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Ingls com Cartoons #68: A gift

(a) Who's giving them a gift? Quem est dando um presente a eles? (b) Why? Por que? (c) What are they going to do now? O que eles vo fazer agora?

(a) The moving company is giving them a gift. A companhia de mudana est dando um presente a eles. (b) Because the company has had a lot of problems with non-paying customers recently, so they were delighted when the Smiths paid for the service in advance. Porque a empresa tem tido muito problema recentemente com cliente que no paga, e por isso eles ficaram muito contentes quando os Smith pagaram adiantado pelo servio. (c) They're going to open up the box and see what's inside: a fondue set. Then, they're going to make fondue. Eles vo abrir a caixa e ver o que est dentro: um aparelho de fondue. Dai, eles vo fazer fondue. (a) A company called Moviment. Its a gym center. (b) Its a maketing strategy to attract new costumers. Basically, if they want to change their lives and start exercising, the gym center is exchanging old couches for low fat shakes made for weight loss, plus a 20% discount in the first six monthly payments, if you pay in advance. (c) Now, the Mayers will see a doctor for a check- up, to make sure they won't have any problems when exercising at the gym. After that, theyll buy new gym clothes to start moving their bodies and they'll make sure to add the shake to their diet. They're both very excited. a) The Smiths are newly married. Mrs. Smith's mother gave her the chair that was in her old bedroom. Since now they live in another city, her mother decided to send the chair in a moving truck. Then, her mother remembered to send along a wedding present that they forgot to bring with them last time they visited her. b) Her mother gave her a chair. It's an antique chair. c) Now, they will put it in the child's bedroom. a) Their daughter, Lea, lived with them, but two weeks ago she moved to another place because her new school is very far from home. Now, she is living near the school.So, she sent her parents a gift. b) Because her parents have been married for about twenty five years. So she wants to congratulate her parents for their silver wedding anniversary. c) They will open the box and will see a beautiful bedspread, sheets, clothes and other acessories, and also
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Ingls Online

Ingls com Cartoons #68: A gift

wonderful curtains to put in their bedroom, and a bottle of German champagne to celebrate the date. They will be very happy. a) A few days ago they signed up to participate in a tv show. b) They won the prize cause they believed that dreams could come things turned out great. They deserved the gift for believing they could get the gift. c) They will open the box and will see new furniture, like beds, a sofa, a tv set and also a beautiful computer. (a) The post office worker is delivering the gift to them. But the gift was sent by the guy's mother. (b) Because they are newly married and his mother wasn't able to come to the wedding. (c) They will open the gift together and celebrate. (a) The moving company is giving them a gift. (b) Because the company wants to apologize for all the delay in delivering the furniture. (c) They are going to open the box and find out they got a new TV set.

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