door ) Thats Ridiculus !! Get this thing off me !! Elsie : ( start to cheers ) itll be fine.. once we round up the runaway spirits, itll be removed. ^.^ Zoe : Runaway Spirits ? Elsie : Contract with the hell are very strict, so youll need to be carefull. Elsie : You received the contract right ? Elsie : ( pull zoe ) please wait !!

And the runaway spirit radar was beeping Elsie : H-Here comes. A runaway spirit ! That girl in front ! Zoe : That ? Uh... Uhmmm.. Shes in my class. Amy, I think.. When Zoe starring at amy, there is something go out from amys body.. Zoe : Wait, what is that !?

Elsie : evil souls that escaped from hell..... runaway spirit

theyve come to the surface to commit more evil acts Zoe : (scream and try to release his collar) Then..... go to capture it ! after all, runaway spirits hide with in the heart. Zoe : with in the heart? ... How are you supposed to capture them then ?! Elsie : thats why we need the assistance of a human ! in other words, you just have to take it place in her heart. Then the runawas spirit will be forced to leave. and the way best way to insert yourself to her heart is.. is.. is.. Zoe Zoe : just tell me !! : what !? youre telling me to conquer a real girl ?! You moron ! youve got this totally wrong ! ive never ever held hands with a real girl ! (turn book and acting cool) My world only need the girls from games. Elsie : (shock) T.T (crying) Thats awful ... Zoe Zoe Zoe : anyway, now thats cleared up, get this coller off. : (shock) huh ! what ?! : (step back) loses her head. At school yard Elsie and Zoe sit together in ladder Elsie : (talk to her self) Theres runaway spirit right within my grasp... Zoe : keep it down. Im making a list of games to replay before I lose my head. Elsie : ummm....... zoe.... arent you the capturing god? Maybe you could do the Elsie : im sorry. I cant do that Elsie : to make up for it, ill die with you... Elsie : were both bound by the contract. When the buddy dies, the demon also Elsie : is to make her fall in love with you ! ..... ^.^ Elsie : well... its not that simple.

same thing in real life that you do with the gilrs in games? Zoe : dont mix games and reality. Look at them !! Is that supposed to be a track team? They couldnt be further from the mark. Elsie : (confused) from the mark ? Zoe : none of them.. None of them have their hair tied up ! Elsie : Huh ? hair? But that doesnt matter. Zoe : (scream) dont be ridiculous Track team girl are supposed to tie their hair up ! (acting cool) honestly, dont they realize that the spirit of track lies in their hair band? Elsie : um, doesnt that only apply to games? Zoe : i cant conquer a girl who doesnt put the effort in Elsie : ( look amy than shock ) zoe.. !! zoe !! look ! look ! look ! Amy start to tied her hair up and zoe get shocked Zoe : haaaah !

Amy : okay... time to get serious. Elsie : she tied her hair up! Zoe.. Zoe : I see, so this is the fate line. Like I said before, God never back down.. Elsie : I believe in you, god.. ! the next day ! Zoe try to cheers Amy with a big banner. But... Amy : ( Hit Zoe ) Zoeeeee !!!!! Whats with this all embarasing sign ? Zoe : The meet is coming up, so.. Im cheering you on ( make a coolest face )

Amy : huh ? ( pinch Zoe hand ) So youre getting revenge for me making you clean the yard alone ?? do it again, and Ill kill you ! Elsie : ( whisper from back of tree ) are you sure about this Zoe ? Zoe : In games, your relationship with a girl depends on the number of encounters you have. Love is like a plant, For now, I can only water the plant until the flower blooms. ! Capture in progress day two ! Zoe keep his plan to cheers Amy with banner Amy : ( Angry ) Hey !! I told you to stop !! ! Capture in progress day three ! WOW, the banner is bigger than last one !! Amy : Thats not any better !! ! Capture in progress day four ! Zoe change the banner with a flag written on with Amy Love. Amy : Im ignoring you !! Elsie : is this really working ? She seems to hate you more now. Zoe : In games, hate can quickly turn to love. Overcoming a fightor an event that makes her hate you will always end up as a plus. Elsie : I see. So, she doesnt really hate you right now. Zoe : ( feel strange ) No save function, No backlog, How am I supposed to play this ? ( walk away )

Elsie : Um.. Where are you going ? Zoe : Toilet ! Idiot !

