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Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting

held on Thursday 19th January 2012 at 19.30 hours in Tanworth Village Hall. Public Forum 4 members of the public and District Councillor Atkinson, District Councillor Oakley and County Council Perry were present at the meeting. Mrs Williams from Alderhanger Lane addressed the Parish Council. She handed out maps to show where all the residents live in relation to the lay-by on the A435. She reported that although flooding does occur in the area, the locals know which roads to use to get through. She questioned how the Parish Council had reached the decision to support keeping the lay-by open after listening to one residents support to keep it open. Mrs Williams said that people in Blind Lane have seen the sexual activity and people have stopped walking their dogs in that area. Councillor Ross said that he was surprised to hear of the Parish Councils support of keeping the lay-by open after their long-standing support of the Action Group. Councillor Ross went on to say that he was concerned that the decision may have been taken in haste. Councillor Jones reported that she is supporting keeping the lay-by open because she travels on the A435 to work each day and when the lay-by is closed the road is very dangerous due to the lorries parking on the other side of the road or further down the A435. Some other Councillors supported this view. Councillor Keogh said that she had supported keeping the lay-by open but was under the impression that the Parish Council would still be supporting ridding the area of the undesirable activity. Mr Perks questioned what the Parish Councils position is regarding a Housing Needs Survey. He had attended the Earlswood Residents Associations meeting and wanted to know what the future held with the change of the planning rules etc. Mr Perks was informed that the formation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan was on the agenda and was being discussed later on. If the Parish Council decides to create a Neighbourhood Development Plan, a Housing Needs Survey may be undertaken as part of this. Mr Perks asked if the alterations at the crossroads in Earlswood were the extent of the work to be carried out or would there be any further improvements to the junction. Jenny Buckley asked for the barrier to be raised to the car park in Malthouse Lane on February 5th as there will be a Clean-up Day at Earlswood Lakes. Jenny said that the newsletter is going out next week for the Earlswood and Forshaw Heath Residents Association. Jenny reported that the overflowing bin at 133 The Common has finally been emptied. It took a month to get the rubbish cleared and the District Council eventually got the bin men to do it as it was the cheaper option. Report from County Councillor Perry: In answer to Mr Perks question about the crossroads on The Common in Earlswood, County Councillor Perry said that the junction was still being looked at but the problems have occurred due to the utilities which run down the side of The Reservoir Public House in Valley Road. There will be a site visit in the next few weeks. The part which has been built out has helped. Councillor Perry is trying to get more electronic signs on The Common which will help to reduce accidents in the interim period. As the residents are very concerned over the speed limit in Forshaw Heath Lane, Councillor Perry is trying to secure 10,000 funding to get the speed limit reduced from 60mph to 50mph. Councillor Perry reported that he is also bidding for 6,000 to improve the signage at Cut Throat Lane. Dave White from Earlswood Nurseries is battling with the Highways Agency as they wont replace the sign for Earlswood Nurseries which has been knocked down because its not mandatory to do so.
Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 19th January 2012 2012

748 The library is now in the Methodist Church Hall next to the fish and chip shop in Henley. It opens on April 1st with 60 volunteers. It has taken a lot of effort from the local community. There are 16 community libraries with 14 still being run by the County Council resulting in a saving of 2.5m on the library budget. The mobile library will stay unchanged for the time being and will be reviewed in 2014. Warwickshire County Council opposed the HS2 project. They will support residents of the county as much as possible. There is 14,000 tons of grit in stock. Warwickshire grit more roads than other County Councils but if there are any roads causing concern which arent on the gritting route then Bryn Patefield can be contacted at the County Council and he will arrange for the road to be gritted if necessary. The closure of The Common has been rescheduled again and should be taking place in the near future. A 0% Council Tax rise looks likely. At an Alderhanger Lane meeting with the police, Worcestershire County Council said that they are not keen to close the lay-by again on the A435. Councillor Perry reiterated that Warwickshire are not responsible for this lay-by. Cameras and increased lighting have been suggested as possible deterrents for the anti-social behaviour. Report from District Councillor Atkinson: Councillor Atkinson began by wishing everyone a Happy New Year. He went on to say that the 3rd draft of the Core Strategy is out soon and he is working to get a seminar in this area. It needs good input from the Parish Council and the community as it will be relevant until 2028. Councillor Atkinson felt that the volume calculations given in a planning application for a glasshouse at Hill Farm Cottage did not add up. Upon making enquiries the increase was not 45% as stated, but only 24%. The application went before the Planning Committee as the Conservation Officer suggested that the proposal would be overbearing. However, the application was successful and Councillor Atkinson thanked the Parish Council for their support. Councillor Atkinson reported that the application for a garden room at Dovedale was going before the Audit and Regulatory Committee on Monday and asked for representation from the Parish Council if possible. Councillor Ross referred to a previous planning application in the parish where the applicant was granted an increase of over 30% because he was disabled. He went on to sell the house together with the planning permission. Councillor Ross feels that it should be insisted upon that conditions are person specific and if the house is sold the conditions are not inherited. Councillor Atkinson said that he had sent through to the Parish Council information from the Sailing Club who wanted to be involved in celebrating the Olympic Torch passing through Earlswood. Confirmation had been received this afternoon that the chiller has been demolished at Cank Farm. The date for demolition had been appealed against, but was thrown out by the Court. Councillor Atkinson stated that the lay-by on the A435 belongs to Worcestershire and they have no intention of closing it. Therefore, alternative ways of ridding the area of the anti-social behaviour are being looked at. Councillor Atkinson feels that the Parish Council was misguided in their support for keeping the lay-by open. Report from District Councillor Oakley: Councillor Oakley reported that in the High Court last week the judge had ruled that the order wouldnt change for Summers Poultry. Councillor Oakley hopes that under the Proceeds of Crime Act monies will be put back in to the public purse. Councillor Oakley reported that Council Tax wont go up so the only source of extra income is to sell services. The software department is developing an app which will bring some revenue in. The 3 toilets in Stratford which are going to cost 20p to use are predominantly used by tourists so Councillor Oakley is supporting this measure. This will bring in 200,000 per annum.
Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 19th January 2012 2012

