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Mustangs badger Brock

Mustangs score a 5-3 victory over Brock Badgers >> pg. 8

rolling up the rim since 1906 Wednesday, February 29, 2012

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tomorrow high 5 low 1

Volume 105, issue 76

canadas only daily student newspaper founded 1906

USC voting to resume

its updated website security over reading week
Cheryl Stone neWs Features editor According to Eliot Hong, communications officer for the University Students Council, the website is ready to handle student voters again. Western [Information Technology Services] has rigorously updated their site security and spent reading week testing the system out, he explained. While the hacker has turned himself in, Hong also noted he and the USCs IT team would be monitoring the voting for both days, just in case. Elgin Austen, director of Westerns Campus Community Police Service, explained criminal charges would be laid against Keith Horwood, the alleged hacker. It will be something related to mischief to data, he explained. Austen noted there would not be charges related to Westerns code of conduct because Horwood is not a student. The case has since been handed over to London Police. Hong explained the original vulnerability had been repaired, and speculated ITS was not aware of the hole before the hack. With a large network and thousands of sites on the Western ITS servers, [] it wasnt brought up to ITS until this incident occurred that they had this vulnerability. Austen noted the network at Western was always vulnerable. Brianna Peniuk, the chief returning co-ordinator, called for the two new voting days because it was consistent with the normal voting timeline. While we would have liked to hold a re-vote immediately after the invalidation, there were technical limitations in terms of the voting system itself, and when the security updates would be completed. We wanted to emulate the original voting process as much as possible, without asking the candidates to continue to put their lives and studies on hold for another two weeks, and we recognized that candidates had potentially made other plans for the break, she explained about the blackout during reading week. The extra two days this week was for candidates to regroup their teams and get back to life at Western, because part of the reading week blackout included not contacting their teams, Peniuk said. Tuesday was decided to be an online-only [campaigning] day, as candidates should really only need to refresh the memories of voters for the re-vote, she noted. Wednesday and Thursday became the earliest days to hold the vote. This is an unprecedented situation, and a lot of tough decisions had to be made, Peniuk said. She noted the meeting to make these decisions was five hours long. Candidates could still be given demerit points during the second campaign, even though all campaigning would be online. Peniuk explained she did not know if there would be any changes made to voting in the future.

Concerns raised about pre-drinking

richard raycraft Gazette staFF Concerns about pre-drinking are rising, particularly with regards to young people. The issues surrounding pre-drinking are becoming so serious that the London office of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is launching an effort to raise awareness of the issue. Pre-drinking is defined as consuming alcohol prior to attending an event or going out to a bar or club. People pre-drink in an attempt to gain a buzz or a feeling of intoxication, an effort that can be expensive at bars or clubs. People consuming alcohol outside of bars or clubs can effectively predrink for half the cost or less, making it an attractive option for most cash-strapped students. For Matt Pearson, general manager of Jim Bob Rays, referring to the problem as pre-drinking gives the wrong impression. Its not necessarily pre-drinking thats the problem, really its binge drinking, Pearson said. Although some

it may reach a point where bars will start to breathalyze people before they enter.
co-author of Raising the Bar: Preventing Aggression in and Around Bars, Pubs, and Clubs

Kate Graham,

students might go around and say theyve only had two beers, sometimes thats all it takes and they dont know. Pearson believes students can be ignorant of the laws surrounding intoxication. This can be especially common when students come from provinces or countries where laws are not as strict or where theyre radically different. Pearson suggested bars and clubs also offer a safer environment for people to consume alco>> see bars pg.3

Students stop laptop thief in weldon

Julian Uzielli neWs editor Following a dramatic chase through D.B. Weldon Library on Thursday, a would-be laptop thief was foiled after being tackled by a student bystander. Evan Porter was studying alone on the fifth floor during reading week when he left his MacBook Pro unattended to go to the bathroom. Though he comes to the library two or three times a week, this was the first time Porter had brought his laptop to school. I covered my laptop with a few of my books and papers that I had sitting around. It was pretty well hidden, but you could have seen it if you were walking by, he said. When I came back, this guy, no one I knew, rushed by me out of the cubicle area. When Porter saw his laptop was missing, he gave chase. The accused, who campus police declined to identify, ran down the stairs and came out on the second floor. Witnesses said he appeared to lose his way, and got cornered in a stairwell that only went up. He gave Porter back his laptop and tried to escape, but was caught and held by Mohammed AbouShamalah and his friend Ahmed Gharib, who were on the second floor to study. They then handed him over to library staffonly to lose him again. Meanwhile, fourth-year science student Jake Balkos, who had also been studying on the second floor, had run down to warn attendants at the front desk, who called campus police. I saw him go by, and I thought its worth at least going

i caught him and kind of football-tackled him to the ground just outside the door.
fourth-year science student and laptop thief tackler

Jake balkos,

downstairs to check and see if I can do any sort of good today, he explained, adding that the confrontation in the stairwell gave him the time he needed downstairs first. Just after the call was placed, Balkos saw the accused running towards the main doors. I saw him taking off and I knew I could catch him, he said. I caught him and kind of football-tackled him to the ground just outside the door. After apprehending the suspect, Balkos held him in a full-nelson headlock until campus police arrived. I have two younger brothers, and just from wrestling with them I kind of have an idea of how to stop somebody from getting away, and stop someone from punching or hurting you while at the same time not doing any real harm to them,

Balkos noted. Elgin Austen, director of Campus Community Police Service, said the suspect was a student at Fanshawe College, and had no connections to Western. He will face criminal charges, the penalty for which could range from probation to several years in jail. In a case like this, hes probably not going to do jail time, depending on his past history. Hes a young person, so his past history probably isnt going to be that long. But certainly hell be going through the criminal court system, he explained. Porter seemed satisfied with this prospect. Maybe jail times a bit serious, but I think he deserves some kind of punishment, he said. Its definitely ruined the library experience for me now.