And at the same time at the yard. Upperclass : Hey, Amy ! Zoe and Elsie look toward the voice coming Amy : Yes ? What is it senior ? Amys senior : Stop that, we dont need your good look face ! second year are supposed to wait until were done running ! why you all start the practice before us ? Amy : Im very sorry senior. But, theres no much time left before the meet. Senior Friends : Did you hear that ? she thinks shes already on the team. arent you getting a little too cocky? After running a decent time, all of once ? Amy : Im sorry. Please hurry with my punishment Amys senior : Laps ! thirty laps ! at other side of yard Elsie : Thats so mean ! you can find rotten upperclassmen in every world. Zoe : ( just starring at Amy )

! Capture in progress day five ! Zoe stop the banner and just starring Amy when she practice this time Elsie : tomorrow is the day of the meet. If Amy wins, after all the cheering youve done, Im sure that shell fall for you. but.. When Amy practice running, she tripped and injury her ankle. And Zoe carry her to

nurses room. outside nurses room Elsie : Theres no hope. If she doesnt win, we cant.. Zoe : ( mumbling ) Injury.. Upperclassmen.. Hurdle.. Cheering.. it appears that weve reached the turning point. Elsie : huh ? Zoe : ( with cool expression ) I can see the ending.

Night at park after incident Amy : Why did you call me out here ? And what is this ? some kind of sick joke ? ( showing a basket of candy from Zoe ) Zoe : I was thinking if you eat it, Then youd do your best in the meet tomorrow. Plaak !! Amy throw a candy to Zoes face Amy : Have you seen my ankle ? do you think I can run in the meet ? ( Loudly ) Zoe Zoe : sure.. : After all, you arent injured. Amy : haa ? ( shocked )

Amy shocked and drop the candy in her hand. Amy : ( Loudly ) What are you talking about !? Youve never run in tha real race! do you even know how fast I was going !? Zoe : ( walk to Amy ) You might have injured your self if you were running at full speed. But when you fell, your hair wasnt tied up. Amy : ( step back because shocked )


: You always tied your hair up when you ran all-out. did you plan to trip from the very beginning ?

Amy : ( stand normal, and let her stick fall ) ( sad condition ) Its better this way. Senior was right. I just happened to run really well while the coach was watching, so he put me on the team. But, I havent been able to run well ever since. I keep practicing, but i cant improve my time. ( start crying ) Itd be better if me werent in the meet. Why.. Why cant I run anymore ? hiks.. Ive been practicing so hard !


: Dont worry about it so much. Just run as quickly as you can. If its ranking that youre worried about, youre already first place.... In my heart.

Amy : ( turn red >.< and the runaway spirit start coming out... ) BUT !!! Amy : stupid ! stupid ! stupid ! dont creep me out like that !! ( throwing Zoe with candies in basket ) besides, this all happened because of your stupid cheering ! stupid ! stupid ! stupid ! ! This is it ! The conquest ! Amy stop throwing candies to Zoe and surprised when she look the basket. Theres a running shoes at the bottom of the basket covered by candies. Amy : ( walk to Zoe ) hey Zoe Zoe : ( starring Amy and smile ) : oaah, y-yeah.. Amy : will you come to cheer me on tomorrow, at the meet ?

Amy : Thank you >.< ( hug Zoe ) than The runaway spirits was forced go out from Amy heart and try to run to sky, but Elsie catch it easily. Elsie : It left ! Got it ! Runaway spirit is in custody !! ( sounds really happy ) Finally The next day.. Amy got first place at the track and got congrate from all her friend at school except a guy.. when Amy and Zoe passing at class door Zoe : ( play handphone and ignoring Amy )

Amy : ( start to angry ) and.. Zoe : Amy ( keep playing handphone ) Congratulation Amy : ( turn red ) and about elsie, because of their closeness when trying to capture the runaway spirit, Zoe realized that Elsie was his first friend in real life. He asked for Elsie to keep on earth as the favor and be his neighbour. And start to be a normal friend. As a human.

- The End -

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