749 The Government is giving money to councils in relation to house building which will be a source of money. The 3rd Draft Core Strategy is going to Cabinet soon. Councillor Oakley suggested that the Parish Council needs to think about their response to this so that our feelings about the way we want to see our parish develop are taken into account. The possibility of the creation of a Country Park based on Earlswood Lakes, Clowes Wood and New Fallings Coppice is to be included in the 3rd Draft Core Strategy. District Councillor Oakley is trying to organise a meeting between himself, Jenny Buckley, The Clerk and SDC to discuss this. At the Community Forum in December the residents voted for their 3 police priorities. Burglaries in Earlswood, Henley and surrounding areas were one of the priorities so there will be 24 extra patrols carried out. Councillor Oakley confessed that he doesnt know the answers to the problems surrounding the lay-by on the A435.

Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 19th January 2012 2012


Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting

held on Thursday 19th January at Tanworth Village Hall. Present: Councillor Willmott (Chairman), Councillor Instone, Councillor Stanton, Councillor Keogh, Councillor Oakley, Councillor Jones, Councillor Bettam and Councillor Ross In Attendance: Julie White Clerk to the Council 11/12/148- Apologies for absence Councillor OBrien, Councillor Waters, Councillor Fitzpatrick, Councillor Havard The reasons given for absence were accepted by the Parish Council. 11/12/149- Declarations of Personal or Prejudicial Interest Councillor Keogh declared a Personal Interest in Item 11/12/160 as she is a member of the Village Hall Committee. 11/12/150- To Confirm and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 15th December 2011 With the correction of some Councillors who had been minuted as being both present and sending their apologies when they should not have been recorded as being present, it was proposed by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor Stanton that the minutes of the Council Meeting on 15th December were a true and accurate record. All those present at the previous meeting voted in favour. Chairman Councillor Willmott signed the minutes. 11/12/151 - Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise dealt with none 11/12/152- Matters raised in the Public Forum The issues surrounding the A435 will be discussed in February by the Finance Committee. The Chairman supported Jenny Buckley in her organisation of the lakes clean up. 11/12/153 - To Note Items of Correspondence Received - The correspondence list was received and noted. 11/12/154 - Finance i) To adopt the minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting on 1st December 2011. Councillor Willmott proposed that we adopt the minutes from 1st December 2011. Seconded by Councillor Stanton. All in favour. ii) Chairmans report: Things are quiet at the moment and the precept request will be sent off shortly. iii) Items for payment: The Clerk highlighted the fact that the cheque to cover the telephone bill had been made out to her personally and not BT. This was because the original cheque to BT in November had been sent, but must have been lost in transit. The Clerk ignored the reminder which came in December assuming that they had crossed in the post. However on Tuesday 17th January an urgent letter arrived (dated January 5th) saying that the bill was unpaid. To prevent a disruption in service, the Clerk paid on her personal credit card and the cheque was made out to her to reimburse her for this amount. The original cheque has been stopped. Councillor Stanton proposed that all items were taken en bloc. Councillor Instone seconded. All in favour. 11/12/155 - Planning i) To adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting on 1st December 2011
Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 19th January 2012 2012

