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HOSTEL LIFE Good morning Honourable judges, teachers and fellow friends. Today !

We are proud to bring you to the world of...Hostel Life! Do you know what is a hostel exactly ? (Solo: Hostel is a welfare home..). What ? Welfare home ? Hostel is a place for a chosen people like us... You know hostel life seems very amazing. First ! We will meet Jeng...jeng...jeng... (Solo: F . R . I . E . N . D . S) There are many types of people here, such as thin, fat, tall, short, cute, pretty and the most peculiar is...the nerd ! If we have a huge problem Our beloved family and parents will try to solve it the hostel we depends on our friends.... Excuse me ! Who will look after all those students in the hostel ? Oo...Our beloved mama and papa Because they are our wardens... We were scared when we first meet them.... Uu...Why scared ? Ish... ish... ish... ish... The wardens are very nice, kind, helpful, polite and responsible person. But ! If we do not obey the rules and diciplines O..o..all hell will break loose ! The duty of the warden is to teach and guide the students anytime and anywhere. Wardens are our foster parents So ! Don't you ever, ever, forever, ever, forever, ever forget to thank them for their guidance. Tik, tok, tik, tok, Kringgggggg.... Wake up ! Wake up ! It's already 5.30 am Today is school day You need to take your bath. Huargh.... Hurry up ! Take turns to shower or go to the loo.. You might be late.. Huargh...We are really sleepy... We want to sleep some more Don't disturb me...please...

Hey ! Are you out of mind ? We need to hurry It's 6.00 am...It's time for subuh prayer... If you are late...Watch out... You will get a wack from abi Piap...Ouch... Do you know something ? What ? In the hostel there are many ghost stories.... Hee...hee....heee ( bunyi hantu mengilai ) Everybody in the hostel say Aaaaa....Help ! Help ! Run ! run ! Hey ! Relax...That just our imagination... You know ! One day, We ate Maggie mee... Urm...Yummy...slurrrppp.. Maggie mee fast to cook, good to eat... But...Oh no...The warden caught us red handed... We were unlucky that day... Attention to hostelies ! Today ! There will be gotong - royong starting at 9.00 o'clock sharp ! If you are late...your name will be taken by the prefect... Ee..ish...we hate work... Like it or not...up, up, you go.... Clean the dorm, sweep the floor, clean the windows, hang the cloth... If not the cloth will be thorwn by the prefect onto the badminton court ! Shu...pap...Oh no ! My cloth ! Now...the best part of hostel life is...meal time... Kroak...kroak...kroak.... My tummy is grooring.... What's for lunch today ? Any chicken ? Yes..chicken... Urm....Ice - cream.... Don't forget to put your plates and glasses into the basin.... Saturday...and Sunday.... Times to relax... Like a big happy family.... Hostel life has it's up and down.... You may realize the significant of this life Once you leave it, you might find that... There is no other life like hostel life.... Till then... Thank you !

The Malaysian Unique and Unbelievable Lifestyles ALL-Good morning, Good morning, Good morning!!! ALL-We would like to present to you...... ALL-The Malaysian Unique and Unbelievable Lifestyles ALL-Ladies and gentlemen, ALL-Boys and girls, ALL-Join us for a journey, A-A flight to reality C-Yap,some people say B-Reality bites(Ouch!) ALL-Yet,it's true! ALL-True,it's true! B(solo)-So please,oh please ALL-Bear with us till the last B-Coz it's the Malaysian reality ALL-That we shall now reveal C-Open any travaller's magazine ALL-And pronto!Find MALAYSIA-Malaysia! B-You'll see broad wide smiles B(solo)-Of the numerous praises A(solo)-Continuous Compliment ALL-Of Our A&C-Natural green paradise B&C-Swaying coconut trees A&B-And pretty warm ladies with firgure looking good...[wow] ALL-But in reality,we have our very own unique ALL-Unbelievable and sometimes ALL-Disgusting lifestyles C-And now our first stop."The Habit of Throwing Rubbish into Malaysian Rivers" B(solo)-"Uh,hello Inspector Mazlan.This is Aleeza here.Can you come over to Sungai Pahang?" B(solo)-"What's up,Leeza?Anything fishy going on up there?" B(solo)-"Well,we have found something strange floating here!" C-It's an alien! A-It's a UFO! B-It's a fridge! ALL-A fridge???? ALL-A fridge in Sungai Pahang? ALL-Our once clean and fresh rivers A-Now they are huge rubbish dumps A&B-From toilet tissues to human faeces, A&C-Steering wheels to old TVs, A-corpses B-steel beds C-and even worse,ALLaeroplane wreckage A-Next comes our second unique lifestyles: ALL"The Public Toilets Dilemma" A&C-Flush!B(solo)-Boom! C-"Welcome to Malaysian aromatic public toilets,Aloha!"