Caught on Camera

thegazette wednesday, February 29, 2012

Corey Stanford Gazette

Crossword By Eugene sheffer

ItS GEttING Hot IN HUrr. Firefighters responded to an alarm yesterday morning at the Natural Sciences building. The alarm was accidentally triggered by construction work in the building, according to campus police.

News Briefs

Severance pay emerges from Caterpillars cocoon of layoffs

After months of pickets and protests, 465 workers have reached a severance deal with the construction equipment firm Caterpillar Inc., owners of Electro-Motive Diesel. With the help of the Canadian Auto Workers, a deal was reached that far exceeded the minimum severance payment required by Canadian labour law. Each worker will receive three weeks worth of

Solution to puzzle on page 7

pay for every year of employment, a six-month extension of benefits and a $1,500 signing bonus. In addition, Caterpillar has paid out $350,000 to the union for workplace adjustment training. We believe we did a good job, but its not a victory, Tim Carrie, president of the CAW Local 27, said. Our community has lost jobs, families have been hurt badly. Carrie worries it will be difficult for many of the workers to find jobs because of Londons high rate of unemployment. As the public affair comes to a close, Carrie commented on Caterpillars legacy. They came into our city, they had always intended to close the plant, but they decided to do it in a callous, very destructive way and that will always be bitter, he said. Ian McLennan

to an Edmonton voice-broadcast company, according to Elections Canada. These calls falsely informed Liberal supporters their polling stations had moved. For months before the election, Doug Ferguson, Liberal candidate for London West, had heard of odd phone calls to supporters during his failed election bid. I dont believe [London West Conservative MP] Ed Holder knew about thisI know Ed, hes an honorable man. But I do think that these calls were arranged from someone higher up in the Conservative Party, Ferguson stated. Ferguson explained elections are fundamental to our democracy, and fraud is a very serious matter. I hope the culprits will be identified and charges will be laid, and have them brought to justice. Kevin Estakhri

London west one of 30 robo-called ridings

Fraudulent phone calls made during the May federal election across nearly 30 ridings, including London West, have been traced back

Looking to intern?
Future Western graduates can rest a little easier following a new investment from the Canadian government. Last week, the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario announced they would be providing the University of Western Ontario Research and Development Park with up to $1,798,500 in funding. The investment is aimed at helping current Western students and recent graduates in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics gain valuable work experience through internships with businesses in the Sarnia-Lambton regions. Its really a win-win, Susan Truppe, member of Parliament for London North Centre, said. It gives businesses an opportunity to train potential full-time individuals and see their work habits. Also at the same point, it gives students a job for six months, Truppe continued. The investment will be used to facilitate 140 internships. Of those 140 positions, 17 have already successfully been filled. London is a huge technology hub, Truppe explained. Its very hard to find summer jobs or internships to start with, and knowing that there are 140 right around this whole area, London to Sarnia, is great for the students. It will give them the experience they need. Kelly Hobson


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thegazette wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bars need to make changes

aoda funding gets stopped by council

Pol Kallamata Gazette staFF In city councils drive for a zero per cent tax increase, council voted to freeze funding to the Accessibility for Ontario Disabilities Act. The initiative, which was struck down by a nine to six budget vote in favour of a tax freeze, is aimed at promoting public accessibility for Ontarians with physical disabilities. Patrick Searle, vice-president university affairs for the University Students Council, wrote an open letter to London councillors earlier this month, urging them to approve the funding for the AODA initiative. The reason why we took a stance was to make sure that when we advocate for students, its both on campus and for their experience in the city, Searle said, emphasizing his disappointment at last weeks vote. While Searle was understanding of the citys desire to balance the budget, he said he believes strongly in the cause of accessibility, which is gaining popularity on campus with a movement to make Orientation Week fully accessible. I think the same activism that the USC and the university is moving towards should also be seen in our city, Searle stated. The main point of the AODA is to set up a framework for making Ontario the most accessible province in Canada and a beacon in the world for disabled rights, Searle explained. We need to ensure that every citizen receives the same opportunities and benefits. The city knows that these changes are coming [...] the cut just means it will take longer to reach fruition. Joe Swan, Ward 3 councillor who voted for the budget freeze on AODA, had a slightly different take on the issue. Contrary to popular opinion, we did not raid the [AODA funds], we actually put aside half a million dollars to deal with disability issues, and well do the same in coming years. The councillors comments were in response to what he views as an inaccurate framing of the budgeting issue that presents the city as unsympathetic

