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1. Jacob is having a party for the Saints game Sunday. He went shopping for
snacks and bought the following: 4 bags of chips for $2.29 each, 4 bottles of soda
for $1.19 each, 1 jar of salsa for $3.25 and 2 bags of ice for $1.89 each. Which
expression models his total cost for the party?

a. 4($2.29) x 4($1.19) + $3.25 + 2 ($1.89)
b. 4($2.29 + $1.19) + 3.25 + 2($1.89)
c. $2.29 + 4($1.19) + $3.25 + $1.89
d. 8($2.29 + $1.19) + 3.25 + 2($1.89)

2. Which situation is BEST described by the equation y = 100 + 65x ?

a. The total cost of hiring a cable technician is $65 for every hour and $100
for the visit.
b. Tim has no more than 100 marbles or 65 times the number of marble bags he
has not opened.
c. A task will take 65 hours times the number of people working and needs no
less than 100 people to be completed.
d. The amount of dough a mixer in a bakery makes is 100 pounds in one hour
and 65 pounds every additional hour.

3. Tanya babysits for her aunt every week. She charges $12 per hour, h. She also
charges a fixed fee of $5 per day to do the laundry. Which equation expresses the
amount Tanya gets paid, p, each time she babysits?

a. p = 5 + 12h
b. p = 12 + 5h
c. h = 5 + 12p
d. p = 5(h + 12)

4.Which of the following situations could be represented by the equation x 8 = 10?

a) Kim is 8 years younger than Stan. Kim is 10 years old. Stan is x years old.
b) The initial value of a stock, x, rose a total of $8 reaching a final value of $10.
c) Kareem had 10 pencils at the start of the school day. He gave away 8 pencils and
now he has x pencils.
d) The evening temperature was xF. The temperature fell 10 degrees overnight. The
morning temperature was -8F.


5. Sally is paid a fixed amount of money to walk her neighbors dog everyday after
school. Each month, when she is paid, she puts aside $20 to spend and save the
remaining amount. Write an expression that represents the amount Sally will save in
6 months if she earns m dollars each month. If Sally is paid $65 each month, how
much will she save in 6 months?

6. An item that has an original price of x dollars is discounted 33%.
a) Write an expression that represents the amount of the discount.

b) Write two equivalent expressions that represent the new, discounted price.

c) Use of one of your expressions to calculate the new, discounted price if the
original price was $56.

d) How would the expressions you created in parts (a) and (b) have to change
if the items price had increased by 33% instead of discounted by 33%?

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