B-"Only 20 cents for that sweet,nauseating experience!" A-"What?I do not know you have petai and jering air fresheners in here." ALL-Petai and jering?Are those the latest fragrances from Greek?Well,no!They are from Grik!Grik,Perak! B(solo)-We are for cleanliness A(solo)-"Keep our toilet clean" C(solo)-"Dont throw the sanitary napkin into the toilet bowl" ALL-But we never practise them C-They always end up as slogans ALL-look at our A-ugly,dirty and smelly public toilets B&C-Another Malaysian disgraceful scene! A-The smell makes you sick and dizzy B&C-You feel like vomiting and fainting A&B-The very moment you step in C-Instanly you feel like jumping out! ALL-Third,another Malaysian rare lifestyles:"The Dumping Babies Mania." C-Babies A-Babies B-Babies ALL-Cute,cuddly,gentle and chubby A(solo)-Oh!What a pity,these innocent A-But punished babies C-Dumped around like some kind of rubbish A-In the dustbin B-In the toilet C-At the lane A-On the train ALL-And some even in the drain A(solo)-"Mummy,mummy why did the mothers throw their babies everywhere?" C(solo)-"Coz they didn't want the babies. A(solo)-"Why is that so? ........................................................................... ALL-That's another Malaysian darkest side! B-We have told you the truth C-The whole truth, A-And nothing but the truth ALL-So,dont you feel horrible,terrible and unbearable? C-Dont you feel like choking us to death? A-Or yelling out,ALL-"Shut up!" ALL-We assure you that B-With the Malaysian educational system A&B-That stresses on moral values and etiquettes like C-Dilligence! B-Politeness! A-Sharing! C-Loving! BKindness! A-Honesty! A-You can expect B-Today's youngsters and our future Malaysians C-To be more caring and more responsible citizens A-We will give our best A&B-To make Malaysia ALL-A cleaner,safer and better

B&C-Place to live in ALL-"Ask not what the country can give you but ask what you can give to your country" B-For that, A&C-We must beat the odds and be the best(the best) A&B-As a people,as a nation B&C-Let's live as one A-United,undivided, C-As the saying goes: ALL-"All for one and one for all A&C-Together we move on with full spirit and zest! ALL-Malaysia can do it,yeah!

Choral Speaking : Good afternoon,We would like to present to you .... ( howl ) A trip to the little.... Eeee.. Scared ? Don't be ... But look out for something strange and mysterious Are you ready? .... eeee A narrow path, guide us to a place which is unknown .. We are going to explore it ... So let's see what's far deep inside there .. ( Shhh ... wind sound ) ( howling sound ) What was that ? With full of doubt in our mind, we followed the path , As we walked and walked ... We started to wonder Where are we going ? Where are we going ? Where ARE we going ? The path brought us to a mangrove swamp . Hey, let's go to the little house on the hill .. With a hip and hop, we set off to the little house . There it was, with a full moon behind the house that stood Alone on the hill top ... The HAUNTED house! ( scream ) As we opened the door ( Eiiikkk ... creaking sound. dum! ) Count dracula Count dracula Count Dracula Dim lights, PIERCED the dark! And an eerie silence crept through Slam! ( howling ) What was that ? At once our hearts went. dup, dup dup, dup dup, dup dup, dup dup, dup dup, dup And then, We saw the strangest thing A shadow at the doorway .. Aaaaa ( scream ) Is .. is .. is that ? A GHOST ? No~ it's just a clown .

Ahh~ just a silly clown . But wait .. wait! This isn't an ordinary clown . This one has fiery red eyes .. long hair .. And .. And.. And a face always in a frown .. What's that he's holding ? I think it's an .. an.. an AXE in his hand! Ahhhhhh........ Oh, I'm so scared! Mummy, I want my mummy! Help! somebody help me! Hey look! Oh my god, who's turn now ? yeee.. haa.. It;s our hero! HARRY POTTER, Harry Potter? What? who is he ? You don't know who is Harry Potter? Which planet are you from? He's the father of magic, from the hogwart's school , of withcraft and wizardry .. wow~ he's my hero~ EHEM! ENOUGH! Look at the clown! Up and down the clown jump! jumping here. jumping there.. jumping EVERYWHERE~ he's so funny, but with that fiery eyes. scaring us, EVERYWHERE! Hey look! He's lifting his axe! let's scram before it's cracks! Runnnnn~ SILENCE! Emm.. let's think this through! want to scram or run ? (pisp) .. i think we should . RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But wait.. wait! What's that ? Something there .. the room was old and grey. the air was dry and musty . and EVERYTHING was rusty! As we passed and old panting. Stop! .. Now what? there's there's .. here she goes again~ Lohanya swore she saw something floating in the air!

The Lord Of The Ring! SILENCE! Mummy! I can't stand this anymore! You don't want to stand ? then sit down! Lurking in the corner . is a witch! with her broom! swooping down and CACKLING! (hehhehehehe) I'll get you without a hassle! She chased us down the LONELY and EERIE path! we RAN and RAN and STOPPED! Ahhhhhhhh..................... Skeletons dancing! ( eyes pop out ) seven frankenstein stomping! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Several evil clown jumping! JUMP! here ? JUMP! not here . there! JUMP! Any suggestion Amin and Aswan ? JUMP! Ohhh.. we thought . there . Some werewolves howling! where ? (howl) the brightest path over there! Seventy draculas flying! (hahaha) ALL RIGHT! (slurp!) That's it! Let's scram before it's too late! Who's going to help us now? GHOST BUSTERS What ? you can't be silly! No~ They had resigned! Then who? WHO? WHO? and DEMAND for a REFUND for the MOST UNHAPPENING trip! Yes! I want my money back! here! take this. thank you! who said that? Oh no! (feewiit!) Hello~ this is serious Anyone with a suggestion? SPIT IT OUT! it's NOW or NEVER!

What if we get away from here? But. where's the exit door? there . where ? there .

She's back! She's holding a dead rat! Ahhh........ Runnnnnnnn..... Hey! wait for me! ( panting )

We hope you have enjoyed our story! Thank you!

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