We did not need to put as much money aside as we originally thought. by doing so, we were able to not raise taxes this year, and keep money in the pocket of consumers.
Ward 3 councillor

Joe swan,

Ritchie Sham Gazette

>> continued from pg.1

hol. When the party moves downtown, its in a more controlled environment, its actually safer, he said. If a person passes out, we can call an ambulance and theres safety personnel in place to take care of these people. Kate Graham, co-author of Raising the Bar: Preventing Aggression in and Around Bars, Pubs, and Clubs and several other books on the subject of alcohol, said there are various explanations for predrinking. Our research suggests that young adults pre-drink for several reasons: to save money, to spend time chatting with friends

before going out to a club, and to get drunk as quickly as possible, she said in an e-mail. The high levels of intoxication associated with pre-drinking are leading to efforts to curb it. Earlier closing times and changes in the prices of alcohol offered at bars and clubs may reduce pre-drinking, suggests Graham. It is not confirmed, however, that high alcohol prices at drinking establishments have a large effect on consumption. A study conducted in Switzerland revealed peoples level of alcohol consumption at bars and clubs tends to stay consistent, regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed prior to going out. It may

be that people pre-drink planning to spend less money, but this is not necessarily the outcome, Graham said. The London Centre for Addiction and Mental Health will be heading to Windsor in April to conduct several studies that examine young adult drinkers. These studies will include a component that looks at how pre-drinking influences aggressive behaviour at bars and clubs. Graham believes predrinking may lead to even more rules and laws being instituted. It may reach a point where bars will start to breathalyze people before they enter, she said.

Silver gets more demerits

alex Carmona neWs editor With all the chaos of the hack and re-vote, the University Students Council elections committee has been eager to prove they are still on top of enforcing the rules of presidential campaigning. On Monday, USC presidential candidate Jon Silver was assigned six demerit points for a failure to comply with the spirit and purpose of the elections. The violation occurred on February 14, the first day of the disqualified vote. I can confirm that a member of Jon Silvers campaign management team was running a voting booth in London Hall on the 14th, Brianna Peniuk, chief returning coordinator for the USC, stated. He was generally aware of an attempt to set up a booth in that area. The campaign team member in question was Nicole Kopera, Silvers campaign manger, whose presence violated Bylaw 2 of the USC, which governs elections. Silver argued campaign members working at voting booths has, in the past, been accepted as a legitimate method of increasing voter turnout. Its a tradition strategy for campaign teams, he said. We were just trying to get out the vote. This is something thats been done every single year, time and time again. He added other presidential candidates had their own representatives staffing the booth. We werent the only team that was staffing that booth. Other campaign teams had members of their core team at that booth as well, at the same booth. So its unfortunate that we were the only ones that were penalized, he said. According to Peniuk, it was the fact that Kopera was a member of Silvers core campaign team that was the problem. While there were members of other campaign teams also running the London Hall booth, none were integral members of their candidates campaign teams. We were unclear as to that being a problem. It was a miscommunication, Silver said. Silver stressed Koperas presence was not an attempt to influence voters to vote for any specific candidate. Its a very serious offence to try to influence voters, and we would absolutely not do that, he continued. Silver also argued Bylaw 2 should be revised in the future, to prevent this type of misunderstanding. He also did not agree with Peniuks reasoning regarding Koperas status on his campaign. The fact that there were multiple members of different campaign teams show that this was not a partisan booth, he said. I think its an unfortunate decision. I think that maybe if they were going to penalize us, they might have to penalize the other team. With files from Julian Uzielli

to accessibility issues. While Searle said he is not particularly interested in the politics behind the budgeting decision, and that the USC itself probably wont be pushing [accessibility rights] into full campaign mode anytime soon, he remains a strong advocate on the issue. Swan argued the budget decision was a response to changes in provincial regulation. We did not need to put as much money aside as we originally thought. By doing so, we were able to not raise taxes this year, and keep money in the pocket of consumers. The main message is that we care very much and will uphold our responsibilities to our citizens, Swan said. During the budgeting process we tried to make sure we took care of small issues, and make sure that all our public buildings are accessible. Finally, in response to AODA itself, Swan criticized the initiative. The problem is that its too slow. Everyone is preparing renovations to public works, but we need to know the guidelines. The sooner provinces can issue the regulations, the sooner we can make improvements to our community, he concluded.