751 Councillor Willmott proposed that we adopt the minutes from 1st December 2011, seconded by Councillor Jones. All in favour. ii) Report of the Chairman: no report iii) To consider the following Planning Applications: 11/00450/FUL Leaholm, Valley Road (information only) Councillor Oakley reported that the work to Pebble Top has resulted in a 58% increase in volume. Councillor Oakley is meeting with Clare Eynon in February to discuss this. Councillor Oakley also spoke of how Highways often dont make any observations when consulted in planning matters. Recently Highways raised no objections for a development in Featherbed Lane in Shottery despite concerns being raised over Highway safety. Subsequently there was an accident in this lane which resulted in 2 fatalities. Sir William Lawrence is raising this matter. 11/12/156 - To Consider The Recommendation of the Finance Committee to Prepare a Neighbourhood

Discussion took place over various aspects of the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan including the possible cost implications. Councillor Ross was concerned about the wording of the Resolution and proposed that the wording was revised to read - To form a Working Party to Consider the Formulation of a Neighbourhood Plan/Plans. The working party will comprise of Councillor Ross, Councillor Oakley, Councillor Stanton, Councillor OBrien and the Clerk. Representation from The Residents Associations will be invited. Seconded by Councillor Oakley. All in favour. Resolution: To form a working party to consider the Formulation of a Neighbourhood Plan/s. 11/12/157 To Consider the Recommendation of the Finance Committee to Appoint John McAdam to Create the New Parish Website It was proposed by Councillor Willmott and seconded by Councillor Ross that the Parish Council accepts the recommendation of the Finance Committee and appoint John McAdam to set up a new Parish website. Seconded by Councillor Ross. 7 votes in favour, Councillor Bettam abstained. 11/12/158 To Consider Placing a Memorial Bench In Malthouse Lane Leisure Park After discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Willmott and seconded by Councillor Bettam that permission is given for the siting of a memorial bench in Malthouse Leisure Park. This is subject to the Parish Council approving the design and positioning of the bench and the wording on the plaque. There is to be no advertising or endorsement of any company on the bench. 7 votes in favour. Councillor Ross abstained. 11/12/159 - To Receive an Update from the Village Green Tree/Jubilee Working Party Councillor Stanton reported that there have been a few suggestions for a replacement tree on the village green. The favourite suggestions so far are the Small Leaved Lime which is truly native and the Sweet Chestnut which has a nice bark and was introduced in Roman times. There was a suggestion to unearth the well and have a wishing well. It was also suggested that prices should be sought for the iron work to protect the new tree. Councillor Oakley said that he would get the name of a company who would be able to give us a quote.

Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 19th January 2012 2012

752 11/12/160 - To Consider a Grant Application from Earlswood Village Hall for the Extension to the Museum Councillor Stanton proposed that the grant application for 4000 is approved to go towards the extension of the museum. Seconded by Councillor Oakley. 7 votes in favour. Councillor Keogh abstained as she is a member of the Village Hall Committee. 11/12/161 - To Consider Re-adopting the Current Model Code of Conduct in Accordance with the Localism Act 2011 It was proposed by Councillor Willmott and seconded by Councillor Instone that the current Code of Conduct is readopted including the principles which accompany it in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. 11/12/162 - Update on New Parish Office Councillor Willmott confirmed that the lease has now been signed and he is going to meet the builder and the Trustees and get the ball rolling. Councillor Bettam questioned if the plans will be displayed. Councillor Willmott confirmed that they are already on display in Earlswood Village Hall but he would sort out having them on display in Tanworth in Arden. Councillor Willmott also said that he would email a copy of the plans around to all councillors. 11/12/163- Any Items for Community Forum none. 11/12/164 Work Around the Parish none. 11/12/165 - Items for Future Agenda - none 11/12/166 - Resolution to Exclude Press and Public from the Meeting It was proposed by Councillor Willmott that members of the press and public were excluded unless they had signed a confidentiality agreement issued by Stratford On Avon District Council. All in favour. 11/12/167 - To Consider Forming a Working Party to Celebrate the Olympic Torch Coming to Earlswood It was agreed to form a working party comprising of Councillor Jones, Councillor Bettam, Councillor Keogh, Jenny Buckley (representing Earlswood Residents Association) and The Clerk. 11/12/168 To Note date, place and time of next Meeting: Thursday 16th February at Earlswood Village Hall The meeting closed at 21.40 hrs

Signed___________________________ Chairman of meeting

_________________ Date

Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 19th January 2012 2012

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