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You've probably read about fibromyalgia symptoms such as pain, fatigue and fibro fog, but the list

of possible signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia are far-reaching and body-wide. Those tiny lists don't even begin to describe our experience! I put together this "monster list" of 60+ fibromyalgia symptoms to let you know that you're not alone! The list is adapted from one put together by fibromyalgia expert Devin Starlanyl along with recent research. Many of these fibromyalgia symptoms also can be caused by other ailments and this list isn't intended as a diagnostic tool. Knowing the full range of symptoms, however, can help you track them either to help your doctor reach a diagnosis or to help you identify triggers. Some of the following are noted as overlapping conditions, which means they commonly occur with fibromyalgia but actually are conditions that need to be diagnosed and treated separately. People with fibromyalgia can have any combination of the following symptoms, and to varying degrees of severity.


Delayed reactions to physical exertion or stressful events Other family members with fibromyalgia (genetic predisposition) Sweats Unexplained weight gain or loss Cravings for carbohydrate and chocolate Headaches & migraines Vision changes, including rapidly worsening vision

Muscle & Tissue-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Pain that ranges from mild to severe, and may move around the body (See The 7 Types of Fibromyalgia Pain) Morning stiffness Muscle twitches Diffuse swelling Fibrocystic (lumpy, tender) breasts (as an overlapping condition)

Sinus & Allergy-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Allergies Post nasal drip Runny nose Mold & yeast sensitivity Shortness of breath Earaches & itchy ears Ringing ears (tinitis)

Thick secretions

Sleep-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Light and/or broken sleep pattern with unrefreshing sleep Fatigue Sleep starts (falling sensations) Twitchy muscles at night Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Reproductive Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Menstrual problems PMS (as an overlapping condition) Loss of libido Impotence

Abdominal & Digestive Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Bloating & nausea Abdominal cramps Pelvic pain Irritable bowel syndrome (as an overlapping condition) Urinary frequency

Cognitive/Neurological Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Difficulty speaking known words, other language impairments (dysphasia) Directional disorientation Poor balance and coordination Paresthesias in the upper limbs (tingling or burning sensations) Loss of ability to distinguish some shades of colors Short-term memory impairment Confusion Trouble concentrating Staring into space before brain "kicks in" Inability to recognize familiar surroundings

Sensory Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Sensitivity to odors Sensitivity to pressure changes, temperature & humidity Sensitivity to light Sensitivity to noise Night driving difficulty Sensory overload

Emotional Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Panic attacks Depression (as an overlapping condition) Tendency to cry easily Free-floating anxiety (not associated with situation or object) Mood swings Unaccountable irritability

Heart-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Mitral valve prolapse (as an overlapping condition) Rapid, fluttery, irregular heartbeat Pain that mimics heart attack, frequently from costochondritis (as an overlapping condition)

Skin, Hair & Nail-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Pronounced nail ridges Nails that curve under Mottled skin Bruising or scaring easily Hair loss (temporary) Tissue overgrowth (non-cancerous tumors called lipomas, ingrown hairs, heavy and splitting cuticles, adhesions)

Miscellaneous Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Hemorrhoids Nose bleeds

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