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thegazette wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dont hate the hacker
On Valentines Day, Keith Horwood hacked the University Students Councils voting website and changed some of the text, making references to Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. It didnt take Information Technology Services and the USC long to realize what was happening and correct it, but it was for naught. The next evening the university decided the results were invalid and called for a re-vote. Friday morning, the alleged hacker released a nine-minute video stating his apology for his actions and promising to turn himself in. The video stirred up mixed feelings, but most were sympathetic towards the hacker. He most likely didnt realize the true consequences of his actions and even later, when speaking with the Gazette, said he didnt necessarily regret that he had done it. Campus police confirmed he will face criminal charges. Since he could have come forward to the police without the lengthy video, it may have been more of a plea for fame rather than a sincere apology. Whatever his intentions, it didnt justify his actions, and consequences should followdespite his apparent sincerity. A slap on the wrist might be enough of a punishment, especially since no one was hurt, and the hackers intentions didnt seem malicious. But he could face much worse, even jail time. But as easy as it is to blame Horwood, we also need to focus on ITS and their role in this scenario. Anyone who knows even a little bit about web security can tell you it was a simple flaw, easy to take advantage of and just as easy to fix. The vulnerability in the system should have been recognized and corrected as a preventative measure, rather than after the fact. It seems like a security breach was inevitable. We should perhaps be looking at this situation as an opportunity to recognize ITSs weaknesses, not just the mistakes of one former student playing around on his computer. Either they didnt know about the flaw, or they did know and did nothing. Neither possibility is comforting. It was unfortunate for the candidates who spent the last two weeks campaigning. Students went away for reading week and most likely dont know when the re-vote is or dont care as much anymore. Despite the inconvenience Horwood caused, his apology was generally appreciated and well-received. It also revealed the problems within the system so that, while not necessarily a good thing, there may have been some positives from the USC vote hack. The Gazette Editorial Board

im not magic, im not a superhero, i just happened to recognize the vulnerability and knew what to do with it.

Keith Horwood, usC website hacker

oscar spectacle making me a grouch

Holmes on the Case
Brent Holmes arts & liFe editor Its a night that, for me, is bigger than the SuperbowlOscar night. At the same time, its become the most unbearable night of the year. This is probably because this year I bet all my OSAP money on Terrence Malicks masterpiece The Tree of Life, rather than frontrunner The Artist. The Oscars has become an event where many criticize the broadcast for not reaching the average viewer. It would not be difficult to find people who think this years Best Picture winner The Artist shouldnt have won because most people havent seen it. This argument is a proud Oscar tradition that manages to surpass the obtuse reporters on the red carpet for being the worst part of Oscar night. The problem with the Oscars is not that films most people dont see are nominatedit is that there are better films, often even less well-known, that deserve to be nominated and win but cannot since the focus is on drawing in viewers and appealing to mainstream American cinema. Europe, Asia and Canada produce better films than Hollywood does. With the Internet essentially erasing the barriers that would prevent films like Lars Von Triers Melancholia or Best Foreign Film winner A Separation from being received by a North American audience, mainstream Hollywood films do not represent the best of cinemawhich is why having The Artist win is a victory. This is not meant to sound elitist, but dumbing things down for a wider audience is not the way the Oscars should conduct themselves. In 2009, they expanded the Best Picture nominees list to 10 films. This year, they changed it to being anywhere from five to 10 films to try to gain a larger audience. The decision to go to 10 films was essentially to counter the claims that The Dark Knight and WALL-E should have been nominated in 2008. But this decision isnt really about giving deserving filmsones that would otherwise get overlookeda chance, because only films that have a Best Director nomination are contenders for Best Picture. Further, this move doesnt really make the Oscars more relevant, just more focused on Hollywood blockbusters or, in this years case, Oscar-tailored films that would have otherwise been rightly ignoredThe Help, Moneyball and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, for example. Prestige and high-brow art has frequently been an enemy of Americas common man mentalitytrying to downplay this binary is a bad idea. The Oscars are supposed to be about prestige, high art and recognizing the significant difference between art and entertainment. Blurring the lines between the two is only going to produce a society more focused on base escapism than on reality. The Oscars need to be a means of promoting the truly artistic films that come out during the year, such as The Artist and The Tree of Life. These films arent really obscure or elitistif you havent seen them and cant find them in independent theatres, go online. Unless the Academy can adapt to these changes, overcome its obsession with ratings and go even deeper in finding incredible films, it will become focused on playing to the mainstream American cinema and then truly cease to be relevant.

dear LIfe Your anonymous letters to life dear Life, Why does andrew Forgione have to leave Western? Who will i drool over during three hourlong usC meetings? dear Life, i voted yes to Justin biebers haircut. dear Life, Why do we use the expression on its last legs? most things only have one set of legs. dear Life, Why does Coke taste better from a glass bottle? dear Life, if every ovation turns into a standing ovation, the standing ovation loses all meaning. dear Life, What does the sweeping do in a curling game? i cant imagine theres a whole lot to sweep, especially when the lane is swept after eVery throw. dear Life, you cant say no to your grandmother no matter how ridiculous the favour is that she asks of you. dear Life, i cant believe they didnt charge me a deposit on these bowling shoes! im taking these bad boys home with me. dear Life, Forgot about the student discount at loblaws on tuesdays; coincidentally went on a tuesday. Win. Letter to the Editor

Hacker sheds light on real flaw in system

Re: 10,000 in the trash (Feb. 16, 2012) To the Editor: As far as Im concerned, the hacker situation is oddly fittingthey made a mockery of an election campaign that itself was a mockery of unimportant issues. Maybe this should be a wake-up call to everyone, that there are more important factors to student life than access to coffee and areas to slack off. Kieran Delamont
History II

Volume 105, Issue 76 Contact: university Community Centre rm. 263 the university of Western ontario london, on, Canada n6a 3K7 editorial offices: (519) 661-3580 advertising dept.: (519) 661-3579


Jesse Tahirali Editor-In-Chief Maddie Leznoff Deputy Editor Amber Garratt Managing Editor

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Please recycle this newspaper

The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students Council.

thegazette wednesday, February 29, 2012

Gatsby takes you back to the roaring 20s
Kevin Hurren Gazette staFF Though Canadian musician Karl Wolf took time away from his solo career, hes back preparing for the upcoming release of this newest work, Finally Free. Wolf continues to tour Ontario and today makes a stop in London to open for Hedley at the John Labatt Centre. Before making the trip, he talked about the album, his new reality show and his Juno nomination. Youll soon be releasing Finally Free, which is your fourth studio album. How has your sound changed? I think its changed by just being in clubs and travelling the world performing. Obviously theres an evolution, especially these days its been going a little more house and that kind of vibe. I still got my signature sound, you know, love for the 80s and dance hall, and Im still including some of that. Now Im messing around with a little bit more house, trance, electrothat kind of stuff. In addition to your solo career, youve established your own record label and recording studio. Whats it like getting involved in so many aspects of the music industry? Its a way to control your art, and that is why I did it. I couldnt have a record label tell me, Hey, this is how you should sound and this is what you should look like, so I did it my way, and knock on wood its

word of the day


noun. some who cuts his/her own hair.

Canadian Wolf howls again

File pHoto

Courtesy of Claus Andersen

Sumedha arya Gazette staFF

The Grand Theatres Canadian premiere of The Great Gatsby does justice to F. Scott Fitzgeralds work. Set and costume designer Bill Layton recreates an era of decadence through lavishly decorated homes and sparkling dresses. For two hours, the audience is transported to an era full of luxury and drama. Greg Gale debuts as Nick Carraway, who serves as the narrator in the original book and the play. Carraway provides both a subjective and objective view of events that surround him following his move to New York. He is a confidante for many of the plays characters, who allow him to be privy to their secrets without inhibition. Carraway learns about the infidelity of his cousin Daisys husband. Through roundabout methods, he learns about the enigmatic Jay Gatsbys motivations and his hopes to marry Daisy. Carraway is immersed in the drama of others, yet he is an outsider from Minnesota who can reflect on the strange interactions and mysteries that surround him. The play animates Carraway well. Gales monologues between scenes are well-executedhis perceptions, thoughtfully delivered to the audience, are what ultimately shape the story. Fitzgerald would likely approve of director Susan Ferleys work, as the stage production stays honest to his novel. The Great Gatbsys actors, many of which are making their Grand debut, do a wonderful job portraying their characters. Christine Horne and Mike Shara make their debuts as Daisy Buchanan and Jay Gatsby, the plays unrequited lovers. Horne is nothing short of an immaculately dressed and cynical socialite. She moves from one mood to another effortlessly, acting calm, collected and superior in some moments, while vulnerable and frustrated in others.

Shara, on the other hand, is harder to read than Horne. He is outwardly rich, strong and at a desirable position in society. However, his chuckles and melancholy are sometimes difficult to understand. He is, in short, the enigmatic Gatsby described in the original novel. Honesty to Fitzgeralds work is accomplished by much more than character portrayal, though. Whether or not someone watching The Great Gatsby has read the novel, he or she can appreciate exaggerations of prosperity achieved by costume and set design. Homes featuring pillars, sequined frocks and Gatsbys ceilinghigh wardrobe full of imported clothes paint the picture that certain characters, through whatever means, have an endless supply of money. This is in contrast to Carraways home, which is a humble set compared to that of Gatsbys. Upper class hollowness and material excess are obvious throughout the play. In contrast to these exaggerations are subtle symbols of personal dreams for love and generalized dreams for wealth. Simon Levy, who adapted The Great Gatsby for the stage, includes elements such as the green light on Daisys property that Gatsby continuously looks at over the docks. Through exaggerations and fine details, the stage production of The Great Gatsby reminds us that Fitzgeralds plot is much more than a sad love story. The final scenes of the play are perhaps the best. After a shocking series of events, Carraways final reflections are of helplessness and bitterness. With a few final words, Greg Gale seals a melancholy tale and leaves the audience with a lingering feeling of nostalgia. Moving back to the 21st century is almost a shockThe Great Gatsby is not easily forgotten. The Great Gatsby is playing at The Grand Theatre until March 3. Visit for showtimes and tickets.

been working out. And because it worked out for me, I thought I could have another artist thats an even better singer than me, one who I could give work to, and thats where it came from. Youre developing your reality show Wolfpack. How does it feel having a camera on you so often? At first its weird, but then you just forget about itit becomes like a fly on the wall. Honestly, we almost forget about it because life must go on. Youre still going to pay the bills, fight with your friends. Everything happens and its only the first day that you feel weird that someones watching you. Thats what makes this whole reality

show phenomenon so big, because people ultimately act like who they are, and people either make fun of them or love them. This year youre once again nominated for a Juno. What does it mean to you to be recognized in such a big way by the Canadian music industry? Amazing. This will be my third Juno nomination in this category and though I havent won one yet, its still cool. Just being recognized is good enough. We dont make music to win awards, we make music to change peoples lives and bring them together, so ultimately its just a bonus.

thegazette wednesday, February 29, 2012

get informed about two very important referendum questions that impact you, the student:

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(Keeping the same)

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polls are open Feb. 29 - March 1, 8 pm. Find out more at

thegazette wednesday, February 29, 2012



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#1 AMAZING NEWLY built 4 and 5 large bedroom luxury units. Home like setting, backing onto park, parking, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, ceramic and hardwood floors, high speed internet. $475$525/bedroom. On bus route, 2km to campus, walk to shopping and downtown. View at or call Wendy 519-667-0047 #1 JUST BUILT luxury 5 large bedroom units. Everything brand new! Home like setting, backing onto park, parking, 2 bathrooms, 5 new appliances, ceramic and hardwood floors, high speed internet. $525/bedroom. On bus route, 2km to campus, walk to shopping and downtown. View at or call Wendy at 519-667-0047 #1 REDBRICK APARTMENTS! Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? Our large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Western students should be concerned with their studies- not house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327

3 BEDROOM HOUSE Downtown. This 3 bedroom house is steps to Richmond Row, free parking and a backyard. Hardwood floors, and a loft bedroom. This is one of kind, and will go quickly. Contact Nathan for a tour at 519-495-5363 3 BEDROOM MODERN townhouses close to Masonville area. Close walk to campus and steps to major bus route. Spacious bedrooms, with huge closets and close to all amenities. Contact Nathan to book a viewing; units will rent very quickly. 519-495-5363 3 BEDROOM MODERN townhouses close to Masonville area. Close walk to campus and steps to major bus route. Spacious bedrooms, with huge closets and close to all amenities. Contact Zach to book a viewing; units will rent very quickly. 519-854-0505 3 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Richmond near Masonville. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location, near all amenities. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-8595563 to book a tour. 3 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Sarnia and Western right beside subway. 2 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location, near all amenities. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-859-5563 any time.

4 BEDROOM AMAZING. Newly build large luxury apartment. Super central location backing onto park, parking, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed internet, $475-$500/bedroom. On bus route, 2km to campus, walk to shopping and downtown. View at or call Wendy 519-667-0047 4 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Oxford. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location. Three floors, two full washrooms! Huge rooms and closets. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-859-5563 or email with questions or to book a tour 4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Modern units, clean and close to campus. Everything you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking, spacious bedrooms/common rooms and full time maintenance. Bedrooms are networked for internet. Call Sam at 519-495-7661, 4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Units are modern, clean and close to campus. Get everything you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking, spacious bedrooms and common rooms and full time maintenance. Bedrooms are network for internet. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505 4-6 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES and houses avail downtown at Richmond and Oxford. Steps from the bars and right on Richmond bus route to campus. Great location, near all amenities. Newly built units with all appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Free parking as well. Call John @ 519-8595563 any time to view. 5 BDRM REDBRICK apartments for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of offcampus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327.

6 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best student. 5 appliances included. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call Nathan anytime at 519-495-5363 7 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563

STUDENT LIVING RENTALS. 1 large bedroom 795 Richmond St., 3 bedroom at 255 Sydenham St., 3 bedrooms at 375 Wharncliffe North (hardwood floors). Close to campus, parking, laundry on-site. Available May 1st. Contact Luigi or 519-852-2674

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BEAUTIFUL TOWNHOMES OFF Western Road, Individual leases, utilities included, 5 bd 2.5 bath. Groups and individuals welcome. Laundry included, 24hr maintenance. 519-8582525. Call to book tour. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 1/2 bedroom 229 Riverside Dr. and 2 bedroom 337 Wharncliffe N. Available May 1st. Parking, laundry on-site, hardwood floors, ceramics, controlled entry. Utilities included, Contact Luigi 519-852-2674 or FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE $385 each. 469 Regent Street. Steps to Kings College Area. Bus top in front of house. Parking for 5. Garage. New Kitchen. Large Liv/Din. Two Gas fireplaces. No basement bedrooms. Central air. 5 appliances included. May 01 or earlier. Kings women preferred. Contact Matthew Kennedy cell 519-317-3023 email FURNISHED HOUSE OWNED by Huron on Western Rd. Closest facility to UWO. Cable TV, on-site laundry, dishwasher and central air. $550/month starting May 7th. Contact Tammy McBane: 519-438-7224 BATTLE OF THE BANDS presented by the Faculty of Music Students Council for CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health). March 1 @ 9pm at The Spoke! Donations are welcome!

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#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular Redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Nathan 519-495-5363,

3 BEDROOM SPACIOUS redbrick apartments. Open concept 1 floor or 2 floor units just steps from campus, on major bus route and close to all amenities. Includes parking, 5 appliances and 24 hour property management. Call Sam, these rent fast! 519-495-7661 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Oxford/Wharncliffe area. Many updates, 2 full bathrooms, 5 appliances. 150 feet from bus stop. $425-$450/month inclusive. Call Ted 519-697-5746 or 1-877-582-9004 or 3 OR 4 Bedroom, 2 bathroom Apt in House. Steps to campus. All Utilities included! Full kitchen, private laundry. Reduced rent in summer if unoccupied! $420/month. Zehara/Adam 519-432-5123 3, 3 BEDROOM red brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students. These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 3, 4 AND 5 Bedroom apartments and houses seconds from front gates on Richmond. Directly on bus route to campus and downtown. Most include washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-859-5563 or email to book a tour

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#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular Redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Sam 519-495-7661,

#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular Redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Zach 519-854-0505,

5 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks, right across from campus!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563 5 BDRMS. LIVE steps from campus in a 5 bedroom apartment or townhouse. Live in style in a modern building. Huge kitchens come with tons of cupboards and counter space, and centre island eating areas. Spacious bedrooms and huge closets. Call Sam anytime at 519-495-7661 and view one of these units before they are gone!

GREAT 6 BEDROOM units available. Large bedrooms with lots of closet space. Great location, very close to the heart of campus! Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Nathan anytime at 519-495-5363.


GREAT 6 BEDROOM units available. Large bedrooms with lots of closet space. Great location, very close to the heart of campus! Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Sam anytime 519-495-7661 519-661-3579



#1 STUDENT RENTALS . 2-7 Bedroom units in the best students areas around campus and downtown. Houses/apartments and townhouses available. All in great shape, and most include dishwasher and washer/dryer. Call John at 519859-5563 for more info or email 1 & 2 PERSON apartments on Western Road. Seeking quiet, non-smoking, serious students with no pets. 8 month contracts possible. $400-$550-$700 per person includes utilities, washer/dryer, parking and 24/7-management. 519-673-1843. 1 BEDROOM AVAILABLE in 3 bedroom townhouse. Wharncliffe/Oxford area. $412/month. 5 appliances, near bus stop, quiet. Call Ted 519-697-5746 or 1877-582-9004 or 2 BD. APARTMENTS. 519-854-0505. One of the closest 2 Beds to Campus, close walk and steps to 2 Dundas bus route. Heat and Water Included. Newly Renovated Kitchens. Hardwood floors, and free parking. Call Zach 519-854-0505 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS available. Hardwood floors, large common area, and newly renovated kitchen. Right on the #2 Dundas 7route, closest 2 bedroom to the heart of campus. Contact Sam today 519-495-7661. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, the closest 2 bedrooms to UWO. Hardwood floors, loads of space. Great student area, right on Western bus route. Great price, and some utilities included. Loads of free parking. These places truly are a steal!! Call Nathan at 519-495-5363 or email

5 BEDROOM HOUSES and apartments right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great locations. Huge rooms and closets. Most have all new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call Nathan @ 519-495-5363 or email with questions or to book a tour. 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Nathan at 519-495-5363, 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Sam 519-495-7661, 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Zach at 519-854-0505, 5, 6 AND 7 bedroom houses on all sides of campus. Great sized rooms, 5 appliances, parking, and networked for internet. Enjoy your student experience in one of our fantastic houses! Contact Nathan today for a viewing as they usually go fast. 519-495-5363, 5, 6 AND 7 bedroom houses on all sides of campus. Great sized rooms, 5 appliances, parking, and networked for internet. Enjoy your student experience in one of our fantastic houses! Contact Sam today for a viewing as they usually go fast. 519-495-7661, 6 BDRM HOUSES on all sides of campus. Most feature 5 new appliances, spacious rooms and huge closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for high speed internet. Act fast- these wont last! For more information call Zach at 519-854-0505 6 BDRM REDBRICK apartments for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of offcampus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 6 BDRM. #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown! Includes 5 appliances. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-495-7661 or email 6,6 BEDROOM RED brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students.These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 6 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563

3, 4, 5 bdrms at 217 Sarnia. Live at one of the most popular student corners in London. Within steps of campus, you cant get closer. All of these units have big common rooms and spacious bedrooms. Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505 4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking, free grass cutting and snow removal, and a 24 hour maintenance line. Located in great student areas. Act fast- these wont last. For more information call Zach at 519-854-0505 4 BDRM NEW Red Brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Features 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for internet! Located in great student areas. Act fast- these wont last. For more info call Nathan: 519-495-5363 4 BDRM NEW Red Brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for internet! Located in great student areas. Act fastthese wont last. For more info contact Sam at 519-495-7661. 4 BDRM REDBRICK apartments for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of offcampus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327.

LUXURY STUDENT LIVING downtown. Individual leases, utilities included, 2,3 and 4 bedroom/2 bath apartments. Groups or individuals. Free: fitness, theatre, studyroom, tanning, lounge, 24 hr maintenance. 519-858-2525. NEWLY RENOVATED HOMES 3&4 BDRM available May 1st, 53 and 57 Beaufort St. Clean, hardwood floors, laundry, close to campus. Contact Luigi or 519-852-2674 TO WRITE A CLASSIFIED AD THAT SELLS 3. State the price. Successful Classified advertisers have learned that the price in an ad helps increase the chances for results.

PUT YOUR SUDOKU SAVVY TO THE TEST! To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.

For solution, turn to page 2

2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, the closest 2 bedrooms to UWO. Newly renovated kitchens, hardwood floors, loads of space. Great student area, right on Western bus route. Great price, and utilities included. Loads of free parking. These places truly are a steal!! Call me (John) at 519859-5563 or email

2, 2 BEDROOM apartment styles to choose from. Located very close to Campus. Hardwood floors, free parking, laundry, and free snow and lawn care. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 3 BDRM APARTMENTS for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? London Property Corp. offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519670-0327. 3 BDRM TOWN houses and apartments. These units are just steps from campus at the corner of Sarnia and Western road, right next to Perth and Essex residence. These units all have spacious bedrooms and common areas. All come with free parking, maintenance and full-time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS at the corner of Richmond and Huron. This 7 unit apartment complex of 3 bedrooms is steps to the front gates. Students always love these traditional hardwood floor units. Brand new kitchens, huge bedrooms and living room, balcony. Rent includes heat, water and free parking. Call Zach right away to book a tour 519-854-0505

4 BDRM TOWNHOUSES near all amenities. These 4 bedroom townhouses are 3 floors and 2 washrooms for 4 people! Bedrooms are spacious, bright and have huge closets. Free parking and property management. Call Zach anytime at 519854-0505. 4 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks, right across from campus!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563 4 BED. TOWNHOUSES located on Oxford right by campus. Live in style with 3 floors, 2 washrooms, and very spacious rooms with large closets. 5 appliances, free parking, networked for internet and 24 hour property management. Contact Nathan today 519-495-5363, 4 BED. TOWNHOUSES located on Oxford right by campus. Live in style with 3 floors, 2 washrooms, and very spacious rooms with large closets. 5 appliances, free parking, networked for internet and 24 hour property management. Contact Sam today 519-495-7661,

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thegazette wednesday, February 29, 2012

daniel daSilva Gazette staFF The weight of expectations that come with being a top-ranked team is sometimes too much to overcome, especially in the playoffs. The Mustangs mens hockey team showed there is no better way to deal with those nerves than to start fast. The Mustangs jumped to a quick 3-0 lead midway through the first period in game one of their best of three Ontario University Athletics West semi-final series against the Brock Badgers. The Mustangs rode that hot start all the way to a 5-3 victory. I think we had a good start, Keaton Turkiewicz, Mustangs winger, said. We were flying out of the block. We got on the board which gave us a lot of confidence. Swift zone breakouts and a relentless fore-check allowed Western to put Brock under constant pressure, resulting in several early chances and power plays. We just wanted to get pucks out of our zone quickly and get it in deep and put pressure on their defence. It makes it hard to play when the puck is behind your goal line, Turkiewicz said. We were just very tense with the puck. Western didnt allow us to do anything. They pressured us, worked hard and forced us to cough up the puck, Murray Nystrom, Badger head coach, said. The Mustangs came into the series riding a hot power play, having scored three goals on the man advantage against Laurier in round one. Turkiewicz, the leading scorer in the OUA this season, scored on Westerns first power play just four minutes into the game. Julian Cimadamore added to the lead five minutes later and Steve Reese scored Westerns second powerplay goal shortly after. The guys have been working real hard at it, Clarke Singer, Mustangs head coach, said. It is something we worked really hard on all year. Special teams are a crucial part of winning in the post season. However, everything that seemed to work for Western in the first period abandoned them in the second. Brock forced the Mustangs into several mistakes and turnovers in the neutral zone, one of which led to an odd-man rush that was converted by forward Kaine Geldart. We had parts of the game when we were really good and parts of the game where we werent very good, Singer said. We let up a bit in the second, which is something we need to adjust, Turkiewicz added. While Brock was earning all of the momentum, Western was managing to get into penalty trouble. Zach Harnden and Steve Reese both earned two-minute minors midway through the period giving Brock a brief two-man advantage. But once again, special teams play was the difference, as Brock couldnt muster anything, allowing Western to escape the second with a two-goal lead. [That penalty kill] was a very important part of the game. We had a good faceoff win there, and overall the guys gave a good effort, Singer said. Turkiewicz and Reese each scored their second goal of the game within two minutes of each other in the third, while Brock managed to score two consolation goals, but it was too little too late.

With his 27-point performance on sunday night, Kobe bryant made history as he passed michael Jordan for total points scored in all-star Game appearances

rundown >> the mustangs wrestling team took home four medals this weekend at the Canadian interuniversity sport championships > travelling to lakehead university in thunder bay, the mustangs men were able to finish third overall with two gold medals and a bronze > brianne barry represented the lone podium finish for the mustangs women with a silver medal.

mustangs bury Badgers early with quick goals

special teams key to vital victory in opening series

Piotr Angiel Gazette

HALT! WHO GOES THERE? mustangs goalie Josh unice squares up to a shot in the mustangs 5-3 victory over the brock badgers. a quick 2-0 start vaulted the mustangs ahead and they never looked back as they took the series 2-0.

It was only one game. We havent exactly been on fire down in their building, Singer said. We are going to have to be more consistent.

The Mustangs took the series with a 3-2 game two victory. Jason Furlong scored the winning goal with seven seconds left in the game. Kevin Baker and Yashar Farmanara

also tallied. With the win, the Mustangs move on to the OUA West final where they will take on the Windsor Lancers.

Piotr Angiel Gazette

Naira Ahmed Gazette

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